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Lambda nordica.
Authors: ---
ISSN: 20017286 11002573 Year: 1989 Publisher: Oslo : Göteborg : Scandinavian University Press Föreningen Lambda Nordica

Speaking for our lives : historic speeches and rhetoric for gay and lesbian rights (1892-2000)
ISBN: 1315801701 1317766334 1317766342 9781317766339 1560231742 9781560231745 1560231750 9781560231752 9781315801704 9781317766322 9781317766346 Year: 2012 Publisher: New York : Routledge,

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Read the words they risked everything for! This landmark volume collects more than a hundred years of the most important public rhetoric on gay and lesbian subjects. In the days when homosexuality was mentioned only in whispers, a few brave souls stood up to speak for the rights of sexual minorities. In Speaking for Our Lives: Historic Speeches and Rhetoric for Gay and Lesbian Rights (1892-2000), their stirring words have finally been gathered together, along with the political manifestoes, broadsheets, and performance pieces of the gay and lesbian liberation movement.

An anthropology of gender variance and trans experience in Naples : beauty in transit
ISBN: 9783030869243 9783030869250 9783030869236 3030869237 3030869245 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

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This book recounts the authors fieldwork among the trans and gender-variant communities in Naples. This is where a gender-variant figure, the femminiello, has found a safe environment within the citys historical poorest neighborhoods, the so-called "quartieri popolari" which were and continue to be culturally and socially connoted. The femminielli, who can be read as "suspended" figures between the feminine and the masculine, provide the background for a discourse on the meanings that genders and sexualities have assumed in modern Naples. This is done with significant openings to theoretical reasoning that is both extraterritorial and multidisciplinary. Starting from the micro context, the aim of the book is to explore the breadth and complexity of the gender variant and trans experience, with particular reference to the changing meanings of the body, which are also tied to the collective images of beauty in contemporary times. Marzia Mauriello teaches Medical Anthropology at the University Magna Grcia of Catanzaro (Italy) and is the Scientific Secretary of the Study Centre on Food and Nutrition based at the University of Naples-Orientale. She has published extensively on gender and sexuality, gender variance and trans experience, and on the intersections between food and gender.

An introduction to GLBT family studies
ISBN: 0203050649 1136424644 9781136424649 1299608841 9781299608849 9780789024961 0789024969 9780789024978 0789024977 9781136424717 1136424717 0789024969 9780789024961 0789024977 9780789024978 9780203050644 9781136424786 Year: 2006 Publisher: Oxfordshire, England ; New York : Routledge,

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'An Introduction to GLBT Family Studies' tackles a challenging research topic by presenting respected experts examining the latest information on the newest type of family studies - GLBT families. This groundbreaking text explores a wide range of unique problems faced by nontraditional families.

La libre disposition de son corps
ISBN: 9782802727699 2802727699 Year: 2009 Volume: 88 Publisher: Bruxelles : Bruylant,

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Les juristes ont débattu depuis longtemps de la possibilité pour chaque individu de disposer librement de son corps et de ses éléments. Sans aller jusqu'à une assimilation du corps à une chose dont d'individu serait propriétaire, l'idée d'autonomie de la personne connaît cependant une progression de plus en plus forte. La reconnaissance juridique de la procréation artificielle, du don d'organes, ou du respect de l'identité sexuelle des individus constituent autant d'évolutions récentes. Mais les complexes relations qu'entretiennent droit et corps laissent encore ouvertes de nombreuses questions telles que la reconnaissance du suicide, la légalisation ou la prohibition de l'euthanasie, l'acceptation des pratiques sadomasochistes, ou même la possibilité de se livrer à la prostitution... Le juriste se trouve ici confronté à des problèmes qui dépassent singulièrement l'élaboration normative, mais qui renvoient également à la morale, à la protection de la santé, et aux conceptions de l'ordre social. Ces différentes exigences ne permettent en effet pas d'utiliser son corps comme moyen pour atteindre n'importe quelle fin. Le colloque organisé à Caen les 16 et 17 octobre 2008, qui a réuni juristes de différentes disciplines, théoriciens du droit, sociologues et philosophes, apporte une contribution aux débats les plus actuels en la matière, tant en ce qui concerne le droit français que le droit de la Convention européenne des droits de l'homme.

De juridische positie van de minderjarige : in de praktijk
ISBN: 9789067689335 9067689335 Year: 2010 Volume: 4 Publisher: Heule UGA

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De wet op de transseksualiteit van 10 mei 2007 wijzigde recent het Burgerlijk Wetboek, het Gerechtelijk Wetboek, Het Wetboek der registratie-, hypotheek- en griffierechten, de Wet betreffende de namen en voornamen en het Wetboek van internationaal privaatrecht. In het boek 'Mevrouw/Mijnheer' worden de nieuwe regels toegelicht en komen praktische vragen aan bod over onder meer de medische behandeling, de wijziging van de naam, de aangifte bij de burgerlijke stand.

