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Paediatrics --- Pathology of the respiratory system --- pediatrie --- CARA (chronische aspecifieke respiratoire aandoeningen) --- bronchitis --- 616.2 --- astma --- cara --- kinderen --- 605.14 --- Astma : kinderen --- Astma --- Bronchitis : kinderen --- Bronchitis --- Cara
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Bipolar disorder(BP) can be a devastating illness, seriously affecting not only the person with bipolar but also family and friends. While most people are familiar with the terms 'manic depressive' and 'BP', there remains a lack of real understanding about the illness and many sufferers and their families can feel helpless, alone and misunderstood.
Bipolar disorder. --- People with bipolar disorder --- Family relationships. --- Aiken, Cara, --- Health. --- Manic-depressive illness. --- Manic-depressive persons
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Antwoord op 52 vragen over astma en COPD.
Pathology of the respiratory system --- Pharmacology. Therapy --- Allergy --- Astma --- COPD --- astma --- 605.14 --- Pulmonologie --- Allergieën --- 616.2 --- Ademhaling --- cara --- ziekten van de ademhalingsorganen --- Asthme --- Pneumologie --- Allergies
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Otavalo mythology. --- Otavalo Indians --- Mythology, Otavalo --- Otavalá Indians --- Cara Indians --- Indians of South America --- Rites and ceremonies. --- Social life and customs. --- Imbabura (Ecuador) --- Imbabura, Ecuador (Province)
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This text provides a practically applicable guide to facial aesthetics, non-surgical treatment and enhancement in patients of Asian descent. The available evidence base for the use of a range of available techniques when treating an Asian patient is presented and relevant aspects of facial analysis, treatment planning and provision are covered. Detailed instruction is given on how to use cutting edge techniques enabling the reader to develop a thorough understanding of how to proficiently perform these approaches in their clinical practice.
Beauty, Personal. --- Beauty --- Complexion --- Grooming, Personal --- Grooming for women --- Personal beauty --- Personal grooming --- Toilet (Grooming) --- Hygiene --- Beauty culture --- Beauty shops --- Cosmetics --- Surgery --- Medical --- Cara --- Rejoveniment --- Bellesa personal --- Àsia
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Aan dit boekje over de behandeling van astma hebben huisartsen, longartsen, kinderartsen, psychologen, sociologen, gezondheidseconomen en epidemiologen meegewerkt. Het is in eerste instantie bedoeld om de medicus practicus aantal handvatten te geven voor de praktische behandeling van astma bij kinderen en volwassenen. Om dit boekje te kunnen gebruiken in de nascholing van de medicus practicus is in bijlage een aantal casussen opgenomen worden waarin telkens verwezen wordt naar bepaalde delen van het boek.Niet alleen voor de medicus practicus, voor iedereen die geïnteresseerd is in de huidige stand van zaken betreffende diagnostiek en behandeling van astma kan dit boekje dienen als handzaam naslagwerk.
605.14 --- astma --- COPD --- pneumologie --- Astma --- astma (gez) --- cara (gez) --- cara --- diagnose (gez) --- Asthma --- #KVHB:Astma --- epidemiologie (gez) --- levenskwaliteit (gez) --- zelfzorg --- pneumologie (gez) --- preventie (gez) --- therapie (gez) --- zelfzorg (gez) --- levenskwaliteit (kwaliteit van leven) --- volwassenen --- kinderen --- Asthme --- therapy. --- ziekten van de ademhalingsorganen --- Medische psychologie --- gezondheidspsychologie --- Astma. --- gezondheidspsychologie. --- therapy
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Anatomia humana --- Cirurgia maxil·lofacial --- Cirurgia oral --- Face --- Mouth --- Face. --- Anatomy --- Human face --- Head --- Pathognomy --- Physiognomy --- Dentistry --- Maxil·lars --- Anatomia --- Biologia humana --- Esquelet humà --- Cos humà --- Mandíbules --- Boca --- Cap --- Craniologia --- Ossos de la cara --- Paladar
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Een beknopt Nederlandstalig leerboek over longziekten, dat enerzijds ingaat op de fundamentele mechanismen op fysiologisch, microbiologisch en farmacologisch terrein en anderzijds aansluiting geeft bij de praktijk: dat is dit nieuwe Leerboek longziekten. Geïllustreerd met vele foto's en figuren biedt het op schematische wijze, zodat men zich snel kan oriënteren, de basiskennis over de meest voorkomende pulmonale problemen. Het boek is ingedeeld in drie secties: I Anatomie, fysiologie en onderzoek, II Ziektebeelden en III Differentiële diagnostiek. De ziektebeelden zijn allen volgens hetzelfde stramien beschreven: etiologie en pathogenese, pathologie, klinische verschijnselen, diagnostiek, therapie. Behalve als leerboek voor studenten geneeskunde en fysiotherapie is deze uitgave geschikt voor basisartsen, huisartsen en verzekerings- en bedrijfsartsen. De ruim twintig medewerkers aan het boek zijn merendeels specialist op het gebied van longziekten, en werkzaam op de afdeling Longziekten van Nederlandse en Belgische academische ziekenhuizen.
