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"Este livro analisa a formação de nomes comerciais com elementos do inglês no português brasileiro e no português europeu, observando como os empréstimos se comportam, em termos linguísticos e culturais, nessas duas variedades da língua portuguesa. Verificou-se como falantes do português brasileiro e europeu pronunciam nomes comerciais criados a partir de palavras do inglês, enfocando o estudo das adaptações nos níveis fonético e fonológico e observando o tipo de estrutura morfossintática desses nomes e sua ortografia."
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A obra analisa a relação conclusiva expressa por meio das conjunções então e portanto, em dados do português falado nos países lusófonos. Para tanto, utiliza o aparato teórico da Gramática Discursivo-Funcional, modelo que privilegia a intenção comunicativa do falante ao fazer uso do sistema linguístico em situação de interação. A análise revela a existência de três diferentes tipos de relação conclusiva: a Função Resumo (que ocorre entre porções textuais maiores, para sintetizar uma explanação anterior), a Função Conclusão (que relaciona indiretamente duas orações por meio de uma premissa) e a Função Consequência (que relaciona diretamente duas orações, à semelhança de causa-consequência).
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A obra nasce no bojo das discussões e problemas relacionados (ou associados) ao ensino de gramática, tanto no âmbito acadêmico quanto no profissional. Em tal contexto, Ana Carolina Sperança-Criscuolo busca demonstrar a adequação pedagógica da proposta de descrição e análise de orações subordinadas substantivas sob uma perspectiva funcionalista-cognitivista. A autora escolhe o domínio da sintaxe pela importância desse nível de organização da língua na arquitetura do texto. Além disso, o processo de subordinação substantiva, foco da pesquisa, figura como recurso bastante recorrente e produtivo no português. O estudo dos aspectos pragmático-discursivos ligados a tal processo pode, assim, proporcionar melhor entendimento e maior domínio dessas construções e, consequentemente, dos textos. O livro organiza-se em cinco capítulos. Neles, a autora apresenta um breve histórico sobre o desenvolvimento dos estudos linguísticos, discute os princípios teóricos que nortearam a pesquisa, trata da perspectiva cognitivista no estudo da língua, aborda o tratamento tradicional do período composto por subordinação. Partindo de usos autênticos das orações, ela ainda analisa aspectos pragmáticos e discursivos associados a sua organização e, finalmente, promove uma discussão sobre elementos que possibilitam refletir sobre a língua como um sistema complexo e dinâmico.
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In this book Guy Deutscher examines the historical development of Akkadian, the oldest recorded Semitic language and one of the earliest attested languages. Two thousand years of texts from 2500BC to 500BC provide a unique source for the study of linguistic change. The first two parts of the book present an historical grammar of sentential complementation. Part one traces the emergence of new structures, describing how finite complements first developed, and tracing the grammaticalization of the quotative construction. Part two examines the language's functional history. It looks at the evolution of linguistic structures, showing for example how finite complements and embedded questions became more widespread as other parataxis and non-finite complements receded. In the final part of the book the author puts these changes in a broader typological perspective and compares the development of Akkadian to similar processes in other languages. The emergence of finite complementation may, he suggests, be an adaptive process, related to the growing complexity of communication. This book throws new light on the nature of linguistic change and offers fresh insights on a language that has rarely been presented to non-specialists, despite its enormous historical importance.
Akkadian Language --- Foreign Language Study --- Akkadian language --- Foreign language study
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This book aims to provide a micro-level, working model of a methodological approach and practical guidelines for building a corpus, informed by the work on the CorCenCC project(Corpws Cenedlaethol Cymraeg Cyfoes- the National Corpus of Contemporary Welsh). It focuses specifically on the development of detailed design frames for corpora across communicative modes (spoken, written and e-language), and the practical processes involved in the planning, collection, transcription, collation and (re)presentation of language data. The book is designed to be of significant value and relevance to those interested in critically engaging with corpus methodology.Although Welsh is the language under discussion, the processes and approaches discussed in the building of CorCenCC can be applied to a lesser or greater extent to other language contexts. This book provides a working model, and an account of how to build a corpus dataset from which step by step guidelines for creating other linguistic corpora inanylanguage can be easily extrapolated. It will be of value to students and scholars of minority languages and corpus linguistics.
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This volume includes nine papers selected from the Fifteenth Annual Symposium on Arabic Linguistics. Four of the papers deal with the area of corpus linguistics (new for this series), including papers from both a computational and a variationist point of view. The other papers deal with Syntax, and with various aspects of Arabic Sociolinguistics.
