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Sexualität und Familie : Möglichkeiten sexueller Bildung im Rahmen erzieherischer Hilfen
ISBN: 3837969436 3837924688 Year: 2015 Publisher: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG

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Obwohl sexuelle Themen ein wichtiger Bestandteil der sozialpädagogischen Familienberatung und der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe sind, gibt es nur wenige Veröffentlichungen zum Thema. Auch in der konkreten Praxis der Sozialen Arbeit sind theoretische Konzepte für sexuelle Bildung und Beratung ungenügend verankert. Dieser Lücke wendet sich der vorliegende Band zu: Ausgehend von der Studie »Partner 4« zu Jugendsexualität liefert er nicht nur allgemeine Anregungen für die Beratungspraxis, sondern unterbreitet auch Vorschläge für Konzepte, die den diversen und komplexen Lebenslagen der Kinder und Jugendlichen Rechnung tragen. Der Fokus liegt dabei auf der Sozialisationsinstanz Familie.Sexuality and Family: Possibilities of Sexual Education within the Framework of Child and Youth Care ServicesAlthough sexual issues are an important part of social pedagogical family counseling and child and youth care services, there are few publications on the subject. Also, theoretical approaches to sexual education and counseling often lack sufficient anchorage in the concrete practice of social work. This book wants to close the gap: Based on the »Partner 4« study on youth sexuality, it not only provides general suggestions for counseling but also makes proposals for concepts that take account of the diverse and complex situations of children and adolescents while focusing on the family as an instance of socialization.

The Politics of Youth, Sex, and Health Care in American Schools
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0789012723 131782573X 1315821397 1317825748 9781317825746 9781315821399 9781317825722 9781317825739 9780789012715 9780789012722 Year: 2014 Publisher: Hoboken Taylor and Francis

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Examine school-based health clinics and the political considerations and strategies that can help them succeed!The Politics of Youth, Sex, and Health Care in American Schools reveals the history and political dynamics involved in building and sustaining an important innovation in the way health care services are delivered to America's youth: the school-based health clinic. These clinics provide vital health services--including crucial yet controversial reproductive services--to youth. In addition to analyzing the nature and extent of the political barriers facing school-based clinics

Ouders en de relationele en seksuele vorming op school : it takes a village to raise a child
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789044131574 Year: 2014 Publisher: Antwerpen Garant

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Dit boek vraagt zich af hoe leerkrachten en ouders, in hun respectieve onderwijs- en opvoedingsfunctie, zich samen kunnen inzetten bij de vorming van kinderen, meer bepaald bij de relationele en seksuele vorming. Het gaat daarbij vooral om de vraag hoe relationele en seksuele vorming herdacht kan worden op een manier dat ouders in ruime mate kunnen participeren aan de vorming van hun kinderen op dat vlak in de school. Op de basisschool Ten Dorpe in Mortsel is het pakket voor relationele en seksuele vorming herdacht en herzien met expliciete betrokkenheid van ouders. Deze uitgave rapporteert over dit project.

Juvenile sexuality, Kabbalah, and Catholic reformation in Italy : Tiferet bahurim by Pinhas Barukh ben Pelatiyah Monselice
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1282949233 9786612949234 9004181202 9789004181205 9789004167575 9004167579 Year: 2009 Publisher: Leiden ; Boston : Brill,

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This book provides the first publication of the tract Tiferet Bahurim (The Glory of Youth) which was written in the mid-seventeenth century by R. Pinhas Barukh ben Pelatiyah Monselic in Ferrara, Italy. The tract was written as a guide for young men about to marry regarding their family life and their sexual deportment. By analyzing the Tiferet Bahurim Roni Weinstein addresses the following questions: What was the source of the growing interest in sexuality, and controlling juvenile sexuality? How is this tract related to centuries-old Jewish ethical literature, as well as literature in contemporary Catholic Italy? Is the Tiferet Bahurim part of the religious and cultural fermentation of the Counter-Reformation? Finally, did Jewish mysticism and pietism of Kabbalah tradition play a role in the composition of this tract?

