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Juden und deutsche Arbeiterbewegung bis 1933 : Soziale Utopien und religiös-kulturelle Traditionen
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ISBN: 3161635817 3161460162 9783161635816 Year: 2024 Publisher: [s.l.] : Mohr Siebeck GmbH & Co. KG,

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Le mouvement social.

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Le Mouvement Social addresses recent developments in social history. The journal’s initial focus on the history of collective movements and professional organizations has since been broadened to include other subfields within social history and beyond: the history of labor and the economy; the social history of politics, public policies and the state; cultural history and the history of representations; the history of gender relations, immigration and social mobility. The journal covers the contemporary period broadly defined, from the first years of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the twenty-first. The journal’s objective is to promote a pluralist social history, located at the intersection with sociology, economics, ethnography, anthropology, demography, political science and legal studies. Fostering interdisciplinary dialogue is one of its core missions. We welcome article submissions dealing with all geographical and cultural fields. Keeping with recent historiographical developments, Le Mouvement Social encourages comparative studies as well as studies varying the scale of observation between the local and the global.

Workers of the world : essays toward a global labor history
ISBN: 9789004166837 9004166831 9789004184794 9786612398834 1282398830 9047442849 9789047442844 9781282398832 9004184791 6612398833 Year: 2008 Volume: 1 Publisher: Leiden ; Boston : Brill,

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The studies offered in this volume contribute to a Global Labor History freed from Eurocentrism and methodological nationalism. Using literature from diverse regions, epochs and disciplines, the book provides arguments and conceptual tools for a different interpretation of history – a labor history which integrates the history of slavery and indentured labor, and which pays serious attention to diverging yet interconnected developments in different parts of the world. The following questions are central: ▪ What is the nature of the world working class, on which Global Labor History focuses? How can we define and demarcate that class, and which factors determine its composition? ▪ Which forms of collective action did this working class develop in the course of time, and what is the logic in that development? ▪ What can we learn from adjacent disciplines? Which insights from anthropologists, sociologists and other social scientists are useful in the development of Global Labor History?

The Seattle General Strike.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780295744612 0295744618 9780295744438 9780295744162 Year: 2018 Publisher: Seattle University of Washington Press

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""We are undertaking the most tremendous move ever made by LABOR in this country, a move which will lead--NO ONE KNOWS WHERE!" With these words echoing throughout the city, on February 6, 1919, 65,000 Seattle workers began one of the most important general strikes in US history. For six tense yet nonviolent days, the Central Labor Council negotiated with federal and local authorities on behalf of the shipyard workers whose grievances initiated the citywide walkout. Meanwhile, strikers organized to provide essential services such as delivering supplies to hospitals and markets, as well as feeding thousands at union-run dining facilities. Robert L. Friedheim's classic account of the dramatic events of 1919, first published in 1964 and now enhanced with a new introduction, afterword, and photo essay by James N. Gregory, vividly details what happened and why. Overturning conventional understandings of the American Federation of Labor as a conservative labor organization devoted to pure and simple unionism, Friedheim shows the influence of socialists and the IWW in the city's labor movement. While Seattle's strike ended in disappointment, it led to massive strikes across the country that determined the direction of labor, capital, and government for decades. The Seattle General Strike is an exciting portrait of a Seattle long gone and of events that shaped the city's reputation for left-leaning activism into the twenty-first century."--Provided by publisher

Le mouvement social

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Le Mouvement Social addresses recent developments in social history. The journal’s initial focus on the history of collective movements and professional organizations has since been broadened to include other subfields within social history and beyond: the history of labor and the economy; the social history of politics, public policies and the state; cultural history and the history of representations; the history of gender relations, immigration and social mobility. The journal covers the contemporary period broadly defined, from the first years of the nineteenth century to the beginning of the twenty-first. The journal’s objective is to promote a pluralist social history, located at the intersection with sociology, economics, ethnography, anthropology, demography, political science and legal studies. Fostering interdisciplinary dialogue is one of its core missions. We welcome article submissions dealing with all geographical and cultural fields. Keeping with recent historiographical developments, Le Mouvement Social encourages comparative studies as well as studies varying the scale of observation between the local and the global.

ISSN: 08017778 23875879 Year: 1987 Publisher: Oslo, Norway : Universitetsforlaget.