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Latin is not dead and can decode many languages and subjects throughout schooling. It provides the root words for all modern sciences, is the language of law, government, logic and theology, and is the key to unlock all of the romance languages. This quick reference 6-page laminated guide offers easy-to-read tables of conjugations, with the changes in bold for quick reference. Thirty-two key-example verbs and their meanings are included, with the irregular tenses and moods listed for each verb. Using the example conjugations, this guide becomes a powerful key to unlocking Latin at a price lower than any reference you will find on the language.6-page laminated guide includes:First Conjugation/DeclensionSecond Conjugation/DeclensionThird Conjugation/DeclensionFourth Conjugation/DeclensionActive & Passive Voices for Sections1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th Principal Parts32 Verbs AlphabeticallyVerb Tenses & MoodsSuggested uses:College Major & Career Prep - whether in science, medicine, law, politics, language or theology, Latin will elevate your understanding of your subjectStudents - a very lightweight, inexpensive grade-booster that can be slipped between your notebook pages for quick and easy answersTeachers - inexpensive classroom tool, whether you have a few for those students struggling or a whole class set that can last your entire career with the durable lamination
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This volume is a collection of grammar sketches from several Italo-Romance varieties.The contributions cover various areas of linguistics (phonology, morphology, syntax)and are organized in sections according to the customary geolinguistic classification.Each chapter provides the description of a salient phenomenon for a given language,based on novel data, as well as the state-of-the-art knowledge on that phenomenon.The articles are in-depth studies carried out by prominent experts as well as promisingyoung scholars.The theoretical apparatus is kept to a minimum in order to make the book accessible toscholars without specific expertise. For the same reason, hypotheses and formalisms areintroduced gradually, only if necessary for the description of the data.
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Der Namenwechsel im Zuge der Geschlechtstransition von transgeschlechtlichen Menschen weist für die betroffenen Personen große soziale Bedeutung auf, ist aber bisher von der Wissenschaft unberücksichtigt geblieben. Die vorliegende Studie schließt diese Lücke, indem sie auf umfangreicher empirischer Basis herausstellt, wie 1. Geschlecht am Vornamen (ir)relevant gesetzt wird, wie 2. dieses Potential zum Doing Gender mit Namen genutzt wird, um männliches, weibliches oder nicht-binäres Selbstverständnis zu kommunizieren und wie 3. die Verwendung des neu gewählten Namens zu einem zentralen Element in der interaktiven Aushandlung der geschlechtlichen (Neu-)Positionierung wird. Sowohl theoretisch als auch empiriebasiert wird der enge Zusammenhang von Vornamen und Gesellschaft beleuchtet, wobei dessen kontextuelle Rahmung durch das Transsexuellengesetz und das Namenänderungsgesetz von besonderer Relevanz ist. Die interdisziplinäre Ausrichtung der Studie ermöglicht umfassende Einsichten in die soziale Bedeutung von Vornamen und in den engen Zusammenhang von Vornamen und Geschlecht, der insbesondere für transgeschlechtliche Personen Herausforderungen, aber auch Möglichkeiten zur Kommunikation der eigenen Positionierung bedeutet. This interdisciplinary study examines how transgender individuals change their names in the course of their gender transition. It reveals the enormous social significance of first names in interpersonal communication and managing gender - along with other social differences - thereby showing the close interrelationships between language, law, and society in this realm.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / German. --- Transgender. --- first names. --- name changes. --- sex.
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Die vorliegende Untersuchung nähert sich dem kommunikativen Funktionieren von Museumsausstellungen aus zwei Perspektiven.Der erste Untersuchungsteil arbeitet mit den Methoden der Textlinguistik und -semiotik. Er beantwortet empirisch die Frage, wie Besucherinnen und Besucher die multimodalen Erscheinungsformen im Ausstellungsraum als Kommunikationsangebot auffassen und nutzen können. Ausgehend von einem umfangreichen Korpus von Fotografien werden kommunikative Aufgaben rekonstruiert, die die Ausstellung mit Hilfe von Exponaten, Texten, Museumsarchitektur und Ausstellungsdesign löst.Der zweite Teil der Studie basiert auf Videoaufnahmen von authentischen Museumsbesuchen. Hier wird mit den Methoden der Gesprächsanalyse untersucht, wie Besucherinnen und Besucher das Kommunikationsangebot im Ausstellungsraum für die interaktive Konstruktion von Wissen nutzen. Analysiert wird speziell, wie sie mit ihrer Interaktion an das multimodale Kommunikationsangebot im Ausstellungsraum anknüpfen. Das erlaubt schließlich, die beiden analytischen Zugänge in einen übergeordneten theoretischen Rahmen zu integrieren.
FOREIGN LANGUAGE STUDY / German. --- Interaction. --- Multimodality. --- Visitor Research.
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