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Werte haben Hochkonjunktur in der Gestaltung privater Unternehmen und gewinnen auch in öffentlichen Bereichen wie Politik, Schule usw. an Bedeutung. In theologisch-ethischen Arbeiten hingegen bleibt die Beschäftigung mit Werten im Beruf vielfach unbeachtet. Das vorliegende Buch will deshalb neben einer theoretischen Hinführung zur Bestimmung, Differenzierung und Bedeutung von Werten auch die Praxis stärker beleuchten und die tragenden Wertvorstellungen in Politik, Unternehmen, Landwirtschaft, Schule, Medizin, Gesundheits- und Krankenpflege sowie Altenpflege herausarbeiten. Ein abschließender Beitrag reflektiert diese Ergebnisse und widmet sich u.a. der Frage nach der Stellung von Werten in der Ethik sowie dem Zusammenspiel von persönlichen, beruflichen und unternehmerischen Werten. Vor diesem Hintergrund wird schließlich die Notwendigkeit deutlich, eine Ethik der Arbeitswelt neu zu entwickeln bzw. in Anbetracht der vorgelegten Überlegungen weiter zu vertiefen.
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Corollario della dottrina della separazione dei poteri e pilastro della rule of law, il principio dell’indipendenza della magistratura riveste grande importanza soprattutto nella tradizione giuridica occidentale. La sua analisi con riguardo alla Cina non può prescindere da una comprensione della realtà nella quale deve essere applicato, dalla conoscenza del ceto dei giuristi, dalle relazioni tra i poteri dello stato e dalla storia del Partito comunista. Lo scopo di questo lavoro è dunque quello di definire a livello normativo l’indipendenza e la professionalità del giudice cinese, inquadrando i due concetti in un contesto storico e con raffronti con le dinamiche occidentali, al fine di recuperare lo scopo ultimo della funzione giudiziaria: l’imparzialità della decisione.
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Depuis soixante ans, le professeur Guy Bourgeault interroge plus qu’il ne répond, laisse les voies ouvertes plus qu’il ne conclut, l’incertitude étant pour lui une condition de l’existence et de libération du sujet. Cette incertitude, écrit-il, est source d’un élan qui place la personne et son avenir sous le signe de l’ouverture à l’inattendu et de l’accueil des renouvellements. Éduquer, former et accompagner dans une éthique bourgeaultienne de l’incertitude exige donc de conduire au-delà des certitudes sclérosantes de la morale et du savoir absolus, dont s’accommode trop souvent l’institution, afin de libérer l’acte d’apprendre, l’acte professionnel, l’acte autonome et responsable. C’est de cela que traitent les auteurs de cet ouvrage. Lecteurs, lectrices, étudiants et étudiantes, professeurs et professeures, professionnels et professionnelles y découvriront la face lumineuse de l’incertitude, en particulier dans la formation et la pratique professionnelles et en éducation tout au long de la vie. Les auteurs : Daniel Baril, Nancy Bouchard, Guy Bourgeault, Josée Grenier, Denis Jeffrey, Georges Leroux, Claude Lessard, Raymond Massé, Gaston Pineau, Guy Rocher, Marina Schwimmer, Claudie Solar, Maurice Tardif, Brigitte Voyer.
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This book aims at describing pathways and achievements of the LLP Comenius Project "FAMT & L - Formative Assessment in mathematics for teaching and learning". The main purpose of this research project was to encourage the use of formative assessment in the teaching-learning process carried out by mathematics teachers in lower secondary school. Through the voices of the several actors involved in this project, the book wants to contribute to the international debate on issues regarding teachers' professionalism in the European school systems: specifically, on the development of the professional skills of teachers in the field of assessment practices and on the use of formative assessment in the classroom.
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Canadian psychology textbook on major ethical issues raises awareness, increases knowledge, and promotes ethical decision-making.
Psychologists --- Behavioral scientists --- Professional ethics. --- Professional ethics
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Even lawyers who obey the law often seem to act unethically--interfering with the discovery of truth, subverting justice, and inflicting harm on innocent people. Standard arguments within legal ethics attempt to show why it is permissible to do something as a lawyer that it would be wrong to do as an ordinary person. But in the view of most critics these arguments fail to turn wrongs into rights. Even many lawyers think legal ethics is flawed because it does not accurately describe the considerable moral value of their work. In Lawyers and Fidelity to Law, Bradley Wendel introduces a new conception of legal ethics that addresses the concerns of lawyers and their critics alike. Wendel proposes an ethics grounded on the political value of law as a collective achievement that settles intractable conflicts, allowing people who disagree profoundly to live together in a peaceful, stable society. Lawyers must be loyal and competent client representatives, Wendel argues, but these obligations must always be exercised within the law that constitutes their own roles and confers rights and duties upon their clients. Lawyers act unethically when they treat the law as an inconvenient obstacle to be worked around and when they twist and distort it to help their clients do what they are not legally entitled to do. Lawyers and Fidelity to Law challenges lawyers and their critics to reconsider the nature and value of ethical representation.
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