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Dit multidisciplinaire boek behandelt de vele aspecten van wetenschappelijk-verantwoorde integrale geboortezorg, met voorbeelden uit de praktijk. Elk kind verdient een goede start met trotse ouders die zich gehoord voelen. Dat stelt eisen aan de geboortezorg. Wie stelt die eisen? De overheid, de zorgprofessionals of degenen voor wie zorg bedoeld is, de zwangere vrouw en haar (eventuele) partner? Is integrale geboortezorg daarop het antwoord? Integrale geboortezorg betekent dat de (aanstaande) ouders en het kind de spil zijn waar de zorg om draait. Integrale geboortezorg betekent ook dat zorgprofessionals over de grenzen van de eigen discipline heen kijken, met het accent op samenwerking. Samenwerking tussen verschillende disciplines die bij het zorgtraject zijn betrokken. Dat traject begint al vóór de bevruchting en loopt door tot het kind twee is. Aan bod komen onder andere positie van de (aanstaande) ouder(s) en het kind, kwaliteit van zorg, risicomanagement, taken en verantwoordelijkheden, omgang met klachten, incidenten, complicaties en calamiteiten, integraal zorgdossier en e-health, financiële aspecten, deskundigheidsbevordering en het belang van interprofessionele samenwerking. Dit boek is bedoeld als een handreiking voor alle zorgprofessionals werkzaam in de geboortezorg. Het maakt nieuwsgierig; het zegt niet hoe het moet, wel hoe het kan. .
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Als kraamverzorgende moet je tegenwoordig sterk in je schoenen staan. Dit komt enerzijds doordat de gezinssamenstellingen ingewikkelder worden. Anderzijds doordat er meer van je wordt verwacht dan alleen maar instructies geven en schoonmaken. Het is dus belangrijk dat je de juiste psychologische en sociale eigenschappen hebt. Hoe kun je die eigenschappen ontwikkelen? In kerncompetenties kraamverzorgenden in ontwikkeling komt dat uitgebreid aan de orde. In elk deel wordt er een thema behandeld. In het eerste deel houd je je bezig met de vraag wie ben ik als mens? Je kijkt naar je sterke en zwakke punten en de manier waarop je met emoties omgaat. Hoe kun je jezelf het beste ontwikkelen? In het tweede deel analyseer je jouw manier van samenwerken aan de hand van de vraag wie ben ik als professional?. Je leert hoe je kunt groeien in je werk. In het derde deel bekijk je hoe je het beste uit je werk en uit jezelf kunt halen. Hoe ga je om met stress? Sluit je werk nog steeds aan bij je interesses? In elk deel staan testen en opdrachten. Door deze te maken krijg je inzicht in je eigen functioneren. Je krijgt informatie en adviezen die je nodig hebt om ervoor te zorgen dat de baby en het kraamgezin een goede start maken.
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This book provides a practical overview of the clinical management of assisted reproduction treatment (ART), ranging from pre-pregnancy care through pregnancy, to birth and beyond. ART is increasingly used worldwide as it offers the greatest chances of success among currently available fertility treatment options, regardless of the cause of infertility. Over the last two decades, there have been considerable advances in the field of ART, and its use has become much more accessible. Clinical Management of Pregnancies following ART discusses the importance of understanding potential risks and problems, the psychological impact on prospective parents, and the available choices for parents. It is a useful guide for all health professionals involved in the care of women undergoing ART. .
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In this book, leading figures in the field of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease provide up-to-date information from human clinical trials, cohorts, and animal physiology experiments to reveal the interdependence between parental obesity and health of the offspring. Obesity of the mother and father produces obesity in their offspring, so we are caught up in an intergenerational cycle, which means that even our children’s future health is in peril. This book gives a timely and much-needed synthesis of the mechanisms, potential targets of future interventions, and the challenges that need to be overcome in order to break the intergenerational cycle of obesity. This has profound implications for the way in which scientific, clinical and health policy activities are to be directed in order to combat the so-called epidemic of obesity, as well as diabetes, cancer and cardiovascular disease. The book will be of interest to students, clinicians, researchers and health policy makers who are either seeking an introduction to the area of Developmental Origins of Health and Disease or have a specific interest in the pathogenesis of obesity.