Coming Out of Communism : the Emergence of LGBT Activism in Eastern Europe
ISBN: 1479877824 1479876631 Year: 2018 Publisher: New York, NY : New York University Press,

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How homophobic backlash unexpectedly strengthened mobilization for LGBT political rights in post-communist Europe While LGBT activism has increased worldwide, there has been strong backlash against LGBT people in Eastern Europe. Although Russia is the most prominent anti-gay regime in the region, LGBT individuals in other post-communist countries also suffer from discriminatory laws and prejudiced social institutions. Combining an historical overview with interviews and case studies in Poland, Hungary, Romania, Slovakia, and the Czech Republic, Conor O’Dwyer analyzes the development and impact of LGBT movements in post-communist Eastern and Central Europe. O’Dwyer argues that backlash against LGBT individuals has had the paradoxical effect of encouraging stronger and more organized activism, significantly impacting the social movement landscape in the region. As these peripheral Eastern and Central European countries vie for inclusion or at least recognition in the increasingly LGBT-friendly European Union, activist groups and organizations have become even more emboldened to push for change. Using fieldwork in five countries and interviews with activists, organizers, and public officials, O’Dwyer explores the intricacies of these LGBT social movements and their structures, functions, and impact. The book provides a unique and engaging exploration of LGBT rights groups in Eastern and Central Europe and their ability to serve as models for future movements attempting to resist backlash. Thorough, theoretically grounded, and empirically sound, Coming Out of Communism is sure to be a significant work in the study of LGBT politics, European politics, and social movements.


Homosexualite --- Mouvements de liberation des homosexuels --- East European literature. --- Gay liberation movement. --- Homosexuality. --- Sexual minorities --- Homosexuality --- Gay liberation movement --- Same-sex attraction --- Sexual orientation --- Bisexuality --- Gay and lesbian liberation movement --- Gay and lesbian movement --- Gay and lesbian rights movement --- Gay lib --- Gay movement --- Gay rights movement --- Homophile movement --- Homosexual liberation movement --- Homosexual movement --- Homosexual rights movement --- Lesbian liberation movement --- Lesbian rights movement --- Social movements --- Gender minorities --- GLBT people --- GLBTQ people --- Lesbigay people --- LBG people --- LGBT people --- LGBTQ people --- Non-heterosexual people --- Non-heterosexuals --- Sexual dissidents --- Minorities --- Political activity. --- Political activity --- Eastern Europe. --- East Europe --- Eastern Europe --- Czech Republic. --- EU membership. --- European Union. --- Europeanization. --- Hungary. --- LGBT activism. --- LGBT policies. --- LGBT rights. --- Latin America. --- Poland. --- Roma activism. --- Romania. --- Slovakia. --- Western Europe. --- Your Movement party. --- antidiscrimination policy. --- attitudes toward homosexuality. --- backlash. --- civil society. --- conditionality. --- content analysis. --- diffusion. --- electoral mobilization. --- extraparliamentary backlash. --- former Soviet Union. --- frame resonance. --- framing contest. --- framing. --- grassroots participation. --- hard right. --- hard-right backlash. --- leverage. --- multimethod research. --- political parties. --- postcommunism. --- postcommunist Europe. --- process tracing. --- same-sex partnerships. --- sexual citizenship. --- social movement demobilization. --- social movement mobilization. --- social movement organization. --- social movement success. --- social movements. --- transnational diffusion. --- transnational norms. --- women’s movement. --- Mouvement de libération des homosexuels --- Homosexuels, Mouvements de libération des --- Homosexuels --- Et l'homosexualité --- Homophilie --- Inversion sexuelle --- Rapports homosexuels --- Relations homosexuelles --- Droits --- Europe, Eastern --- Amitié masculine --- Bisexualité --- Homosexualité et musique --- Homosexualité et sports --- Homosexualité et théâtre --- National-socialisme et homosexualité --- Pornographie homosexuelle --- Presse homosexuelle --- Transsexualisme --- Critique homosexuelle --- Culture homosexuelle --- Homophobie --- Homosexualité et art --- Homosexualité et cinéma --- Homosexualité et danse --- Homosexualité et éducation --- Homosexualité et littérature --- Homoparentalité --- Homosexualité masculine --- Jeunes homosexuels --- Lesbianisme --- Orientation sexuelle --- Sexualité

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