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The first volume of the series Tübinger Numismatische Studien examines the collection of Karl von Schäffer, comprising almost 3000 numismatic objects, which came into the possession of the University of Tübingen as an estate in 1888, in its context of scientific history. The edition of the complete collection documentation is evaluated by contributions to the history of the university collection, a biographical-psychological analysis of the person Karl von Schäffer, studies on the coin trade and on the collecting and research of coins in the 19th century, as well as by a detailed investigation of the networks of the educated bourgeoisie interested in antiquities and coins in the Kingdom of Württemberg. In the context of this dense transmission network, the coins and archival documents not only unfold their significance as important contemporary historical documents for the development of numismatics in the advanced 19th century, but at the same time represent a first-rate source for the reception of ancient coins as significant research objects in art history and cultural history. Band 1: A Collection in Context Mit der Begründung einer Universitätsmünzsammlung im Jahre 1798 und der Einrichtung der Numismatischen Arbeitsstelle im Jahre 1972 blickt die Universität Tübingen auf eine lange numismatische Tradition zurück. Die neue Reihe „Tübinger Numismatische Studien“ (TNS) soll die Tübinger Numismatik nun ins 21. Jahrhundert führen. Der erste Band der Reihe untersucht die knapp 3000 numismatische Objekte umfassende Sammlung Karl von Schäffer, welche als Nachlass im Jahre 1888 in den Besitz der Universität Tübingen gelangte, in ihrem wissenschaftsgeschichtlichen Kontext. Die Edition der vollständigen Sammlungsdokumentation wird durch Beiträge zur universitären Sammlungsgeschichte, einer biographisch-psychologischen Analyse der Person Karl von Schäffer, Studien zum Münzhandel und zum Sammeln und Erforschen von Münzen im 19. Jahrhundert sowie durch eine Detailuntersuchung zu den Netzwerken des antiken- und münzeninteressierten Bildungsbürgertums im Königreich Württemberg ausgewertet. Im Kontext dieses dichten Überlieferungsnetzes entfalten die Münzen und Archivalien nicht nur ihre Bedeutung als wichtige zeitgeschichtliche Dokumente für die Entwicklung der Numismatik im fortgeschrittenen 19. Jahrhundert, sondern stellen zugleich eine Quelle ersten Ranges für die Rezeption von antiken Münzen als kunstgeschichtlich und kulturhistorisch bedeutsame Forschungsobjekte dar.
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A fully illustrated catalogue of the coins from a Roman imperial hoard found in Gruia, Romania (in the former Roman province of Dacia) along with a comparative analysis of other similar hoards from throughout the Roman Empire, revealing both general and specific hoarding patterns during the period.
Coins, Roman --- Coin hoards --- Romania --- Gruia.
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Coin hoards --- Coins, Roman --- Coins, Greek. --- Silver coins --- Bronze coins
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This fourth volume in the Amorium Monograph Series is devoted to the numismatic evidence from the ancient and mediaeval city of Amorium in central Anatolia (Turkey). It comprises two distinct parts. In Section 1 the city mint of Amorium is discussed and illustrated by a chronological and typological catalogue of known specimens. The city mint flourished from the Late Republican period until the reign of the emperor Caracalla. In Sections 2 and 3 there is a catalogue of some 730 coins dating from Hellenistic to Ottoman times that have been found at the site between 1987 and 2006. The majority of these finds belong to the Byzantine period between the reigns of Anastasius I and Alexius I and provide confirmation of the city's enduring importance and economic vitality as the capital of the Anatolic Theme.
Coins, Roman --- Mints --- Coin hoards --- Roman coins --- Hoards, Coin --- Coins --- Coinage --- Turkey --- Antiquities. --- Amorium. --- ancient coins. --- numismatics.
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This volume presents a study of the Regina Turdulorum Hoard (Casas de Reina, Badajoz), which was buried with 818 imitative antoniniani of Divo Claudio type, minted in copper. The vast majority of the coins bear the reverse legend 'CONSECRATIO'. This figure makes the hoard one of the most important finds in Spain and Portugal.
Excavations (Archaeology) --- Antoninianus (Coin) --- Casas de Reina (Spain) --- Antiquities, Roman. --- Classical antiquities.
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Coin hoards --- Excavations (Archaeology) --- Coins, Ancient --- Coins, Greek --- Coins, Roman --- Money --- Wealth --- Military history, Ancient. --- History --- Syria --- Antiquities.