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This landmark book, a reference work now in its second edition, provides healthcare practitioners in neonatology with an up-to-date, comprehensive source of readily accessible practical advice that will assist in the expert management of patients and their diverse illnesses. Leading experts in their fields discuss the underlying causes and mechanisms and all aspects of the treatment of the full range of neonatal diseases and abnormalities, citing the evidence base whenever appropriate. In addition, detailed information is provided on epidemiology and fetal medicine; therapeutic issues such as the organization of care, transport services, and home care after discharge; legal issues; nutrition; and the consequences of medication use during pregnancy, maternal drug abuse and smoking, and maternal diabetes. The inclusion of summaries, tables, and carefully selected guidelines and recommendations will supply practitioners with quick references and instant solutions during daily practice. The book will be a superb resource for all involved in the care of newborn babies, including neonatologists, pediatricians, pediatric surgeons, anesthesiologists, midwives, and nursing staff. It is published within the SpringerReference program, which delivers access to living editions constantly updated through a dynamic peer-review publishing process. .
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This book provides concise and cutting-edge studies on threats resulting from exposure to environmental chemicals that can affect human health and development, with a particular emphasis on the DOHaD concept. The book is divided into five main parts, the first of which includes an introduction to theimpacts of developmental exposure to environmental chemicals and historical perspectives, while the second focuses on how environmental chemicals can affect human organs, including neurodevelopment, immune functions, etc. In turn, the third part addresses the characteristics of specific chemicals and their effects on human health and development, while the fourth part provides a basis for future studies by highlighting the latest innovations in toxicology, remaining challenges, and promising strategies in children’s environmental health research, as well as ideas on how to bridge the gap between research evidence and practical policymaking. The fifth and last part outlines further research directions and related policymaking aspects. Health Impacts of Developmental Exposure to Environmental Chemicals will appeal to young and veteran researchers, students, and physicians (especially gynecologists and pediatricians) who are seeking comprehensive information on how children’s health can be affected by harmful chemicals and other environmental toxicants.
Environmental toxicology. --- Ecotoxicology --- Pollutants --- Pollution --- Environmental health --- Toxicology --- Health promotion. --- Maternal and child health services. --- Health Promotion and Disease Prevention. --- Maternal and Child Health. --- Health promotion programs --- Health promotion services --- Promotion of health --- Wellness programs --- Preventive health services --- Health education
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In response to the complexity involved in treating leukemia during pregnancy, and the need to find the most efficient treatment possible without harming the fetus, this book offers essential guidelines for institutions and practitioners alike. Pursuing a comprehensive approach, the book addresses a broad range of subjects, including: pregnancy and its characteristics; staging, pathology, morbidity and what to expect in each type of leukemia; chemotherapy for leukemia in pregnant women with complete trials; dose adjustment of chemotherapy for leukemia in pregnancy based on serum dosages; and pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics for this unique group of patients. In turn, subsequent chapters focus on protecting the fetus and neonatal management regarding chemotherapy for leukemia in pregnancy, including the treatment and risks for the fetus (for each type of leukemia), intrathecal therapy and its effects on the fetus; supportive drugs, antibiotics and antifungals for pregnant patients during chemotherapy, including intervention and dose adjustments; palliative care for women with leukemia in pregnancy; breastfeeding during treatment for leukemia; pharmacological aspects of supplements, vitamins and nutrition in pregnancy during leukemia treatment; and more. Combining contributions from highly qualified hematology professionals, who have pooled their knowledge to address the treatment of virtually every aspect of leukemia in pregnancy, the book is aimed at a complete pharmacological treatment, including guidelines and trials. It is a must-have not only for institutions providing care for hematology patients, but also for residency programs, research institutions, and professionals in areas that involve leukemia treatment for pregnant women — e.g. hematology, neonatology, obstetrics clinics, intensive medicine and critical care units.
Hematology. --- Pharmacotherapy. --- Obstetrics. --- Maternal and child health services. --- Obstetrics/Perinatology/Midwifery. --- Maternal and Child Health. --- Drug therapy --- Pharmacotherapy --- Therapeutics --- Drugs --- Pharmacology --- Haematology --- Internal medicine --- Blood --- Maternal-fetal medicine --- Medicine --- Diseases --- Leukemia --- Chemotherapy.
