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Wat wordt eigenlijk bedoeld met zorgdomotica? Wat kan men ermee en wat niet? Wie heeft er iets aan en hoe verandert het werk van de installateur en de zorgverlener erdoor? Hoe kan bevorderd worden dat de toepassing ervan succesvol verloopt? Welke ervaringen zijn er al mee? Op deze en andere vragen wordt in dit boek antwoord gegeven. Want een ding is zeker: de demografische en sociaal-economische veranderingen vragen om slimme en innovatieve oplossingen, en dat betekent tevens slim samenwerken tussen de verschillende disciplines. Op die manier wordt zorgdomotica een succes en is het mogelijk een kwalitatief goede of zelfs betere zorg te bereiken
324 --- 627.3 --- communicatie --- demografie --- domotica --- personenalarm --- technologie --- woning --- woonvoorziening --- zorgbehoefte* --- zorgvrager --- Zorg --- Domotica --- Zorgdomotica --- Ouderenzorg --- zorg --- thuiszorg --- bejaardenzorg --- ziekenhuis --- 605.93 --- geriatrie --- gerontologie --- Bejaardenzorg --- Thuiszorg --- ouderdomsziekten, geriatrie --- Bejaarden --- Automatisering --- Kwaliteitszorg --- Gezondheidszorg --- Ouderen --- ICT --- Wonen --- gezondheidszorg --- ouderen --- Domotica. --- gezondheidszorg. --- ouderen. --- Gezondheidszorg. --- Ouderen. --- afstandsbewaking --- remote monitoring --- e-health --- monitoring-apparatuur --- medische technologie --- ADL (activiteiten dagelijks leven) --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- ICT (informatie- en communicatietechnieken) --- personenzorg --- PHL-Healthcare 12 --- ouderenzorg --- innovatie --- technologische vernieuwingen --- Zorgrobot --- Zorgvernieuwing --- Oudere --- Gemeenschap --- School --- Buurt
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Smart homes, home automation and ambient-assisted living are terms used to describe technological systems that enrich our living environment and provide means to support care, facilitate well-being and improve comfort. This handbook provides an overview of the domain from the perspective of health care and technology. In Part 1, we set out to describe the demographic changes in society, including ageing, and diseases and impairments which lead to the needs for technological solutions. In Part 2, we describe the technological solutions, ranging from sensor-based networks, components, to communication protocols that are used in the design of smart homes. We also deal will biomedical features which can be measured, and services that can be delivered to end-users as well as the use of social robots. In Part 3, we present best practices in the field. These best practices mainly focus on existing projects in Europe, the USA and Asia, in which people receive help through dedicated technological solutions being part of the continuum of the home environment and care. In Part 4, we describe the preconditions to successful ambient-assisted living, including policies, the roles of professionals and organisational needs, design aspects and human factors, the needs of users, laws, business cases, and education.
Engineering. --- Geriatrics. --- Medical research. --- Buildings. --- Robotics. --- Automation. --- Biomedical engineering. --- Aging. --- Quality of life. --- Robotics and Automation. --- Building Types and Functions. --- Biomedical Engineering. --- Geriatrics/Gerontology. --- Quality of Life Research. --- Life, Quality of --- Age --- Ageing --- Senescence --- Clinical engineering --- Medical engineering --- Automatic factories --- Automatic production --- Computer control --- Engineering cybernetics --- Factories --- Edifices --- Halls --- Structures --- Biomedical research --- Medical research --- Construction --- Physiological effect --- Automation --- Architecture. --- Aging --- Quality of Life --- Biomedical Engineering and Bioengineering. --- Research. --- Bioengineering --- Biophysics --- Engineering --- Medicine --- Gerontology --- Older people --- Economic history --- Human ecology --- Life --- Social history --- Basic needs --- Human comfort --- Social accounting --- Work-life balance --- Developmental biology --- Longevity --- Age factors in disease --- Architecture, Western (Western countries) --- Building design --- Buildings --- Western architecture (Western countries) --- Art --- Building --- Diseases --- Health and hygiene --- Design and construction --- Internet in medicine. --- Internet (Computer network) in medicine --- Architecture --- Industrial engineering --- Mechanization --- Assembly-line methods --- Automatic control --- Automatic machinery --- CAD/CAM systems --- Robotics --- Machine theory --- Built environment
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Technologie (eHealth) kan mensen met een chronische aandoening ondersteunen op een groot aantal gebieden. Zo kan eHealth de cliënt helpen gemakkelijk de juiste informatie te vinden over aandoeningen en kan met allerlei applicaties voorlichting en monitoring plaatsvinden.Daarnaast kan eHealth door middel van afstemming, coaching en ook puur organisatorisch steun bieden aan mensen die vaak levenslang te maken hebben met een of meer gezondheidsproblemen. Daarbij biedt het volop kansen cliënten zelf de regie te geven over hun eigen gezondheid.
Chronische ziekten --- Technologie --- 659.24.614 --- 601.8 --- gezondheidszorg --- technologie --- PXL-Healthcare 2018 --- gezondheid --- medische registratie --- digitale technieken --- chronische aandoeningen
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