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Teachers --- Teachers colleges --- Training of --- History.
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"All educators in teacher education want to know what factors contribute to the academic success of undergraduate education majors or pre-service teachers. Teacher educators of eight universities across the state of South Carolina were determined to find out. The compilation of this book is a result of their inquiry. The conclusions of this book are drawn from the contributors and each chapter helps expand teacher educator readers' understanding and informs their practice as they work with initial certification students in educator preparation. This book promotes the academic success of pre-service teachers by exploring common research questions posed to education majors of the eight universities in South Carolina. Ranging from historically Black to predominately White, from private to public universities across the state, these institutions serve a diverse body of students who described some insightful contributing factors and challenges to their success. The case scenario begins each chapter that provides contextual snapshots of the myriad choices and obstacles faced by pre-service teachers; the research narratives offer insightful analysis for teacher educators. Though written from the perspective of South Carolina, the lessons learned and recommendations for teacher education are relevant to any state"--
Education --- Teachers colleges --- Student teachers --- Study and teaching (Higher) --- Evaluation. --- Rating of
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Ce livre nous fait revivre le fonctionnement des écoles normales depuis l'époque de leur splendeur jusqu'à la crise actuelle à laquelle la réforme de 1979 n'a pas mis un terme. Mais le propos n'est pas seulement historique. L'auteur aborde ici la question toujours brûlante de la formation des maîtres, qui déborde largement le cadre de la seule école élémentaire.
Teachers colleges --- History --- -Colleges of education --- Normal schools --- Schools of education --- Training colleges for teachers --- Universities and colleges --- -History --- Colleges of education --- History. --- Teachers colleges - France - History --- pédagogie --- école normale --- enseignement --- formation --- instituteur --- FRANCE --- ECOLES NORMALES --- ETUDE ET ENSEIGNEMENT
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The history of the UCL Institute of Education is one of persistent renewal. Since its founding in 1902 as the London Day Training College, through its establishment as a university institute and merger with UCL, the IOE has constantly grown into new areas of learning and social research. As a locus for leadership, it has exerted influence upon the nature and direction of education nationally and internationally. Drawing upon a wide range of sources, the connections between internal history and external historical developments are sensitively teased out. The result is an elegantly written history, characterised by substantial scholarship and analysis, and enlivened by illustrations and anecdote. The pages of this book are peopled with some of the most influential, and at times controversial, figures of education, including Sidney Webb, Cyril Burt, Susan Isaacs, Sophie Bryant, Richard Peters, Basil Bernstein, Ann Oakley, Celia Hoyles and Stephen Ball. Two new chapters extend Richard Aldrich’s text to 2020. These examine the extraordinary years of growth in the early 2000s, followed by a period of consolidation, merger with UCL and subsequent expansion. The IOE is unique in successfully pursuing a world-leading research agenda while also supporting a wide range of teacher education, having an impact in London, across Britain and the world.
Teachers colleges. --- Colleges of education --- Normal schools --- Schools of education --- Training colleges for teachers --- Universities and colleges --- education --- teacher education --- education research --- IOE --- UCL IOE --- education history --- London
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Opvoedkunde --- Pédagogie --- 371.124 --- 371.124 Leraren. Vakdocenten. Onderwijsassistenten --- Leraren. Vakdocenten. Onderwijsassistenten --- #gsdbP --- 415.4 ) Leerpsychologie --- 415.4 --- leerpsychologie (ler) --- leerpsychologie --- opvoeders --- Teacher education. Teacher's profession --- Educational psychology --- didactiek --- pedagogiek --- teachers colleges [buildings] --- Objectives of teaching --- lerarenopleiding
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Women in Teacher Training Colleges, 1900-1960 is an intricate and fascinating investigation of the lives and experiences of women in these important educational institutions of the early twentieth century. The book provides an overview of the historical context of the development of the colleges, using detailed case studies of three colleges: Homerton, Avery Hill and Bishop Otter. Drawing on a wealth of archival material, primary and secondary sources, and on the oral testimonies of former pupils and staff, the book examines the following key themes:*the changing social class
Women teachers --- Teachers colleges --- Colleges of education --- Normal schools --- Schools of education --- Training colleges for teachers --- Universities and colleges --- Women as teachers --- Teachers --- Women educators --- Training of --- History --- Social conditions
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Een goede leraar doet ertoe. Er een worden is een mooie, maar soms lastige opgave. Je wordt immers geen leraar door domweg het 'recept' uit een boek te volgen. Toch zijn er wel handvatten die je kunnen helpen. In dit handboek vind je daarom de basis die je nodig hebt om een succesvolle leraar te worden. De theorie helpt om nieuwe inzichten in de praktijk in je vingers te krijgen, maar je moet bovenal een eigen identiteit als leraar ontwikkelen.Handboek voor leraren sluit aan bij de generieke kennisbasis waarover elke beginnende leraar moet beschikken. Het boek is een inspiratiebron voor actuele afstudeerthema's en biedt praktisch gereedschap om jarenlang door te blijven groeien in het docentschap. Daarmee slaat de uitgave een gedegen brug naar de werkelijkheid in de klas. Van 'Hoe onderwijs ik mijn leerlingen?' tot 'Hoe ontwikkel ik mezelf als leraar?'; alle hoofdvragen van de docent in spe komen aan bod.In deel A van het boek wordt de didactiek van het leraarschap omschreven met thema's, zoals adolescentie, coaching, werkvormen, ordehandhaving, leerpsychologietheorieën en toetsing. In deel B staat de pedagogische interactie met leerlingen centraal waarbij aandacht wordt besteed aan pesten, passend onderwijs en gesprekken op school. Het Nederlandse onderwijssysteem, met verschillende culturen, opvoedingsstijlen en visies, komt in deel C aan de orde. Deel D gaat in op de persoonlijke en professionele ontwikkeling van leraren. Tot slot wordt in deel E beschreven hoe docenten hun onderwijs vorm kunnen geven in het vmbo en mbo.Handboek voor leraren is een toegankelijk geschreven, gedegen en praktisch boek voor elke leraar (in opleiding) in het voortgezet onderwijs en middelbaar beroepsonderwijs.(
Teacher education. Teacher's profession --- Didactics --- teachers colleges [buildings] --- klassenmanagement --- lerarenberoep --- didactiek --- lerarenopleiding --- Leraar --- Secundair onderwijs --- Didactiek --- Klassenmanagement --- Evaluatie --- Groepsdynamiek --- Passend onderwijs --- Zorgverbreding --- Gesprekstechniek --- Intercultureel onderwijs --- Professionalisering --- Nederland --- leraren --- Onderwijs ; leraren --- 750 Onderwijspersoneel --- Didactiek. --- Lerarenopleiding.