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Klassische Theorien Sozialer Arbeit und Soziale Bewegungen : Eine Wissenssoziologische Verhältnisbestimmung Anhand der Begriffsverwendung Von ,,Volk Und ,,Nation.
ISBN: 9783966659253 Year: 2023 Publisher: Leverkusen-Opladen : Budrich Academic Press GmbH,

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Social work has repeatedly placed itself in relation to social movements – but has not defined this relationship further. This book empirically explores the relationship of social work to social movements and looks at the period of social work's emergence – the German Empire and the Weimar Republic. The author asks how the concepts of "people" and "nation" are thematized in journals of the labor movements, the youth movement, and the bourgeois women's movement, as well as in classical theoretical approaches to social work, and what conclusions can be drawn from this about the relationship of social work to social movements. Soziale Arbeit hat sich immer wieder zu sozialen Bewegungen ins Verhältnis gesetzt – dieses aber nicht weiter definiert. Dieses Buch geht dem Verhältnis von Sozialer Arbeit zu sozialen Bewegungen empirisch nach und betrachtet den Entstehungszeitraum Sozialer Arbeit – das Deutsche Kaiserreich und die Weimarer Republik. Die Autorin fragt danach, wie in Zeitschriften der Arbeiterbewegungen, der Jugendbewegung und der bürgerlichen Frauenbewegung sowie in klassischen Theorieansätzen Sozialer Arbeit die historischen Grundbegriffe „Volk“ und „Nation“ thematisiert werden und welche Schlüsse sich daraus auf das Verhältnis von Sozialer Arbeit zu sozialen Bewegungen ziehen lassen.

Anarchistische Uhrmacher in der Schweiz : Mikrohistorische Globalgeschichte zu den Anfängen der anarchistischen Bewegung im 19. Jahrhundert
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3839439310 3837639312 9783839439319 Year: 2018 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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Warum bekannten sich Uhrmacher im Tal von Saint-Imier in der Schweiz zum Anarchismus? Erklärungen liefert die Perspektive der ›modernen Globalisierung‹: Wie die Weltwirtschaft ging auch der Anarchismus aus globalen Kommunikations-, Transport-, Finanz- und Migrationsflüssen der zweiten Hälfte des 19. Jahrhunderts hervor - allerdings als Alternative zu Nationalismus und Kapitalismus. Mit der Untersuchung von Florian Eitel widmet sich zum ersten Mal seit 40 Jahren eine historische Studie der einflussreichen anarchistischen Juraföderation. Bisher namenlose Mitglieder dieser Organisation treten aus dem Schatten bekannter Revolutionäre wie Michail Alexandrowitsch Bakunin und Pjotr Alexejewitsch Kropotkin. Die mikrohistorische Globalgeschichte analysiert, wie eine noch heute global aktive politische Bewegung entstand und funktionierte. »Eitel gelingt nicht nur eine kohärente Neuinterpretation der Geschichte der Juraföderation, er präsentiert auch eine Fülle von neuen empirischen Erkenntnissen.Sein Buch ist eine unverzichtbare Lektüre für alle, die sich für die Juraföderation und ihr Umfeld interessieren.« Adrian Zimmermann, Berner Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 4 (2020) »Eitel se fait une construction mythique de lanarchisme, tant chez lesouvriers que dans son interprétation dun mouvement global, transcendant dates et circonstances.« Marc Vuilleumier, Schweizerische Zeitschrift für Geschichte, 70/1 (2020) »Eine lesenswerte, klug konzipierte und soziologisch gut informierte historische Studie auf breiter Quellen- und Literaturbasis und auf der Höhe aktueller Methodendiskussionen. Florian Eitel leistet damit nicht nur einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Geschichte des Anarchismus, sondern auch zur Geschichte der Globalisierung.« Fabian Lemmes, H-Soz-u-Kult, 13.11.2019 »Eine wertvolle und lesenswerte Ergänzung für die Geschichtsschreibung der Arbeiterbewegung im 19. Jahrhundert.« Antje Schrupp,, 10.10.2019 O-Ton: »Globalisierung und Anarchismus im Jura des 19. Jahrhunderts« - Florian Eitel im Gespräch bei RaBe am 06.03.2018. »Bei manchen Sachbüchern genügt es, die Einleitung zu lesen, und man weiss, was im Rest des Buches steht. In dem 630 Seiten starken Werk von Florian Eitel will man weiterlesen.« Hanspeter Gschwend, Tessiner Zeitung, 25.01.2019 »Die Lektüre lässt die Ideen der AnarchistInnen jenseits von Chaos und Gewalt aufleben.« Gabriela Neuhaus, Widerspruch, 72 (2018) Besprochen in: Bieler Tagblatt, 24.01.2019, Tobias Graden NZZ Geschichte, 20 (2019) WOZ, 14.02.2019, Milo Probst NZZ online, 21.02.2019, Urs Hafner Canal Alpha, 23.01.2019, 13.02.2019, Alice Henkes, 04.03.2019 Radio Grrif, 28.01.2019 Canal3, 24.01.2019 Zeitsprung, 176 (2019) work, 15.03.2019, Ralph Hug junge Welt, 23.05.2019, Nick Brauns