Project S : relationele en seksuele vorming voor minderjarige anderstaligen
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789044129694 Year: 2012 Publisher: Antwerpen Garant

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Het Project S is ontwikkeld voor OKAN – Onthaalklas voor anderstalige nieuwkomers, maar het is ook voor vele andere groepen geschikt. De doelstelling is de overbrugging van de vaak aanwezige taal- en cultuurkloof specifi ek omtrent relationele en seksuele vorming. Methodieken werden uitgedacht, uitgeprobeerd, herzien of herkaderd naar de doelgroepen toe. De boodschap wordt kracht bijgezet door veel visueel materiaal, talige ondersteuning en de didactische opbouw van het geheel. Het boek bevat ook een overzichtslijst van bruikbare materialen en randmethodieken. Via een weblink kan de gebruiker op de hoogte blijven van de verdere ontwikkeling van het Project.

Troubling the Teaching and Learning of Gender and Sexuality Diversity in South African Education
ISBN: 113753026X 1137530278 1349708453 Year: 2017 Publisher: New York : Palgrave Macmillan US : Imprint: Palgrave Macmillan,

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In this book, Francis highlights the tension between inclusion and sexual orientation, using this tension as an entry to explore how LGB youth experience schooling. Drawing on research with teachers and LGB youth, this book troubles the teaching and learning of sexuality diversity and, by doing so, provides a critical exploration and analysis of how curriculum, pedagogy, and policy reproduces compulsory heterosexuality in schools. The book makes visible the challenges of teaching sexuality diversity in South African schools while highlighting its potential for rethinking conceptions of the social and cultural representations thereof. Francis links questions of policy and practice to wider issues of society, sexuality, social justice and highlights its implications for teaching and learning. The author encourages policy makers, teachers, and scholars of sexualities and education to develop further questions and informed action to challenge heteronormativity and heterosexism. .

Relationele & seksuele vorming : handboek voor secundair onderwijs
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9789044126891 Year: 2011 Publisher: Leuven Garant

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Met dit handboek reikt Sensoa inhoudelijke en didactische handgrepen aan leraars aan die rond seksualiteit en relaties wensen te werken. Het Handboek Relationele en Seksuele Vorming (RSV) vormt het praktische werkinstrument voor leraars ASO, TSO, KSO en BSO uit het Secundair Onderwijs om het thema te behandelen in hun lessen. Ook de opbouw van een spiraalcurriculum komt aan bod. Dit boek bevat de basisinformatie voor de inhouden van de lessen RSV voor eerste, tweede en derde graad. 9 kernthema's worden besproken: seks en maatschappij, puberteit, relaties, seks en lichaam, geboorteregeling, gender, seksuele oriëntatie, soa's en hiv, en seksueel grensoverschrijdend gedrag. Verder vind je in dit boek een uitgebreide didactische leidraad om deze inhouden toe te passen in de praktijk. Met vele tips uit het werkveld, lesschema's en een stappenplan kan je meteen aan de slag gaan. (Bron: covertekst)

Global Perspectives and Key Debates in Sex and Relationships Education : Addressing Issues of Gender, Sexuality, Plurality and Power
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9781137500229 1349698784 1137500204 1137500220 Year: 2016 Publisher: London : Palgrave Macmillan UK : Imprint: Palgrave Pivot,

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There is a great variety of sex and relationship education in the global North and South and this book draws together the global perspectives and debates on this key topic. Issues including gender-based violence, pornography, sexual consent, sexual diversity and religious plurality are all discussed with reference to cutting-edge research.


Teacher education. Teacher's profession --- sociologie --- Educational sciences --- gender --- sociale wetenschappen --- Sociology of health --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- psychologie --- psycholinguïstiek --- Ethics of family. Ethics of sexuality --- Social sciences (general) --- onderwijs --- opvoeding --- Affective and dynamic functions --- Social medicine --- Teaching --- Philosophical anthropology --- Sociology --- lerarenopleiding --- seksualiteit --- lesgeven --- Psycholinguistics --- onderwijssociologie --- Sociology of education --- School management --- onderwijspolitiek --- Sex instruction for youth. --- Interpersonal relations --- Study and teaching. --- Youth --- Sociology. --- Gender identity in education. --- Education and state. --- Social medicine. --- Gender Studies. --- Gender and Education. --- Education Policy. --- Medical Sociology. --- Teaching and Teacher Education. --- Educational Policy and Politics. --- Education --- Education policy --- Educational policy --- State and education --- Social policy --- Endowment of research --- Social theory --- Social sciences --- Medical care --- Medical sociology --- Medicine --- Medicine, Social --- Public health --- Public welfare --- Medical ethics --- Medical sociologists --- Government policy --- Social aspects --- Teaching. --- Educational policy. --- Didactics --- Instruction --- Pedagogy --- School teaching --- Schoolteaching --- Instructional systems --- Pedagogical content knowledge --- Training

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