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A question of life: the Warnock report on human fertilisation and embryology
ISBN: 0631142576 Year: 1985 Publisher: Oxford

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Artificial insemination --- Fertilization in vitro, Human --- Frozen human embryos --- Surrogate motherhood --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Fertilization in Vitro. --- Insemination, Artificial. --- Mothers. --- -Fertilization in vitro, Human --- -Surrogate motherhood --- -Frozen human embryos --- Human embryo, Frozen --- Cryobiology --- Human embryo --- Motherhood --- Babies, Test tube --- Human fertilization in vitro --- Human in vitro fertilization --- Test tube babies --- AI (Artificial insemination) --- Artificial impregnation --- Impregnation, Artificial --- Instrumental insemination --- Animal breeding --- Mothers' Clubs --- Club, Mothers' --- Clubs, Mothers' --- Mother --- Mother Clubs --- Mother's Clubs --- Mothers Clubs --- Mothers' Club --- Eutelegenesis --- Artificial Insemination --- Artificial Inseminations --- Eutelegeneses --- Inseminations, Artificial --- Fertilizations in Vitro --- In Vitro Fertilization --- Test-Tube Babies --- Test-Tube Fertilization --- Babies, Test-Tube --- Baby, Test-Tube --- Fertilization, Test-Tube --- Fertilizations, Test-Tube --- In Vitro Fertilizations --- Test Tube Babies --- Test Tube Fertilization --- Test-Tube Baby --- Test-Tube Fertilizations --- Ectogenesis --- Ethics, Medical --- Fertilization in Vitro --- Insemination, Artificial --- Mothers --- #GBIB:CBMER --- #gsdb5 --- Genetic Engineering --- Medical Ethics --- Medicine --- Professionalism --- Bioethics --- Human reproductive technology --- Domestic animals --- Livestock --- Reproductive technology --- Moral and ethical aspects --- ethics --- Preservation --- Ethics of family. Ethics of sexuality --- Gynaecology. Obstetrics --- Great Britain --- Embryo (Menselijk) (Diepvries). Moraal. --- Kunsmatige inseminatie / bij de mens. Moraal. --- Embryo (Menselijk). Transfert. Moraal. --- Fécondation humaine in vitro. Morale. --- Insémination artificielle humaine. Morale. --- Embryon humain surgelé. Morale. --- Embryon humain. Transfert. Morale. --- Bevruchting (Menselijke) in vitro. Moraal. --- Gezinsethiek. Seksuele ethiek --- Gynaecologie. Obstetrica --- Groot-Brittannië --- Medical ethics --- Government policy --- Fertility --- Book

Begotten or made ?
ISBN: 0198266782 9780198266785 Year: 1984 Publisher: Oxford Clarendon Press

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Christian ethics --- Ethics, Jewish --- Fertilization in vitro, Human --- -Sex change --- -#GBIB:CBMER --- Change of sex --- Reassignment, Sex --- Sex change surgery --- Sex reassignment --- Transsexual surgery --- Generative organs --- Hormone therapy --- Babies, Test tube --- Human fertilization in vitro --- Human in vitro fertilization --- Test tube babies --- Conception --- Human reproductive technology --- Jews --- Religious ethics --- Ethical theology --- Moral theology --- Theology, Ethical --- Theology, Moral --- Christian life --- Christian philosophy --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Surgery --- Ethics --- Artificial insemination, Human --- Sex change --- Jewish ethics --- Insémination artificielle humaine --- Fécondation in vitro (Gynécologie) --- Morale chrétienne --- Morale juive --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Aspect moral --- Ethics, Medical --- Fertilization in Vitro --- Insemination, Artificial --- #GBIB:CBMER --- 241.64*8 --- 241.64*8 Theologische ethiek: kunstmatige inseminatie; leenmoederschap --- Theologische ethiek: kunstmatige inseminatie; leenmoederschap --- Donor insemination, Human --- Human artificial insemination --- Human donor insemination --- Eutelegenesis --- Artificial Insemination --- Artificial Inseminations --- Eutelegeneses --- Inseminations, Artificial --- Fertilizations in Vitro --- In Vitro Fertilization --- Test-Tube Babies --- Test-Tube Fertilization --- Babies, Test-Tube --- Baby, Test-Tube --- Fertilization, Test-Tube --- Fertilizations, Test-Tube --- In Vitro Fertilizations --- Test Tube Babies --- Test Tube Fertilization --- Test-Tube Baby --- Test-Tube Fertilizations --- Ectogenesis --- Genetic Engineering --- Medical Ethics --- Medicine --- Professionalism --- Bioethics --- Gender-affirming surgery --- ethics --- Christian religion --- Gynaecology. Obstetrics --- Christian ethics. --- Jewish ethics. --- Christelijke godsdienst --- Gynaecologie. Obstetrica --- Gender transition --- Artificial insemination --- Points of view --- Book --- Christianity