Fuerza de trabajo y movimientos laborales en América Latina
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 6076283122 9681207742 Year: 1979 Publisher: El Colegio de México

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La intención del volumen es presentar el estado actual de la investigación sobre un tema relativamente poco explorado: la fuerza de trabajo, el mercado de trabajo y los movimientos laborales urbanos en América Latina.

Southern insurgency : the coming of the global working class
ISBN: 1783717092 1783717084 9781783717088 9780745336008 9780745335995 9781783717101 9781783717095 0745335993 0745336000 1783717106 Year: 2016 Publisher: London : Pluto Press,

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The site of industrial struggle is shifting. The West needs to look further if it wants to understand how workers' self-organization is developing in countries it too often ignores. Across the Global South, peasant communities are forced off the land to live and work in harsh and impoverished conditions. Inevitably, new methods of combating the spread of industrial capitalism are evolving in ambitious, militant and creative ways. Southern Insurgency will lead the way in examining these organizations in the contemporary era. Immanuel Ness looks at three key countries: China, India and South Africa. In each case he considers the broader historical forces at play -- the effects of imperialism, the decline of the trade union movement, the class struggle and the effects of the growing reserve army of labor. For each case study, he narrows his focus to reveal the specifics of each grassroots insurgency: the militancy of the miners in South Africa, the new labor organizations in India and export promotion and the rise of worker insurgency in China. A result of intensive, dedicated firsthand research, at the heart of Southern Insurgency is a study of the nature of the new industrial proletariat in the Global South - a terrifying, precarious existence - but also one of experimentation, solidarity and struggle. -- Provided by publisher.


