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This book analyses the opportunities and barriers for youth entrepreneurship amid systemic change in Central and Eastern Europe. The authors cover different aspects of youth entrepreneurship and its contribution to the debate on youth unemployment in transition economies.
Entrepreneurship --- Youth --- Employment --- Young people --- Young persons --- Youngsters --- Youths --- Entrepreneur --- Intrapreneur --- Age groups --- Life cycle, Human --- Capitalism --- Business incubators --- 332.691 --- 332.71 --- 338.040 --- EEU / Central & Eastern Europe --- Evolutie van de arbeidsmarkt --- Vrouwen- en jongerenarbeid --- Ondernemingen: algemeenheden
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This definitive resource details both the current and historical state of child labor in each region of the world, focusing on its causes, consequences, and cures. Including contributions by an international team of child labor scholars, researchers, policy-makers, and activists, as well as a wealth of current statistical data, it is the most comprehensive reference available on the subject.
Child labor --- Child labor. --- History. --- AA / International- internationaal --- 332.80 --- 332.71 --- 382.11 --- 332.691 --- 305.94 --- 310.1 --- Diverse arbeidsaangelegenheden: algemeen. --- Vrouwen- en jongerenarbeid. --- Theorie van het internationale evenwicht. Economische onafhankelijkheid van een natie. Globalisering. Mondialisering. --- Evolutie van de arbeidsmarkt. --- Econometrie van de arbeidsmarkt, de werkgelegenheid en de werkloosheid. --- Bevolkingspolitiek. --- Child labor -- History. --- Business & Economics --- Labor & Workers' Economics --- History --- Children --- Employment of children --- Employment --- Labor --- Age and employment --- kinderarbeid --- Econometrie van de arbeidsmarkt, de werkgelegenheid en de werkloosheid --- Bevolkingspolitiek --- Evolutie van de arbeidsmarkt --- Vrouwen- en jongerenarbeid --- Diverse arbeidsaangelegenheden: algemeen --- Theorie van het internationale evenwicht. Economische onafhankelijkheid van een natie. Globalisering. Mondialisering --- Enfants --- Travail --- Histoire
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Marriage and the Economy explores how marriage influences the monetized economy as well as the household economy. Marriage institutions are to the household economy what business institutions are to the monetized economy, and marital status is clearly related to the household economy. Marriage also influences the economy as conventionally measured via its impact on labor supply, workers' productivity, savings, consumption, and government programs such as welfare programs and social security. The macro-economic analyses presented here are based on the micro-economic foundations of cost/benefit analysis, game theory, and market analysis. Micro-economic analysis of marriage, divorce, and behavior within marriages are investigated by a number of specialists in various areas of economics. Western values and laws have been very successful at transforming the way the world does business, but its success at maintaining individual commitments to family values is less impressive.
Economics --- Families --- Industrialization --- Marriage --- Married people --- Social values --- 172 --- 201 --- 332.71 --- 339.325.1 --- 347.61 --- AA / International- internationaal --- Values --- Married couples --- Married persons --- People, Married --- Persons, Married --- Couples --- Marital status --- Spouses --- Married life --- Matrimony --- Nuptiality --- Wedlock --- Love --- Sacraments --- Betrothal --- Courtship --- Home --- Honeymoons --- Industrial development --- Economic development --- Economic policy --- Deindustrialization --- Family --- Family life --- Family relationships --- Family structure --- Relationships, Family --- Structure, Family --- Social institutions --- Birth order --- Domestic relations --- Households --- Kinship --- Matriarchy --- Parenthood --- Patriarchy --- Economic theory --- Political economy --- Social sciences --- Economic man --- History --- Economic aspects --- Employment --- Gezinsmoraal. Huwelijk. Echtscheiding --- Sociologie: algemeenheden --- Vrouwen- en jongerenarbeid --- Evolutie van de consumptie. Budget van de huishoudens --- Huwelijk. Huwelijkscontract --- Social aspects --- Social conditions --- Business, Economy and Management
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In De promotiekloof worden de promotiekansen van mannen en vrouwen op de Belgische arbeidsmarkt geanalyseerd. Bestaat het glazen plafond? Zijn de carrièreverschillen tussen vrouwen en mannen aan het verdwijnen? Kiezen vrouwen er zelf voor om te werken in lagere carrièreniveaus of worden vrouwen gediscrimineerd? Nick Deschacht beschrijft op een heldere manier de resultaten van zijn recent econometrisch onderzoek naar deze vragen. Dit onderzoek op basis van longitudinale data geeft een dynamisch beeld van de carrières van mannen en vrouwen. Er wordt daarbij een ruim carriereconcept gehanteerd met, naast het loonniveau, ook oog voor het functieniveau en de mate van jobautoriteit waarover werknemers beschikken. De rol van zogenaamd objectieve verschillen tussen mannen en vrouwen wordt onderzocht, zoals verschillen in menselijk kapitaal, werkduur, preferenties en jobkenmerken. Er wordt een maat ontwikkeld voor de grootte van de belemmeringen die vrouwen ondervinden bij promoties, zodat ook het bestaan van belemmeringen in de lagere carrièreniveaus (zogenaamde sticky floors) kon worden getest.