De juiste keuze... : morele dilemma's van toekomstige ouders
ISBN: 9025947107 Year: 1997 Publisher: Baarn Ten Have

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Paren met een kinderwens en tegelijk een verhoogd risico op een kind met een aangeboren of erfelijke aandoening lopen tegen morele dilemma's op. Zij staan voor de keuze om al dan niet preconceptioneel of prenataal onderzoek te laten verrichten. Dit boek concentreert zich voornamelijk op de morele problemen die prenataal onderzoek met zich meebrengt. Als na dit onderzoek blijkt dat de foetus is aangedaan, dienen ouders soms beslissingen te nemen die zij als conflicterend met morele regels ervaren. Het boek gaat uitgebreid in op de morele invloed van een viertal instituties op de uiteindelijke beslissingen van ouders, met name kerken, overheid, artsen en ethici.

Embodied progress : a cultural account of assisted conception
ISBN: 1134917384 1134917392 1280322861 0203414969 9780203414965 9780415067676 0415067677 0415067669 9780415067669 9781134917341 9781134917389 9781134917396 Year: 1997 Publisher: London Routledge

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New reproductive technologies, such as in vitrio fertilization, have been the subject of intense public discussion and debate worldwide. In addition to difficult ethical, moral, personal and political questions, new technologies of assisted conception also raise novel socio-cultural dilemmas. How are parenthood, kinship and procreation being redefined in the context of new reproductive technologies? Has reproductive choice become part of consumer culture? Embodied Progress offers a unique perspective on these and other cultural dimensions of assisted conception techniques. Based on ethnographic research in Britain, this study foregrounds the experiences of women and couples who undergo IVF, whilst also asking how such experiences may be variously understood. This book offers a unique perspective on the cultural dimensions of assisted conception techniques such as IVF. It looks at experiences of those who undergo the treatment and asks how such experiences may be variously understood.


Medical anthropology. --- Human reproductive technology. --- Fertilization in vitro, Human. --- Kinship --- Social medicine. --- Medical care --- Medical sociology --- Medicine --- Medicine, Social --- Public health --- Public welfare --- Sociology --- Medical ethics --- Medical sociologists --- Ethnology --- Clans --- Consanguinity --- Families --- Kin recognition --- Babies, Test tube --- Human fertilization in vitro --- Human in vitro fertilization --- Test tube babies --- Conception --- Human reproductive technology --- Assisted conception --- Assisted human reproduction --- Assisted human reproductive technology --- Human assisted reproduction --- Human assisted reproductive technology --- Human reproduction --- Medical technology --- Reproductive technology --- Anthropology --- Philosophy. --- Social aspects --- Technological innovations --- Anthropological aspects --- Fertilization in vitro, Human --- Medical anthropology --- Social medicine --- #SBIB:17H10 --- #SBIB:314H232 --- #SBIB:316.334.3M51 --- Philosophy --- Ethiek en moraalfilosofie: algemeen --- Vruchtbaarheid --- Organisatie van de gezondheidszorg: modellen van therapeutisch handelen --- Anthropologie médicale --- Procréation médicalement assistée --- Fécondation in vitro (Gynécologie) --- Parenté --- Médecine sociale --- Philosophie --- Ethnology. Cultural anthropology --- Gynaecology. Obstetrics --- Great Britain --- In vitro fertilisation --- Reproduction --- Book --- Experiences