Working class --- Labor unions --- Working class. --- Race relations. --- Discrimination --- SOCIAL SCIENCE / Discrimination & Race Relations. --- SOCIAL SCIENCE / Minority Studies. --- Discrimination. --- Labor unions. --- Klassenkampf. --- Arbeiterbewegung. --- Gewerkschaft. --- Commons (Social order) --- Labor and laboring classes --- Laboring class --- Labouring class --- Working classes --- Social classes --- Labor --- Gewerkschaften --- Interessenverband --- Arbeiterbewegung --- Syndikalismus --- Arbeitnehmerverband --- Sozialistische Arbeiterbewegung --- Soziale Bewegung --- Gewerkschaft --- Soziale Klasse --- Integration, Racial --- Race problems --- Race question --- Relations, Race --- Ethnology --- Social problems --- Sociology --- Ethnic relations --- Minorities --- Racism --- Industrial unions --- Labor organizations --- Labor, Organized --- Organized labor --- Trade-unions --- Unions, Labor --- Unions, Trade --- Working-men's associations --- Labor movement --- Societies --- Central labor councils --- Guilds --- Syndicalism --- Bias --- Interpersonal relations --- Toleration --- Employment --- Klassenkampf --- China. --- Developing countries. --- India. --- South Africa. --- Indien. --- Südafrika. --- Südafrikanische Union --- Südafrikanische Republik --- Republik Südafrika --- Azania --- Republic of South Africa --- South Africa --- South African Republic --- Union of South Africa --- Republiek van Suidafrika --- RSA --- Suid-Afrika --- Suidafrika --- Suid Africa --- Republiek van Suid-Afrika --- Unie van Zuid-Africa --- Unie van Suid-Afrika --- Zuid-Africa --- Zuid-Afrikaansche Republiek --- Zuidafrikaansche Republiek --- ZAR --- Repaboliki ya Aferika Borwa --- Riphabulika ya Afurika Tshipembe --- Union von Südafrika --- Südafrikaner --- Staat --- Nieuwe Republiek --- 1910 --- -Rotchina --- Zhongguo --- Zhongguo-Diguo --- Kaiserreich Zhongguo --- Chung-kuo --- Zhonghua-minguo --- Chung-hua-min-kuo --- China --- Zhonghua-Renmin-Gongheguo --- Kaiserreich China --- PRC --- Shinkoku --- Chung-hua-jen-min-kung-ho-kuo --- Zhonghua --- Volksrepublik China --- VR China --- People's Republic of China --- Zhong guo --- Zhonghua renmin gongheguo --- République populaire de Chine --- Chung-kuo kuo min cheng fu --- Chine --- KNR --- Chinese People's Republic --- Kytajsʹkaja Narodnaja Respublika --- Chinese People’s Republic --- Republic of China --- Chung-hua min kuo --- 中华人民共和国 --- Chinesen --- Taiwan --- Bharat --- Indische Union --- Altindien --- Hindustan --- Hindostan --- Indien --- Indie --- Indian Union --- Bhārata Gaṇarājya --- Bhārata --- Republik Indien --- Dominion of India --- India --- Republic of India --- Inde --- Indië --- Bharata --- Indiia --- Indland --- Hindiston Respublikasi --- Satharanarat 'India --- Yin-tu --- Inder --- Britisch-Indien --- Südasien --- 15.08.1947 --- -África del Sur --- África do Sul --- Afrika Selatan --- Afrique du Sud --- Dél-Afrika --- Dél-Afrikai Köztársaság --- Derom Afriḳah --- Dorem-Afriḳe --- Güney Afrika --- Güney Afrika Cumhuriyeti --- iRiphabhulikhi yeNingizimu Afrika --- iRiphabhuliki yaseNingizimu Afrika --- iRiphabliki yeSewula Afrika --- iRiphabliki yomZantsi Afrika --- I͡U.A.R. --- I͡UAR --- I͡Uzhno-Afrikanskai͡a Respublika --- I͡Uzhno-Afrikanskiĭ Soi͡uz --- Janūb Ifrīqiy --- Jihoafrická republika --- Juhoafrická republika --- Jumhūrīyat Janūb Ifrīqiy --- Južná Afrika --- Južnoafrički savez --- Minami Afurika Kyōwakoku --- Nan Fei --- Nan Fei Gongheguo --- Nanfei --- Nanfei Gongheguo --- Repabliki ya Afrika-Borwa --- Rephaboliki ya Aforika Borwa --- Rephaboliki ya Afrika Borwa --- Repubblica del Sud Africa --- República da África do Sul --- República de Sudáfrica --- Republik Südafrika --- Republik Suedafrika --- Republika Południowej Afryki --- République Sud Africaine --- Riphabliki ya Afrika Dzonga --- Riphabul̳iki ya Afurika Tshipembe --- Sud África --- Sudáfrica --- Südafrika --- Government of India --- Ḣindiston Respublikasi --- Indi --- Indii͡ --- Indo --- Sāthāranarat ʻIndīa --- Emerging nations --- Fourth World --- Global South --- LDC's --- Least developed countries --- Less developed countries --- Newly industrialized countries --- Newly industrializing countries --- NICs --- Third World --- Underdeveloped areas --- Underdeveloped countries --- 1949 --- -Bu̇gd Naĭramdakh Dundad Ard Uls --- Bu̇gu̇de Nayiramdaqu Dumdadu Arad Ulus --- Bu̇gu̇de Nayiramdaxu Dundadu Arad Ulus --- Catay --- Cathay --- Central Government of the People's Republic of China --- Central People's Government of Communist China --- Chinese National Government --- Chūka Jinmin Kyōwakoku --- Chung-hua chung yang jen min kung ho kuo --- Chung-hua jen min kung ho kuo --- Chung yang jen min cheng fu --- Cina --- Činská lidová republika --- Dumdad Uls --- Dumdadu Ulus --- Erets Sin --- Jhonggu --- Jumhūriyat al-Ṣīn al-Shaʻbīyah --- Khi͡atad --- Kínai Népköztársaság --- Kin --- Kitad --- Kita --- Kitaĭskai͡a Narodnai͡a Respublika --- Kitajska --- Kytaĭsʹka Narodna Respublika --- National Government --- P.R. China --- PR China --- Republic --- República Popular China --- Republik Rakjat Tiongkok --- République Populaire de Chine --- RRC --- RRT --- Sāthāranarat Prachāchon Čhīn --- VRChina --- Zhong hua ren min gong he guo --- Zhonghua Renmin Gongheguo --- Zhonghuaminguo --- E-books --- Employers and workers organisations --- -BNKhAU --- Bu̇gd Naĭramdakh Dundad Ard Uls --- P.R.C. --- Bhārata Gaṇarājya --- Bhārata --- Indië --- Südasien --- -1949 --- -Bharat --- Rotchina --- Südafrika.

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