Pathology of the respiratory system --- spirometrie --- ademhaling --- COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) --- CARA (chronische aspecifieke respiratoire aandoeningen) --- astma --- pneumologie --- longen --- Pulmonologie --- Pathologie --- 605.14 --- COPD --- ademhalingsstelsel (luchtwegen) --- aids (Acquired Immune Defcience Syndrome, hiv, humaan immunodeficiëntievirus) --- apneu (dyspnoe) --- beroepsziekten --- bronchitis --- cara --- immunopathologie --- longcarcinoom --- longfunctieonderzoek --- longinsufficiëntie (acute respiratory distress syndrome, Adult Respiratoy Distress Syndrome, ARDS) --- longontsteking (pneumonie) --- mucoviscidose (cystic fibrosis, kystische fibrose, pancreasfibrose) --- pneumologie (ademhalingsziekten, longziekten, luchtwegenziekten) --- pneumothorax --- tuberculose (TBC) --- Pneumologie --- (zie ook: bronchioli) --- Provincie West-Vlaanderen
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Lung Diseases. --- Academic collection --- pneumologie --- cara --- longinsufficiëntie --- hyperventilatie --- Disease, Pulmonary --- Diseases, Pulmonary --- Pulmonary Disease --- Pulmonary Diseases --- Disease, Lung --- Diseases, Lung --- Lung Disease --- Lungs --- Diseases --- Diseases. --- 616.24 --- Pneumologie (longziekten) --- Lungs. Pulmonary complaints --- 616.24 Lungs. Pulmonary complaints --- Pathology of the respiratory system --- Lung Diseases
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This book provides a thorough, up-to-date description of the scientific basis and concepts of tissue engineering in the oral and maxillofacial region. The opening chapters present an introduction to tissue engineering, describe the roles of biomaterials and stem cells, discuss the use of growth factors, and examine potential adverse reactions. The challenges of soft and hard tissue engineering for oral and maxillofacial reconstruction are then considered in detail. It is explained what has been achieved to date, and potential future perspectives are explored. The importance and the verification of adequate vascularization are discussed, and a further focus is the use of 3D printing, both in the planning and production of scaffolds and in the bioprinting of cells and biomaterials. Information is also included on safety, efficacy, and regulatory aspects. Tissue Engineering in Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery will be of interest to all researchers and practitioners who wish to learn more about the potential of tissue engineering to revolutionize practice in oral and maxillofacial surgery. .
Regenerative medicine. --- Tissue engineering. --- Oral surgery. --- Maxillofacial surgery. --- Dentistry. --- Regenerative Medicine/Tissue Engineering. --- Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery. --- Dental surgery --- Odontology --- Surgery, Dental --- Medicine --- Oral medicine --- Teeth --- Oral surgery --- Surgery, Oral --- Oral surgeons --- Biomedical engineering --- Regenerative medicine --- Tissue culture --- Regeneration (Biology) --- Cirurgia maxil·lofacial --- Cirurgia de la cara --- Cirurgia oral --- Mouth --- Surgery.
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