De maakbare mens : vruchtbaarheid in de 21ste eeuw
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9061528585 9789061528586 Year: 1994 Volume: 17 Publisher: Leuven Davidsfonds

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Louisa Brown, de eerste proefbuisbaby, sloeg iedereen met verstomming. Dat was het begin van schijnbaar onbegrensde mogelijkheden: van kersverse moeders met de leeftijd van oma's en embryo's ontstaan uit eicellen van geaborteerde vrouwen tot zwarte vrouwen die een blank kind willen omwille van een betere toekomst... Paul Schotsmans wandelt rond in de labo's van infertiliteitsklinieken en tast de grenzen af van wat kan, nog niet kan en ook niet wenselijk is. Hij luistert naar collega's wetenschappers die uitgebreid én verstaanbaar de nieuwste evoluties uiteenzetten. Maar ook denkt hij na over de status van het embryo en het welzijn van het kind, de voorwaarden tot verantwoord ouderschap, het recht op kinderen... Dit is geen boek gevuld met juichkreten maar een doordachte bezinning met behoedzaam geformuleerde antwoorden. Zich bewust van de draagwijdte van zijn stellingen, analyseert de auteur kritisch de kerkelijke standpunten met het oog op waarachtige menswaardigheid. Een moedig boek over een delicaat onderwerp.


ouderschap --- Ethics of family. Ethics of sexuality --- Physiology: reproduction & development. Ages of life --- IVF (in vitrofertilisatie) --- Christian moral theology --- Sexology --- seksualiteit --- fertiliteit --- bio-ethiek --- bevruchting --- Erfelijkheidsleer --- Gynaecologie --- Gynécologie --- Hérédité --- Bioethics. --- Ethics, Medical. --- Fertilization in Vitro. --- reproductieve technologie (voortplantingstechnologie, medisch begeleide voortplanting, MBV, artificiële voortplanting, kunstmatige voortplanting) --- in-vitrofertilisatie (bevruchting in vitro, proefbuisbaby's) --- zwangerschap --- kunstmatige inseminatie --- erfelijkheid --- ethiek --- genetica --- invitrofertilisatie --- vruchtbaarheid --- 241.64*8 --- 174.2 --- Academic collection --- #gsdb5 --- #GBIB:CBMER --- #GGSB: Fundamentele moraal --- #GGSB: Bio-ethiek --- #GGSB: Medische ethiek --- #SBIB:1H30 --- #SBIB:014.GIFT --- 17 --- 612.663 --- $?$95/12 --- 17.023.33 --- 614.253 --- 618.17.08 --- #A9412A --- 176 --- 612.6 --- 241 --- 613.88 --- in-vitrofertilisatie --- medische ethiek --- 615.56 --- geneeskunde --- Ethiek en vruchtbaarheid --- In-vitrofertilisatie --- Kunstmatige inseminatie --- Medische ethiek --- Vruchtbaarheidsproblemen --- C6 --- Fertilizations in Vitro --- In Vitro Fertilization --- Test-Tube Babies --- Test-Tube Fertilization --- Babies, Test-Tube --- Baby, Test-Tube --- Fertilization, Test-Tube --- Fertilizations, Test-Tube --- In Vitro Fertilizations --- Test Tube Babies --- Test Tube Fertilization --- Test-Tube Baby --- Test-Tube Fertilizations --- Ectogenesis --- Genetic Engineering --- Insemination, Artificial --- Medical Ethics --- Medicine --- Professionalism --- Bioethics --- Biomedical Ethics --- Health Care Ethics --- Ethics, Biomedical --- Ethics, Health Care --- Ethics, Medical --- Ethicists --- 179.7 --- technique de reproduction (technique de procréation, procréation médicalement assistée, PMA, procréation artificielle) --- fécondation in vitro (fertilisation in vitro, FIV, fécondation in vitro et embryo transfert, FIVETE) --- 61 --- Theologische ethiek: kunstmatige inseminatie; leenmoederschap --- Beroepsmoraal van de artsen. Medische beroepsethiek --- Filosofie van de mens, wijsgerige antropologie --- Gezinsethiek. Seksuele ethiek --- Fysiologie: voortplanting & ontwikkeling. Levensperioden --- Christelijke moraaltheologie --- Seksuologie --- kunstmatige bevruchting --- Opvoeding, onderwijs, wetenschap --- ethics --- 174.2 Beroepsmoraal van de artsen. Medische beroepsethiek --- 241.64*8 Theologische ethiek: kunstmatige inseminatie; leenmoederschap --- In vitro fertilisatie : ethiek --- 618.17 --- 179 --- 605.7 --- biomedische ethiek --- fertiliteit (gez) --- in-vitrofertilisatie (gez) --- seksuologie (gez) --- Fertilization in Vitro --- Fundamentele moraal --- Bio-ethiek --- Child wish --- Involuntary childlessness --- Medical ethics --- In vitro fertilisation --- Law --- Sexuality --- Reproductive technology --- Fertility --- Book

