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vrouwenproblematiek --- feminisme --- schoonheidsverzorging --- seksualiteit --- geweld --- persoonlijke hygiëne --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- plastische chirurgie --- 1 --- #SBIB:316.346H21 --- #SBIB:309H53 --- #GBIB:IDGP --- Feminisme --- Lichaamstaal --- Schoonheidsideaal --- cultuurgeschiedenis --- vrouwen --- Eetstoornissen --- Filosofie. Psychologie --- Positie van de vrouw in de samenleving: opvattingen over de vrouw --- Niet-verbale communicatie --- 1 Filosofie. Psychologie --- SBIB:316346H21 --- SBIB:309H53 --- GBIB:IDGP. --- Filosofie Psychologie. --- Positie van de vrouw in de samenleving: opvattingen over de vrouw. --- Niet-verbale communicatie. --- 1 Philosophy. Psychology --- Philosophy. Psychology
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Advertising --- -Minorities in advertising --- Women in advertising --- #SBIB:309H2821 --- #SBIB:316.346H21 --- #SBIB:002.AANKOOP --- #SBIB:309H2813 --- Ads --- Advertisements --- Advertising, Consumer --- Advertising, Retail --- Advertising, Store --- Commercial speech --- Consumer advertising --- Retail advertising --- Speech, Commercial --- Store advertising --- Business --- Communication in marketing --- Industrial publicity --- Retail trade --- Advertisers --- Branding (Marketing) --- Propaganda --- Public relations --- Publicity --- Sales promotion --- Selling --- Social aspects --- Reclameboodschap: functies, genres, taalgebruik historiek --- Positie van de vrouw in de samenleving: opvattingen over de vrouw --- Reclame: juridische, ethische, ideologische aspecten --- Minorities in advertising. --- Women in advertising. --- Social aspects. --- Minorities in advertising --- Society and advertising
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Following on from the successful Women in Management: Current Research Issues, this volume provides an up-to-date and comprehensive overview of current international research findings pertaining to women in management, reflecting recent global changes and issues. Like its predecessor, this volume brings together an international group of eminent academics, who review the major contemporary issues facing women in management, as well as the individual, organizational, and governmental consequences of these changes. Women in Management: Current Issues in Research II will be a vital resource for scholars and students in management, business, occupational psychology, industrial sociology, and gender studies. In addition, related work groups such as Personnel, Occupational Management, Management Consultants, and Trainers, as well as Trade Unionists should find this book essential to read.
Electronic books. -- local. --- Women executives. --- Labor & Workers' Economics --- Business & Economics --- Women as executives --- Women in management --- Women managers --- Women executives --- Women middle managers --- 396.5 --- #SBIB:316.346H21 --- #SBIB:HIVA --- Executives --- 396.5 Vrouwenarbeid. Vrouwentewerkstelling. Werkende vrouwen --- Vrouwenarbeid. Vrouwentewerkstelling. Werkende vrouwen --- Positie van de vrouw in de samenleving: opvattingen over de vrouw --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Sociology of work --- Organization theory --- Managers --- Women --- E-books --- Businesswomen. --- Employment. --- Entrepreneurs, Women --- Women entrepreneurs --- Women in business --- Businesspeople --- Women-owned business enterprises --- Employment of women --- Equal pay for equal work --- Sex discrimination in employment --- Working women in motion pictures --- Occupations
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Prostituees besmetten mannen en het huisgezin met syfilis, zo meenden de autoriteiten in de tweede helft van de negentiende eeuw. Door registratie en medische controle probeerden zij, gesteund door de medische stand, de verspreiding van deze gevreesde ziekte tegen te gaan. Een coalitie van orthodoxe protestanten, feministen, socialisten en enkele vooruitstrevende liberalen, verzetten zich tegen deze reglementering, die zij ineffectief en moreel onaanvaardbaar achtten. Het prostitutiedebat werd in wezen een politieke strijd over de gewenste seksuele ordening van de maatschappij. In het onderzoek van Petra De Vries staan twee vragen centraal. Vooreerst wordt de vraag gesteld waarom de prostitutiekwestie een politieke kwestie werd. Daarbij gaat het vooral om een onderzoek naar de argumenten, standpunten en politieke eisen in het debat over de reglementering, en ten aanzien van prostitutie in het algemeen. Die vraag is verweven met een tweede kwestie: als de prostitutiestrijd opgevat wordt als een politieke beweging waarin de herdefiniëring van sekse en seksualiteit centraal stond, waar spitste die strijd zich dan op toe en welke nieuwe definities van sekse en seksualiteit kwamen daarbij tot stand?
History of the Netherlands --- Criminal law. Criminal procedure --- anno 1900-1909 --- anno 1800-1899 --- Prostitution --- Sexual ethics --- Government policy --- History --- #SBIB:613.88H20 --- #SBIB:94H1 --- #SBIB:316.346H21 --- #SBIB:613.88H32 --- -Sexual ethics --- -Sex --- Sex ethics --- Sexual behavior, Ethics of --- Ethics --- Female prostitution --- Hustling (Prostitution) --- Prostitution, Female --- Sex trade (Prostitution) --- Sex work (Prostitution) --- Street prostitution --- Trade, Sex (Prostitution) --- White slave traffic --- White slavery --- Work, Sex (Prostitution) --- Sex-oriented businesses --- Brothels --- Pimps --- Procuresses --- Red-light districts --- Sex crimes --- Opvattingen over seksualiteit (historiek, moraal) --- Geschiedenis van Nederland en Luxemburg --- Positie van de vrouw in de samenleving: opvattingen over de vrouw --- Seksuele probleemgebieden: prostitutie --- -History --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Theses --- History. --- -Opvattingen over seksualiteit (historiek, moraal) --- Netherlands --- Sex --- Government policy&delete& --- 19th century --- 20th century --- Prostitution - Government policy - Netherlands - History --- Sexual ethics - Netherlands - History --- Sex work --- Thesis --- Sexuality --- Points of view --- Criminal law --- Women's movements --- Human trafficking --- Book
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