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Echt tov 5 : kijkplaat 24 : rondom Pasen : een grens... en een wens om door te gaan : meditatiedoek
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789028971851 Year: 2013 Publisher: Kalmthout Pelckmans

Echt tov 6 : handleiding
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789028980662 9789028980679 9789028976764 9789028976771 9789028975033 9789028976788 9789028974234 9789028974241 9789028976795 9789028976825 9789028975057 9789028975040 9789028974227 9789028976832 9789028976849 9789028976801 9789028976818 9789028971820 Year: 2014 Publisher: Kalmthout Pelckmans

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Bevat 50 kijkplaten.


Bijbelverhalen. --- Godsdienst --- Jezus Christus. --- Kerkelijk jaar. --- Kerstmis. --- Nieuwe Testament. --- Oude Testament. --- Pasen. --- Basisonderwijs. --- Conflicthantering. --- Eucharistie. --- Mozes. --- Liefde. --- Natuur. --- Paulus. --- Vuur. --- leerboeken --- lager onderwijs --- godsdienst --- Bijbelverhalen --- Christus(Jezus) --- Geloofsleven --- Kerkelijk jaar --- Nieuwe Testament --- Oude Testament --- Pasen --- 371.67 --- 373.5 --- 478.61 --- Godsdienst ; basisonderwijs --- 478.6 --- didactiek --- 371.67 Leerboeken. Wetenschappelijk instrumentarium. Cartografische hulpmiddelen --- Leerboeken. Wetenschappelijk instrumentarium. Cartografische hulpmiddelen --- Lager en basisonderwijs --- didactiek basisonderwijs - godsdienstonderwijs, levensbeschouwelijk vormingsonderwijs --- Schoolbooks - Didactic material --- Contains audio-visual material --- Catechese ; basisonderwijs ; leermiddelen --- KHK --- Godsdienstonderwijs - Levensbeschouwelijk vormingsonderwijs --- PXL-Education 2015 --- didactiek: godsdienst, levensbeschouwing --- basisonderwijs --- 244.5 --- kijkplaten --- Basisonderwijs --- Lager onderwijs --- 2e leerjaar lager onderwijs --- Kerkelijke feesten --- 6e leerjaar lager onderwijs --- 4e leerjaar lager onderwijs --- Zelfvertrouwen --- Maria (moeder van Jezus) --- Engelen --- Nazareth --- Soldaten --- Bethlehem --- Jozef --- Christus --- Herders --- Driekoningen --- Jeruzalem --- Laatste avondmaal --- Pilatus --- Kruisweg --- Dood --- Emmaüsgangers --- Pinksteren --- Vissers --- Matteüs --- Noach --- Ark van Noach --- Gebeden --- Bartimeüs --- Kinderen --- Zacheüs --- Simeon --- Armen --- Melaatsen --- Lammen --- Delen --- Goede Herder --- Emoties --- Franciscus van Assisi (heilige) --- Vriendschap --- Vooroordelen --- Heksen --- Bang zijn --- Grootmoeders --- Bossen --- Natuur --- Kersenbomen --- Milieubewustzijn --- Arenden --- God --- Kerstmis --- Kiezen --- Damiaan (pater) --- Zaden --- Diversiteit --- Multiculturele samenleving --- Feesten --- Insecten --- Teamwerk --- Parabels --- Gelijke kansen --- Christoffel --- Duiven --- Music sound recording --- Sint-Jozef (heilige) --- Kerkelijk feest --- Filosofie --- Psychologie --- Sociologie --- Man --- Cultuur --- Erfelijkheidsleer --- Stadssamenleving --- Verpleegkunde --- Volwassene --- Maria (Moeder van Jezus) --- Nazareth (België) --- Soldaat --- Jezus Christus --- Herder --- Pontius Pilatus --- Kunst --- Autisme --- Kind --- Samenleving --- Technologie --- Wetenschap --- Historische kritiek --- Maatschappij --- Geschiedenis --- Voorlichting --- Visser --- Gebed --- Bartimeüs (Bijbelse figuur) --- Jeugd --- Media --- Ontwikkelingsstoornis --- Fysiotherapie --- Arm (ledemaat) --- Melaatse --- Lamme --- Delen (wiskunde) --- Emotie --- Fransiscus van Assisi (heilige) --- Vooroordeel --- Grootmoeder --- Bos --- Kersenboom --- Arend --- Mythologie --- Keuze --- Pater Damiaan --- Zaad --- Inclusie --- Maatwerk --- Feest --- Insect --- Muziek --- Bestrijding --- Parabel --- Christoffel (heilige) --- Duif --- Arme (behoeftige) --- Delen (sociaal) --- Nazareth (Israël)

Pontius Pilate in history and interpretation
ISBN: 0521631149 0521616204 0511585160 0511003498 9780521631143 9780511003493 9780511585166 9780521616201 Year: 1998 Volume: 100 Publisher: Cambridge Cambridge University Press

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This study reconstructs the historical Pontius Pilate and looks at the way in which he is used as a literary character in the works of six first century authors: Philo, Josephus and the four evangelists. The first chapter provides an introduction to the history and formation of the imperial Roman province of Judaea. The following two chapters examine the references to Pilate in Philo and Josephus, looking at each author's biases before going on to assess the historicity of their accounts. The next four chapters look at the portrayal of Pilate in each gospel, asking how a first century reader would have interpreted his actions. Each chapter asks what this portrayal shows about the author's attitude towards the Roman state, and what kind of community found this useful. The conclusion distinguishes between the 'historical Pilate' and the different 'Pilate of interpretation' preserved in our first century literary sources.


