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The limits of asset confiscation
ISBN: 1509907106 1509907092 1509907084 9781509907106 9781509907090 9781509907083 1509907076 9781509907076 9781509907076 Year: 2017 Publisher: Oxford, UK Portland, OR, USA

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This book provides a normative analysis of the justifications and limits of asset confiscation as a crime control measure in a comparative perspective. More specifically, it deals with what in this context is referred to as extended appropriation, that is, confiscation in cases where the causal link between the property (the proceeds of crime) in question and the predicate offence(s) is less obvious. Particular focus is placed on extended criminal confiscation and civil recovery. These forms of confiscation give rise to a number of complex legal issues. The overarching purpose of the book is to provide an analysis of the nature of extended appropriation within the criminal justice system and to discuss a normative framework that may assist in assessing the legitimacy of such confiscation schemes. It also seeks to explore what a fair and reasonable balance between the interests of the state and those of the individual in this field might look like. The analysis starts from an acknowledgement not only of the need for having effective confiscation regimes in place, but also of the need for protecting the interests of the individual. It is hoped that the book will stimulate further discussion on the legitimacy of asset recovery as a crime control measure



Asset forfeiture
ISBN: 1628082259 9781628082258 9781628082241 1628082240 Year: 2013 Publisher: New York

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Chasing criminal money : challenges and perspectives on asset recovery in the EU
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1509931295 1509912088 Year: 2017 Publisher: Oxford ; Portland : Hart Publishing,

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"The fight against dirty money is not a new topic, nor a recent problem. It has existed within international and national agendas since the 1980s. Nonetheless, the evolving complexity of criminal skills and networks; the increasingly global dimension of crime; the financial crisis; and the alleged unsatisfactory results of the efforts hitherto undertaken cause us to re-pose and re-discuss some questions. This book addresses several issues concerning the reasons, objectives and scope of national and supranational strategies targeting criminal money, as well as the concrete modalities to overcome its obstacles. The main objective is to explore where the EU stands and where it ought to go, providing useful input for policy-makers and further research. Nevertheless, the problems are not limited to the EU area, and assets--particularly money--cross EU borders much more easily than people do. The reflections developed in the chapters, therefore, aim at going beyond these EU borders. The book is divided into two parts. The first one focuses on the core of asset recovery policies, namely confiscation or forfeiture laws, and explores in particular some issues concerning the respect of fundamental rights. The second part addresses other problematic aspects related to the asset recovery process, such as the return of assets to victim countries, the cross-border investigations on dirty money, and the social use of confiscated assets."--Bloomsbury Publishing.

Federal forfeiture law
ISBN: 1634833112 9781634833110 9781634833103 Year: 2015 Publisher: New York

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Forfeiture --- United States.

U.S. Department of Justice Asset Forfeiture Policy Manual and Guide to Equitable Sharing
ISBN: 1628082275 9781628082272 1628082267 9781628082265 Year: 2013 Publisher: New York

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Forfeiture --- United States.

Forfeiture, conspiracy, venue
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1536113344 9781536113341 9781612093154 1612093159 Year: 2011 Publisher: New York

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Criminal law --- Conspiracy --- Forfeiture --- Venue

Understanding forfeitures
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 1282451197 9786612451195 0833048678 0833046926 9780833048677 9780833046925 9781282451193 661245119X Year: 2009 Publisher: Santa Monica, CA RAND Safety and Justice

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The Treasury Executive Office for Asset Forfeiture (TEOAF) administers the Treasury Forfeiture Fund (TFF), which is the receipt account for the deposits of nontax forfeitures that result from law-enforcement actions against criminal enterprises, such as drug cartels, terrorist organizations, and individual embezzlers, by agencies that are currently, or were historically, part of the U.S. Treasury -- the Internal Revenue Service Criminal Investigation division, U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement, U.S. Customs and Border Protection, and the U.S. Secret Service. High levels of forfeiture from the prosecution of these crimes serve to punish the individuals involved, help to dismantle the operations associated with the crime, may deter others from engaging in similar crimes, and provide funds to support future investigations among participating agencies. TEOAF commissioned the RAND Corporation to examine the relationship between targeted funding support of significant financial investigations and the forfeiture outcomes of such investigations. This report presents the findings of that analysis.

