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Legalisation and Decriminalisation of Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances
Year: 2022 Publisher: Berlin : Carl Grossmann Verlag,

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Debates about decriminalising or even legalising certain narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances have gained much momentum in recent years. On the surface, it appears that more and more jurisdictions are exploring the introduction of measures to permit, albeit in very controlled ways, the use of some narcotic drugs, if only for medical purposes. Others further agree that the so-called 'war on drugs' has failed to produce any meaningful success and that new ways to prevent the abuse of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances need to be explored. Nevertheless, most jurisdictions continue to impose near-complete bans on the production, manufacturing, trade, transport, supply, sale, and possession of illicit drugs. National authorities, along with international organisations, point out that any move to decriminalise narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances is inconsistent with international law. As part of a joint teaching programme on transnational organised crime, students from the Universities of Queensland, Vienna and Zurich researched the topic of illicit drugs in a year-long course. Some of their academic papers are compiled in this volume, addressing topics reaching from international and national legal frameworks to concrete liberalisation efforts in the past and harm minimisation strategies.; Die Debatten über die Entkriminalisierung oder gar Legalisierung bestimmter Suchtstoffe und psychotroper Substanzen haben in den letzten Jahren stark an Dynamik gewonnen. Oberflächlich betrachtet scheinen immer mehr Länder die Einführung von Maßnahmen zu prüfen, die den Konsum einiger Betäubungsmittel - wenn auch in sehr kontrollierter Form - erlauben, und sei es nur für medizinische Zwecke. Andere Experten sind ebenfalls der Meinung, dass der so genannte "Krieg gegen die Drogen" keinen nennenswerten Erfolg gebracht hat und dass neue Wege zur Verhinderung des Missbrauchs von Betäubungsmitteln und psychotropen Substanzen erforscht werden müssen. Dennoch gelten in den meisten Ländern nach wie vor nahezu vollständige Verbote für Produktion, Herstellung, Handel, Transport, Lieferung, Verkauf und Besitz illegaler Drogen. Nationale Behörden und internationale Organisationen weisen darauf hin, dass jeder Schritt zur Entkriminalisierung von Betäubungsmitteln und psychotropen Substanzen im Widerspruch zum Völkerrecht steht. Im Rahmen eines gemeinsamen Lehrprogramms zur grenzüberschreitenden organisierten Kriminalität haben sich Studierende der Universitäten Queensland, Wien und Zürich in einem einjährigen Kurs mit dem Thema illegale Drogen beschäftigt. Einige ihrer aktuellen akademischen Arbeiten sind in diesem Band zusammengestellt. Sie behandeln Themen, die von internationalen und nationalen rechtlichen Rahmenbedingungen über konkrete Liberalisierungsbemühungen in der Vergangenheit bis hin zu Schadensminimierungsstrategien reichen. Übersetzt mit (kostenlose Version).


Narcotic laws.

Precursors and chemicals frequently used in the illicit manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1423706056 9781423706052 9211481996 9789211481990 Year: 2005 Publisher: New York United Nations

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Narcotic Laws --- Law

China's drug practices and policies
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1315571706 1317167236 1317167228 1282261223 9786612261220 0754693937 9780754693932 0754676943 9780754676942 9781282261228 9781317167235 9781317167228 6612261226 9780754676942 Year: 2009 Publisher: Farnham Surrey, England Burlington, VT Ashgate Pub.

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Employing a comparative historical approach and drawing on a variety of data sources, this book is the first English-language publication to provide a comprehensive analysis of China's legal regulation of controlled substances. The authors examine topics including drug regulation, the socio-political treatment of drugs during various historical periods and ongoing efforts to legislate drug trade, criminalize drug use and manage the addict population within national and international contexts.


Narcotic laws --- History.

Manufacture of narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors =
ISBN: 9210555864 9789210555869 Year: 2009 Publisher: New York United Nations

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This publication by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime provides a comprehensive list of national manufacturers authorized to produce or convert specific narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances as of 2007. It includes details on substances manufactured under international control and reports the authorized manufacturers by country. The document serves as an important resource for understanding the control and regulation of narcotic and psychotropic substances globally. It is intended for policy makers, regulatory authorities, and researchers involved in drug control and international law enforcement.

