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Completely overhauled since its last edition, this directory of library and school grants remains the gold standard for locating sources of funding.
Library fund raising --- Endowments --- Corporations --- Fund raising --- Library finance --- Charitable contributions
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This book documents the ""brave new world"" of teacher, administrator, school, and student accountability that has swept across the United States in recent years. Its particular vantage point is the perspective of dozens of new teachers trying to make their way through their first months and years working in schools in the New York City metropolitan area. The issues they grapple with are not, however, unique to this context, but common problems found today in urban, suburban, and rural schools across the United States. The stories in this book offer a compelling portrait of these teachers' enc
Educational accountability --- First year teachers --- Education, Urban --- Beginning teachers --- New teachers --- Teachers --- Accountability in education --- Responsibility --- Educational indicators --- Educational productivity
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Knjiga prinaša poglobljeno študijo o prvi Galileovi »kopernikanski bitki«, ki je potekala v letih 1609–1611, ko je Galileo s pomočjo nedavno odkritega daljnogleda prišel do novih spoznanj, ki so govorila v prid kopernikanskemu »sistemu sveta« ali vsaj proti tedaj splošno sprejeti aristotelovski kozmologiji: od gor in dolin na Luni preko štirih Jupitrovih spremljevalcev do Venerinih faz. Študijo dopolnjuje dvojezična (latinsko-slovenska) izdaja Zvezdnega glasnika (Sidereus nuncius), ki je izšel leta 1609, v katerem je Galileo javnosti prvič poročal o svojih odkritjih, prevod Keplerjevega spisa Razgovor z Zvezdnim glasnikom (Disertatio cum cum nuncio sidereo) iz leta 1610 in izbrana pisma, napisana v obdobju med letoma 1597–1611, povezana z osupljivimi Galileovimi nebesnimi odkritji, spremljajočimi okoliščinami in polemikami, ki so jih spodbudila.
astronomy --- correspondence --- Galileo, Galileo --- history --- Kepler, Johannes --- letters --- philosophy of science --- science --- scientific revolution --- astronomija --- filozofija znanosti --- Galilei, Galileo --- korespondenca --- pisma --- zgodovina --- znanost --- znanstvena revolucija --- Galilei, Galileo, --- Kepler, Johannes,
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Nature is in many different ways a pool for the productive human being, but also a counterpoint to his/her own work. This book offers a richly illustrated overview of the history of nature in architecture, civil engineering and art. Since the beginning of time mankind has dealt with nature as a role model, goal and challenge in its model of perfection. Nature is in many different ways a pool for the productive human being, but also a counterpoint to his/her own work. Both the energetic and constructively optimised forms as well as the adaptability and variety serve as role models. Natural scientists, engineers, architects and artists draw from the rich inspirational pool of nature, they learn from and are inspired by nature. The book is an outline of the history of the human examination of nature and presents a perspective for further possible lessons from nature.
Nature (Aesthetics) --- Organic architecture. --- Bionics. --- Intellectronics --- Bioengineering --- Biophysics --- Cybernetics --- Simulation methods --- Systems engineering --- Architecture --- Art and nature --- Nature and art --- Aesthetics
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