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Literature --- African Americans in literature. --- Black people in literature. --- Race in literature. --- Literature, Modern --- History and criticism. --- Political philosophy. Social philosophy --- Sociology of minorities --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- United States of America --- American literature
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Thematology --- Literature --- anno 1900-1999 --- Women and literature --- Feminism and literature --- Literature, Modern --- Difference (Psychology) in literature. --- Women --- History --- History and criticism. --- Women authors --- cultuurfilosofie --- feminisme --- gender studies --- afro-amerikanen --- literatuur --- postkolonialisme --- antropologie --- identiteit --- 130.2 --- 82:396 --- Literatuur en feminisme --- 82:396 Literatuur en feminisme --- History and criticism --- Difference (Psychology) in literature --- Belles-lettres --- Western literature (Western countries) --- World literature --- Philology --- Authors --- Authorship --- Women authors&delete& --- feminism --- minorities --- postcolonialism --- #breakthecanon --- Women and literature - History - 20th century. --- Feminism and literature - History - 20th century. --- Literature, Modern - 20th century - History and criticism. --- Literature - Women authors - History and criticism. --- Women - Developing countries. --- Race --- Feminism --- Identity --- Writers --- Féminité --- Book --- Anthropology
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Dit is een verzameling van een aantal essays uit de twintigste eeuw die de manieren waarop mannen en vrouwen oorlogsvoering representeren en zichzelf representeren als deelnemers van oorlogsvoering. Een reeks van medewerkers vanuit verschillende disciplines onderzoeken deze beeldvorming door een brede variëteit aan bronnen onder de loep te nemen: fictie, film, persoonlijke dagboeken, memoires, non-fictie, brieven, mondelinge getuigenissen en zomeer. Het boek beweegt zich van de loopgraven van het westelijke front, door het interbellum, de burgeroorlog in Spanje en de onvergelijkbare slagvelden van de Tweede Wereldoorlog, naar de complexiteit van Vietnam en de late twintigste-eeuwse Hollywoodherwerkingen van deze conflicten. De focus op gegenderd lezen biedt een leidraad dat deze essays met elkaar verbindt om een begrijpelijk en interessant beeld van de erfenis van de twintigste-eeuwse oorlogsvoering voor het nieuwe millennium.
Military art and science in literature. --- Literature, Modern --- Art et science militaires dans la littérature --- Littérature --- History and criticism. --- Histoire et critique --- Fiction --- Developmental psychology --- Film --- Theatrical science --- Polemology --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Brittain, Vera --- anno 1900-1999 --- Dane, Clemence --- Movies --- Gender --- Gender roles --- Literature --- Masculinity --- War --- Theatre --- Féminité --- Book --- Imaging
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In Eve's Journey, Nehama Aschkenasy traces the migration of several female images and feminine situations from their early appearances in Biblical writings to their incarnations in modern Hebraic literature. Focusing on the evolution of early female archetypes and prototypes, Aschkenasy uncovers the ancient roots of modern female characters and traces the changing cultural perceptions of women in Hebraic letters.The author draws on the vast body of Hebraic literary documents to illustrate how the female character is a mirror of her times as well as being a product of her creator''s imagination and conception of the woman's role in society and in fiction. The historical spectrum, provided by a discussion of Biblical narratives, Midrashic sources, documents of the Jewish mystics, Hasidic tales, and modern Hebrew works, allows an understanding of the metamorphosis that the female figure has experienced in her literary odyssey.
Jewish religion --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Fiction --- Bible and literature. --- Hebrew literature, Modern --- Women in literature. --- Women in Judaism. --- Women in the Bible. --- Judaism --- Woman (Christian theology) in literature --- Women in drama --- Women in poetry --- Literature and the Bible --- Literature --- History and criticism. --- Eve --- In literature. --- Religious texts --- Images of women --- Book
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In traditionele tekstinterpretaties worden sekse en etniciteit vaak over het hoofd gezien. Maaike Meijer laat in dit boek zien hoe deze twee begrippen als structurerende krachten werkzaam zijn in literaire teksten. Het begrip tekst wordt door haar ruim opgevat en omvat niet alleen canonieke teksten uit de Nederlandse literatuur, maar ook foto's, liedjes en reclamebeelden. Een aantal van de klassieke en eigentijdse cultuurwetenschappelijke methoden en theorieën op gebied van tekstanalyse worden toepassingsgericht uitgelegd. Narratologie, poëzie-interpretatie, intertekstualiteit, rhetorica, deconstructie, filmtheorie, leestheorie en cultural studies komen in welgekozen voorbeelden aan de orde.