657 Vrouwenemancipatie --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 332.80 --- 332.71 --- 658.311 --- 658.312 --- arbeidsmarkt --- Arbeidsmarkt ; België --- vrouwenemancipatie --- vrouwenarbeid --- Travail Arbeid --- Carrière Loopbaan --- Parité hommes-femmes Gelijke behandeling mannen/vrouwen --- Condition féminine Positie van de vrouw --- 658.312 Induction, deployment, promotion etc. --- Induction, deployment, promotion etc. --- Diverse arbeidsaangelegenheden: algemeen. --- Vrouwen- en jongerenarbeid. --- Indienstneming van personeel. Beoordeling. Bevordering. --- 331.6 --- 396 --- 396.5 --- Femmes --- Économétrie --- Travail --- Salaires --- Personnel management --- Labour market --- HRM (human resource management) --- gender --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- personeelsmanagement --- Belgium --- Women --- Promotions --- Men --- Employment --- Sexual division of labor --- Économétrie. --- Diverse arbeidsaangelegenheden: algemeen --- Vrouwen- en jongerenarbeid --- Indienstneming van personeel. Beoordeling. Bevordering --- Arbeidsmarkt --- Gender --- Vrouwen --- Gelijke kansen --- Loopbaanverschil mannen --- België --- Man-vrouwrelatie --- Promotie --- Vrouw --- Loopbaan --- Relatie man - vrouw --- Sport --- Kunst --- Ondernemerschap --- Poëzie --- Equal opportunities --- Pay gap --- Career --- Labour --- Labour participation --- Book --- Sex differences --- Glass ceiling
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"On ne naît pas femme! On le devient." Met deze uitspraak verwees Simone de Beauvoir reeds in 1949 naar het bestaan van allerhande politieke, economische en sociaal-culturele processen die de achtergestelde positie van de vrouw in de maatschappij veroorzaken. In de laatste drie decennia van de 20ste eeuw hebben vele Westerse overheden een beleid ontwikkeld dat een antwoord moest bieden op de achterstelling en discriminatie van de vrouw in de verschillende maatschappelijke sferen.Het boek 'Gelijkekansenbeleid onderweg' werpt een licht op het gelijkekansenbeleid voor vrouwen dat de voorbije decennia door Nederland, Groot-Brittannië en – meer recent – Vlaanderen is gevoerd. Daarbij worden de doelstellingen, de instrumenten en de strategische en organisatorische invulling van het gelijkekansenbeleid onderzocht, telkens tegen de achtergrond van de algemene maatschappelijke context. Bijzondere aandacht wordt besteed aan de strategie van 'gender mainstreaming' die internationaal sinds de jaren negentig sterke opgang heeft gemaakt.De auteurs hopen met het boek een bijdrage te leveren tot het maatschappelijke en politieke debat omtrent het gelijkekansenbeleid voor vrouwen, dat de jongste jaren meer en meer bedreigd wordt door een vals discours over 'voltooide emancipatie'. (Bron: covertekst)
Gelijkekansenbeleid. --- gender --- gelijkekansenbeleid --- emancipatiebeleid --- Social policy --- Belgium --- Netherlands --- Great Britain --- Flanders --- Women --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- Comparative studies --- Women's rights --- Sex discrimination against women --- Law and legislation --- Human rights --- Aanwinstenlijst november 05 --- 657 Vrouwenemancipatie --- #SBIB:316.346H40 --- Egalité des chances Gelijke kansen --- Egalité hommes-femmes Gelijkheid mannen-vrouwen --- 186.6 Jeugd(sanctie)recht --- Parité hommes-femmes Gelijke behandeling mannen/vrouwen --- Féminisme Vrouwenemancipatie --- VL / Flanders - Vlaams Gewest - Région Flamande --- NL / Netherlands - Nederland - Pays Bas --- GB / United Kingdom - Verenigd Koninkrijk - Royaume Uni --- 350.2 --- 332.71 --- Academic collection --- gelijkheid van vrouwen en mannen --- Gender studies: emancipatiebeleid --- Overheidspersoneel. --- Vrouwen- en jongerenarbeid. --- 396 --- Gelijke kansen --- Emancipatiebeleid --- Gelijke rechten man/vrouw --- Internationale vergelijking --- Overheidspersoneel --- Vrouwen- en jongerenarbeid --- Gelijke rechten --- Internationale samenwerking --- Equal opportunities --- Government policy --- Book --- Gender mainstreaming --- Equal opportunity policies