En de mens schiep de mens : medische (r)evolutie en ethiek.
ISBN: 9028912886 Year: 1989 Publisher: Kapellen Pelckmans

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"Mag wat kan? Of kan alleen maar wat mag? "Dat deze vragen nù meer gesteld worden dan ooit tevoren, mag ons niet verwonderen: sinds de jaren '70 worden we geconfronteerd met een ware doorbraak van de technologische mogelijkheden. Uitmaken wat de mens ten goede komt en wat niet lijkt een haast onmogelijke opgave. In dit boek wordt de medische revolutie aangevoerd als model voor de technologische vooruitgang van onze tijd. Revolutionaire voortplantingstechnieken, het wegnemen en overplanten van organen, methoden om het leven te verlengen enz... komen voortdurend in het nieuws en lokken heel wat discussie uit. Het is van belang dat de maatschappij een grondige reflectie maakt op deze medische revolutie: de wetenschap maakt deel uit van de samenleving en moet in de referentiekader haar onderzoek plaatsen. Zo rijst de vraag naar de prioriteiten. Moet de medische wetenschap zich nu per se bezighouden met de dure voortplantingstechnieken, het scheppen van nieuw leven, of zijn er andere prioriteiten? Om hierover als maatschappij te kunnen oordelen, is degelijke informatie van essentieel belang. Enkel dan is men in staat de spitstechnologie en de medische revolutie hun ware plaats te geven. Dit boek wil hiertoe een bijdrage leveren.