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Eine umfassende Aufarbeitung des Vending nach terminologischen, historischen, marktrelevanten und betriebstypenspezifischen Aspekten zeigt, dass Konsumenten bei der Automatenverwendung Convenience als wichtige Größe erachten. An eine theoretische Beschäftigung mit Convenience schließt eine kombinierte qualitative und quantitative Untersuchung des Konstrukts im empirischen Teil der Arbeit an. Die Ergebnisse der empirischen Untersuchung bestätigen die große Bedeutung von Convenience beim Vending und sind als Empfehlung für die Betreiber von Automaten gedacht, entsprechende Maßnahmen zur Erhöhung
Vending machines. --- Vending machines --- Customer services. --- Coin-operated machines --- Concessions (Amusements, etc.) --- Retail trade --- Equipment and supplies --- Anwendung --- Automatenverkauf --- Betriebstyp --- Convenience --- Convenient --- Fokusgruppeninterview --- Hehle --- Konzepts --- Strukturgleichungsmodell --- Vending
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"Handsomely bound in red leather, [Houghton] MS Typ 411 is one of thousands of rare editions, manuscripts, and documents in that library's Printing and Graphic Arts Section, formerly called the Typography Department. Resembling an old fashioned family Bible at 10x8 inches and some 300 pages, when opened this book reveals no text but a series of fine pen-and-ink drawings, 1,220 illustrations of ancient coins. These are the records of a coin collection owned by Andrea Loredan, a Venetian patrician well known in the 1550s and '60s as a passionate connoisseur of antiquities. Silver tetradrachmas of Athens and Alexander the Great, aurei of Philip and Augustus, denarii of Caesar and his assassins, large Imperial sestertii of Nero and Hadrian, the numismatic images were intended to delight the eye, stir the curiosity, and enflame the acquisitive instincts of prospective buyers, at a time when the cash-strapped patrician was seeking to liquidate the ancient treasures of his private museum. The volume was, in essence, a sales catalogue, a species of book not often sought out and admired for artistic or literary merit. Yet Loredan and his unknown draftsman, unaware of how they were benefiting future scholars, produced a graphic masterpiece of elegance and charm, a document of the highest importance for the study of Renaissance antiquarianism, humanism, and archaeology ... While written descriptions and even partial catalogues of some Renaissance coin collections have come down to us--for example, the Greek and Roman silver of Cardinal Pietro Barbo, the future Pope Paul II, inventoried in 1457, and the 800 gold coins owned by Duke Ercole II of Ferrara, recorded by his courtier Celio Calcagnini around 1540--the Houghton manuscript is unique in offering an album of pictures of a complete Renaissance collection. And whereas the written catalogues are often informative enough to allow us to identify the type of coin described in the text, in the Loredan manuscript the abundance of detail permits a modern numismatist to pinpoint an item more precisely to a particular issue, and sometimes to a particular die, based on subsidiary symbols and variations of the portrait that are overlooked in written descriptions ... For art historians such as Cunnally who specialize in tracing the survival and revival of antiquity during the Renaissance, continually asking the 'Watergate' questions--what did they know and when did they know it?--the Loredan manuscript is a precious witness to the abundance and variety of ancient numismatic material available to the artists, as well as their patrons and public, during that period. Art historians searching for the antique sources available to Titian, Palladio, Sansovino, and other Venetian masters of the Cinquecento should find the drawings of MS Typ 411 particularly interesting"--From publisher's website.
Coins, Ancient --- Numismatics --- Manuscripts, Renaissance --- Art, Renaissance --- Illustrated books --- Antiquarians --- History. --- History --- Collectors and collecting --- Loredan, Andrea --- Coin collections. --- Houghton Library.
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"Coins, Artists, and Tyrants contains the first fully translated and revised text of Lauri O. Tudeer, Die Tetradrachmenprägung von Syrakus in der Periode der signierenden Künstler, as well as a biography of Tudeer, plus a completely new evaluation of signed coin dies and the artists who produced them. Over 100 years after its first publication, Wolfgang R. Fischer-Bossert completely updates the scholarship and bibliography on signed Syracusan tetradrachms, making this book the single most important source on the subject. The book includes plates, a full-color die-link chart, and three pull-outs featuring Syracusan tetradrachms and hoards."--Publisher's website.
Coins, Greek --- Coins, Ancient --- Coin dies --- Engravers --- Peloponnesian War (Greece : 431-404 B.C.) --- To 800 --- Syracuse (Italy) --- Greece --- Greece. --- Italy --- History
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