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Current debates concerning the future of social security provision in advanced capitalist states have raised the issue of a citizen's basic income (CBI) as a possible reform package: a proposal based on the principles of individuality, universality and unconditionality which would ensure a minimum income guaranteed for all members of society. Implementing a CBI, would consequently entail radical reform of existing patterns of welfare delivery and would bring into question the institutionalized relationship between work and welfare. Ailsa McKay's book makes a unique and positiv
Social security --- Income maintenance programs --- Feminist economics. --- Women --- Human females --- Wimmin --- Woman --- Womon --- Womyn --- Females --- Human beings --- Femininity --- Economics --- Income transfer programs --- Public welfare --- Transfer payments --- Basic income --- Family allowances --- Insurance, Social --- Insurance, State and compulsory --- Social insurance --- Insurance --- Economic aspects --- Economic conditions --- Economic assistance, Domestic --- Feminist economics --- Guaranteed annual income --- 332.71 --- 339.21 --- 368.40 --- AA / International- internationaal --- Annual income guarantee --- Basic income guarantee --- Guaranteed income --- Guaranteed minimum income --- Universal basic income --- Economic security --- Income --- Anti-poverty programs --- Government economic assistance --- Economic policy --- National service --- Grants-in-aid --- Pensions --- Vrouwen- en jongerenarbeid --- Ongelijkheid en herverdeling van vermogens en inkomens. Inkomensbeleid --- Sociale voorzorg en verzekeringen. Sociale zekerheid: algemeenheden --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- Social policy --- Wages --- Social security law --- Sociology of work --- Sociology of social welfare --- Labour market --- Great Britain --- Feminism --- Gender --- Individualisation --- Government policy --- Employment opportunities --- Paid labour --- Book --- Economy
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Het woord 'cultuurverandering' in de titel van dit boek wekt hoge verwachtingen. In feite gaat het hier om een Vlaams-Nederlands project om genderdenken aan te moedigen in het bedrijfsleven. Het eerste deel, 'een theoretische verkenning', is bijzonder zwak en geeft de theorievorming over mannelijkheid en vrouwelijkheid op een simplistische manier weer. Men krijgt de indruk dat de auteurs de feministische literatuur van de laatste dertig jaar onvoldoende hebben doorgrond. Met terminologie zoals diversiteit, feminisme, emancipatie, streefcijfers, quota, gelijkheidsdenken en verschildenken wordt onzorgvuldig omgesprongen. Het feminisme wordt niet enkel in een vrij negatief daglicht gesteld door de auteurs,maar ook door de door hen gekozen respondenten, allemaal vrouwen in topfuncties in het bedrijfsleven en bij de overheid. Gelijkheid van kansen voor vrouwen wordt hier gelijkgesteld met het respecteren van verschillen tussen mannen en vrouwen en het wegwerken van machtsverschillen. Over het laatste, machtsverschillen, wordt weinig gerept, zodat de 'schuld' dan toch weer grotendeels wordt gelegd bij de vrouwen zelf.