Ethique philosophique --- Geneeskunde --- Médecine --- Wijsgerige ethiek --- Ethics --- Bioethics --- Fertilization in vitro. --- medical --- Ethics, Medical. --- Bioethics. --- Fertilization in Vitro. --- 174.2 --- 241.63*5 --- arts-patiëntrelatie --- bio-ethiek (medische, biomedische ethiek, bio-ethische aspecten) --- vruchtbaarheid (fertiliteit, onvruchtbaarheid, steriliteit) --- transplantatie (orgaantransplantatie, weefseltransplantatie, allocatie van organen, donorschaarste) --- aids (HIV) --- levenseinde (einde van het leven, levenseindebeslissing) --- Academic collection --- #GBIB:CBMER --- moraal --- 603.1 --- Ethiek --- Medische ethiek --- Fertilizations in Vitro --- In Vitro Fertilization --- Test-Tube Babies --- Test-Tube Fertilization --- Babies, Test-Tube --- Baby, Test-Tube --- Fertilization, Test-Tube --- Fertilizations, Test-Tube --- In Vitro Fertilizations --- Test Tube Babies --- Test Tube Fertilization --- Test-Tube Baby --- Test-Tube Fertilizations --- Ectogenesis --- Genetic Engineering --- Insemination, Artificial --- Biomedical Ethics --- Health Care Ethics --- Ethics, Biomedical --- Ethics, Health Care --- Ethics, Medical --- Ethicists --- Medical Ethics --- Medicine --- Professionalism --- Beroepsmoraal van de artsen. Medische beroepsethiek --- Theologische ethiek: bio-ethiek (bioethiek) genetische experimenten transplantatie eugenetica --- relation médecin-patient --- bioéthique (éthique médicale, biomédicale, aspects bioéthiques) --- fertilité (infertilité, sterilité) --- transplantation (transplantation d'organes, transplantation de tissus humains, greffe d'organes, pénurie d'organes, allocation d'organes) --- sida (VIH) --- fin de vie (décision de fin de vie) --- ethics --- 241.63*5 Theologische ethiek: bio-ethiek (bioethiek) genetische experimenten transplantatie eugenetica --- 174.2 Beroepsmoraal van de artsen. Medische beroepsethiek --- medical. --- Medical. --- #GBIB:SMM --- #GGSB: Bio-ethiek --- #GGSB: Medische ethiek --- #GGSB: Deontologie --- #GROL:SEMI-241.63*2 --- #gsdb5 --- 17 --- 614.22 --- 179.7 --- $?$88/9 --- Z17.02 --- Z612.63 --- Z612.67 --- Z++89/10 --- beroepsethiek --- aids (Acquired Immune Defcience Syndrome, hiv, humaan immunodeficiëntievirus) --- arts-patiënt relatie (patiënt-arts-relatie) --- bio-ethiek --- deontologie (beroepscode, code, plichtenleer) --- euthanasie --- fertiliteit (fertiliteitsstoornissen, infertiliteit, vruchtbaarheid) --- geboorteregeling (anticonceptie) --- orgaandonor --- stervensbegeleiding --- 241.63 --- ethiek --- 241.63*5 Theologische ethiek: bio-ethiek (bioethiek); genetische experimenten; transplantatie; eugenetica --- Theologische ethiek: bio-ethiek (bioethiek); genetische experimenten; transplantatie; eugenetica --- (zie ook: terminale zorgen) --- (zie ook: dood, euthanasie, palliatieve zorgen, rouw, terminale zorgen) --- deontologie --- 243.3 --- General ethics --- Biotechnology --- Human medicine --- Professional ethics. Deontology --- transplantaties --- arts-patiënt relatie --- orgaandonoren --- voortplanting (mensen) --- AIDS (acquired immune deficiency syndrome) --- medische ethiek --- Hulpwetenschappen --- Ethiek en religie. --- Beroepsethiek. Deontologie --- Algemene ethiek --- Menselijke geneeskunde --- Biotechnologie --- Fertilization in Vitro --- Bio-ethiek --- Deontologie --- Medical ethics --- Book

The pursuit of parenthood
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1421429853 9781421429854 1421429845 9781421429847 Year: 2019 Publisher: Baltimore

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"Since the 1978 birth of the first IVF baby, Louise Brown, in England, more than eight million children have been born with the help of assisted reproductive technologies. From the start, they have stirred controversy and raised profound questions: Should there be limits to the lengths to which people can go to make their idea of family a reality? Who should pay for treatment? How can we ensure the ethical use of these technologies? And what can be done to address the racial and economic disparities in access to care that enable some to have children while others go without? In The Pursuit of Parenthood, historian Margaret Marsh and gynecologist Wanda Ronner seek to answer these challenging questions. Bringing their unique expertise in gender history and women's health to the subject, Marsh and Ronner examine the unprecedented means--liberating for some and deeply unsettling for others--by which families can now be created. Beginning with the early efforts to create embryos outside a woman's body and ending with such new developments as mitochondrial replacement techniques and uterus transplants, the authors assess the impact of contemporary reproductive technology in the United States."--