Los tratados de fiscalización internacional de drogas
ISBN: 9210558197 9789210558198 9789213481431 9213481438 Year: 2009 Publisher: Nueva York

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This publication by the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime provides the texts of the three major international drug control treaties: the 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs, the 1971 Convention on Psychotropic Substances, and the 1988 United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances. It includes revised schedules and tables of substances under control, decisions on substance classifications, and provides context on the treaties' implementation and amendments. The book serves as a comprehensive resource for policymakers, legal experts, and organizations involved in drug control and policy development, aiming to promote international cooperation in combating drug abuse and trafficking.

2010 nian jing chang yong yu fei fa zhi zao ma zui pin he jing shen yao wu de qian ti he hua xue pin.
ISBN: 9210548787 9789210548786 9789210038348 9210038347 Year: 2011 Publisher: Niuyue Lian he guo

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This publication is a report by the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB) regarding the implementation of Article 12 of the 1988 United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances. It provides a comprehensive overview of international efforts to control precursor chemicals used in the illegal manufacture of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances. The report includes statistical data, legislative and regulatory measures taken by various countries, and the effectiveness of pre-export notifications. It highlights the challenges faced by countries not party to the convention and urges them to adopt the necessary measures to comply. The report is intended for policymakers, governmental agencies, and organizations involved in drug control and enforcement.

Competent national authorities under the international drug control treaties.
ISBN: 9210547535 9789210547536 9789210481441 9210481445 Year: 2011 Publisher: New York United Nations

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This publication provides a comprehensive overview of the competent national authorities designated under international drug control treaties, including the Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs of 1961, the Convention on Psychotropic Substances of 1971, and the United Nations Convention against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances of 1988. It includes introductory texts in Arabic, Chinese, and Russian, and details the roles and responsibilities of these authorities in administering drug control laws. The book serves as a reference for governments, policymakers, and legal professionals involved in international drug control efforts.

Informe de la junta internacional de fiscalizacion de estupefacientes correspondiente a 2010
ISBN: 9210548736 9789210548731 9789213481523 9213481527 Year: 2011 Publisher: Nueva York Naciones Unidas

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The book is a 2010 report by the International Narcotics Control Board (INCB), published by the United Nations, examining the global adherence to international drug control treaties. It highlights issues related to the regulation of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances for medical and scientific purposes, focusing on the challenges posed by corruption and illegal trafficking. The report discusses the impact of organized crime on drug enforcement efforts and the vulnerabilities of law enforcement and regulatory bodies to corruption and intimidation. It addresses the need for increased access to controlled substances for medical purposes in many countries. The report is intended for policymakers, regulatory bodies, and international organizations involved in drug control and public health.

5 grams : crack cocaine, rap music, and the war on drugs
ISBN: 0814725163 0814723063 9780814723067 9780814725160 9780814787007 0814787002 9780814787014 0814787010 Year: 2012 Publisher: New York : New York University Press,

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"In 2010, President Barack Obama signed a law repealing one of the most controversial policies in American criminal justice history: the one hundred to one sentencing disparity between crack cocaine and powder whereby someone convicted of "simply" possessing five grams of crack--the equivalent of a few sugar packets--had been required by law to serve no less than five years in prison. In this highly original work, Dimitri A. Bogazianos draws on various sources to examine the profound consequences of America's reliance on this punishment structure, tracing the rich cultural linkages between America's War on Drugs, and the creative contributions of those directly affected by its destructive effects. Focusing primarily on lyrics that emerged in 1990s New York rap, which critiqued the music industry for being corrupt, unjust, and criminal, Bogazianos shows how many rappers began drawing parallels between the "rap game" and the "crack game." He argues that the symbolism of crack in rap's stance towards its own commercialization represents a moral debate that is far bigger than hip hop culture, highlighting the degree to which crack cocaine--although a drug long in decline--has come to represent the entire paradoxical predicament of punishment in the U.S. today."--

Competences for Pharmacy Education and Practice in Europe
ISBN: 3038970948 9783038970941 Year: 2018 Publisher: Basel, Switzerland : MDPI,

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One of the main aspirations of the European Union (EU) is the development of a pan-European health system with unhindered access to quality care, in all member states. The PHAR-QA "Quality Assurance in European Pharmacy Education and Training" project explored the realities surrounding this idea in the area of pharmacy. This book assembles a series of papers, already published in the journal "Pharmacy", that describe the project: its origins, design, implementation, results, interpretation, and perspectives.

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