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This book explores the recent clinical and research findings in the field of prenatal screening and diagnosis. It presents new devices and tests such as real-time 3D ultrasound, ultrafast fetal MRI, and next-generation sequencing and discusses genetic counseling and fetal therapy. Written by pioneering scientists, the book is divided into six themed parts: ultrasound examination, genetic tests, genetic disorders, chromosomal diseases, genetic counseling, and techniques, presenting carefully prepared original data.This thought-provoking, instructive and informative book is intended for geneticists, obstetricians, pediatricians, genetic counselors and nurses. Although the incidence of congenital abnormalities such as structural, chromosomal and genetic disorders is very low, it is important to have accurate information on their incidence and likely outcome, and on the screening and diagnosis of congenital abnormalities during pregnancy care. This book provides valuable insights into prenatal screening, genetic counseling and fetal diagnosis.
Gynecology . --- Radiology. --- Gene therapy. --- Maternal and child health services. --- Pediatrics. --- Gynecology. --- Ultrasound. --- Gene Therapy. --- Maternal and Child Health. --- Paediatrics --- Pediatric medicine --- Medicine --- Children --- Therapy, Gene --- Genetic engineering --- Therapeutics --- Radiological physics --- Physics --- Radiation --- Gynaecology --- Generative organs, Female --- Diseases --- Health and hygiene
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This book provides a practical guide to the management of obstetric emergencies – acute complications during pregnancy and childbirth that pose a life-threatening risk to the mother and/or the fetus, and whose treatment requires an almost immediate response from the healthcare team in order to guarantee a favorable outcome. The book covers two essential areas: the “predominately fetal” emergencies - acute fetal hypoxia/acidosis, shoulder dystocia, and retention of the aftercoming head; and the “predominately maternal” emergencies - eclampsia, maternal cardiorespiratory arrest and post-partum hemorrhage. The book offers a valuable guide for healthcare professionals who deal with obstetric patients, as they may use it for reviewing these rare situations and for consultation when they encounter them. It is also a useful reference manual for simulation-based courses designed to develop and maintain clinical expertise in this area. Healthcare professionals will find that this book offers a comprehensive and pan-European perspective on the clinical management of these situations, as well as a pragmatic and reliable source of information for dealing with acute complications of pregnancy and childbirth.
Sociology of social welfare --- Paediatrics --- Gynaecology. Obstetrics --- zwangerschap --- obstetrie --- foetus --- perinatale sterfte --- ouders-kind relatie --- kraamzorg --- gynaecologie --- vroedkunde --- Obstetrics. --- Maternal and child health services. --- Obstetrics/Perinatology/Midwifery. --- Maternal and Child Health. --- Maternal-fetal medicine --- Medicine
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This book is a practical, comprehensive look at safe sleep for infants, including safe sleep for infants with co-occurring medical conditions. Currently there is a dearth of resources on this topic for general pediatricians and other clinicians who provide health care to infants. The only evidence-based information about sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) and other sleep-related infant deaths is published in policy statements and technical reports published by the American Academy of Paediatrics. However pediatricians, public health professionals, and others who provide health care, anticipatory guidance, and/or health education to parents often have difficulty translating the policy recommendations to practice. This book gives guidance and suggestions for clinicians for counseling parents and other caretakers of infants. It discusses common barriers to adherence, as well as approaches that are evidence-based or use behavior change theory. Chapters focus on important aspects of the sleep environment, evaluating commonly sold sleep products, and common sleep practices, including roomsharing and bedsharing. There is also a thorough discussion of SIDS pathophysiology, and a closing chapter on grief and counselling families after a loss. Each chapter follows an organizational structure, to promote consistency and ensure this remains a practical, easy-to-use tool. Chapters open with a clinical vignette and close with a discussion of frequently encountered questions, and clinical pearls and pitfalls. Infant Safe Sleep is a valuable resource for pediatricians, nurse practitioners, physician assistants as well as social workers, allied health professionals, public health practitioners, health educators, WIC nutritionists and child care providers. .
Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Paediatrics --- Gynaecology. Obstetrics --- Human medicine --- gezondheidszorg --- pediatrie --- gynaecologie --- Pediatrics. --- Maternal and child health services. --- Obstetrics. --- Maternal and Child Health. --- Obstetrics/Perinatology/Midwifery. --- Mort sobtada --- Neonatologia --- Son --- Malalties neonatals --- Pediatria
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