Health Policy --- Reproductive Medicine --- Infertility --- Reproductive Techniques, Assisted --- Fertilization in Vitro --- Ectogenesis, Preimplantational --- Fertilization, In vitro --- Fertilization, Laboratory --- Fertilization, Test tube --- In vitro fertilization --- IVF (Reproduction) --- Laboratory fertilization --- Preimplantational ectogenesis --- Test tube fertilization --- Genetic engineering --- Reproductive technology --- Involuntary childlessness --- Sterility --- Sterility in humans --- Childlessness --- Generative organs --- Fertility, Human --- Sterilization (Birth control) --- Human reproduction --- Human reproductive health --- Human reproductive medicine --- Reproductive medicine --- Health --- Health care policy --- Health policy --- Medical care --- Medicine and state --- Policy, Medical --- Public health --- Public health policy --- State and medicine --- Science and state --- Social policy --- history --- therapy --- Diseases --- Health aspects --- Government policy --- United States --- ABŞ --- ABSh --- Ameerika Ühendriigid --- America (Republic) --- Amerika Birlăshmish Shtatlary --- Amerika Birlăşmi Ştatları --- Amerika Birlăşmiş Ştatları --- Amerika ka Kelenyalen Jamanaw --- Amerika Qūrama Shtattary --- Amerika Qŭshma Shtatlari --- Amerika Qushma Shtattary --- Amerika (Republic) --- Amerikai Egyesült Államok --- Amerikanʹ Veĭtʹsėndi︠a︡vks Shtattnė --- Amerikări Pĕrleshu̇llĕ Shtatsem --- Amerikas Forenede Stater --- Amerikayi Miatsʻyal Nahangner --- Ameriketako Estatu Batuak --- Amirika Carékat --- AQSh --- Ar. ha-B. --- Arhab --- Artsot ha-Berit --- Artzois Ha'bris --- Bí-kok --- Ē.P.A. --- EE.UU. --- Egyesült Államok --- ĒPA --- Estados Unidos --- Estados Unidos da América do Norte --- Estados Unidos de América --- Estaos Xuníos --- Estaos Xuníos d'América --- Estatos Unitos --- Estatos Unitos d'America --- Estats Units d'Amèrica --- Ètats-Unis d'Amèrica --- États-Unis d'Amérique --- Fareyniḳṭe Shṭaṭn --- Feriene Steaten --- Feriene Steaten fan Amearika --- Forente stater --- FS --- Hēnomenai Politeiai Amerikēs --- Hēnōmenes Politeies tēs Amerikēs --- Hiwsisayin Amerikayi Miatsʻeal Tērutʻiwnkʻ --- Istadus Unidus --- Jungtinės Amerikos valstybės --- Mei guo --- Mei-kuo --- Meiguo --- Mî-koet --- Miatsʻyal Nahangner --- Miguk --- Na Stàitean Aonaichte --- NSA --- S.U.A. --- SAD --- Saharat ʻAmērikā --- SASht --- Severo-Amerikanskie Shtaty --- Severo-Amerikanskie Soedinennye Shtaty --- Si︠e︡vero-Amerikanskīe Soedinennye Shtaty --- Sjedinjene Američke Države --- Soedinennye Shtaty Ameriki --- Soedinennye Shtaty Severnoĭ Ameriki --- Soedinennye Shtaty Si︠e︡vernoĭ Ameriki --- Spojené staty americké --- SShA --- Stadoù-Unanet Amerika --- Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá --- Stany Zjednoczone --- Stati Uniti --- Stati Uniti d'America --- Stâts Unîts --- Stâts Unîts di Americhe --- Steatyn Unnaneysit --- Steatyn Unnaneysit America --- SUA (Stati Uniti d'America) --- Sŭedineni amerikanski shtati --- Sŭedinenite shtati --- Tetã peteĩ reko Amérikagua --- U.S. --- U.S.A. --- United States of America --- Unol Daleithiau --- Unol Daleithiau America --- Unuiĝintaj Ŝtatoj de Ameriko --- US --- USA --- Usono --- Vaeinigte Staatn --- Vaeinigte Staatn vo Amerika --- Vereinigte Staaten --- Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika --- Verenigde State van Amerika --- Verenigde Staten --- VS --- VSA --- Wááshindoon Bikéyah Ałhidadiidzooígíí --- Wilāyāt al-Muttaḥidah --- Wilāyāt al-Muttaḥidah al-Amirīkīyah --- Wilāyāt al-Muttaḥidah al-Amrīkīyah --- Yhdysvallat --- Yunaeted Stet --- Yunaeted Stet blong Amerika --- ZDA --- Združene države Amerike --- Zʹi︠e︡dnani Derz︠h︡avy Ameryky --- Zjadnośone staty Ameriki --- Zluchanyi︠a︡ Shtaty Ameryki --- Zlucheni Derz︠h︡avy --- ZSA --- Η.Π.Α. --- Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Αμερικής --- Америка (Republic) --- Американь Вейтьсэндявкс Штаттнэ --- Америкӑри Пӗрлешӳллӗ Штатсем --- САЩ --- Съединените щати --- Злучаныя Штаты Амерыкі --- ولايات المتحدة --- ولايات المتّحدة الأمريكيّة --- ولايات المتحدة الامريكية --- 미국 --- Spojené obce severoamerické --- Fertilization in vitro --- Reproductive health --- History --- Treatment --- E-books --- États-Unis --- É.-U. --- ÉU --- Ethics --- Healthcare --- Reproductive rights --- Legislation --- Book --- Experiences

