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Ces Entretiens sont attachés à un lieu, qui leur donne son nom : La Garenne Lemot à Gétigné-Clisson, une villa néo-classique, aux bords escarpés de la Sèvre, dans l’évocation de la Toscane. En cet endroit l’on peut parler de beauté et de grâce, mais aussi, comme nous l’avons fait, de tolérance et d’amitié. Ces Entretiens sont annuels. Le lieu est essentiel. Il communique un charme et une grâce qui ouvrent à la beauté. Il engage à l’absence de raideur que nous avons rêvée, chacun à travers nos disciplines et nos imaginaires. C’est d’ailleurs ainsi que nous entendons ces Entretiens. Des sujets vagues, dirait-on, des lieux communs, mais affrontés avec rigueur. Il y a longtemps que nous nous exerçons à ce que j’appelle l’élucidation critique des lieux communs de l’imaginaire. Nous sommes très loin de tout dogmatisme. Nous sommes invités, comme les historiens de l’imaginaire que nous voulons être, à prendre les chemins de nos disciplines, à les regarder se rencontrer. Le nuage, si souple et si changeant peut nous terrifier comme nous séduire. Il fait évidemment partie de notre imaginaire commun ; apte aux formes les plus diverses, les plus subtiles et les plus grotesques. Comme l’écrit Sénèque : « Personne n’est à ce point engourdi, stupide et courbé vers la terre pour ne pas relever la tête vers le ciel et se redresser avec toute son âme, surtout quand il y voit briller quelques merveilles neuves. »
Multidisciplinary --- Literature (General) --- nuage --- symbole --- art --- littérature
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This book investigates the convergence between locative, mobile and social media in order to show how people use mobile media for their creative practice—creative writing, photography, video and filmmaking. The central thematic focus of this book explores how mobile media has created new opportunities and contexts for creative practitioners. It draws together creative practice research with non-representational theory and digital ethnography to provide a fresh perspective on the place mobile media has in our everyday creative lives. Fictionalized and semi-fictional vignettes are used to present empirical material taken from fieldnotes and interviews to demonstrate how new forms and genres of art making have arisen because of the affordances of mobile media. The chapters in this volume have been arranged into a sequence according to the kinds of actions that make up various creative practices.
Social media. --- Mobile communication systems. --- Vehicles --- Vehicular communication systems --- User-generated media --- Communication systems --- Communication --- User-generated content --- Radio --- Wireless communication systems --- Communication. --- Culture. --- Technology. --- Digital media. --- Educational technology. --- Media and Communication. --- Social Media. --- Culture and Technology. --- Digital/New Media. --- Technology and Digital Education. --- Applied science --- Arts, Useful --- Science, Applied --- Useful arts --- Science --- Industrial arts --- Material culture --- Cultural sociology --- Culture --- Sociology of culture --- Civilization --- Popular culture --- Communication, Primitive --- Mass communication --- Sociology --- Instructional technology --- Technology in education --- Technology --- Educational innovations --- Instructional systems --- Teaching --- Electronic media --- New media (Digital media) --- Mass media --- Digital communications --- Online journalism --- Social aspects --- Aids and devices --- social media --- cloud computing --- изчисления в облак --- molntjänster --- Cloud-Computing --- mākoņdatošana --- cloudcomputing --- pilvipalvelu --- computação na nuvem --- felhőalapú számítástechnika --- computación en nube --- računalstvo u oblaku --- chmura obliczeniowa --- informatique en nuage --- υπολογιστικό νέφος --- pilvandmetöötlus --- računalništvo v oblaku --- néalríomhaireacht --- debesijos kompiuterija --- fornitur ta' servizzi tal-applikazzjonijiet --- infrastruttura come servizio --- lietojumprogrammas pakalpojuma sniedzējs --- Cloud-Dienst --- ASP --- Hardware-as-a-Service --- platforma jako služba --- platforma kao usluga --- infrastructure sous forme de service --- infrastruktura jako usługa --- hardware como servicio --- hardware bħala servizz --- infraestrutura como serviço --- felhőalapú szolgáltatás --- апаратна част като услуга --- IaaS --- λογισμικό ως υπηρεσία --- hardware jako služba --- Hardware as a Service --- hyrhårdvara --- platforma kā pakalpojums --- piattaforma come servizio --- nuvola informatica --- palvelualustan ulkoistaminen --- software come servizio --- πλατφόρμα ως υπηρεσία --- software como serviço --- platform as a service --- software jako služba --- програмно осигуряване като услуга --- cloudová služba --- néalseirbhísí --- hyrprogram --- infrastruktura kao usluga --- Application Service Provider --- matériel sous forme de service --- infrastructure als een dienst --- softvér ako služba --- etäsovelluspalvelu --- laitteistot palveluna --- oprogramowanie jako usługa --- molnet --- seirbhís bogearra de réir éilimh --- υποδομή ως υπηρεσία --- usługa w chmurze --- alkalmazásszolgáltató --- programska oprema kot storitev --- alkalmazás-szolgáltató --- PaaS --- infrastruttura bħala servizz --- cloudtjeneste --- servizz ta' cloud --- software als een dienst --- iaas-tjänst --- saas-tjänst --- hardware as a service --- platforma kot storitev --- Software as a Service --- fornitore di servizi applicativi --- platforma jako usługa --- servizi nella nuvola --- hardware als een dienst --- Software-as-a-Service --- application service provider --- poskytovatel aplikačních služeb --- mākoņpakalpojums --- услуга в облак --- platform als een dienst --- riistvara kui teenus --- ponudnik programskih storitev --- hardver kao usluga --- felhőszolgáltatás --- logiciel à la demande --- sovelluspalvelu --- инфраструктура като услуга --- service infonuagique --- software bħala servizz --- infrastruktúraszolgáltatás --- HaaS --- tehnična infrastruktura kot storitev --- platformszolgáltatás --- Infrastructure as a Service --- plataforma como serviço --- Infrastructure-as-a-Service --- fornecedor de aplicações --- paas-tjänst --- infraestructura como servicio --- programmatūra kā pakalpojums --- infrastruktūra kā pakalpojums --- service en nuage --- serviço de computação na nuvem --- platforma ako služba --- logiciel sous forme de service --- hardware come servizio --- software as a service --- sovellusvuokrauspalvelun tarjoaja --- plataforma como servicio --- softver kao usluga --- platvorm kui teenus --- SaaS --- Platform as a Service --- datormoln --- υλικό ως υπηρεσία --- υπηρεσία υπολογιστικού νέφους --- cloud service --- service dématérialisé --- pjattaforma bħala servizz --- poskytovateľ aplikačných služieb --- Anwendungsdienstleister --- hardvér ako služba --- matériel à la demande --- serviciu de cloud --- usluga u oblaku --- hardverszolgáltatás --- infraštruktúra ako služba --- rakendusteenuse pakkuja --- servicio en nube --- pružatelji usluga aplikacije --- tietotekniikan resurssipalvelu --- pilveteenus --- proveedor de servicios de aplicaciones --- furnizor al aplicației --- equipamento informático como serviço --- tarkvara kui teenus --- Platform-as-a-Service --- soláthraí seirbhíse feidhmchlár --- software ca serviciu --- infrastruktuur kui teenus --- szoftverszolgáltatás --- clouddienst --- felhő alapú szolgáltatás --- платформа като услуга --- πάροχος υπηρεσιών εφαρμογών --- debesų kompiuterija --- platformă ca serviciu --- storitev v oblaku --- palvelimien ylläpidon ulkoistaminen palveluntarjoajalle --- debesija --- infrastructure à la demande --- verkkosovelluspalvelu --- hardware ca serviciu --- fournisseur d'applications en ligne --- software como servicio --- infrastruktura jako služba --- it-moln --- infrastructură ca serviciu --- servizi cloud --- aparatūra kā pakalpojums --- infrastructure as a service --- etäresurssipalvelu --- informatique dématérialisée --- доставчик на услуги, свързани с приложения --- médias sociaux --- sociální média --- обществени медии --- друштвени медиуми --- soziale Medien --- medios sociales --- družbeni mediji --- sociālie mediji --- media sociais --- sosiaalisen median väline --- media społecznościowe --- na meáin shóisialta --- sociala medier --- sociale medier --- közösségi média --- sociale media --- μέσα κοινωνικής δικτύωσης --- društveni mediji --- sotsiaalmeedia --- sociálne médiá --- media soċjali --- media sociali --- mijloace de comunicare sociale --- socialinė žiniasklaida --- mjetet e komunikimit social --- друштвени медији --- social network --- дружбени медиуми --- média social --- platformă (de comunicare) socială --- réseaux sociaux --- midja soċjali --- mezzi ta' komunikazzjoni soċjali --- sociālie plašsaziņas līdzekļi --- suhtlusmeedia --- ühismeedia --- sociální médium --- socialiniai tinklai --- rede social --- media sociale --- μέσο κοινωνικής δικτύωσης --- réseau social --- platforma społecznościowa --- Social Media --- družbeni medij --- medium soċjali --- socialt netværk --- sociálne médium --- redes sociales --- друштвена мрежа --- mezzi tax-xandir soċjali --- közösségi médium --- социјални медиуми --- social medium --- обществена медия --- социална мрежа --- sosiaalinen media --- медиуми за општење --- redes sociais
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In dit boek worden onder de noemer Vermogensrecht het goederenrecht en het contractenrecht op een unieke en geïntegreerde wijze besproken.Deze zevende editie heeft de recente wijzigingen in de materie geïntegreerd: boek 3 ?Goederen? van het Burgerlijk Wetboek, dat in werking is getreden op 1 september 2021 en boek 5 ?Verbintenissen?, dat in werking treedt op 1 januari 2023 en ook de omzetting van de Richtlijn Consumentenkoop 2019 en de Richtlijn Digitale inhoud en digitale diensten..Deel I bespreekt de algemene begrippen van het vermogensrecht, met onder meer de vermogensleer en het onderscheid tussen de soorten goederen. Deel II is gewijd aan eigendom en eigendomsovergang. Aan bod komen o.a. het eigendomsrecht zelf, onverdeeldheid en mede-eigendom, koop en kanscontracten. In deel III zijn de overeenkomsten inzake gebruik en genot van een goed aan de beurt, nl. huur, lening, erfdienstbaarheden, vruchtgebruik, erfpacht, opstal. Deel IV en Deel V behandelen de diensten- en vaststellingsovereenkomsten. Het betreft aanneming, de Woningbouwwet, bewaargeving, sekwester, lastgeving en dading.Bron: www.larcier-intersentia.comWebshop:
Law of real property --- Law of obligations. Law of contract --- vermogensrecht --- Belgium --- eigendom van goederen --- contract --- verbintenisrecht --- cloudcomputing --- fornitur ta' servizzi tal-applikazzjonijiet --- infrastruttura come servizio --- lietojumprogrammas pakalpojuma sniedzējs --- Cloud-Dienst --- ASP --- Hardware-as-a-Service --- platforma jako služba --- platforma kao usluga --- infrastructure sous forme de service --- infrastruktura jako usługa --- hardware como servicio --- hardware bħala servizz --- infraestrutura como serviço --- felhőalapú szolgáltatás --- апаратна част като услуга --- IaaS --- λογισμικό ως υπηρεσία --- hardware jako služba --- Hardware as a Service --- hyrhårdvara --- platforma kā pakalpojums --- piattaforma come servizio --- nuvola informatica --- palvelualustan ulkoistaminen --- software come servizio --- πλατφόρμα ως υπηρεσία --- software como serviço --- platform as a service --- software jako služba --- програмно осигуряване като услуга --- cloudová služba --- néalseirbhísí --- hyrprogram --- infrastruktura kao usluga --- Application Service Provider --- matériel sous forme de service --- infrastructure als een dienst --- softvér ako služba --- etäsovelluspalvelu --- laitteistot palveluna --- oprogramowanie jako usługa --- molnet --- seirbhís bogearra de réir éilimh --- υποδομή ως υπηρεσία --- usługa w chmurze --- alkalmazásszolgáltató --- programska oprema kot storitev --- alkalmazás-szolgáltató --- PaaS --- infrastruttura bħala servizz --- cloudtjeneste --- servizz ta' cloud --- software als een dienst --- iaas-tjänst --- saas-tjänst --- hardware as a service --- platforma kot storitev --- Software as a Service --- fornitore di servizi applicativi --- platforma jako usługa --- servizi nella nuvola --- hardware als een dienst --- Software-as-a-Service --- application service provider --- poskytovatel aplikačních služeb --- mākoņpakalpojums --- услуга в облак --- platform als een dienst --- riistvara kui teenus --- ponudnik programskih storitev --- hardver kao usluga --- felhőszolgáltatás --- logiciel à la demande --- sovelluspalvelu --- инфраструктура като услуга --- service infonuagique --- software bħala servizz --- infrastruktúraszolgáltatás --- HaaS --- tehnična infrastruktura kot storitev --- platformszolgáltatás --- Infrastructure as a Service --- plataforma como serviço --- Infrastructure-as-a-Service --- fornecedor de aplicações --- paas-tjänst --- infraestructura como servicio --- programmatūra kā pakalpojums --- infrastruktūra kā pakalpojums --- service en nuage --- serviço de computação na nuvem --- platforma ako služba --- logiciel sous forme de service --- hardware come servizio --- software as a service --- sovellusvuokrauspalvelun tarjoaja --- plataforma como servicio --- softver kao usluga --- platvorm kui teenus --- SaaS --- Platform as a Service --- datormoln --- υλικό ως υπηρεσία --- υπηρεσία υπολογιστικού νέφους --- cloud service --- service dématérialisé --- pjattaforma bħala servizz --- poskytovateľ aplikačných služieb --- Anwendungsdienstleister --- hardvér ako služba --- matériel à la demande --- serviciu de cloud --- usluga u oblaku --- hardverszolgáltatás --- infraštruktúra ako služba --- rakendusteenuse pakkuja --- servicio en nube --- pružatelji usluga aplikacije --- tietotekniikan resurssipalvelu --- pilveteenus --- proveedor de servicios de aplicaciones --- furnizor al aplicației --- equipamento informático como serviço --- tarkvara kui teenus --- Platform-as-a-Service --- soláthraí seirbhíse feidhmchlár --- software ca serviciu --- infrastruktuur kui teenus --- szoftverszolgáltatás --- clouddienst --- felhő alapú szolgáltatás --- платформа като услуга --- πάροχος υπηρεσιών εφαρμογών --- debesų kompiuterija --- platformă ca serviciu --- storitev v oblaku --- palvelimien ylläpidon ulkoistaminen palveluntarjoajalle --- debesija --- infrastructure à la demande --- verkkosovelluspalvelu --- hardware ca serviciu --- fournisseur d'applications en ligne --- software como servicio --- infrastruktura jako služba --- it-moln --- infrastructură ca serviciu --- servizi cloud --- aparatūra kā pakalpojums --- infrastructure as a service --- etäresurssipalvelu --- informatique dématérialisée --- доставчик на услуги, свързани с приложения --- изчисления в облак --- molntjänster --- Cloud-Computing --- mākoņdatošana --- pilvipalvelu --- cloud computing --- computação na nuvem --- felhőalapú számítástechnika --- computación en nube --- računalstvo u oblaku --- chmura obliczeniowa --- informatique en nuage --- υπολογιστικό νέφος --- pilvandmetöötlus --- računalništvo v oblaku --- néalríomhaireacht --- debesijos kompiuterija --- obbligazione civile --- závazky --- civiele verbintenis --- obligación civil --- obligationsret --- αστική ενοχή --- obligation civile --- závazkové právo --- obligacijsko pravo --- võlaõigus --- e drejta e detyrimeve --- Schuldrecht --- liġi tal-obbligi --- saistību tiesības --- prievolių teisė --- law of obligations --- ενοχικό δίκαιο --- droit des obligations --- fordringsret --- prawo zobowiązań --- obligationsrätt --- Derecho de las obligaciones --- záväzkové právo --- diritti di obbligazioni --- kötelmi jog --- облигационно право --- dlí na n-oibleagáidí --- velvoiteoikeus --- direito de obrigações --- dreptul obligațiilor --- облигационо право --- obvezno pravo --- облигациско право --- zaključivanje ugovora --- lepinguline kokkulepe --- sopimuksen tekeminen --- e drejtë kontraktuale --- lepinguline kohustus --- angazhim kontraktual --- e drejtë e kontratave --- assinatura de contrato --- līgumsaistības --- afsluiten van een contract --- conclusion de contrat --- склучување на договор --- συμφωνία --- ugovorna obaveza --- angajament contractual --- szerződéskötés --- договорно право --- kontrakts --- verplichting --- ondertekening van een contract --- līgumattiecības --- sopimusperusteisuus --- договорна обврска --- Vertragsunterzeichnung --- overenskomst --- vertragliche Verpflichtung --- law of contract --- Vereinbarung des bürgerlichen Rechts --- līgumtiesības --- uzatvorenie zmluvy --- firma di un contratto --- contractual commitment --- Vertragsabschluss --- compromiso --- úmluva --- szerződéses kötelezettség --- forpligtelse --- droit des contrats --- aftaleret --- szerződések joga --- sutartinė prievolė --- conclusión de contrato --- συμβόλαιο --- diritto contrattuale --- lepinguõigus --- раскинување на договор --- zmluvná dohoda --- sutarčių teisė --- tecknande av kontrakt --- indgåelse af kontrakt --- contractual agreement --- signature de contrat --- bindende tilsagn --- slutande av avtal --- smluvní právo --- līguma slēgšana --- Vetragsrecht --- склучување договор --- stipulazione di un contratto --- zmluvný záväzok --- direito dos contratos --- contract law --- conclusão de contrato --- kontrakt --- δίκαιο των συμβάσεων --- szerződés megkötése --- conclusion of a contract --- contractrecht --- ugovorno pravo --- susitarimas dėl sutarties --- sopimusoikeudet --- marrëveshje kontraktuale --- compromisso --- σύναψη συμβάσεως --- uzavření smlouvy --- firma de contrato --- υπογραφή συμβάσεως --- dohoda --- lepingu sõlmimine --- δέσμευση --- sutarties sudarymas --- avtalsrätt --- Derecho contractual --- szerződéses megállapodás --- sopimusvelvoite --- përfundim i një kontrate --- contrat --- avtal --- zmluva --- договор --- leping --- ugovor --- līgums --- kontratë --- sopimus --- umowa cywilna --- pogodba --- conradh --- szerződés --- sutartis --- Vertrag des bürgerlichen Rechts --- kuntratt --- contrato --- smlouva --- уговор --- σύμβαση --- contratto --- stvarno pravo --- īpašumtiesības --- property right --- propriedade --- право на користење --- regime della proprietà --- direito real --- sistem i pronës --- asjaõigus --- droit réel --- e drejtë e pronësisë --- право на располагање --- majetek --- omandiõigus --- Eigentumsrecht --- видови на сопственост --- εμπράγματο δικαίωμα --- régimen de propiedad --- tulajdoni rend --- diritto patrimoniale --- Εμπράγματο Δίκαιο --- Eigentumsordnung --- diritto di proprietà --- eigendomsrecht --- īpašumtiesību sistēma --- rätten att äga --- Güterrecht --- regime da propriedade --- druhy vlastnictví --- law of property --- tingsret --- nuosavybės teisė --- direito dos bens --- Derecho patrimonial --- diritto reale --- varaline õigus --- Derecho de la propiedad --- majetkové právo --- dologi jog --- régimen de la propiedad --- ejendomsretlig ordning --- καθεστώς ιδιοκτησίας --- сопствеништво --- сопственичко право --- zakelijk recht --- property law --- κατοχή --- systém vlastníctva --- system of property --- droit de propriété --- regeling van de eigendom --- derecho de propiedad --- derechos reales --- право на сопственост --- поседување --- tinglig ret --- varallisuusoikeus --- věcné právo --- egendomsrätt --- e drejtë e pronës --- δικαίωμα κυριότητας --- νομή --- κυριότητα --- vlastnické právo --- omistusoikeusjärjestelmä --- nuosavybės sistema --- sakrätt --- mayorazgo --- ψιλή κυριότητα --- фактичко владение --- pravo vlasništva --- vlastnícke právo --- esineoikeus --- teisė į nuosavybę --- omistusoikeus --- régime de la propriété --- direito de propriedade --- tulajdonrendszer --- omandisüsteem --- vagyonjog --- Sachenrecht --- drept de proprietate --- e drejtë për pronë --- droit des biens --- občanské právo hmotné --- форми на сопственоста --- vlasništvo --- vlastníctvo --- proprietate --- propiedad de bienes --- tulajdonjog --- sjieda --- propriété des biens --- īpašuma tiesības --- собственост на блага --- својина --- úinéireacht --- pronësi --- äganderätt --- nuosavybė --- lastnina --- omand --- сопственост --- vlastnictví --- omistus --- własność --- proprietà patrimoniale --- Eigentum an Gütern --- ιδιοκτησία --- ejendomsret --- ownership --- propriedade de bens --- Droit civil --- Biens (droit) --- Vente --- Droit. --- Belgique
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This book addresses the issue of smart and sustainable development in the Mediterranean (MED) region, a distinct part of the world, full of challenges and risks but also opportunities. Above all, the book focuses on smartening up small and medium-sized cities and insular communities, taking into account their geographical peculiarities, the pattern of MED urban settlements and the abundance of island complexes in the MED Basin. Taking for granted that sustainability in the MED is the overarching policy goal that needs to be served, the book explores different aspects of smartness in support of this goal’s achievement. In this respect, evidence from concrete smart developments adopted by forerunners in the MED region is collected and analyzed; coupled with experiences gathered from successful, non-MED, examples of smart efforts in European countries. More specifically, current research and empirical results from MED urban environments are discussed, as well as findings from or concerning other parts of the world, which are of relevance to the MED region. The book’s primary goal is to enable policymakers, planners and decision-making bodies to recognize the challenges and options available; and make to more informed policy decisions towards smart, sustainable, inclusive and resilient urban and regional futures in the MED.
Cities and towns --- Urban ecology (Sociology) --- Sustainable development. --- Information technology. --- Geographical information systems. --- Urban economics. --- Regional planning. --- IT in Business. --- Information Systems Applications (incl. Internet). --- Geographical Information Systems/Cartography. --- Urban Economics. --- Landscape/Regional and Urban Planning. --- Sustainable Development. --- Development, Sustainable --- Ecologically sustainable development --- Economic development, Sustainable --- Economic sustainability --- ESD (Ecologically sustainable development) --- Smart growth --- Sustainable development --- Sustainable economic development --- Economic development --- Regional development --- Regional planning --- State planning --- Human settlements --- Land use --- Planning --- City planning --- Landscape protection --- City economics --- Economics of cities --- Economics --- Geographical information systems --- GIS (Information systems) --- Information storage and retrieval systems --- IT (Information technology) --- Technology --- Telematics --- Information superhighway --- Knowledge management --- Environmental aspects --- Government policy --- Economic aspects --- Geography --- smart city --- cloud computing --- information technology --- sustainable development --- equitable tourism --- Aegean Islands --- Crete --- Greece --- Grieķija --- Graikija --- Kreeka --- Grécia --- Görögország --- Грчка --- Kreikka --- Grecia --- il-Greċja --- Грција --- Grécko --- Griechenland --- An Ghréig --- Grækenland --- Grèce --- Ελλάδα --- Grekland --- Greqia --- Grčija --- Grecja --- Griekenland --- Řecko --- Гърция --- Grčka --- Helénská republika --- Republica Elenă --- Helenska republika --- Република Грција --- Helenska Republika --- Kreeka Vabariik --- Hellenic Republic --- Görög Köztársaság --- Repubblica ellenica --- República Helénica --- Graikijos Respublika --- Helleense Republiek --- République hellénique --- Република Гърция --- Hellén Köztársaság --- Republiken Grekland --- Република Грчка --- Grčka Republika --- Řecká republika --- Republika Grčka --- Helénska republika --- Republika Helene --- Den Hellenske Republik --- Republika Grecka --- Helleenien tasavalta --- Kreikan tasavalta --- die Hellenische Republik --- Ελληνική Δημοκρατία --- ir-Repubblika Ellenika --- Grieķijas Republika --- Crète --- Creta --- Kreta --- Κρήτη --- Kreeta --- Крит --- Kréta --- Krēta --- Егейски острови --- Egejas jūras salas --- Égei-szigetek --- Egeiska öarna --- Егејски Острови --- Wyspy Egejskie --- Egejski otoki --- Egeansaaret --- Егејска острва --- Egejské ostrovy --- Νησιά του Αιγαίου --- Insulele din Marea Egee --- Egeïsche eilanden --- Egejski otoci --- Egeuse mere saared --- ostrovy Egejského moře --- Ishujt e Egjeut --- Egėjo salos --- îles de la mer Égée --- Il-Gżejjer Eġej --- Islas del Egeo --- De Ægæiske Øer --- ilhas do mar Egeu --- isole dell'Egeo --- Ägäische Inseln --- Égei-tengeri szigetek --- arquipélago do mar Egeu --- група острови во Егејско Море --- wyspy Morza Egejskiego --- Islas del Mar Egeo --- Egėjo jūros salos --- Νήσοι Αιγαίου Πελάγους --- Inseln im Ägäischen Meer --- ostrovy v Egejskom mori --- Aigeiansaaret --- острови в Егейско море --- eilanden van de Egeïsche Zee --- правичен туризам --- turismo equo --- fairer Tourismus --- õiglane turism --- fair trade-turisme --- turism echitabil --- справедлив туризъм --- turismo justo --- tisztességes turizmus --- правични туризам --- spravodlivý cestovný ruch --- taususis turizmas --- reilu matkailu --- zrównoważona turystyka --- rättvis turism --- Δίκαιος τουρισμός --- pošteni turizem --- spravedlivý cestovní ruch --- turiżmu ekwu --- tourisme équitable --- etički turizam --- eerlijk toerisme --- turizëm i drejtë --- turiżmu alternattiv --- turystyka odpowiedzialna --- zodpovedný cestovný ruch --- етички туризам --- humanitarian tourism --- turiżmu umanitarju --- turism durabil --- etický cestovný ruch --- alternativní turistika --- humanitärer Tourismus --- vastuullinen matkailu --- alternativni turizam --- alternatívny cestovný ruch --- turystyka humanitarna --- alternatyvusis turizmas --- ηθικός τουρισμός --- humanitair toerisme --- felelősségteljes turizmus --- tourisme éthique --- vaihtoehtoinen matkailu --- turismo responsabile --- alternaiv turisme --- humanitarinis turizmas --- solidárny cestovný ruch --- одговорен туризам --- ansvarlig turisme --- solidaarne turism --- turystyka z poszanowaniem zasady zrównoważonego rozwoju --- ανθρωπιστικός τουρισμός --- turiżmu responsabbli --- alternativ turism --- turismo responsável --- фер туризам --- alternativni turizem --- алтернативни туризам --- etisk turisme --- etiškas turizmas --- alternatiivne turism --- turystyka etyczna --- ansvarstagande turism --- alternatīvais tūrisms --- turismo alternativo --- atsakingasis turizmas --- υπεύθυνος τουρισμός --- ētisks tūrisms --- humāns tūrisms --- општествено одговорен туризам --- turismo responsable --- солидарен туризъм --- etikus turizmus --- солидарен туризам --- turismo ético --- etisk turism --- verantwortungsbewusster Tourismus --- društveno odgovorni turizam --- solidarischer Tourismus --- tourisme responsable --- etični turizem --- etická turistika --- eettinen matkailu --- humanitární turistika --- turizëm humanitar --- humanitarni turizem --- turizëm alternativ --- odgovorni turizam --- atbildīgs tūrisms --- dobročinný cestovný ruch --- tourisme humanitaire --- community-based toerisme --- turism etic --- tourisme alternatif --- turizëm etik --- solidarnostni turizem --- odgovorni turizem --- turismo sostenibile --- solidarisk turisme --- odpovědná turistika --- turism responsabil --- хуманитарни туризам --- eetiline turism --- turismo consapevole --- solidární turistika --- hållbar turism --- turiżmu etiku --- verantwortlicher Tourismus --- хуманитарен туризам --- vastutustundlik turism --- solidārs tūrisms --- tourisme solidaire --- alternatív turizmus --- поштени туризам --- humanitárius turizmus --- turism solidar --- алтернативен туризъм --- ethischer Tourismus --- alternative tourism --- volontärturism --- turismo etico --- етичан туризам --- етичен туризъм --- turismo solidale --- хуман туризам --- алтернативен туризам --- szolidáris turizmus --- alternativer Tourismus --- turismo solidario --- tvarusis turizmas --- yhteisvastuullinen matkailu --- humani turizam --- отговорен туризъм --- fair tourism --- darnusis turizmas --- τουρισμός αλληλεγγύης --- turismo humanitario --- ethical tourism --- εναλλακτικός τουρισμός --- turism alternativ --- turismo humanitário --- хуманитарен туризъм --- solidarisk turism --- turismo solidário --- одговоран туризам --- darnus vystymasis --- fenntartható fejlődés --- održivi razvoj --- дълготрайно развитие --- varig udvikling --- одржлив развој --- żvilupp sostenibbli --- trvalo udržateľný rozvoj --- développement durable --- säästev areng --- hållbar utveckling --- zhvillim i qëndrueshëm --- одрживи развој --- kestävä kehitys --- desenvolvimento sustentável --- trvale udržitelný rozvoj --- αειφόρος ανάπτυξη --- dauerhafte Entwicklung --- dezvoltare durabilă --- sviluppo sostenibile --- ekorozwój --- ilgtspējīga attīstība --- duurzame ontwikkeling --- desarrollo sostenible --- trajnostni razvoj --- bioekonomie --- bioekonómia --- développement soutenable --- bioenergetyka --- ekorazvoj --- développement viable --- trvalý rozvoj --- tvarioji plėtra --- bæredygtig udvikling --- ekološko utemeljeni razvoj --- økologisk udvikling --- οικοανάπτυξη --- udržateľný rozvoj --- bioøkonomi --- bioeconomía --- sviluppo praticabile --- desenvolvimento sustentado --- desenvolvimento durável --- bioéconomie --- ecodesenvolvimento --- ecodesarrollo --- bioekonomija --- bio-economie --- eco-ontwikkeling --- ökológiai fejlődés --- βιοοικονομία --- биоекономија --- rozvoj udržitelný --- nachhaltige Entwicklung --- eco-development --- umweltgerechte Entwicklung --- βιώσιμη ανάπτυξη --- jätkusuutlik areng --- ekologicky uvědomělý rozvoj --- sviluppo durevole --- ökologische Entwicklung --- ecosviluppo --- bio-ekonomiska attīstība --- ekologinė plėtra --- bio-economy --- bioeconomia --- bioökonoomia --- ekozhvillim --- bioekonomia --- écodéveloppement --- bioekonomi --- bioekonomika --- uthållig utveckling --- Biowirtschaft --- еколошки развој --- zrównoważony rozwój --- biogazdaság --- bioeconomy --- σταθερή και διαρκής ανάπτυξη --- desenvolvimento viável --- zukunftsfähige Entwicklung --- desarrollo duradero --- Informationstechnologie --- informaatioteknologia --- teknologjia e informacionit --- infotehnoloogia --- tecnología de la información --- informatietechnologie --- tecnologia da informação --- informačná technológia --- информационна технология --- informationsteknologi --- teknoloġija tal-informazzjoni --- informācijas tehnoloģija --- technologie de l'information --- informační technologie --- tehnologia informației --- információtechnológia --- информатичка технологија --- информациона технологија --- informationsteknik --- τεχνολογία των πληροφοριών --- technologia informacyjna --- informacinė technologija --- tecnologia dell'informazione --- informacijska tehnologija --- sidetehnoloogia --- communications technology --- teknologji komunikacioni --- Kommunikationstechnologie --- Information and communication technologies --- technologie de la communication --- výpočetní technika --- komunikačná technológia --- komunikācijas tehnoloģijas --- informacijos technologija --- tehnologia comunicațiilor --- komunikační technologie --- technique de l'information --- ryšių priemonių technologija --- телекомуникациска технологија --- επικοινωνιακή τεχνολογία --- tecnologia da comunicação --- комуникациска технологија --- viestintäteknologia --- ICT --- tecnologia delle telecomunicazioni --- tecnologia delle comunicazioni --- informační technika --- tecnología de la comunicación --- obavijesna tehnologija --- kommunikationsteknologi --- communicatietechnologie --- τεχνική των πληροφοριών --- információs technológia --- изчисления в облак --- molntjänster --- Cloud-Computing --- mākoņdatošana --- cloudcomputing --- pilvipalvelu --- computação na nuvem --- felhőalapú számítástechnika --- computación en nube --- računalstvo u oblaku --- chmura obliczeniowa --- informatique en nuage --- υπολογιστικό νέφος --- pilvandmetöötlus --- računalništvo v oblaku --- néalríomhaireacht --- debesijos kompiuterija --- fornitur ta' servizzi tal-applikazzjonijiet --- infrastruttura come servizio --- lietojumprogrammas pakalpojuma sniedzējs --- Cloud-Dienst --- ASP --- Hardware-as-a-Service --- platforma jako služba --- platforma kao usluga --- infrastructure sous forme de service --- infrastruktura jako usługa --- hardware como servicio --- hardware bħala servizz --- infraestrutura como serviço --- felhőalapú szolgáltatás --- апаратна част като услуга --- IaaS --- λογισμικό ως υπηρεσία --- hardware jako služba --- Hardware as a Service --- hyrhårdvara --- platforma kā pakalpojums --- piattaforma come servizio --- nuvola informatica --- palvelualustan ulkoistaminen --- software come servizio --- πλατφόρμα ως υπηρεσία --- software como serviço --- platform as a service --- software jako služba --- програмно осигуряване като услуга --- cloudová služba --- néalseirbhísí --- hyrprogram --- infrastruktura kao usluga --- Application Service Provider --- matériel sous forme de service --- infrastructure als een dienst --- softvér ako služba --- etäsovelluspalvelu --- laitteistot palveluna --- oprogramowanie jako usługa --- molnet --- seirbhís bogearra de réir éilimh --- υποδομή ως υπηρεσία --- usługa w chmurze --- alkalmazásszolgáltató --- programska oprema kot storitev --- alkalmazás-szolgáltató --- PaaS --- infrastruttura bħala servizz --- cloudtjeneste --- servizz ta' cloud --- software als een dienst --- iaas-tjänst --- saas-tjänst --- hardware as a service --- platforma kot storitev --- Software as a Service --- fornitore di servizi applicativi --- platforma jako usługa --- servizi nella nuvola --- hardware als een dienst --- Software-as-a-Service --- application service provider --- poskytovatel aplikačních služeb --- mākoņpakalpojums --- услуга в облак --- platform als een dienst --- riistvara kui teenus --- ponudnik programskih storitev --- hardver kao usluga --- felhőszolgáltatás --- logiciel à la demande --- sovelluspalvelu --- инфраструктура като услуга --- service infonuagique --- software bħala servizz --- infrastruktúraszolgáltatás --- HaaS --- tehnična infrastruktura kot storitev --- platformszolgáltatás --- Infrastructure as a Service --- plataforma como serviço --- Infrastructure-as-a-Service --- fornecedor de aplicações --- paas-tjänst --- infraestructura como servicio --- programmatūra kā pakalpojums --- infrastruktūra kā pakalpojums --- service en nuage --- serviço de computação na nuvem --- platforma ako služba --- logiciel sous forme de service --- hardware come servizio --- software as a service --- sovellusvuokrauspalvelun tarjoaja --- plataforma como servicio --- softver kao usluga --- platvorm kui teenus --- SaaS --- Platform as a Service --- datormoln --- υλικό ως υπηρεσία --- υπηρεσία υπολογιστικού νέφους --- cloud service --- service dématérialisé --- pjattaforma bħala servizz --- poskytovateľ aplikačných služieb --- Anwendungsdienstleister --- hardvér ako služba --- matériel à la demande --- serviciu de cloud --- usluga u oblaku --- hardverszolgáltatás --- infraštruktúra ako služba --- rakendusteenuse pakkuja --- servicio en nube --- pružatelji usluga aplikacije --- tietotekniikan resurssipalvelu --- pilveteenus --- proveedor de servicios de aplicaciones --- furnizor al aplicației --- equipamento informático como serviço --- tarkvara kui teenus --- Platform-as-a-Service --- soláthraí seirbhíse feidhmchlár --- software ca serviciu --- infrastruktuur kui teenus --- szoftverszolgáltatás --- clouddienst --- felhő alapú szolgáltatás --- платформа като услуга --- πάροχος υπηρεσιών εφαρμογών --- debesų kompiuterija --- platformă ca serviciu --- storitev v oblaku --- palvelimien ylläpidon ulkoistaminen palveluntarjoajalle --- debesija --- infrastructure à la demande --- verkkosovelluspalvelu --- hardware ca serviciu --- fournisseur d'applications en ligne --- software como servicio --- infrastruktura jako služba --- it-moln --- infrastructură ca serviciu --- servizi cloud --- aparatūra kā pakalpojums --- infrastructure as a service --- etäresurssipalvelu --- informatique dématérialisée --- доставчик на услуги, свързани с приложения --- ciudad inteligente --- cidade inteligente --- älykäs kaupunki --- smart stad --- intelligens város --- slimme stad --- intelligent by --- inteligentní město --- viedā pilsēta --- паметен град --- oraș inteligent --- έξυπνη πόλη --- ville intelligente --- inteligentné mesto --- pažangusis miestas --- città intelligente --- интелигентен град --- pametno mesto --- pametni grad --- belt intelliġenti --- arukas linn --- inteligentne miasto --- Smart City --- okos város --- intelligente stad --- умен град --- intelligente Stadt --- Business—Data processing. --- Application software. --- Urban planning. --- Civic planning --- Land use, Urban --- Model cities --- Redevelopment, Urban --- Slum clearance --- Town planning --- Urban design --- Urban development --- Urban planning --- Art, Municipal --- Civic improvement --- Urban policy --- Urban renewal --- Application computer programs --- Application computer software --- Applications software --- Apps (Computer software) --- Computer software --- Management --- Business information services. --- Geographic information systems. --- Human geography. --- Sustainability. --- Computer and Information Systems Applications. --- Geographical Information System. --- Human Geography. --- Sustainability science --- Human ecology --- Social ecology --- Anthropo-geography --- Anthropogeography --- Geographical distribution of humans --- Social geography --- Anthropology --- Business --- Business enterprises --- Information services
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Utilize R to uncover hidden patterns in your Big Data About This Book Perform computational analyses on Big Data to generate meaningful results Get a practical knowledge of R programming language while working on Big Data platforms like Hadoop, Spark, H2O and SQL/NoSQL databases, Explore fast, streaming, and scalable data analysis with the most cutting-edge technologies in the market Who This Book Is For This book is intended for Data Analysts, Scientists, Data Engineers, Statisticians, Researchers, who want to integrate R with their current or future Big Data workflows. It is assumed that readers have some experience in data analysis and understanding of data management and algorithmic processing of large quantities of data, however they may lack specific skills related to R. What You Will Learn Learn about current state of Big Data processing using R programming language and its powerful statistical capabilities Deploy Big Data analytics platforms with selected Big Data tools supported by R in a cost-effective and time-saving manner Apply the R language to real-world Big Data problems on a multi-node Hadoop cluster, e.g. electricity consumption across various socio-demographic indicators and bike share scheme usage Explore the compatibility of R with Hadoop, Spark, SQL and NoSQL databases, and H2O platform In Detail Big Data analytics is the process of examining large and complex data sets that often exceed the computational capabilities. R is a leading programming language of data science, consisting of powerful functions to tackle all problems related to Big Data processing. The book will begin with a brief introduction to the Big Data world and its current industry standards. With introduction to the R language and presenting its development, structure, applications in real world, and its shortcomings. Book will progress towards revision of major R functions for data management and transformations. Readers will be introduce to Cloud based Big Data solutions (e.g. Amazon EC2 instances and Amazon RDS, Microsoft Azure and its HDInsight clusters) and also provide guidance on R connectivity with relational and non-relational databases such as MongoDB and HBase etc. It will further expand to include Big Data tools such as Apache Hadoop ecosystem, HDFS and MapReduce frameworks. Also other R compatible tools such as Apache Spark, its machine learning library Spark MLlib, as well as H2O. Style and approach This book will serve as a practical guide...