arbeidsmarkt --- loopbaanontwikkeling --- Sociology of work --- gender --- gelijkekansenbeleid --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- 316.371 --- 396.5 --- 658.3 --- Academic collection --- aanwinstenlijst oktober 05 --- 657 Vrouwenemancipatie --- #SBIB:316.346H22 --- #SBIB:316.334.2A340 --- #SBIB:316.334.2A341 --- Condition féminine Positie van de vrouw --- Parité hommes-femmes Gelijke behandeling mannen/vrouwen --- Féminisme Vrouwenemancipatie --- sekseverschillen --- arbeidsvraagstukken --- arbeidsprocessen --- vrouwen --- mannen --- 318.4 --- AA / International- internationaal --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 658.334 --- 658.311 --- 658.300 --- 332.71 --- NBB ZZ --- 305 --- Arbeidssociologie --- Genderproblematiek --- human resources management --- arbeid, vrouwen --- arbeid, motivatie --- 396.5 Vrouwenarbeid. Vrouwentewerkstelling. Werkende vrouwen --- Vrouwenarbeid. Vrouwentewerkstelling. Werkende vrouwen --- 316.371 Gender --- Gender --- 658.3 Personnel. Human factor. Human relations (Staff relations. Personal or interpersonal relations). Working atmosphere --- Personnel. Human factor. Human relations (Staff relations. Personal or interpersonal relations). Working atmosphere --- Positie van de vrouw in de samenleving: arbeid en beroep --- Arbeidssociologie: ongelijkheden op de arbeidsmarkt: algemeen --- Arbeidssociologie: ongelijkheden op de arbeidsmarkt: de vrouw en de arbeidsmarkt --- man en vrouw in het arbeidsproces --- Beroepsvorming en -oriëntatie. Menselijke investeringen. Menselijk kapitaal. --- Indienstneming van personeel. Beoordeling. Bevordering. --- Industriële psychologie en ergonomie. Arbeidsverrijking. --- Vrouwen- en jongerenarbeid. --- Arbeidsmarkt --- Man-vrouwrelatie --- Sekseverschillen --- Beroepsvorming en -oriëntatie. Menselijke investeringen. Menselijk kapitaal --- Indienstneming van personeel. Beoordeling. Bevordering --- Industriële psychologie en ergonomie. Arbeidsverrijking --- Vrouwen- en jongerenarbeid --- C5 --- Maatschappelijke organisaties en maatschappelijk leven --- Human resources management --- Arbeid, motivatie --- Arbeid, vrouwen --- Relatie man - vrouw --- Sekseverschil --- Management --- Career --- Organizations --- Companies --- Book --- Sex differences --- Glass ceiling --- Diversity policy
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Many countries have social security systems that are currently financially unsustainable. Economists and policy makers have long studied this problem and identified two key causes. First, as declining birth rates raise the share of older persons in the population, the ratio of retirees to benefits-paying employees increases. Second, as falling mortality rates increase lifespans, retirees receive benefits for longer than in the past. Further exacerbating the situation, the provisions of social security programs often provide strong incentives to leave the labor force. Social Security Programs and Retirement around the World offers comparative analysis from twelve countries and examines the issue of age in the labor force. A notable group of contributors analyzes the relationship between incentives to retire and the proportion of older persons in the workforce, the effects that reforming social security would have on the employment rates of older workers, and how extending labor force participation will affect program costs. Dispelling the myth that employing older workers takes jobs away from the young, this timely volume challenges a raft of existing assumptions about the relationship between old and young people in the workforce.
Social Security --- Old age pensions --- Older people --- Youth --- Labor supply --- Retirement --- Early retirement incentives --- Employment --- Government policy --- AA / International- internationaal --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 368.40 --- 368.43 --- 332.832 --- 332.71 --- Social security --- -Youth --- -Labor supply --- -Early retirement incentives --- Incentives, Early retirement --- Retirement incentives, Early --- Incentives in industry --- Postemployment benefits --- Superannuation --- Termination of employment --- Leisure --- Old age --- Labor force --- Labor force participation --- Labor pool --- Work force --- Workforce --- Labor market --- Human capital --- Labor mobility --- Manpower --- Manpower policy --- Young people --- Young persons --- Youngsters --- Youths --- Age groups --- Life cycle, Human --- Aged --- Aging people --- Elderly people --- Old people --- Older adults --- Older persons --- Senior citizens --- Seniors (Older people) --- Persons --- Gerontocracy --- Gerontology --- Employees --- OASI (Old age and survivors insurance) --- Old age and survivors insurance --- Retirement pensions --- Survivors' benefits (Old age pensions) --- Pensions --- Insurance, Social --- Insurance, State and compulsory --- Social insurance --- Insurance --- Income maintenance programs --- Sociale voorzorg en verzekeringen. Sociale zekerheid: algemeenheden. --- Ouderdomsverzekering. Voorbarige dood. Weduwen en wezen. --- Pensioen. Brugpensioen. --- Vrouwen- en jongerenarbeid. --- Social security. --- Old age pensions. --- Labor supply. --- Early retirement incentives. --- Employment. --- Government policy. --- Unemployed youth --- Older unemployed --- Vrouwen- en jongerenarbeid --- Pensioen. Brugpensioen --- Sociale voorzorg en verzekeringen. Sociale zekerheid: algemeenheden --- Ouderdomsverzekering. Voorbarige dood. Weduwen en wezen --- E-books --- Older people - Employment --- Youth - Employment --- Retirement - Government policy --- social security, government, governing, employment, employee, work, workers, labor, retirement, international, worldwide, world, economics, political economy, aging, age, policymakers, policy, declining birth rates, population, benefits, retirees, lifespans, program, participation, extension, pensions, older people, incentives, belgium, canada, denmark, france, germany, german, french, canadian, belgians, danes.