Sex, violence, and justice : contraception and the Catholic Church
ISBN: 9781626160484 9781626160491 162616049X 1626160481 1626161046 9781626161047 Year: 2014 Publisher: Washington, D.C. Georgetown University Press

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In 1968, Pope Paul VI published Humanae vitae, the encyclical that reaffirmed the Catholic Church's continued opposition to the use of any form of artificial contraception. In Sex, Violence, and Justice: Contraception and the Catholic Church , Aline Kalbian outlines the Church's position against artificial contraception as principally rooted in three biblical commandments. In addition, Kalbian shows how discourses about sexuality, both in the Church and in culture, are often tied to discourses of violence, harm and social injustice. These ties reveal that sexual ethics is never just about sex;


Contraception --- Religion and Sex. --- Sex Offenses. --- Contraception. --- Women's Rights --- Catholicism. --- Reproductive Rights. --- 241.64*7 --- Reproduction Rights --- Reproduction Right --- Right, Reproduction --- Rights, Reproduction --- Rights, Reproductive --- Roman Catholic Ethics --- Roman Catholicism --- Roman Catholics --- Catholic, Roman --- Catholicism, Roman --- Catholics, Roman --- Ethic, Roman Catholic --- Ethics, Roman Catholic --- Roman Catholic --- Roman Catholic Ethic --- Contraceptive Methods --- Female Contraception --- Fertility Control --- Inhibition of Fertilization --- Male Contraception --- Birth Control --- Contraception, Female --- Contraception, Male --- Contraceptions, Female --- Contraceptions, Male --- Contraceptive Method --- Female Contraceptions --- Fertilization Inhibition --- Male Contraceptions --- Family Planning Services --- Population Control --- Sexual Abuse --- Sexual Violence --- Abuse, Sexual --- Abuses, Sexual --- Offense, Sex --- Offenses, Sex --- Sex Offense --- Sexual Abuses --- Sexual Violences --- Violence, Sexual --- Violences, Sexual --- Intimate Partner Violence --- Paraphilic Disorders --- Domestic Violence --- Sex and Religion --- Sex --- 241.64*7 Theologische ethiek: geboorteregeling; contraceptie; sterilisatie; castratie --- Theologische ethiek: geboorteregeling; contraceptie; sterilisatie; castratie --- Religious aspects --- Catholic Church. --- legislation & jurisprudence. --- Religion and Sex --- Sex Offenses --- Catholicism --- Reproductive Rights --- Conception --- Birth control --- Reproductive rights --- Religious aspects&delete& --- Catholic Church --- legislation & jurisprudence --- Prevention --- Ethics of family. Ethics of sexuality --- Violence envers les femmes --- Sexualité --- Aids --- Religion --- Sexuality --- Rape --- Book

