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Urban pollution --- Pollution --- History.
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Tropical Marine Pollution
Marine pollution --- Water --- Pollution
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Microbe Mediated Remediation of Environmental Contaminants presents recent scientific progress in applying microbes for environmental management. The book explores the current existing practical applications and provides information to help readers develop new practices and applications. Edited by recognized leaders in the field, this penetrating assessment of our progress to date in deploying microorganisms to the advantage of environmental management and biotechnology will be widely welcomed by those working in soil contamination management, agriculture, environment management, soil microbiology, and waste management. The polluting effects on the world around us of soil erosion, the unwanted migration of sediments, chemical fertilizers and pesticides, and the improper treatment of human and animal wastes have resulted in serious environmental and social problems around the world, problems which require us to look for solutions elsewhere than established physical and chemical technologies. Often the answer lies in hybrid applications in which microbial methods are combined with physical and chemical ones. When we remember that these highly effective microorganisms, cultured for a variety of applications, are but a tiny fraction of those to be found in the world around us, we realize the vastness of the untapped and beneficial potential of microorganisms.
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In the European Union, poor air quality is the leading environmental cause of premature death and has a higher human cost than road accidents. Air pollution also causes lost days of work and high health and social costs, as it affects the most vulnerable groups of the population (children, the elderly, asthmatics and socio-economically disadvantaged people) to a greater extent. ). The emission and concentration of pollutants in the air, if on the one hand they are certainly linked to phenomena on a national and extra-national scale, on the other hand they show a significant local variability which is linked to economic-productive choices as well as to aspects social and other environmental components. In this perspective, the fight against pollution and the prevention of health risks are intimately linked and certainly constitute a priority to be pursued at the local, national and international level, through targeted policies that know how to find the right balance between compliance with the parameters of economic stability and the costs for the community deriving from the impact of pollutants on health.
Air --- Pollution.
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Inhalt dieser Arbeit ist die Entwicklung und Charakterisierung von Mikroreaktoren für die Kristallisation biologischer Makromoleküle, einem der Schlüsselprozesse in der aktuellen biotechnischen Forschung. Hauptziele waren die Bereitstellung neuartiger Technologieplattformen als kompakte wiederverwendbare Mikroreaktoren, deren physikalische und verfahrenstechnische Charakterisierung sowie die Überprüfung, inwieweit sich mikrostrukturierte Komponenten für den Einsatz in der Biokristallisation eignen. Die Entwicklung wurde hierbei in zwei Arbeitsabschnitte unterteilt: I Batch-Mikroreaktor zur temperaturkontrollierten Kristallisation im Batch-Betrieb; II Fluss-Mikroreaktor zur temperatur- und konvektionskontrollierten Kristallisation im kontinuierlichen Betrieb. Die thermische Charakterisierung der Mikroreaktoren umfasste die Analyse der Temperaturfelder und Erfassung dynamischer Parameter mithilfe von Pt-Dünnschichtsensoren und thermografischen Messungen. Die fluidischen Parameter wurden in Messungen zum Druckverlust, zur Verweilzeit- und Geschwindigkeitsverteilung ermittelt. 3D-FEM- bzw. CFD-Rechnungen dienten im Zuge der Designoptimierung zur Variantenstudie und Analyse experimentell unzugänglicher Bereiche. Experimente und Simulationen wurde anhand analytischer 1D-Modelle validiert. Untersuchungen zum temperaturkontrollierten Kristallwachstum von Modellproteinen zielten auf die Evaluierung des Mikroreaktorkonzepts und dessen Charakterisierung ab.Ein Ergebnis der Arbeit ist der Prototyp eines voll funktionsfähigen Batch-Mikroreaktors auf der Basis von Silizium-Mikrosystemtechnik und Dünnschichttechnologie zur temperaturkontrollierten Kristallisation kleiner Proteinmengen. Weiterhin gelang es durch Integration (mikro-) fluidischer Strukturen, das Mikroreaktorkonzept für den kontinuierlichen Betrieb zum Fluss-Mikroreaktor zu erweitern. Die Mikroreaktorsysteme erfüllen die thermischen und fluidischen Anforderungen der Biokristallisation. Die Temperierung ist im Bereich . = 5°C . 50°C exakt (.T < ±0,1 K) und langzeitstabil (mehrere Tage). Die Einschwingzeiten (ô < 10 s) und Temperierraten (dT/dt > ±3 s) erlauben Studien mit dynamischen Temperaturprotokollen. Im gesamten Flusssystem liegen laminare Bedingungen vor. Verweilzeitverhalten und Druckverlust .p ¡.
Water --- Pollution.
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Despite the fact that water covers two-thirds of the Earth's surface, it is surprisingly vulnerable to human influence and activity. Marine ecosystems receive large amounts of a variety of pollutants from either treated or untreated wastewater. The extensive use of chemicals and their introduction into the environment has resulted in increased public concern for the potential threats to ecosystems, human health and safety. Persistent organic pollutants such as polychlorinated biphenyls, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, polybrominated diphenyl ethers and pesticides, as well as heavy metals, su
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"Oil pollution receives less attention when compared to air pollution and water pollution. However, soil pollution is grabbing more attention nowadays. Undoubtedly, soil is an indispensable environmental matrix for the growth of any terrestrial plants. Nevertheless, the rapid growth rate of population expansion and urbanization exceeds the sustainability and recovery capability of the ecosystem. This has virtually resulted in soil pollution. The sources of soil pollution can come from various point and non-point sources. Of the obvious and commonest ones are domestic wastes, untreated or insufficient treatment of industrial discharges, husbandry wastes and agricultural uses of fertilizers, pesticides and herbicides. The purpose of this book is to provide the latest, if not the complete, updated information regarding the soil pollution from three main perspectives, namely, sources, health effects and management strategies in the agricultural and urban areas. The intended readers of this book include academicians, policy-makers, university students, teachers and researchers. This book contains eleven chapters. All chapters in this book consist of sources of pollutants (heavy metal monitoring) (Chapters One, Three, Six, Seven, Eight, Ten and Eleven), the application of the monitoring data for the human health risk assessment (Chapters One, Four, Five and Nine), and lastly, management strategies for the polluted soils (Chapters Two, Ten and Eleven). This book presents a thorough compilation of existing information on soil heavy metal pollution in the form of critical review papers (Chapters One, Two, Ten and Eleven) as well as original research papers (Chapters Three, Four, Five, Six, Seven, Eight and Nine)"--
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