Tough on criminal wealth : exploring the practice of proceeds from crime confiscation in the EU
ISBN: 1281338729 9786611338725 1402041292 1402041284 9048170516 Year: 2006 Publisher: Dordrecht, The Netherlands : Springer,

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Based on the expertise of thirty leading experts on confiscation in the EU, this is the first book to analyse the practice of proceeds from crime confiscation in the original fifteen EU Member States. It examines the implementation of confiscation provisions in all three (investigative, judicial and disposal) phases of confiscation proceedings. It quantifies the enforcement of confiscation provisions in the EU, using an innovative and unique methodology and thereby furnishes understanding of obstacles and best practices. The conclusion of the book is that the ‘tough on criminal wealth’ philosophy is largely alien to the everyday practice of law enforcement agencies. Putting criminals behind bars is still the main aim of the system, and most of the scarce resources available are devoted to achieving this. This title is of interest to academics and students in the fields of criminology, sociology, and law, as well as to law enforcement officers, public prosecutors, and policymakers.

Corruption, asset recovery, and the protection of property in public international law
ISBN: 1316082865 1316056864 1316054497 1316080501 1107668875 1316071049 110741573X 131607577X 1316073408 1316078140 9781316073407 9781107415737 9781107058507 1107058503 9781316078143 9781107668874 1322176957 Year: 2014 Publisher: Cambridge, United Kingdom

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In recovering assets that are or that represent the proceeds, objects, or instrumentalities of grand corruption, do states violate the human rights of politically exposed persons, their relatives, or their associates? Radha Ivory asks whether cooperative efforts to confiscate illicit wealth are compatible with rights to property in public international law. She explores the tensions between the goals of controlling high-level, high-value corruption and ensuring equal enjoyment of civil and political rights. Through the jurisprudence of regional human rights tribunals and the literature on confiscation and international cooperation, Ivory shows how asset recovery is a human rights issue and how principles of legality and proportionality have mediated competing interests in analogous matters. In cases of asset recovery, she predicts that property rights will likewise enable questions of individual entitlement to be considered in the context of collective concerns with good governance, global economic inequality, and the suppression of transnational crime.

La confiscation liée au "blanchiment d'argent" : de la peine accessoire à la peine principale
Authors: ---
ISSN: 20349998 ISBN: 9782804490973 2804490971 Year: 2016 Volume: 6 Publisher: Bruxelles: Larcier,

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L'ouvrage fait le point sur les grandes évolutions jurisprudentielles et doctrinales en matière de saisies et de confiscations tant en droit belge qu'en droit international.Pas suffisamment usitées ces dix dernières années, les saisies et confiscations des produits du crime apparaissent aujourd'hui comme l'une des voies royales pour lutter contre la criminalité organisée : criminalité financière, terrorisme, cyber-criminalité...Détecter et analyser les flux financiers suspects permet d'agir sur un plan préventif, notamment par un gel des avoirs douteux mais aussi, s'il y a lieu, de saisir l'autorité judiciaire pour qu'elle diligente, sur cette base, une enquête.Priver le criminel de son patrimoine est une politique mise en place à l'échelon européen et international. Encore faut-il identifier et localiser les avoirs dissimulés, ce qui fait l'extrême complexité de ces enquêtes souvent transfrontalières. D'où l'importance en début d'information ou d'instruction judiciaire de diligenter une enquête de patrimoine en vue de saisir, à titre conservatoire, les avoirs mal acquis en vue de permettre au juge, s'il y a lieu, de prononcer leur confiscation.À l'échelle européenne et internationale, de grands changements ont été réalisés. De nouvelles directives ont été publiées, l'échange coordonné d'informations s'organise, que ce soit au niveau du renseignement financier (F.I.U.), au niveau policier (Europol et Interpol et les équipes communes d'enquêtes) ou encore magistrature (Eurojust). La Cour pénale internationale aussi voit dans les saisies et confiscations un outil qui doit être utilisé en faveur des victimes.Pourquoi ne pas penser d'ailleurs à un élargissement des compétences de la CPI en y incluant, comme à l'origine, le blanchiment des capitaux.Proactivité, plateforme d'échange d'informations, concertation entre acteurs, saisies et confiscations sont les maîtres mots pour mener à bien ce type d'enquêtes qui ne peuvent se clôturer par une décision de prescription ou de dépassement de délai raisonnable...Souhaitons que d’aucuns prennent le relais pour la mener plus avant encore et poursuivre la construction de cet édifice auquel ce travail aura apporté, avec l’aide de tout un chacun, une pierre qui reste à tailler.

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