R (Computer program language) --- Data mining. --- Information visualization. --- Data visualization --- Visualization of information --- Information science --- Visual analytics --- Algorithmic knowledge discovery --- Factual data analysis --- KDD (Information retrieval) --- Knowledge discovery in data --- Knowledge discovery in databases --- Mining, Data --- Database searching --- GNU-S (Computer program language) --- Domain-specific programming languages --- text and data mining. --- programming language. --- big data. --- cloud computing. --- data processing. --- software. --- изчисления в облак --- molntjänster --- Cloud-Computing --- mākoņdatošana --- cloudcomputing --- pilvipalvelu --- cloud computing --- computação na nuvem --- felhőalapú számítástechnika --- computación en nube --- računalstvo u oblaku --- chmura obliczeniowa --- informatique en nuage --- υπολογιστικό νέφος --- pilvandmetöötlus --- računalništvo v oblaku --- néalríomhaireacht --- debesijos kompiuterija --- fornitur ta' servizzi tal-applikazzjonijiet --- infrastruttura come servizio --- lietojumprogrammas pakalpojuma sniedzējs --- Cloud-Dienst --- ASP --- Hardware-as-a-Service --- platforma jako služba --- platforma kao usluga --- infrastructure sous forme de service --- infrastruktura jako usługa --- hardware como servicio --- hardware bħala servizz --- infraestrutura como serviço --- felhőalapú szolgáltatás --- апаратна част като услуга --- IaaS --- λογισμικό ως υπηρεσία --- hardware jako služba --- Hardware as a Service --- hyrhårdvara --- platforma kā pakalpojums --- piattaforma come servizio --- nuvola informatica --- palvelualustan ulkoistaminen --- software come servizio --- πλατφόρμα ως υπηρεσία --- software como serviço --- platform as a service --- software jako služba --- програмно осигуряване като услуга --- cloudová služba --- néalseirbhísí --- hyrprogram --- infrastruktura kao usluga --- Application Service Provider --- matériel sous forme de service --- infrastructure als een dienst --- softvér ako služba --- etäsovelluspalvelu --- laitteistot palveluna --- oprogramowanie jako usługa --- molnet --- seirbhís bogearra de réir éilimh --- υποδομή ως υπηρεσία --- usługa w chmurze --- alkalmazásszolgáltató --- programska oprema kot storitev --- alkalmazás-szolgáltató --- PaaS --- infrastruttura bħala servizz --- cloudtjeneste --- servizz ta' cloud --- software als een dienst --- iaas-tjänst --- saas-tjänst --- hardware as a service --- platforma kot storitev --- Software as a Service --- fornitore di servizi applicativi --- platforma jako usługa --- servizi nella nuvola --- hardware als een dienst --- Software-as-a-Service --- application service provider --- poskytovatel aplikačních služeb --- mākoņpakalpojums --- услуга в облак --- platform als een dienst --- riistvara kui teenus --- ponudnik programskih storitev --- hardver kao usluga --- felhőszolgáltatás --- logiciel à la demande --- sovelluspalvelu --- инфраструктура като услуга --- service infonuagique --- software bħala servizz --- infrastruktúraszolgáltatás --- HaaS --- tehnična infrastruktura kot storitev --- platformszolgáltatás --- Infrastructure as a Service --- plataforma como serviço --- Infrastructure-as-a-Service --- fornecedor de aplicações --- paas-tjänst --- infraestructura como servicio --- programmatūra kā pakalpojums --- infrastruktūra kā pakalpojums --- service en nuage --- serviço de computação na nuvem --- platforma ako služba --- logiciel sous forme de service --- hardware come servizio --- software as a service --- sovellusvuokrauspalvelun tarjoaja --- plataforma como servicio --- softver kao usluga --- platvorm kui teenus --- SaaS --- Platform as a Service --- datormoln --- υλικό ως υπηρεσία --- υπηρεσία υπολογιστικού νέφους --- cloud service --- service dématérialisé --- pjattaforma bħala servizz --- poskytovateľ aplikačných služieb --- Anwendungsdienstleister --- hardvér ako služba --- matériel à la demande --- serviciu de cloud --- usluga u oblaku --- hardverszolgáltatás --- infraštruktúra ako služba --- rakendusteenuse pakkuja --- servicio en nube --- pružatelji usluga aplikacije --- tietotekniikan resurssipalvelu --- pilveteenus --- proveedor de servicios de aplicaciones --- furnizor al aplicației --- equipamento informático como serviço --- tarkvara kui teenus --- Platform-as-a-Service --- soláthraí seirbhíse feidhmchlár --- software ca serviciu --- infrastruktuur kui teenus --- szoftverszolgáltatás --- clouddienst --- felhő alapú szolgáltatás --- платформа като услуга --- πάροχος υπηρεσιών εφαρμογών --- debesų kompiuterija --- platformă ca serviciu --- storitev v oblaku --- palvelimien ylläpidon ulkoistaminen palveluntarjoajalle --- debesija --- infrastructure à la demande --- verkkosovelluspalvelu --- hardware ca serviciu --- fournisseur d'applications en ligne --- software como servicio --- infrastruktura jako služba --- it-moln --- infrastructură ca serviciu --- servizi cloud --- aparatūra kā pakalpojums --- infrastructure as a service --- etäresurssipalvelu --- informatique dématérialisée --- доставчик на услуги, свързани с приложения --- macrodatos --- lielie dati --- data velkého objemu --- big data --- големи податоци --- големи информационни масиви --- duże zbiory danych --- mégadonnées --- mórshonraí --- megadados --- Big Data --- velepodatki --- μεγαδεδομένα --- volume mari de date --- veľké dáta --- velika količina podataka --- didieji duomenys --- stordata --- iso data --- suurandmed --- nagy adathalmazok --- grandes dados --- technologia dużych zbiorów danych --- données de masse --- veľký súbor dát --- análisis de macrodatos --- veliki skup podataka --- grote datasets --- technológia veľkých dát --- big-databronnen --- голяма съвкупност от данни --- tömeges adatok --- tecnologia dos megadados --- stort datasæt --- velkoobjemová data --- données massives --- analiza volumelor mari de date --- set mare de date --- date în masă --- massadatateknologia --- duży zbiór danych --- bigdatabronnen --- nagy adathalmazok elemzése --- analyse de mégadonnées --- množični podatki --- analitika tal-big data --- hromadné dáta --- μαζικά δεδομένα --- datos masivos --- grande insieme di dati --- τεχνολογία μεγαδεδομένων --- big data-teknologi --- grandes volumes de dados --- big data technológia --- технология на големите информационни масиви --- grande conjunto de dados --- massadata --- Massendatenanalyse --- masveida dati --- dejta bil-massa --- large data set --- голям масив от данни --- big-data-analyse --- tehnologija za velike količine podataka --- suurandmete haldamine --- ανάλυση μεγαδεδομένων --- didžiųjų duomenų technologija --- Massendaten --- teknoloġija tal-big data --- analytika veľkých dát --- massedata --- tecnologia big data --- analisi di big data --- анализиране на големи информационни масиви --- Big-Data-Technologie --- lielo datu tehnoloģija --- stordataanalys --- μεγάλο σύνολο δεδομένων --- analitika velepodatkov --- tehnologie de lucru cu volume mari de date --- massadatan analysointi --- golema količina podataka --- sett kbir ta’ dejta --- didžiųjų duomenų analitika --- massadata-analyysi --- óriási méretű adathalmazok --- bigdata-analyse --- dati di massa --- grand ensemble de données --- tehnologija velepodatkov --- velká data --- big data-analyse --- suuret tietoaineistot --- stordatasystem --- stordatateknik --- masiniai duomenys --- análise de megadados --- analiza velikih količina podataka --- olltiomsú sonraí --- amplio conjunto de datos --- tecnología de macrodatos --- hromadná data --- liela datu kopa --- big data analytics --- große Datenbasis --- big data technology --- suurandmete tehnoloogia --- technologie dat velkého objemu --- lielo datu analītika --- nagy adattömegek --- množica velepodatkov --- technologie de mégadonnées --- massa de dados --- mass data --- analýza dat velkého objemu --- massadatatekniikka --- programavimo kalba --- език за програмиране --- gjuhë e programimit --- teanga ríomhchlárúcháin --- limbaj de programare --- programmeringsspråk --- linguaggio di programmazione --- programmeertaal --- programnyelv --- programmēšanas valoda --- γλώσσα προγραμματισμού --- linguagem de programação --- język programowania --- programmeerimiskeel --- програмски јазик --- lenguaje de programación --- programovací jazyk --- lingwa tal-ipprogrammar --- Programmiersprache --- programmeringssprog --- langage de programmation --- програмски језик --- ohjelmointikieli --- programski jezik --- limbaj avansat --- számítógépes nyelv --- γλώσσα μηχανής --- hoch entwickelte Programmiersprache --- tietokonekieli --- Maschinensprache --- machine language --- kompiuterio kalba --- arvutikeel --- künstliche Sprache --- linguaggio macchina --- limbaj mașină --- langage assembleur --- assemblerspråk --- gépi nyelv --- strojni jezik --- машински јазик --- maskinspråk --- počítačový jazyk --- kompjutorski jezik --- linguagem-máquina --- dotazovací jazyk --- računalni jezik --- hogere programmeertaal --- машински код --- konekieli --- udviklet sprog --- ανώτερη γλώσσα --- gjuhë makinerie --- mašininė kalba --- machinetaal --- lenguaje máquina --- computer language --- mašīnvaloda --- lenguaje de alto nivel --- linguagem evoluída --- gjuhë kompjuterike --- Assemblersprache --- strojový jazyk --- datorvaloda --- högnivåspråk --- langage évolué --- компјутерски јазик --- strojový kód --- linguaggio evoluto --- assembler --- maskinsprog --- masinakeel --- tekst- en datamining --- prospección de texto y datos --- teksto ir duomenų gavyba --- tekstizrace un datizrace --- eksploracja tekstów i danych --- Text- und Data-Mining --- εξόρυξη κειμένων και δεδομένων --- szöveg- és adatbányászat --- mianadóireacht téacs agus sonraí --- estrazzjoni ta'test u ta'data --- автоматизиран анализ на текст и извличане на данни --- tekst- og dataudvinding --- besedilno in podatkovno rudarjenje --- extragere de text și de date --- estrazione di testo e di dati --- rudarenje teksta i podataka --- teksti- ja andmekaeve --- tekstin- ja tiedonlouhinta --- hĺbková analýza údajov --- prospeção de textos e dados --- exploration de textes et de données --- vytěžování textů a dat --- text- och datautvinning --- fouille de textes et de données --- estrazione di testo e dati --- dolování textů a dat --- data mining --- adatbányászat --- mineração de textos e dados --- tekst- og datamining --- Text- und Datenschürfen --- TDM --- estrazione di dati e di testo --- szövegbányászat --- text mining --- софтуер --- λογισμικό --- софтвер (умотворина) --- tarkvara --- Software --- programmatūra --- programinė įranga --- ohjelmisto --- programmel --- softuer --- softwer --- software --- софтвер --- szoftver --- programvara --- logiciel --- oprogramowanie --- softvér --- computerprogramma --- bogearraí --- programska oprema --- program software --- industrie software --- aplikační programové vybavení --- ανάπτυξη πληροφορικής --- software d'attuazione --- desenvolvimento informático --- programiranje --- programinės įrangos kūrimas --- program de calculator --- programmēšana --- softwarový průmysl --- software-industrie --- programminženierija --- ríomhchlárú --- vývoj informačních technologií --- programa de computador --- Programmierung --- sviluppo di software --- programação informática --- soporte lógico informático --- industri e softuerëve --- edb-program --- sviluppo informatico --- разработване на програми --- ohjelmistoala --- tarkvaratehnika --- програмирање --- tarkvaratööstus --- szoftverfejlesztés --- tarkvarapakett --- softver --- programación informática --- progiciel --- Softwaretechnologie --- programinės įrangos pramonė --- tietokoneen ohjelmointi --- programma software --- software package --- Anwendungssoftware --- desenvolvimento de software --- software development --- datorprogram --- ohjelmistosuunnittelu --- προγραμματισμός Η/Υ --- programmeren --- vývoj softvéru --- tietokoneohjelma --- computer programme --- kompiuterio programavimas --- pacáiste bogearraí --- softwareudvikling --- indústria do software --- Rechnerprogramm --- mjukvara --- softwareontwerp --- arvutiprogrammeerimine --- firmware --- dezvoltare de software --- programinės įrangos technika --- kompiuterio programa --- razvoj programske opreme --- programska podrška --- programme d'ordinateur --- софтверски пакет --- programozás --- standardiserad programvara --- arvutiprogramm --- πληροφορικά προγράμματα --- Softwareindustrie --- programska potpora --- programmazione informatica --- programování --- conceção de software --- industria del software --- ríomhchlárúchán --- industrie du logiciel --- software di base --- balík programů --- počítačový program --- programvaruindustri --- programmatūras pakotne --- softwareontwikkeling --- programmelindustri --- razvoj softvera --- datorprogrammering --- microprogramma --- softwarový balík --- programa de ordenador --- számítógépes program --- ingegneria del software --- softvérový balík --- inxhinieri e softuerëve --- počítačové programovanie --- développement logiciel --- ohjelmistopakkaus --- programa informático --- tietotekniikan kehittäminen --- forbairt bogearraí --- programmation informatique --- desarrollo de programas informáticos --- ohjelmistokehitys --- vývoj