Sociology of literature --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Literature, Modern --- Representation (Philosophy) --- Feminism and literature. --- Racism in literature --- Sexism in literature --- Intertextuality --- Dutch literature --- Littérature moderne --- Représentation (Philosophie) --- Féminisme et littérature --- Racisme dans la littérature --- Sexisme dans la littérature --- Intertextualité --- Littérature néerlandaise --- History and criticism. --- Histoire et critique --- 82:396 --- -Feminism and literature --- -Representation (Philosophy) --- Representationalism (Philosophy) --- Representationism (Philosophy) --- Culture --- Philosophy --- Modern literature --- Arts, Modern --- Literature --- Flemish literature --- Literatuur en feminisme --- History and criticiscm --- History and criticism --- Women authors --- 82:396 Literatuur en feminisme --- Representation (Philosophy). --- Littérature moderne --- Représentation (Philosophie) --- Féminisme et littérature --- Racisme dans la littérature --- Sexisme dans la littérature --- Intertextualité --- Littérature néerlandaise --- Feminism and literature --- Literature, Modern - History and criticism. --- Dutch literature - 20th century - History and criticism. --- Literature and feminism --- Race --- Feminist criticism --- Gender --- Discourse analysis --- Literary criticism --- Theory --- Book
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This book explores the representation of queer migrant Muslims in international literature and film from the 1980s to the present day. Bringing together a variety of contemporary writers and filmmakers of Muslim heritage engaged in vindicating same-sex desire, the book approaches queer Muslims in the diaspora as figures forced to negotiate their identities according to the expectations of the West and of their migrant Muslim communities. The book examines 3 main themes: the depiction of queer desire across racial and national borders, the negotiation of Islamic femininities and masculinities, and the positioning of the queer Muslim self in time and place. This study will be of interest to scholars, as well as to advanced general readers and postgraduate students, interested in Muslims, queerness, diaspora and postcolonialism. It brings nuance and complexity to an often simplified and controversial topic.
Muslim gays. --- Homosexuality in literature. --- Homosexuality in motion pictures. --- Muslim. --- diaspora. --- femininity. --- film. --- literature. --- masculinity. --- queer. --- same-sex desire. --- Muslim gays --- Homosexuality in literature --- Homosexuality in motion pictures --- Muslim diaspora in literature --- Literature, Modern --- Motion pictures --- History and criticism --- History --- Sociology of minorities --- Film --- Literature --- Race --- Movie review --- Movies --- Heteronormativity --- Migration background --- Islam --- Queer --- LGBTQIA literature --- Images of men --- Literary criticism --- Images of women --- Book --- Postcolonialism --- Islamophobia --- Integration --- Muslim gay people.
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Comparative literature --- Thematology --- Feminism and literature --- Feminisme en literatuur --- Féminisme et littérature --- Modernism (Literature) --- Modernisme (Literatuur) --- Modernisme (Littérature) --- Literature --- Literature, Modern --- Women and literature --- History --- Women authors --- History and criticism. --- Modernism (Literature). --- Crepuscolari --- Crepuscolarismo --- Crépusculaires (Poètes) --- Crépuscularisme --- Penumbrismo --- Poètes crépusculaires --- Poésie crépusculaire --- Poésie pénombriste --- Pénombrisme --- Hurston, Zora Neale --- Kahlo, Frida --- Doolittle, Hilda --- Carrington, Leonora --- anno 1930-1939 --- anno 1920-1929 --- Deloria, Ella --- Literary movements --- Postmodernism (Literature) --- Belles-lettres --- Western literature (Western countries) --- World literature --- Philology --- Authors --- Authorship --- History and criticism --- Women authors&delete& --- Gender --- Interbellum --- Psychoanalysis --- Theory --- Academic sector --- Book --- Cultural movements --- Anthropology
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Based on the lives and crimes of no less than twenty real women, dokufu (poison women) narratives emerged as a powerful presence in Japan during the 1870s. During this tumultuous time, as the nation moved from feudalism to oligarchic government, such accounts articulated the politics and position of underclass women, sexual morality, and female suffrage. Over the next century, the figure of the oversexed female criminal, usually guilty of robbery or murder, became ubiquitous in modern Japanese culture. In Poison Woman, Christine L. Marran investigates this powerful icon, its shifting meanings, and its influence on defining women's sexuality and place in Japan. She begins by considering Meiji gesaku literature, in which female criminality was often medically defined and marginalized as abnormal. She describes the small newspapers (koshinbun) that originally reported on poison women, establishing journalistic and legal conventions for future fiction about them. She examines zange, or confessional narratives, of female and male ex-convicts from the turn of the century, then reveals how medical and psychoanalytical literature of the 1920s and 1930s offered contradictory explanations of the female criminal as an everywoman or a historical victim of social circumstances and the press. She concludes by exploring postwar pulp fiction (kasutori), film and underground theater of the 1970s, and the feminist writer Tomioka Taeko's take on the transgressive woman. Persistent stories about poison women illustrate how a few violent acts by women were transformed into myriad ideological, social, and moral tales that deployed notions of female sexual desire and womanhood. Bringing together literary criticism, the history of science, media theory, and gender and sexuality studies, Poison Woman delves into genre and gender in ways that implicate both in projects of nation-building.
