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Why do we play games and why do we play them on computers? The contributors of »Games and Rules« take a closer look at the core of each game and the motivational system that is the game mechanics. Games are control circuits that organize the game world with their (joint) players and establish motivations in a dedicated space, a »Magic Circle«, whereas game mechanics are constructs of rules designed for interactions that provide gameplay. Those rules form the base for all the excitement and frustration we experience in games. This anthology contains individual essays by experts and authors with backgrounds in Game Design and Game Studies, who lead the discourse to get to the bottom of game mechanics in video games and the real world - among them Miguel Sicart and Carlo Fabricatore.
Media studies --- Aporia and Epiphany. --- Computer Games. --- Ergodic Systems. --- Game Design. --- Game Mechanics. --- Game Studies. --- Ludology. --- Media Aesthetics. --- Media Art. --- Media Studies. --- Media. --- Motivation. --- Narratology. --- Video Games. --- Games; Video Games; Media; Media Studies; Game Studies; Game Design; Ludology; Narratology; Motivation; Game Mechanics; Ergodic Systems; Aporia and Epiphany; Computer Games; Media Aesthetics; Media Art --- Electronic games --- Computer games --- Application software --- Electronic toys --- Games --- Social aspects. --- Design. --- Design --- Media & Communications --- Video Games --- Media --- Media Studies --- Game Studies --- Game Design --- Ludology --- Narratology --- Motivation --- Game Mechanics --- Ergodic Systems --- Aporia and Epiphany --- Computer Games --- Media Aesthetics --- Media Art --- Video games
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Krankheit in digitalen Spielen hat viele Facetten - egal ob psychisch oder somatisch. Ihre Darstellung fußt dabei auf Prozessen, die gesellschaftliches Wissen zu Krankheiten aufgreifen und gemäß der Eigenlogik digitaler Spiele verändern. Ästhetik, Narration und Spielmechanik partizipieren so an Kämpfen um Deutungshoheiten zwischen der Tradierung stigmatisierender Krankheitsvorstellungen einerseits und selbstreflexivem Empowerment andererseits. Die Beiträger*innen dieses ersten Sammelbandes zum Thema widmen sich theoretischen, analytischen und praktischen Fragestellungen rund um die Bedeutungsvielfalt von Krankheitskonstruktionen in digitalen Spielen aus interdisziplinärer Perspektive. O-Ton: »Mit Krankheiten beschäftigt sich der Mensch sogar in der Freizeit gerne« - Arno Görgen und Stefan Heinrich im Interview bei RaBe-Info am 13.11.2020. O-Ton: »Zwischen Health-Bar und Selbsthilfe« - Arno Görgen im Gespräch bei Deutschlandfunk Corso am 18.09.2020. Besprochen in:, Pixeldiskurs, 12.09.2020, 17.09.2020 Psychologie heute, 3 (2021) merz, 65/1 (2021), Judith Strohmayer
SOCIAL SCIENCE / Media Studies. --- Aesthetics. --- Biopolitics. --- Body. --- Cancer. --- Clinic. --- Clinical Picture. --- Cultural Studies. --- Game Development. --- Game Mechanics. --- Health. --- Hospital. --- Illness. --- Infection. --- Knowledge Transfer. --- Media. --- Medications. --- Medicine. --- Narration. --- Pandemic. --- Pathographie. --- Popular Culture. --- Psychiatry. --- Self-care. --- Sociology of Medicine. --- Computerspiele; Krankheit; Gesundheit; Medien; Medikamente; Wissenstransfer; Pathographie; Psychiatrie; Krankenhaus; Klinik; Narration; Krankheitsbild; Infektion; Krebs; Pandemie; Selbstfürsorge; Biopolitik; Spielentwicklung; Ästhetik; Spielmechanik; Popkultur; Medizin; Körper; Medizinsoziologie; Kulturwissenschaft; Computer Games; Illness; Health; Media; Medications; Knowledge Transfer; Psychiatry; Hospital; Clinic; Clinical Picture; Infection; Cancer; Pandemic; Self-care; Biopolitics; Game Development; Aesthetics; Game Mechanics; Popular Culture; Medicine; Body; Sociology of Medicine; Cultural Studies
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