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Annotation A obra analisa o funcionamento da dinâmica política dos EUA no processo de tomada de decisões de política externa comercial no contencioso do suco de laranja na OMC ocorrido entre 2009 e 2011, mostrando como tal dinâmica influenciou o embate internacional. A utilização pelos EUA de metodologia já condenada pela OMC para o cálculo de direitos antidumping sobre o produto brasileiro denota que, embora o segmento citricultor não articule cadeias produtivas nacionais, sua importância na Flórida e a importância estratégica deste estado na dinâmica política estadunidense são suficientes para que o setor consiga superar as preferências de livre comércio das indústrias, garantindo proteção.
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Covers the whole of 1671 and 1672. Calendar of State Papers, Venice. Originally published by His Majesty's Stationery Office, London, 1939. This free content was digitised by double rekeying and sponsored by the Arts and Humanities Research Council. All rights reserved.
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Extrait: ... les poursuivit pas; elle s'échelonna depuis Cervera jusqu'à Tarrega, où Serrano travailla à compléter son organisation et à la mettre en état de combattre les troupes de ligne du régent. A Valladolid, le général Aspiroz organisait 5,000 hommes d'infanterie et 400 chevaux, et se préparait à marcher sur Madrid. En Andalousie, Concha observait Van Halen, et cherchait à empêcher sa jonction avec le régent; Roncali, capitaine-général des provinces basques, rassemblait les troupes de la Navarre et de Guipuscoa pour marcher sur Saragosse par Tudela. Ainsi il y avait vraiment ensemble dans les manoeuvres des corps insurgés; chacun d'eux avait sa mission particulière, mais calculée pour coopérer au succès général. Seoane, prévenu du rapide mouvement de Narvaez sur Daroca, et pensant que son intention était de se porter sur Catalayud pour enlever les 800 chevaux du dépôt de remonte, et de marcher ensuite sur Madrid, que nulle force ne couvrait, Seoane hâta son retour à Saragosse; il y entra le 7. Le 10 et le 11, la division de Zurbano le rejoignit, et il put se préparer à agir contre le hardi général qui s'aventurait ainsi avec quelques mille hommes, sans artillerie, si loin de sa base d'opérations. Le 15, Seoane et Zurbano sortirent de Saragosse à la tête de plus de 10,000 hommes et d'une nombreuse artillerie, et marchèrent sur Catalayud pour suivre Narvaez. On put dès lors pressentir que le dénouement aurait lieu à Madrid. En effet, toutes les troupes prononcées et la plus grande partie des forces du régent convergeaient vers ce point des diverses provinces quelles occupaient; le régent seul s'en éloignait. Dans la nuit du 7 au 8 juillet, il quitta Albacète et se porta par Balazote sur la route de l'Andalousie. Cette marche rétrograde lui faisait perdre la partie. S'éloigner de Madrid quand cette ville était menacée de trois côtés; à l'ouest, par le général Urbina, qui commandait les troupes et les.
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This book is a study on the beginnings of Hungarian political thought, as set out by two 17th century mirrors of princes, the first attempts at political theorising in the Hungarian vernacular. The unlikely source text for these treatises was an advice bo
Education of princes --- Kings and rulers --- Duties. --- Powers and duties
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Leading Local Government: The Role of Directly Elected Mayors is a timely and critical book that examines the erratic rise and uncertain future of the directly elected mayor in the context of English local governance. Written principally for local government practitioners as well as for those with an academic interest in public leadership, the book asks whether elected mayors offer a new and reinvigorated form of local leadership, whether for individual towns and cities or for wider groups of combined authorities at the regional level. Built on original primary research conducted with mayors, elected representatives and a range of public sector managers, the book offers a fresh perspective that recognises mayoral achievements in some areas - including economic development - but finds that mayors do not enjoy widespread public endorsement and do not represent devolution of power in any meaningful sense. Above all, the book argues that elected mayors do not represent democratic renewal in a country which remains highly centralized. Using an historical account of early local government leaders together with international comparisons from the United States and Europe, the authors present the argument that, twenty years into the mayoral experiment, the mayoral initiative has so far failed to match the aspirations of central government for a new and effective form of local leadership.
Mayors --- Powers and duties. --- Election. --- England
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Parliament and the Law (Second Edition) is an edited collection of essays, supported by the UK's Study of Parliament Group, including contributions by leading constitutional lawyers, political scientists and parliamentary officials. It provides a wide-ranging overview of the ways in which the law applies to, and impacts upon, the UK Parliament, and it considers how recent changes to the UK's constitutional arrangements have affected Parliament as an institution. It includes authoritative discussion of a number of issues of topical concern, such as: the operation of parliamentary privilege, the powers of Parliament's select committees, parliamentary scrutiny, devolution, English Votes for English Laws, Members' conduct and the governance of both Houses. It also contains chapters on financial scrutiny, parliamentary sovereignty, Parliament and human rights, and the administration of justice. Aimed mainly at legal academics, practitioners, and political scientists, it will also be of interest to anyone who is curious about the many fascinating ways in which the law interacts with and influences the work, the constitutional status and the procedural arrangements of the Westminster Parliament
Legislative power --- Great Britain. --- Powers and duties. --- Privileges and immunities.
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The United States Congress conducts several types of activities for which it employs staff. These activities include assisting Members in official responsibilities in personal, committee, leadership, or administrative office settings. Congressional career tracks generally mirror common stages of other professional careers, but with adaptations to the congressional workplace. These adaptations include relatively short career ladders on which staff may acquire substantial responsibilities in a relatively short period of time, and close support of a Member's legislative and representational respo
United States. --- Powers and duties. --- Officials and employees.
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Antidumping duties --- Dumping (International trade) --- Law and legislation
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This book argues that Congress's process for making law is as corrosive to the nation as unchecked deficit spending.David Schoenbrod shows that Congress and the president, instead of making the laws that govern us, generally give bureaucrats the power to make laws through agency regulations. Our elected ";lawmakers"; then take credit for proclaiming popular but inconsistent statutory goals and later blame the inevitable burdens and disappointments on the unelected bureaucrats. The 1970 Clean Air Act, for example, gave the Environmental Protection Agency the impossible task of making law that would satisfy both industry and environmentalists. Delegation allows Congress and the president to wield power by pressuring agency lawmakers in private, but shed responsibility by avoiding the need to personally support or oppose the laws, as they must in enacting laws themselves.Schoenbrod draws on his experience as an attorney with the Natural Resources Defense Council and on studies of how delegation actually works to show that this practice produces a regulatory system so cumbersome that it cannot provide the protection that people need, so large that it needlessly stifles the economy, and so complex that it keeps the voters from knowing whom to hold accountable for the consequences. Contending that delegation is unnecessary and unconstitutional, Schoenbrod has written the first book that shows how, as a practical matter, delegation can be stopped.
Administrative procedure --- Delegated legislation --- United States. --- Powers and duties. --- United States --- United States. Congress --- Powers and duties
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