Governors --- Jews --- Biography. --- History --- Pilate, Pontius, --- Philo, --- Josephus, Flavius. --- Jesus Christ --- Trial. --- Bible. --- Criticism, interpretation, etc. --- -225*5 Laatste avondmaal. Proces van Jezus. Lijden. Kruisiging --- -Pilate, Pontius --- -Philo of Alexandria --- Contributions in the biography of Joseph, son of Jacob --- 225*5 --- 225*5 Laatste avondmaal. Proces van Jezus. Lijden. Kruisiging --- Laatste avondmaal. Proces van Jezus. Lijden. Kruisiging --- Kings and rulers --- Public officers --- Biography --- Pilat, Pontiĭ, --- Pilato, Ponzio, --- Pilatus, Pontius, --- Pontiĭ Pilat, --- Pontius Pilatus, --- Ponṭiyus Pilaṭus, --- Josephus Historicus --- Josephus, Flavius --- Flavius Josephus --- Flavius Iosephus --- Iosephus, Flavius --- Iosephus Historicus --- Alexandria, --- Filon --- Filón, --- Filon, --- Filone, --- Philon, --- Philonis, --- Yedidyah, --- פילון --- פילון מאלכסנדריה --- פילון, --- פילון היהודי --- Филон Александрийский --- Filon Aleksandriĭskiĭ --- Pseudo-Philo --- Christ --- Cristo --- Jezus Chrystus --- Jesus Cristo --- Jesus, --- Jezus --- Christ, Jesus --- Yeh-su --- Masīḥ --- Khristos --- Gesù --- Christo --- Yeshua --- Chrystus --- Gesú Cristo --- Ježíš --- Isa, --- Nabi Isa --- Isa Al-Masih --- Al-Masih, Isa --- Masih, Isa Al --- -Jesus, --- Jesucristo --- Yesu --- Yeh-su Chi-tu --- Iēsous --- Iēsous Christos --- Iēsous, --- Kʻristos --- Hisus Kʻristos --- Christos --- Jesuo --- Yeshuʻa ben Yosef --- Yeshua ben Yoseph --- Iisus --- Iisus Khristos --- Jeschua ben Joseph --- Ieso Kriʻste --- Yesus --- Kristus --- ישו --- ישו הנוצרי --- ישו הנצרי --- ישוע --- ישוע בן יוסף --- المسيح --- مسيح --- يسوع المسيح --- 耶稣 --- 耶稣基督 --- 예수그리스도 --- Jíizis --- Yéshoua --- Iėsu̇s --- Khrist Iėsu̇s --- عيسىٰ --- Evangelie (Book of the New Testament) --- Fukuinsho (Books of the New Testament) --- Gospels (Books of the New Testament) --- Gospels, Synoptic (Books of the New Testament) --- Synoptic Gospels (Books of the New Testament) --- Josephus Flavius. --- Bible --- Criticism, interpretation, etc --- Flavius, Josephus --- Josephus Flavius --- Flavius Josèphe --- Josèphe, Flavius --- Flawiusz Józef --- Józef, Flawiusz --- Iosif, Flaviĭ --- Flaviĭ Iosif --- Joseph ben Mattathias --- Giuseppe, Flavio --- Flavio Giuseppe --- Yosef ben Matityahu --- Matityahu, Yosef ben --- Mattathias, Joseph ben --- Yosefus Flavyus --- Flavyus, Yosefus --- Yosefus --- José, Flavio --- Flavio José --- Ioseb, Pʻlaviosi --- Pʻlaviosi, Ioseb --- Iosephus, --- Josephus, --- Yozifus Flaṿyus --- Flavios, Iōsēpos --- Īosef --- Josefo, Flavio --- Josefo, Tito Flavio --- יוזיפוס, פלאװיוס --- יוסיפוס, פלאביוס --- יוסיפוס, פלאוויוס --- יוסיפוס, פלאװיוס --- יוסיפוס, פלביוס --- יוסיפוס, פלויוס --- יוסף בן מתתיהו --- יוסף בן מתתיהו (פלויוס) --- יוסף בן מתתיהו, --- יוספוס פלויוס --- יוספוס, פלאביוס --- יוספוס, פלאוויוס --- יוספוס, פלביוס --- פלאוויוס, יוזיפוס --- פלאוויוס, יוסיפוס --- פלאוויוס, יוספוס --- פלביוס, יוסיפוס --- פלביוס, יוספוס --- פלויוס, יוסיפוס --- يوسيفوس اليهودي --- Ἰώσηπος, Φλ. --- Iōsēpos, Phl. --- Ἰώσηπος, Φλαύιος --- Iōsēpos, Phlauios --- Ἰώσηπος, Φλαούϊος --- Iōsēpos, Phlaouios --- ‏عيسىٰ‏ --- Arts and Humanities --- Religion --- Governors - Palestine - Biography --- Jews - History - 168 B.C.-135 A.D --- Pilate, Pontius, - active 1st century

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