softwaru --- programmapakket --- βιομηχανία προγραμμάτων Η/Υ --- softvérové inžinierstvo --- EDV-Programm --- datorprogramma --- softwareindustri --- προγράμματα συστημάτων Η/Υ --- sada programů --- softwarová technologie --- Software-Engineering --- software industry --- dezvoltare informatică --- suporte lógico --- Informatikentwicklung --- edb-programmering --- Standardsoftware --- aplikační software --- softwarové inženýrství --- innealtóireacht bogearraí --- paketë softueri --- tarkvaraarendus --- programové vybavení --- ríomhchlár --- programma di calcolatore --- προγράμματα ηλεκτρονικών υπολογιστών --- softvérový priemysel --- programmatuur --- ανάπτυξη λογισμικού --- software engineering --- informatikai fejlesztés --- programų paketas --- software applicativo --- développement informatique --- computer programming --- szoftvergyártás --- programmering --- programmatūras izstrāde --- żvilupp ta' softwer --- software aplicativ --- programa de aplicação --- génie logiciel --- развитие на информационните технологии --- programim kompjuterik --- program kompjuterik --- информатичко решение --- Datenverarbeitung --- обрада података --- gegevensverwerking --- obdelava podatkov --- përpunim të të dhënave --- duomenų apdorojimas --- databehandling --- procesarea datelor --- trattamento dei dati --- επεξεργασία δεδομένων --- processamento de dados --- proċessar tad-data --- traitement des données --- обработка на данни --- obrada podataka --- обработка на податоци --- tratamiento de datos --- zpracování dat --- tietojenkäsittely --- adatfeldolgozás --- andmetöötlus --- spracovanie údajov --- datu apstrāde --- próiseáil sonraí --- przetwarzanie danych --- traitement électronique des données --- trattamento elettronico dei dati --- tratamiento electrónico de datos --- elektronické spracovanie údajov --- automatizované spracovanie údajov --- автоматска обработка на податоци --- automatska obrada podataka --- elektronikus adatfeldolgozás --- automatiseeritud andmetöötlus --- automātiskā datu apstrāde --- elektronička obrada podataka --- beeldverwerking --- tratamento de imagem --- elektroniskā datu apstrāde --- automatinis duomenų apdorojimas --- përpunim automatik i të dhënave --- automatic data processing --- electronic data processing --- adatkezelés --- automaatne andmetöötlus --- automaattinen tietojenkäsittely --- επεξεργασία εικόνων --- përpunim elektronik i të dhënave --- prelucrarea automată a datelor --- tratamento eletrónico dos dados --- traitement des images --- tratamento dos dados --- procesarea automată a datelor --- processamento informático --- elaborazione dei dati --- billedbehandling --- elektronické zpracování dat --- procesarea electronică a datelor --- elektrooniline andmetöötlus --- elektronische Datenverarbeitung --- Bildverarbeitung --- elektroninis duomenų apdorojimas --- tratamento de dados --- bildbehandling --- trattamento delle immagini --- automatické zpracování dat --- elektronische gegevensverwerking --- tratamiento de gráficos
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Umfassende Erörterung der Problematik der Verbindung des Rechts der neuen Technologien mit der Arbeit eines Anwalts. Die Autoren beschreiben die Entwicklung der Technologie und die wachsende Tendenz der Technik, um die Domäne, die bis vor kurzem war nur für Juristen vorbehalten zu betreten. Heutzutage können die Informationssysteme die Arbeit des Anwalts nicht nur unterstützen, sondern auch ersetzen. In der Publikation werden juristische Fragen mit technischen Fragen verwoben, die das Verständnis des Rechts erheblich beeinflussen, aber auch das Verständnis von Prozessen (einschließlich der IT) ermöglichen, die einen erheblichen Einfluss auf das Recht haben. Die Autoren achten auch auf den grenzüberschreitenden Charakter und die damit verbundenen Probleme. Mit Beiträgen von Michał Araszkiewicz, Gabriela Bar, Wilfried Bernhard, Katarzyna Biczysko-Pudełko, Maddalena Castellani, Tomasz Chomicki, Patryk Ciurak, Wojciech Cyrul, Maria Dymitruk, Ewa Fabian, Tomasz Grzegory, Agnieszka Kubiak-Cyrul, Iga Kurowska, Małgorzata Kurowska, Pierpaolo Marano, Vytautas Nekrosius, Robert Pająk, Przemysław Polański, Rafał Prabucki, Janos Puskas, Thiago Santos Rocha, Mauro Arturo Rivera Leon, Enrico Maria Scavone, Rafał Skibicki, Marek Świerczyński, Sylwester Szczepanik, Kamil Szpyt, Michał Tabor, Gabriela Wiktorzak, Michał Wódczak, Jakub Wyczik, Anna Zalesińska, Tomasz Zalewski, Mario Zanin und Zsolt Zodi. »an interesting study of the influence of modern technologies on law, its creation, use in the work of a lawyer both preparing substantively to examine a legal problem and supporting the work of his office... shows how to prepare for the growing changes in the way a law firm operates and attempts to indicate the direction in which the legal profession is heading... The study is well documented by the available literature. It also takes into account the work of European institutions, especially the European Commission and the European Parliament. It is therefore not only a practical, simplified guide for practitioners on how lawyers should use modern technologies in their work, but a comprehensive, scientific study of the presented issues.« Prof. Jacek Golaczynski Umfassende Erörterung der Problematik der Verbindung des Rechts der neuen Technologien mit der Arbeit eines Anwalts. Die Autoren beschreiben die Entwicklung der Technologie und die wachsende Tendenz der Technik, um die Domäne, die bis vor kurzem war nur für Juristen vorbehalten zu betreten. Heutzutage können die Informationssysteme die Arbeit des Anwalts nicht nur unterstützen, sondern auch ersetzen. In der Publikation werden juristische Fragen mit technischen Fragen verwoben, die das Verständnis des Rechts erheblich beeinflussen, aber auch das Verständnis von Prozessen (einschließlich der IT) ermöglichen, die einen erheblichen Einfluss auf das Recht haben. Die Autoren achten auch auf den grenzüberschreitenden Charakter und die damit verbundenen Probleme. Mit Beiträgen von Michał Araszkiewicz, Gabriela Bar, Wilfried Bernhard, Katarzyna Biczysko-Pudełko, Maddalena Castellani, Tomasz Chomicki, Patryk Ciurak, Wojciech Cyrul, Maria Dymitruk, Ewa Fabian, Tomasz Grzegory, Agnieszka Kubiak-Cyrul, Iga Kurowska, Małgorzata Kurowska, Pierpaolo Marano, Vytautas Nekrosius, Robert Pająk, Przemysław Polański, Rafał Prabucki, Janos Puskas, Thiago Santos Rocha, Mauro Arturo Rivera Leon, Enrico Maria Scavone, Rafał Skibicki, Marek Świerczyński, Sylwester Szczepanik, Kamil Szpyt, Michał Tabor, Gabriela Wiktorzak, Michał Wódczak, Jakub Wyczik, Anna Zalesińska, Tomasz Zalewski, Mario Zanin und Zsolt Zodi. »an interesting study of the influence of modern technologies on law, its creation, use in the work of a lawyer both preparing substantively to examine a legal problem and supporting the work of his office... shows how to prepare for the growing changes in the way a law firm operates and attempts to indicate the direction in which the legal profession is heading... The study is well documented by the available literature. It also takes into account the work of European institutions, especially the European Commission and the European Parliament. It is therefore not only a practical, simplified guide for practitioners on how lawyers should use modern technologies in their work, but a comprehensive, scientific study of the presented issues.« Prof. Jacek Golaczynski
legal profession. --- digital transformation. --- data protection. --- digital technology. --- artificial intelligence. --- impact of information technology. --- cloud computing. --- comparative analysis. --- összehasonlítás --- ricerca comparativa --- comparative assessment --- lyginamasis tyrimas --- évaluation comparative --- összehasonlító kutatás --- vlerësim krahasues --- comparație --- komparatívny výskum --- упоредно истраживање --- tqabbil --- komparativna analiza --- lyginimas --- evalwazzjoni komparattiva --- jämförande utvärdering --- vertaileva arviointi --- investigação comparativa --- сравнителна оценка --- paragone --- investigación comparativa --- упоређивање --- vergleichende Analyse --- kërkim krahasues --- riċerka komparattiva --- võrdlus --- сравнение --- evaluación comparativa --- srovnávací test --- vergleichende Forschung --- krahasim --- vergelijkende analyse --- vergleichende Methoden --- salīdzinošs novērtējums --- lyginamasis įvertinimas --- sammenligning --- srovnání --- võrdlev hindamine --- összehasonlító értékelés --- võrdlusanalüüs --- poredbeno istraživanje --- συγκριτική έρευνα --- primerjalna ocena --- σύγκριση --- ocena porównawcza --- revision och utvärdering --- sammenlignende vurdering --- jämförelse --- srovnávací posouzení --- porównanie --- comparative research --- pesquisa comparativa --- srovnávací výzkum --- komparativ forskning --- búsqueda comparativa --- prestatiebeoordeling --- comparison --- vertailuanalyysi --- méthode comparative --- komparatívne hodnotenie --- cercetare comparativă --- comparação --- vergelijking --- primerjalne raziskave --- badania porównawcze --- упоредна оцена --- comparaison --- Vergleich --- vertailu --- võrdlev uurimine --- evaluare comparativă --- jämförande forskning --- komparácia --- valutazione comparativa --- srovnávací analýza --- comparación --- sammenlignende forskning --- recherche comparative --- salīdzinājums --- vergleichende Bewertung --- компаративна анализа --- vertailututkimus --- primerjava --- vergelijkend onderzoek --- сравнителен анализ --- võrdlev analüüs --- anailís chomparáideach --- összehasonlító elemzés --- análisis comparativo --- lyginamoji analizė --- analiżi komparattiva --- споредбена анализа --- komparativní analýza --- sammenlignende analyse --- analiză comparativă --- упоредна анализа --- vertaileva analyysi --- vergleichender Test --- analizë krahasuese --- análise comparativa --- analiza porównawcza --- συγκριτική ανάλυση --- salīdzinošā analīze --- primerjalna analiza --- analyse comparative --- valutazione analitica --- komparatívna analýza --- jämförande analys --- poredbena analiza --- fornitur ta' servizzi tal-applikazzjonijiet --- infrastruttura come servizio --- lietojumprogrammas pakalpojuma sniedzējs --- Cloud-Dienst --- ASP --- Hardware-as-a-Service --- platforma jako služba --- platforma kao usluga --- infrastructure sous forme de service --- infrastruktura jako usługa --- hardware como servicio --- hardware bħala servizz --- infraestrutura como serviço --- felhőalapú szolgáltatás --- апаратна част като услуга --- IaaS --- λογισμικό ως υπηρεσία --- hardware jako služba --- Hardware as a Service --- hyrhårdvara --- platforma kā pakalpojums --- piattaforma come servizio --- nuvola informatica --- palvelualustan ulkoistaminen --- software come servizio --- πλατφόρμα ως υπηρεσία --- software como serviço --- platform as a service --- software jako služba --- програмно осигуряване като услуга --- cloudová služba --- néalseirbhísí --- hyrprogram --- infrastruktura kao usluga --- Application Service Provider --- matériel sous forme de service --- infrastructure als een dienst --- softvér ako služba --- etäsovelluspalvelu --- laitteistot palveluna --- oprogramowanie jako usługa --- molnet --- seirbhís bogearra de réir éilimh --- υποδομή ως υπηρεσία --- usługa w chmurze --- alkalmazásszolgáltató --- programska oprema kot storitev --- alkalmazás-szolgáltató --- PaaS --- infrastruttura bħala servizz --- cloudtjeneste --- servizz ta' cloud --- software als een dienst --- iaas-tjänst --- saas-tjänst --- hardware as a service --- platforma kot storitev --- Software as a Service --- fornitore di servizi applicativi --- platforma jako usługa --- servizi nella nuvola --- hardware als een dienst --- Software-as-a-Service --- application service provider --- poskytovatel aplikačních služeb --- mākoņpakalpojums --- услуга в облак --- platform als een dienst --- riistvara kui teenus --- ponudnik programskih storitev --- hardver kao usluga --- felhőszolgáltatás --- logiciel à la demande --- sovelluspalvelu --- инфраструктура като услуга --- service infonuagique --- software bħala servizz --- infrastruktúraszolgáltatás --- HaaS --- tehnična infrastruktura kot storitev --- platformszolgáltatás --- Infrastructure as a Service --- plataforma como serviço --- Infrastructure-as-a-Service --- fornecedor de aplicações --- paas-tjänst --- infraestructura como servicio --- programmatūra kā pakalpojums --- infrastruktūra kā pakalpojums --- service en nuage --- serviço de computação na nuvem --- platforma ako služba --- logiciel sous forme de service --- hardware come servizio --- software as a service --- sovellusvuokrauspalvelun tarjoaja --- plataforma como servicio --- softver kao usluga --- platvorm kui teenus --- SaaS --- Platform as a Service --- datormoln --- υλικό ως υπηρεσία --- υπηρεσία υπολογιστικού νέφους --- cloud service --- service dématérialisé --- pjattaforma bħala servizz --- poskytovateľ aplikačných služieb --- Anwendungsdienstleister --- hardvér ako služba --- matériel à la demande --- serviciu de cloud --- usluga u oblaku --- hardverszolgáltatás --- infraštruktúra ako služba --- rakendusteenuse pakkuja --- servicio en nube --- pružatelji usluga aplikacije --- tietotekniikan resurssipalvelu --- pilveteenus --- proveedor de servicios de aplicaciones --- furnizor al aplicației --- equipamento informático como serviço --- tarkvara kui teenus --- Platform-as-a-Service --- soláthraí seirbhíse feidhmchlár --- software ca serviciu --- infrastruktuur kui teenus --- szoftverszolgáltatás --- clouddienst --- felhő alapú szolgáltatás --- платформа като услуга --- πάροχος υπηρεσιών εφαρμογών --- debesų kompiuterija --- platformă ca serviciu --- storitev v oblaku --- palvelimien ylläpidon ulkoistaminen palveluntarjoajalle --- debesija --- infrastructure à la demande --- verkkosovelluspalvelu --- hardware ca serviciu --- fournisseur d'applications en ligne --- software como servicio --- infrastruktura jako služba --- it-moln --- infrastructură ca serviciu --- servizi cloud --- aparatūra kā pakalpojums --- infrastructure as a service --- etäresurssipalvelu --- informatique dématérialisée --- доставчик на услуги, свързани с приложения --- изчисления в облак --- molntjänster --- Cloud-Computing --- mākoņdatošana --- cloudcomputing --- pilvipalvelu --- cloud computing --- computação na nuvem --- felhőalapú számítástechnika --- computación en nube --- računalstvo u oblaku --- chmura obliczeniowa --- informatique en nuage --- υπολογιστικό νέφος --- pilvandmetöötlus --- računalništvo v oblaku --- néalríomhaireacht --- debesijos kompiuterija --- impact of the digital revolution --- impacto de la informática --- απήχηση της πληροφορικής --- skaitmeninių technologijų poveikis --- impact of informatics --- TVT:n vaikutukset --- informatikens inverkan --- влијание на информатиката --- effecten van de digitale revolutie --- virkninger af IKT --- въздействие на информационните и съобщителните технологии --- Auswirkungen der digitalen Revolution --- informātikas ietekme --- impactul tehnologiei informatice --- gevolgen van ICT --- az ikt hatása --- impatt tat-teknoloġiji tal-informazzjoni u tal-komunikazzjoni --- impactul tehnologiilor informației și comunicațiilor --- vliv IKT --- virkninger af IT --- utjecaj informatike --- společenské důsledky informatizace --- impatt tal-informatika --- impatto delle TIC --- informatizace společnosti --- impatt tal-ICT --- a digitális forradalom hatása --- učinek informacijskih in komunikacijskih tehnologij --- az informatika hatása --- impacto de las TIC --- impact de l'informatique --- wpływ technologii ICT --- invloedssfeer van de informatica --- Auswirkungen der Informations- und Kommunikationstechnologien --- impacto de las tecnologías de la información y la comunicación --- αντίκτυπος της πληροφορικής --- učinek IKT --- IRT poveikis --- Auswirkungen der IKT --- vplyv IKT --- αντίκτυπος της ψηφιακής επανάστασης --- virkninger af den digitale revolution --- utjecaj informacijskih i komunikacijskih tehnologija --- IKT:s inverkan --- αντίκτυπος των ΤΠΕ --- učinek informatike --- důsledky informatizace --- virkninger af informatik --- tietotekniikan vaikutukset --- impactul informaticii --- IT:n vaikutukset --- impactul TIC --- az információs és kommunikációs technológiák hatása --- digitaalisen vallankumouksen vaikutukset --- wpływ technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych --- impatto delle tecnologie dell'informazione e della comunicazione --- Auswirkung der Informatik --- impact de la révolution numérique --- vplyv digitálnej revolúcie --- informatikai hatás --- virkninger af informations- og kommunikationsteknologier --- působení informačních technologií --- impactul revoluției digitale --- ndikim i informatikës --- digitālās revolūcijas ietekme --- impact of information and communication technologies --- vplyv informačných a komunikačných technológií --- informatikos poveikis --- vliv digitální revoluce --- effecten van informatie- en communicatietechnologie --- informacijos technologijos poveikis --- vliv výpočetní techniky --- vliv informačních a komunikačních technologií --- impatt tar-rivoluzzjoni diġitali --- utjecaj IKT-a --- vliv informatiky --- dostosowanie do postępu technicznego --- wpływ rewolucji cyfrowej --- informaatika mõju --- informacinių ir ryšių technologijų poveikis --- въздействие на информационните и комуникационните технологии --- impact des TIC --- impacto das TIC --- dopady informatizace --- informācijas un komunikācijas tehnoloģiju ietekme --- impacto da revolução digital --- ICT:n vaikutukset --- impacto de la revolución digital --- въздействие на информатиката --- IKT ietekme --- vplyv informatiky --- digitala revolutionens inverkan --- invloed van informatica --- az infokommunikációs technológiák hatása --- impacto das tecnologias de informação e comunicação --- въздействие на цифровата революция --- impatto dell'informatica --- indvirkninger af edb --- impatto della rivoluzione digitale --- impatt tat-teknoloġija informatika --- impact of ICT --- digitaalrevolutsiooni mõju --- učinek digitalne revolucije --- αντίκτυπος των τεχνολογιών της πληροφορίας και της επικοινωνίας --- impact des technologies de l’information et de la communication --- dosah informatiky --- IKT mõju --- utjecaj digitalne revolucije --- impacto da informática --- vplyv informačnej technológie --- αντίκτυπος της τεχνολογίας πληροφοριών --- impacto das tecnologias da informação --- tieto- ja viestintätekniikan vaikutukset --- effecten van informatietechnologie --- virkninger af informationsteknologi --- wpływ technologii informacyjnych --- tionchar na teicneolaíochta faisnéise --- ndikim i teknologjisë së informacionit --- влијание на информатичката технологија --- vliv informačních technologií --- informācijas tehnoloģijas ietekme --- Auswirkungen der Informationstechnologie --- impact des technologies de l'information --- az információtechnológia hatása --- утицај информационе технологије --- utjecaj informacijske tehnologije --- infotehnoloogia mõju --- učinek informacijske tehnologije --- informacinių technologijų poveikis --- въздействие на информационните технологии --- informationsteknikens inverkan --- impactul tehnologiei informației --- impacto de la tecnología de la información --- impatto delle tecnologie dell'informazione --- impatt tat-teknoloġija tal-informatika --- calcolatore di quinta generazione --- συστήματα λήψης αποφάσεων --- sistema inteligente --- ayuda a la decisión --- sistem expert --- ajuda à decisão --- ekspertinė sistema --- expert system --- szakértői rendszer --- συστήματα εμπειρογνώμονες --- expertsystem --- strumento di aiuto alla decisione --- wissensbasierendes System --- IA --- Expertensystem --- KI --- konstgjord intelligens --- expertný systém --- sistem ekspert --- asiantuntijajärjestelmä --- sistema experto --- systeemexpert --- ekspertsistēma --- ekspertsüsteem --- système expert --- sistema esperto --- Entscheidungshilfe --- aide à la décision --- sistema di supporto alle decisioni --- τεχνητή ευφυΐα --- expertní systém --- inteligência artificial --- kunstmatige intelligentie --- mesterséges intelligencia --- inteligencia artificial --- tekoäly --- sztuczna inteligencja --- вештачка интелигенција --- umetna inteligenca --- mākslīgais intelekts --- umělá inteligence --- künstliche Intelligenz --- inteligență artificială --- tehisintellekt --- изкуствен интелект --- artificiell intelligens --- intelligence artificielle --- intleacht shaorga --- intelligenza artificiale --- intelliġenza artifiċjali --- umelá inteligencia --- dirbtinis intelektas --- τεχνητή νοημοσύνη --- umjetna inteligencija --- inteligjencë artificiale --- kunstig intelligens --- Digitaltechnologie --- digitalteknik --- digitale Technologie --- teknoloġija diġitali --- digitalna tehnologija --- digitaalitekniikka --- tecnología digital --- digitale technologie --- technologie numérique --- tehnologie digitală --- digital teknologi --- teicneolaíocht dhigiteach --- digitální technologie --- teknologji dixhitale --- цифрова технология --- digital teknik --- digitálna technológia --- ψηφιακή τεχνολογία --- tecnologia digitale --- ciparu tehnoloģija --- digitaaltehnoloogia --- technologia cyfrowa --- skaitmeninė technologija --- tecnologia digital --- digitális technológia --- дигитална технологија --- Datensicherung --- varnost podatkov --- andmeturve --- ασφάλεια των δεδομένων --- zajištění dat --- dataskydd --- ochrana dat --- databeveiliging --- segurança de dados --- slándáil sonraí --- bezpečnost dat --- безбедност на податоци --- Datensicherheit --- data security --- datu drošība --- gegevensbeveiliging --- aineistoturvallisuus --- sigurnost podataka --- protecção dos dados --- sigurtà tad-data --- сигурност података --- datos protegidos --- sicurezza dei dati --- tietoturva --- zabezpečení údajů --- сигурност на данните --- sécurité des données --- bezpečnosť osobných údajov --- заштита на лични податоци --- bezpieczeństwo danych --- beveiliging van gegevens --- adatbiztonság --- zaštita informacija --- ochrana informací --- duomenų saugumas --- zabezpečení dat --- protezione dei dati personali --- securitate a datelor --- сигурност на податоци --- andmete turvalisus --- zaštita podataka --- tietosuoja --- ochrana údajov --- databeskyttelse --- protecția datelor --- adatvédelem --- përpunim i të dhënave --- Datenschutz --- varstvo podatkov --- protección de datos --- protection des données --- cosaint sonraí --- proteção dos dados --- uppgiftsskydd --- duomenų apsauga --- andmekaitse --- ochrona danych --- datu aizsardzība --- προστασία δεδομένων --- ochrana údajů --- gegevensbescherming --- защита на информация --- protezzjoni tad-data --- заштита на податоци --- заштита података --- protezione dei dati --- digitaliseerimine --- цифрова трансформация --- transizione digitale --- transición digital --- přechod k digitalizaci --- digital omställning --- transição digital --- digitális átállás --- transition numérique --- digitaalinen siirtymä --- digital transformation --- an t-aistriú digiteach --- cyfryzacja --- tranziție digitală --- digital overgang --- digitale transitie --- digital transition --- digitalisering --- digitalizacija --- digitalna tranzicija --- tranżizzjoni diġitali --- digitális átalakulás --- prelazak na digitalnu tehnologiju --- digiüleminek --- digitālā pārkārtošanās --- ψηφιακή μετάβαση --- digitale Wende --- digitalni prehod --- digitální transformace --- цифров преход --- transformación digital --- transformacja cyfrowa --- digital omstilling --- digitalna transformacija --- skaitmeninė pertvarka --- digital omvandling --- digitalna preobrazba --- transformation numérique --- trasformazione digitale --- transformare digitală --- digipööre --- digitaler Wandel --- digitālā pārveide --- trasformazzjoni diġitali --- ψηφιακός μετασχηματισμός --- transformação digital --- digitális transzformáció --- digitálna transformácia --- digitaalinen muutos --- digitale transformatie --- juridiska profesija --- personale giudiziario --- jurista --- pravnik --- právnik --- právník --- правна струка --- rechtsgeleerde --- juriste --- правничка професија --- jurists --- νομικός --- procurador --- juristi --- giurista --- legal professional --- jogász --- ausiliari di organi giurisdizionali --- profesionist jurist --- jogászság --- retspersonale --- teisininkas --- Organ der Rechtspflege --- Jurist --- medewerker van het gerecht --- jurist --- правник --- právnické zaměstnání --- právnická profesia --- pravna struka --- zawód prawniczy --- õiguseriala --- δικαστικά επαγγέλματα --- juridiskt yrke --- professioni giudiziarie --- rechterlijk beroep --- professjoni ġudizzjarja --- profesion juridik --- jogi szakma --- profession judiciaire --- lucht dlí --- profesión jurídica --- lakimieskunta --- правна професия --- právnická profese --- Rechtsberuf --- teisininko profesija --- profesii juridice --- pessoal judiciário --- retsligt erhverv --- правна професија --- pravniški poklic --- advokatūra --- Practice of law --- Technological innovations. --- Data processing. --- Law --- Law practice --- Practice --- LNCB, LNQD, 1QFE --- access to justice, Algorythmen, Big Data, Blockchain, Cloud, code and law, Datenschutz, Digitalisierung, DSGVO, e-contracts, GDPR, Law Engineering, Legal Office, LegalTech, Tokenisation, Artificial Intelligence
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This book presents a timely description of currently used and proposed technologies that involve the intelligent transport system to assist the manager of large cities. Therefore, it describes all concepts and technologies that address the challenges, bringing up a top-down approach, which begins from the vehicular network and central infrastructure to a distributed structure. For scientists and researchers, this book will bring together the state-of-the-art of the main techniques that involve intelligent transport systems to assist the manager of big cities. For practitioners and professionals, this book will describe techniques which can be put into practice and use to aid the development of new applications and services. Concerning postgraduate students, this book will provide highlights of main concerns and concepts and explain techniques that can assist students to identify challenges that they can explore, contribute to, and advance the current status of technology. .