Villains in popular culture --- Women in popular culture --- Women --- Social conditions. --- Japan --- Civilization --- Criminology. Victimology --- Sociology of culture --- Fiction --- Film --- Sexology --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Mass communications --- J4176.80 --- J4000.70 --- J5500.70 --- J5930 --- Popular culture --- Social conditions --- Japan: Sociology and anthropology -- gender roles, women, feminism -- history --- Japan: Social history, history of civilization -- Kindai (1850s- ), bakumatsu, Meiji, Taishō --- Japan: Literature -- history and criticism -- modern, Kindai (1850s- ), bakumatsu, Meiji, Taishō --- Japan: Literature -- modern fiction and prose (1868- ) --- Public opinion --- Movies --- Literature --- Media --- Sexuality --- Images of women --- Book --- Criminality --- Culture
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De vooronderstelling van Confessional Politics, Woman's Sexual Self-Representation in Life Writing en Popular Media is dat in deze tijd alles vertellen in is. De essays in dit boek onderzoeken de associatie van bekentenis met vrouwelijkheid, de functie van bekennen als een gender-specifiek discours en de vele vervrouwelijkte genres en subgenres. De auteurs onderzoeken de creatieve en strategische manieren waarop vrouwen de vertelling van hun seksuele verhalen vormen om de bekentenispraktijken, die ontworpen werd om hen in een conventioneel seksuele structuur te positioneren te weerstaan en te onderhandelen. Het boek beperkt zich niet tot de traditionele bekentenisliteratuur als (erotische) dagboeken, brieven en fictie, maar behandelt ook zaken die een groter publiek bereiken. De auteurs schrijven over talk shows, ongewenste intimiteiten, seksueel misbruik, zelfhulpboeken, travestie, maar ook hedendaagse vrouwenpoëzie, lesbische fictie, performance kunst, het dagboek van Anne Frank en memoires.
Literature --- Literature, Modern --- Women and literature --- Women in literature --- Sex in literature --- Autobiography in literature --- Feminism and literature --- Women in mass media --- Languages & Literatures --- Literature - General --- Woman (Christian theology) in literature --- Women in drama --- Women in poetry --- Mass media --- Belles-lettres --- Western literature (Western countries) --- World literature --- Philology --- Authors --- Authorship --- History and criticism --- Women authors --- History --- Autobiography in literature. --- Feminism and literature. --- Sex in literature. --- Women in literature. --- Women in mass media. --- History and criticism. --- Sexology --- Mass communications --- Thematology --- Literature and feminism --- Media --- Sexuality --- Book --- Experiences --- History.
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Is het mogelijk dat er een flâneuse bestaat en in welke vorm zou dit dan zijn? Dit is de centrale vraag in dit boek, een bijdragen op de debatten over de stad en moderniteit waarin de auteur de gegenderde kaart van stedelijk modernisme hertekent. Door de culturele en literaire geschiedenis van het concept van de flâneur te beoordelen, de stedelijke observeerder/schrijver, die meestal als mannelijk wordt beschouwd, maakt de schrijver ruimte om te discussiëren over een vrouwelijke flâneuse, focussend op een waaier van vrouwelijke schrijvers van de jaren 1880 tot de Tweede Wereldoorlog. Ze bekijkt het werk van vele bekende schrijfsters en belicht de veranderende relatie van vrouwen met de sociale en fysieke ruimtes in de stad en trekt de aandacht op de manieren waarop de percepties en ervaringen van de straat vertaald worden in de dynamiek van literaire teksten.
Flaneurs in literature. --- Women and literature. --- Cities and towns in literature. --- City and town life in literature. --- Flâneurs dans la littérature --- Villes dans la littérature --- Vie urbaine dans la littérature --- Flâneurs dans la littérature --- Villes dans la littérature --- Vie urbaine dans la littérature --- English literature --- Thematology --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- anno 1900-1999 --- anno 1800-1899 --- Cities and towns in literature --- City and town life in literature --- Flaneurs in literature --- Literature, Modern --- Literature --- Women and literature --- Women in literature --- Woman (Christian theology) in literature --- Women in drama --- Women in poetry --- Belles-lettres --- Western literature (Western countries) --- World literature --- Philology --- Authors --- Authorship --- History and criticism --- Women authors&delete& --- Women in literature. --- Women authors --- History and criticism. --- Femmes et littérature --- Femmes dans la littérature --- Littérature --- Femmes écrivains --- Histoire et critique --- Gender --- Identity --- Spatial planning --- Writers --- Cities --- Images of women --- Book
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