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Didactics --- lerarenopleiding --- tijdschriften --- tijdschriften lerarenopleiding --- onderwijs --- Leraren --- Leraren (Kleuterleid(st)ers, Leerkrachten, Onderwijzers) --- Lerarenopleiding --- Lerarenopleidingen --- Nascholing --- Nederland --- Onderwijs --- Vlaanderen --- 481.7 --- 472.7 --- 460.5 --- 450.7 --- Basisonderwijs --- Kleuteronderwijs (Voorschoolse educatie) --- hoger onderwijs --- De leraar en zijn opleiding --- De onderwijzer en zijn opleiding --- Didactiek --- Opleiding en bijscholing --- Periodicals --- teachers colleges [buildings] --- Teacher education. Teacher's profession --- E-journals
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In het Handboek voor leraren vind je de basis die nodig is om een succesvolle leraar te worden. In het eerste deel staan de leerpsychologietheorieën en de didactiek die daarop is afgestemd centraal. Deel twee bespreekt de relatie tussen de leraar en de leerling. Er wordt ingegaan op communicatie en interactie met groepen, maar ook op het omgaan met individuele leerlingen. Bijbehorende thema's zijn pesten, ordehandhaving en conflicthantering. In deel drie beschrijven de auteurs het Nederlandse onderwijssysteem met onderwerpen zoals de schoolorganisatie, de schoolcultuur en de verschillende schooltypes. Daarnaast wordt ingegaan op de relatie tussen school en omgeving. Deel vier ten slotte, gaat in op de persoonlijke en professionele ontwikkeling van leraren. (Bron: covertekst)
454.2 --- 472.7 --- 481.7 --- Beginnende leraren --- Competenties --- Didactiek (Vakdidactiek) --- Didactische werkvormen --- Evaluatie --- Gespreksvaardigheden --- Groepsdynamica --- Intercultureel onderwijs --- Klasmanagement --- Leren --- Leren leren --- Lesvoorbereidingen --- Secundair onderwijs --- Toetsen --- Werkvormen --- Zorgverbreding --- didactiek (ler) --- lerarenopleiding (ler) --- De leraar en zijn opleiding --- Onderwijsstijlen --- 112717.jpg --- Leraren --- Onderwijsstrategieën --- De onderwijzer en zijn opleiding --- Teacher education. Teacher's profession --- Didactics --- lerarenberoep --- teachers colleges [buildings] --- lerarenopleiding --- didactiek --- departement Algemeen 11
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"This edited volume offers new and revisionary narratives of composition and rhetoric's history. It examines composition instruction and practice at secondary schools and normal colleges, the two institutions that trained the majority of U.S. composition teachers and students during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. The chapters provide accounts of writing instruction within contexts often overlooked by current historical scholarship"-- "In the Archives of Composition offers new and revisionary narratives of composition and rhetoric's history. It examines composition instruction and practice at secondary schools and normal colleges, the two institutions that trained the majority of U.S. composition teachers and students during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries. Drawing from a broad array of archival and documentary sources, the contributors provide accounts of writing instruction within contexts often overlooked by current historical scholarship. Topics range from the efforts of young women to attain rhetorical skills in an antebellum academy, to the self-reflections of Harvard University students on their writing skills in the 1890's, to a close reading of a high school girl's diary in the 1960's that offers a new perspective on curriculum debates of this period. Taken together, the chapters begin to recover how high school students, composition teachers, and English education programs responded to institutional and local influences, political movements, and pedagogical innovations over a one-hundred-and-thirty-year span"--
Teachers colleges --- English teachers --- Compostion (Language arts) --- Composition (Language arts) --- Composition (Rhetoric) --- Writing (Composition) --- Written composition --- Language arts --- Colleges of education --- Normal schools --- Schools of education --- Training colleges for teachers --- Universities and colleges --- Language teachers --- History. --- Training of --- Study and teaching (Higher) --- Study and teaching (Secondary) --- Literature teachers
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