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The research volume contains contributions from phenomenological research that deal with questions of fact, facticity, reality and the real. What concept of the real or reality, for example, is phenomenology able to develop, and how can it take a stand on the criticism that has been levelled at it in recent times by the "new realism"? Such questions are discussed with special attention to the natural, social and political as well as the technical implications of a phenomenological concept of reality. Der Forschungsband enthält Beiträge aus der phänomenologischen Forschung, die sich mit Fragen nach dem Faktum, der Faktizität, der Wirklichkeit, der Realität und des Realen befassen. Welchen Begriff etwa des Realen oder der Realität vermag die Phänomenologie zu entwickeln, und wie kann sie zur Kritik Stellung nehmen, die ihr in jüngerer Zeit von Seiten des "neuen Realismus" entgegengebracht wurde? Derartige Fragen werden unter besonderer Berücksichtigung der natürlichen, der sozialen und politischen sowie der technischen Implikationen eines phänomenologischen Realitätsbegriffes erörtert.
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Phenomenology and Human Experience is a volume of eleven essays generated from part of the works presented at ""Border-Crossing: The 4th International Conference of P.E.A.CE (Phenomenology for East-Asian CirclE)"" held in December 2010 at the National Sun Yatsen University, Taiwan. The themes treated include: interconnection between ethical space and space of truth, freedom in the biotechnologically enhanced world, wildnature facing the extension of urbanization, landscape as a way of thinking and living, Husserl's meditation on death, the subtle difference between Heidegger's and Gadamer's he
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"Taking the term "phenomenologist" in a fairly broad sense, Early Phenomenology focuses on those early exponents of the intellectual discipline, such as Buber, Ortega and Scheler rather than those thinkers that would later eclipse them; indeed the volume precisely means to bring into question what it means to be a phenomenologist, a category that becomes increasingly more fluid the more we distance ourselves from the gravitational pull of philosophical giants Husserl and Heidegger. In focusing on early phenomenology this volume seeks to examine the movement before orthodoxies solidified. More than merely adding to the story of phenomenology by looking closer at thinkers without the same fame as Husserl or Heidegger and the representatives of their legacy, the essays relate to one of the earlier thinkers with figures that are either more contemporary or more widely read, or both. Beyond merely filling in the historical record and reviving names, the chapters of this book will also give contemporary readers reasons to take these figures seriously as phenomenologists, radically reordering of our understanding of the lineage of this major philosophical movement."--Bloomsbury Publishing.
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Myšlení, ať chce či nechce, odpovídá své době. Po tragické katastrofě holokaustu je platnost této skutečnosti ještě očividnější – a možná i proto jsou knihy poválečné filosofie obtížně srozumitelné. Odpovídají na traumatizující zkušenost, a to znamená: filosofie se ujímá odpovědnosti s vědomím, že má-li být filosofie možná i v druhé polovině 20. století a dále, musí přepsat svou tradici a radikální proměnou musí projít i její diskurs. Je to nezbytné, má-li být schopna vydat své svědectví o této době. Filosofie en noir je záznamem této proměny. Dotisk prvního vydání
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The Power of Phenomenology took form when the two authors realized that a single theme has run through the course of their almost half-century-long collaboration like a red thread--namely, the power of phenomenological inquiry and understanding in a wide range of contexts. This book demonstrates how they have experienced the power of phenomenology in their therapeutic work with patients, especially those struggling with horrific trauma; in their encounters with psychological and philosophical theories; and in their efforts to comprehend destructive ideologies and the collective traumas that give rise to them. The Power of Phenomenology presents the trajectory of this work. Each chapter begins with a contribution written by one or both authors, extending the power of phenomenological inquiry to one or more of these diverse contexts. The contributions are followed, one or two at a time, by a dialogue between the authors, illustrating the dialectical process of their long collaboration. The unusual format seeks to bring the phenomenology of their collaborative efforts to life for the reader. The Power of Phenomenology will appeal to psychoanalysts, psychoanalytic psychotherapists and scholars of philosophy.
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