Computer science --- Computer architecture. Operating systems --- Smart City --- cloud computing --- computers --- informatica --- computerbesturingssystemen --- OS (operating system) --- computernetwerken --- computerkunde --- intelligent transport system --- satellite navigation --- telematics --- town traffic --- urban transport --- organisation of transport --- new technology --- innovation --- technological change --- communications systems --- Computer network architectures. --- Computer science. --- Computer Systems Organization and Communication Networks. --- Computing Milieux. --- mestni prevoz --- městská doprava --- bytransport --- kaupunkiliikenne --- gradski prijevoz --- pilsētas transports --- trasporti urbani --- trasport urban --- transport urbain --- градски транспорт --- transport urban --- städtische Verkehrsmittel --- stadsvervoer --- mestská doprava --- miesto transportas --- transporte urbano --- linnatransport --- városi közlekedés --- αστικές συγκοινωνίες --- transport miejski --- stadstransport --- градски превоз --- mobilità urbana --- medzimestská doprava --- kaupunkien välinen liikenne --- transport interurbain --- mobiliteit in de stad --- kommunaler Nahverkehr --- trasporti interurbani --- rörlighet i städer --- městský provoz --- Mobilität im Ortsverkehr --- transport ndërqytetas --- υπεραστικές συγκοινωνίες --- transporte intraurbano --- ortsverbindender Verkehr --- intercity transport --- Personennahverkehr --- transport mellan städer --- mobilitet i byen --- helyközi járat --- Stadtverkehr --- меѓуградски транспорт --- tarpmiestinis transportas --- transport mellem byer --- starppilsētu transports --- transporte interurbano --- mobilidade urbana --- mobilité urbaine --- меѓуградски превоз --- interstedelijk vervoer --- međugradski prijevoz --- linnadevaheline transport --- transport interurban --- movilidad urbana --- helyközi közlekedés --- helyközi szállítás --- doprava ve městech --- liikkuminen kaupungeissa --- αστική κινητικότητα --- bytrafik --- gradski promet --- градски саобраћај --- městská hromadná doprava --- miesto eismas --- linnaliiklus --- градски трафик --- taajamaliikenne --- αστική κυκλοφορία --- pilsētas satiksme --- mestni promet --- trafic urban --- qarkullim rrugor qytetas --- traffiku urban --- circulación urbana --- circulation urbaine --- circulação urbana --- städtischer Verkehr --- stadsverkeer --- градски сообраќај --- mestská premávka --- ruch miejski --- városi forgalom --- stadstrafik --- traffico urbano --- promet u gradu --- satiksme pilsētās --- satiksme lielpilsētās --- asulaliiklus --- traffic in cities --- traffic in towns --- tráfego urbano --- tráfico en el centro de la ciudad --- trafic în orașe --- trafik në qytete --- suurlinnaliiklus --- сообраќај во градот --- κυκλοφορία στις πόλεις --- miestų eismas --- circulation en ville --- trafik i städer --- MHD --- urban traffic --- trafik i byer --- trafik urban --- урбан сообраќај --- Telematik --- teileamaitic --- telematica --- télématique --- telemātika --- телематика --- τηλεπληροφορική --- telematică --- telematiikka --- telemática --- telematika --- telemaatika --- telematyka --- telematik --- teleprocesare --- etäkäsittely --- teleinformatica --- dálkový přenos dat --- teleprocessing --- teleinformática --- nuotolinis apdorojimas --- τηλεματική --- teleinformatik --- datacommunicatie --- diaľkový prenos údajov --- teleinformatika --- téléinformatique --- Datenfernverarbeitung --- servizio telematico interattivo --- telepërpunim --- tālapstrāde --- kaugtöötlus --- materiale telematico --- систем комуникација --- комуникациски системи --- комуникационни системи --- sistemet e komunikacionit --- σύστημα επικοινωνίας --- komunikačné systémy --- sistema di comunicazione --- kommunikationssystem --- ryšių sistemos --- komunikační systém --- komunikacijski sistem --- communicatiesysteem --- komunikacijski sustavi --- viestintäjärjestelmä --- sistema de comunicação --- kommunikációs rendszer --- sistem de comunicații --- system komunikowania --- système de communication --- sidesüsteem --- komunikācijas sistēmas --- Kommunikationssystem --- sistemi ta’ komunikazzjoni --- sistema de comunicación --- sakaru sistēmas --- дигитални комуникациски системи --- аналогни комуникациски системи --- изчисления в облак --- molntjänster --- Cloud-Computing --- mākoņdatošana --- cloudcomputing --- pilvipalvelu --- computação na nuvem --- felhőalapú számítástechnika --- computación en nube --- računalstvo u oblaku --- chmura obliczeniowa --- informatique en nuage --- υπολογιστικό νέφος --- pilvandmetöötlus --- računalništvo v oblaku --- néalríomhaireacht --- debesijos kompiuterija --- fornitur ta' servizzi tal-applikazzjonijiet --- infrastruttura come servizio --- lietojumprogrammas pakalpojuma sniedzējs --- Cloud-Dienst --- ASP --- Hardware-as-a-Service --- platforma jako služba --- platforma kao usluga --- infrastructure sous forme de service --- infrastruktura jako usługa --- hardware como servicio --- hardware bħala servizz --- infraestrutura como serviço --- felhőalapú szolgáltatás --- апаратна част като услуга --- IaaS --- λογισμικό ως υπηρεσία --- hardware jako služba --- Hardware as a Service --- hyrhårdvara --- platforma kā pakalpojums --- piattaforma come servizio --- nuvola informatica --- palvelualustan ulkoistaminen --- software come servizio --- πλατφόρμα ως υπηρεσία --- software como serviço --- platform as a service --- software jako služba --- програмно осигуряване като услуга --- cloudová služba --- néalseirbhísí --- hyrprogram --- infrastruktura kao usluga --- Application Service Provider --- matériel sous forme de service --- infrastructure als een dienst --- softvér ako služba --- etäsovelluspalvelu --- laitteistot palveluna --- oprogramowanie jako usługa --- molnet --- seirbhís bogearra de réir éilimh --- υποδομή ως υπηρεσία --- usługa w chmurze --- alkalmazásszolgáltató --- programska oprema kot storitev --- alkalmazás-szolgáltató --- PaaS --- infrastruttura bħala servizz --- cloudtjeneste --- servizz ta' cloud --- software als een dienst --- iaas-tjänst --- saas-tjänst --- hardware as a service --- platforma kot storitev --- Software as a Service --- fornitore di servizi applicativi --- platforma jako usługa --- servizi nella nuvola --- hardware als een dienst --- Software-as-a-Service --- application service provider --- poskytovatel aplikačních služeb --- mākoņpakalpojums --- услуга в облак --- platform als een dienst --- riistvara kui teenus --- ponudnik programskih storitev --- hardver kao usluga --- felhőszolgáltatás --- logiciel à la demande --- sovelluspalvelu --- инфраструктура като услуга --- service infonuagique --- software bħala servizz --- infrastruktúraszolgáltatás --- HaaS --- tehnična infrastruktura kot storitev --- platformszolgáltatás --- Infrastructure as a Service --- plataforma como serviço --- Infrastructure-as-a-Service --- fornecedor de aplicações --- paas-tjänst --- infraestructura como servicio --- programmatūra kā pakalpojums --- infrastruktūra kā pakalpojums --- service en nuage --- serviço de computação na nuvem --- platforma ako služba --- logiciel sous forme de service --- hardware come servizio --- software as a service --- sovellusvuokrauspalvelun tarjoaja --- plataforma como servicio --- softver kao usluga --- platvorm kui teenus --- SaaS --- Platform as a Service --- datormoln --- υλικό ως υπηρεσία --- υπηρεσία υπολογιστικού νέφους --- cloud service --- service dématérialisé --- pjattaforma bħala servizz --- poskytovateľ aplikačných služieb --- Anwendungsdienstleister --- hardvér ako služba --- matériel à la demande --- serviciu de cloud --- usluga u oblaku --- hardverszolgáltatás --- infraštruktúra ako služba --- rakendusteenuse pakkuja --- servicio en nube --- pružatelji usluga aplikacije --- tietotekniikan resurssipalvelu --- pilveteenus --- proveedor de servicios de aplicaciones --- furnizor al aplicației --- equipamento informático como serviço --- tarkvara kui teenus --- Platform-as-a-Service --- soláthraí seirbhíse feidhmchlár --- software ca serviciu --- infrastruktuur kui teenus --- szoftverszolgáltatás --- clouddienst --- felhő alapú szolgáltatás --- платформа като услуга --- πάροχος υπηρεσιών εφαρμογών --- debesų kompiuterija --- platformă ca serviciu --- storitev v oblaku --- palvelimien ylläpidon ulkoistaminen palveluntarjoajalle --- debesija --- infrastructure à la demande --- verkkosovelluspalvelu --- hardware ca serviciu --- fournisseur d'applications en ligne --- software como servicio --- infrastruktura jako služba --- it-moln --- infrastructură ca serviciu --- servizi cloud --- aparatūra kā pakalpojums --- infrastructure as a service --- etäresurssipalvelu --- informatique dématérialisée --- доставчик на услуги, свързани с приложения --- cambio tecnológico --- technologische verandering --- teknologinen muutos --- technologinis pakeitimas --- teknologisk förändring --- mudança tecnológica --- trasformazione tecnologica --- technologická zmena --- технологична промяна --- bidla teknoloġika --- τεχνολογική αλλαγή --- tehnološka promjena --- technologická změna --- technológiai változás --- evoluție tehnologică --- changement technologique --- tehnoloģijas maiņa --- technologischer Wandel --- tehnološka sprememba --- tehnoloogiline muutus --- rozwój technologii --- ndryshim teknologjik --- технолошка промена --- teknologisk forandring --- athrú teicneolaíoch --- développement technique --- digitálna revolúcia --- технолошки развој --- technological progress --- tehnoloģiskā attīstība --- tekniska framsteg --- mutamento tecnologico --- technologický rozvoj --- tekniskt framsteg --- technischer Fortschritt --- digitalna revolucija --- digitális forradalom --- tehnoloogia areng --- rivoluzione digitale --- athrú teicneolaíochta --- aanpassing technische vooruitgang --- sviluppo tecnologico --- tehnikas progress --- технички напредак --- revolución digital --- technológiai változások --- προσαρμογή στην τεχνική πρόοδο --- aanpassing aan technische vooruitgang --- pielāgošanās tehnikas attīstībai --- digitaalinen vallankumous --- développement technologique --- ψηφιακή επανάσταση --- a műszaki fejlődéshez történő hozzáigazítás --- rewolucja cyfrowa --- technologische ontwikkeling --- rivoluzzjoni diġitali --- revoluție digitală --- tehnološke promjene --- mukautuminen tekniikan kehitykseen --- развитие на технологиите --- progresso tecnico --- technical progress --- tehnoloģiju maiņa --- postęp technologiczny --- adaptare la progresul tehnic --- technologijos tobulinimas --- digitale revolutie --- teknologiska framsteg --- прилагођавање техничком напретку --- цифрова революция --- техническо развитие --- prilagajanje tehničnemu napredku --- technologische Entwicklung --- revolução digital --- anpassning till tekniska framsteg --- tehnikas attīstība --- tehnološki napredak --- приспособување на технолошките промени --- mutation technologique --- prispôsobenie technickému pokroku --- rozwój technologiczny --- tekniikan kehittyminen --- přizpůsobení technickému pokroku --- progrès technique --- tekniikan kehitys --- a műszaki fejlődéshez való igazodás --- teknologisk udvikling --- progreso técnico --- réabhlóid dhigiteach --- műszaki fejlődés --- adaptation au progrès technique --- digitální revoluce --- teknisk udvikling --- progress tekniku --- tilpasning til den tekniske udvikling --- zhvillim tekonologjik --- progreso tecnológico --- приспособяване към техническия напредък --- Anpassung an den technischen Fortschritt --- kohandumine