Embryo's in vitro : sekse, experimenten en kloneren : de wet tussen wetenschap en ethiek.
ISBN: 9067686603 9789067686600 Year: 2004 Publisher: Heule UGA

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I. Historiek bij de wet - II. Artikelsgewijze toelichting - III. Conventie van de Raad van Europa tot bescherming van de rechten van de mens en de biogeneeskunde, oviedo, 4 april 1997 : relevante artikelen - IV. En verder?


ethiek --- embryologie (geneeskunde) --- in vitro --- klonen --- Professional ethics. Deontology --- medische ethiek --- Human embryology --- Droit médical --- Ethique médicale --- Fécondation in vitro --- In-vitrofertilisatie --- Medisch recht --- Medische ethiek --- Embryo Research --- Fertilization in Vitro --- Genetic Engineering. --- Sex Preselection. --- Cloning, Organism --- Reproductive Techniques, Assisted --- #GBIB:CBMER --- #A0411A --- 061 Ethische problemen --- bio-ethiek --- embryologie --- Embryo/Foetus --- Genetische manipulatie --- Gentherapie --- Gezondheidsrecht --- Voortplanting --- 603.1 --- 608.1 --- experimenten --- fertiliteit --- gentherapie --- geslachtskeuze --- gezondheidszorg --- in-vitrofertilisatie --- prenatale diagnose --- recht --- stamcellen --- wetenschappen --- België --- Embryologie --- Klonen --- Research (onderzoek) --- Klonering --- 570 --- biotechnologie --- embryo --- genetische manipulatie --- gezondheidsrecht --- medische experimenten --- embryo-onderzoek (experiment op embryo's, onderzoek op embryo's in vitro) --- Sex Predetermination --- Sex Selection --- Predetermination, Sex --- Preselection, Sex --- Selection, Sex --- Sex Determination Processes --- Engineering, Genetic --- Intervention, Genetic --- Genetic Intervention --- Genetic Interventions --- Interventions, Genetic --- Biotechnology --- Cloning, Molecular --- DNA, Recombinant --- Industrial Microbiology --- Artificial Gene Fusion --- Organisms, Genetically Modified --- Animals, Genetically Modified --- Plants, Genetically Modified --- legislation & jurisprudence. --- Embryon/Foetus --- Manipulations génétiques --- Thérapies géniques --- Droit sanitaire --- Procréation/Reproduction --- ethische aspecten biotechniek --- recherche sur l'embryon (expérimentation sur l'embryon, recherche sur les embryons in vitro) --- Wetenschap en ethiek --- Bio-ethiek --- 17 --- Belgium --- Beroepsethiek. Deontologie --- Menselijke embryologie --- Genetic Engineering --- Sex Preselection --- legislation & jurisprudence --- DROIT DE LA SANTE --- Bioéthique --- Recherches scientifiques --- clonage --- BELGIQUE --- embryon in vitro --- Genetics --- Medical ethics --- Medical sciences --- Reproductive technology --- Legislation --- Book

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