tehnika arenguga --- adaptación al progreso técnico --- технически напредък --- prisitaikymas prie technikos pažangos --- tekninen muutos --- desarrollo tecnológico --- dezvoltare tehnologică --- teknologinen kehitys --- změna technologie --- tekninen kehitys --- technikos pažanga --- teknisk fremskridt --- skaitmeninė revoliucija --- technologinis pokytis --- technological development --- teknikutveckling --- adeguamento al progresso tecnico --- tehnika arenemine --- technologijų raida --- technológiai fejlesztés --- techninė pažanga --- progrès technologique --- технички развој --- teknologiske forandringer --- technológiai fejlődés --- desenvolvimento tecnológico --- tehnološki razvoj --- prilagoditev tehničnemu napredku --- adattament għall-progress tekniku --- sopeutuminen tekniikan kehitykseen --- attività tecnologica --- cambiamento tecnologico --- tilpasning til teknisk fremskridt --- tehnika areng --- технолошки напредок --- përparim teknologjik --- digitaalrevolutsioon --- tehnikaareng --- révolution numérique --- progres tehnic --- tehnoloģijas attīstība --- digitālā revolūcija --- adaptation to technical progress --- żvilupp teknoloġiku --- teknologins utveckling --- τεχνολογική εξέλιξη --- voortschrijden van de technologie --- tehnični napredek --- digital revolution --- sfida tecnologica --- digitale Revolution --- pielāgošana tehniskajam progresam --- technický pokrok --- adaptação ao progresso técnico --- technische vooruitgang --- dostosowanie do postępu technicznego --- crise de adaptação tecnológica --- τεχνική πρόοδος --- adaptim ndaj përparimeve teknologjike --- prilagodba tehničkom napretku --- progresso técnico --- műszaki fejlődéshez történő hozzáigazítás --- сателитска навигација --- navigation par satellite --- satellitnavigation --- műholdas navigáció --- satelliitnavigatsioon --- satelitná navigácia --- satelītu navigācija --- navigație prin satelit --- navigim satelitor --- satellitnavigering --- satellietnavigatie --- сателитна навигация --- navegação por satélite --- satelitní navigace --- navegación por satélite --- satelitsko navođenje --- Satellitennavigation --- nawigacja satelitarna --- palydovinė navigacija --- δορυφορική πλοήγηση --- navigazzjoni satellitari --- satelitska navigacija --- satelliittinavigointi --- navigazione satellitare --- Európsky satelitný navigačný systém --- sistema global de navegação por satélite --- ГПС --- maailmanlaajuinen satelliittinavigointijärjestelmä --- navigation by satellite --- système de positionnement à capacité globale --- глобален систем за позиционирање --- глобални систем позиционирања --- ülemaailmne satelliitnavigatsioonisüsteem --- globalt system för satellitnavigering --- navigazione via satellite --- SGP --- Globalni navigacijski satelitski sustav (GNSS) --- palydovinė vietos nustatymo sistema --- globales Satellitennavigationssystem --- globālās navigācijas pavadoņu sistēmas --- Ευρωπαϊκό δορυφορικό σύστημα πλοήγησης --- Evropský systém satelitní navigace --- SGNS --- global positioning system --- Europski satelitski navigacijski sustav --- Sistem Global Navigimi Satelitor --- Sistema Europeu de Navegação por Satélite --- sistema europeo di navigazione satellitare --- Système européen de navigation par satellite --- глобални навигациони сателитски ситем --- satelītnavigācija --- GPS --- Europees satellietnavigatiesysteem --- programul de navigație prin satelit --- evropski satelitski navigacijski sistem --- Παγκόσμιο Δορυφορικό Σύστημα Πλοήγησης --- európai műholdas navigációs rendszer --- GNSS-rendszer --- European Satellite Navigation System --- globální družicový navigační systém --- sistema mundial de navegación por satélite --- ГНСС --- GNSS --- Global Navigation Satellite System --- europejski system nawigacji satelitarnej --- globaalne positsioneerimissüsteem --- европски сателитски навигациони систем (Галилеј) --- système global de navigation par satellite --- Европски систем за сателитска навигација --- sistema europeo de navegación por satélite --- globalni sustav pozicioniranja (GPS) --- europeiskt system för satellitnavigering --- Галилео --- Глобална навигационна спътникова система --- satelitní navigační a poziční systém --- Sistem Europian Navigimi Satelitor --- Sistema Ewropea ta' Navigazzjoni bis-Satellita --- Sistema Globali ta' Navigazzjoni bis-Satellita --- Galileo --- globális navigációs műholdrendszerek --- navigációs műholdrendszerek --- wereldwijd satellietnavigatiesysteem --- sistema globale di navigazione via satellite --- globalt satellitnavigationssystem --- sistem global pozicionimi --- globalny system nawigacji satelitarnej --- navigace pomocí satelitu --- сателитско наведување --- globálny satelitný navigačný systém --- globaalne asukoha määramise süsteem --- Sistem global de navigație prin satelit --- Evropský družicový navigační systém --- globalni satelitski navigacijski sistem --- globalios navigacijos palydovinės sistemos --- navođenje putem satelita --- navigim me satelit --- inteligentni prometni sistem --- интелигентен транспортен систем --- intelligentes Verkehrssystem --- интелигентна транспортна система --- sistemi ta' trasport intelliġenti --- intelligens közlekedési rendszer --- automatizēta transporta sistēma --- sistema di trasporto intelligente --- arukas transpordisüsteem --- intelektinė transporto sistema --- интелигентни систем превоза --- inteligentni prometni sustav --- intelligent vervoerssyteem --- intelligent transportsystem --- ευφυές σύστημα μεταφορών --- système de transport intelligent --- córas cliste iompair --- inteligentný dopravný systém --- sistem inteligjent transporti --- sistema de transporte inteligente --- inteligentny system transportowy --- sistem de transport inteligent --- älykäs liikennejärjestelmä --- inteligentní transportní systém --- integrált szállítási rendszer --- sistem de transport integrat --- integrated transport system --- integroitu liikennejärjestelmä --- pažangioji transporto sistema --- ITS --- inteligentní dopravní systém --- integrirani prometni sustav --- sistema de transporte integrado --- integruotoji transporto sistema --- integrēta transporta sistēma --- geïntegreerd vervoerssysteem --- sistema integrado de transportes --- ολοκληρωμένο σύστημα μεταφορών --- sistema di trasporto integrato --- ühtne transpordisüsteem --- integriertes Verkehrssystem --- inteligentní přepravní systém --- integrerat transportsystem --- integreret transportsystem --- e-doprava --- интегриран транспортен систем --- sistem i integruar transporti --- système de transport intégré --- innovaatio --- innovazione --- novinka --- inovație --- innovazzjoni --- иновация --- innovatsioon --- innowacja --- jaunievedums --- innovación --- vernieuwing --- καινοτομία --- inovácia --- inovação --- иновација --- nuálaíocht --- Innovation --- innováció --- risi --- inovacija --- τεχνολογική καινοτομία --- teknologisk fornyelse --- industrielle Innovation --- technologische Innovation --- technológiai innováció --- inovação tecnológica --- innovación industrial --- innovación tecnológica --- risi industriale --- naujovė --- βιομηχανική καινοτομία --- technologische vernieuwing --- industrijska inovacija --- innovazione industriale --- tehnoloogiline innovatsioon --- priemyselná inovácia --- technologijos naujovė --- technologická inovácia --- innovation technologique --- teollinen innovaatio --- tehnoloģisks jauninājums --- fornyelse --- risi teknologjike --- inovație industrială --- teknisk innovation --- innovation industrielle --- teknologinen innovaatio --- teknologisk innovation --- industriell innovation --- technological innovation --- pramoninė naujovė --- industrial innovation --- технолошка иновација --- innovazione tecnologica --- průmyslová novinka --- tööstusinnovatsioon --- technická novinka --- tehnološka inovacija --- industriel innovation --- ipari innováció --- inovação industrial --- rūpniecisks jauninājums --- innovazione scientifica --- inovație tehnologică --- nieuwe technologie --- ny teknik --- új technológia --- нова технология --- nowe technologie --- jauna tehnoloģija --- nuova tecnologia --- nova tecnologia --- nová technológia --- nueva tecnología --- teknologji e re --- nouvelle technologie --- nová technologie --- uus tehnoloogia --- uusi teknologia --- tehnologie avansată --- neue Technologie --- teknoloġija ġdida --- нова технологија --- νέες τεχνολογίες --- nova tehnologija --- ny teknologi --- naujoji technologija --- moderná technológia --- alta tecnologia --- Spitzentechnologie --- neuartige Technologie --- tecnología avanzada --- technique de pointe --- fejlett technológia --- advanced technology --- Hightech --- advanced technique --- kõrgtehnoloogia --- avanceret teknik --- alta tecnología --- progresivní technologie --- high-tech --- korszerű technika --- forkantteknologi --- teknikë e përparuar --- arenenud tehnoloogia --- spetsteknik --- špičková technika --- högt utvecklad teknik --- hoch entwickelte Technik --- arenenud tehnika --- high technology --- technologie avancée --- tecnologia de ponta --- висока технологија --- tecnologia di punta --- tecnica d'avanguardia --- avancerad teknik --- tecnologia nova --- geavanceerde technologie --- tecnología punta --- csúcstechnológia --- napredna tehnologija --- hoogontwikkelde technologie --- tecnica di punta --- speerpunttechnologie --- kehittynyt teknologia --- högteknologi --- teknologji e lartë --- τεχνολογία αιχμής --- pažangioji technika --- напредна технологија --- attīstīta tehnoloģija --- korkea teknologia --- højteknologi --- προηγμένη τεχνολογία --- technologie nouvelle --- augstās tehnoloģijas --- модерна технологија --- tehnică avansată --- haute technologie --- spitstechnologie --- tecnologia avanzata --- high tech --- aukštoji technologija --- attīstīta metode --- înaltă trhnologie --- spjutspetsteknik --- špičková technologie --- visoka tehnologija --- korszerű technológia --- moderná technika --- pažangioji technologija --- kehittynyt tekniikka --- fortgeschrittene Technologie --- tecnologia avançada --- hightech --- υψηλή τεχνολογία --- οργάνωση των μεταφορών --- Organisation des Verkehrs --- organizzazione dei trasporti --- организација саобраћаја --- organizarea transportului --- transporto organizavimas --- organizim transporti --- közlekedésszervezés --- organizacja transportu --- organizace dopravy --- organización de los transportes --- организација на транспорт --- transportorganisering --- organizzazzjoni tat-trasport --- organisation des transports --- organização dos transportes --- transpordikorraldus --- organizácia dopravy --- organizacija prijevoza --- организация на транспорта --- organisation af transport --- pārvadājumu organizēšana --- kuljetusjärjestelyt --- organizacija prometa --- organisatie van het vervoer --- organization of transport --- организација на превоз --- a szállítás szervezése --- организација на сообраќај --- organizatë transporti --- organizacija transporta --- Informatics --- Science --- Architectures, Computer network --- Network architectures, Computer --- Computer architecture --- Computer organization. --- Computers. --- Automatic computers --- Automatic data processors --- Computer hardware --- Computing machines (Computers) --- Electronic brains --- Electronic calculating-machines --- Electronic computers --- Hardware, Computer --- Computer systems --- Cybernetics --- Machine theory --- Calculators --- Cyberspace --- Organization, Computer --- Electronic digital computers
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