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Closely linked essays examine distinctive national patterns of industrialization.This collection of essays offers new perspectives on the Industrial Revolution as a global phenomenon. The fifteen contributors go beyond the longstanding view of industrialization as a linear process marked by discrete stages. Instead, they examine a lengthy and creative period in the history of industrialization, 1750 to 1914, reassessing the nature of and explanations for England's industrial primacy, and comparing significant industrial developments in countries ranging from China to Brazil. Each chapter explores a distinctive national production ecology, a complex blend of natural resources, demographic pressures, cultural impulses, technological assets, and commercial practices. At the same time, the chapters also reveal the portability of skilled workers and the permeability of political borders. The Industrial Revolution comes to life in discussions of British eagerness for stylish, middle-class products; the Enlightenment's contribution to European industrial growth; early America's incremental (rather than revolutionary) industrialization; the complex connections between Czarist and Stalinist periods of industrial change in Russia; Japan's late and rapid turn to mechanized production; and Brazil's industrial-financial boom. By exploring unique national patterns of industrialization as well as reciprocal exchanges and furtive borrowing among these states, the book refreshes the discussion of early industrial transformations and raises issues still relevant in today's era of globalization.
Fertility, Human --- -Family policy --- Birth control --- -AA / International- internationaal --- JP / Japan - Japon --- KR / South Korea - Zuid Korea - Corée du Sud --- CN / China - Chine --- SE / Sweden - Zweden - Suede --- FR / France - Frankrijk --- DE / Germany - Duitsland - Allemagne --- 310.1 --- 311.2 --- 311.81 --- 202 --- 332.71 --- Population control --- Pregnancy --- Family planning --- Contraception --- Reproductive rights --- Families --- Families and state --- State and families --- Public welfare --- Social security --- Social policy --- Human fertility --- Natality --- Demography --- Human reproduction --- Infertility --- Economic aspects --- Government policy --- Bevolkingspolitiek. --- Geboorte en geboortebeperking. --- Groei en vermindering van de bevolking. Economische theorie van de groeiende en afnemende bevolking. --- Sociale organisatie. --- Vrouwen- en jongerenarbeid. --- Prevention --- Technological innovations -- History. --- Industrial revolution. --- Industrialization. --- Economic history. --- Technological innovations --- Economic conditions --- History, Economic --- Economics --- Industrial development --- Economic development --- Economic policy --- Deindustrialization --- Revolution, Industrial --- Economic history --- Social history --- History. --- 338 <09> --- 338 <09> Economische geschiedenis --- Economische geschiedenis --- Industrial revolution --- Industrialization --- History --- E-books --- Economic History --- Family policy --- Economic aspects. --- Government policy. --- SOCIAL SCIENCES/Political Science/Public Policy & Law --- SOCIAL SCIENCES/Sociology --- SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY & SOCIETY/History of Science --- PHILOSOPHY/Philosophy of Science & Technology --- Bevolkingspolitiek --- Geboorte en geboortebeperking --- Groei en vermindering van de bevolking. Economische theorie van de groeiende en afnemende bevolking --- Sociale organisatie --- Vrouwen- en jongerenarbeid --- Technological innovations - History --- -Economic aspects
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Economic models in much of the public economics literature have been slow to reflect the significant changes towards double-income households throughout the developed world. This graduate-level text develops a more sophisticated approach to household economics, one that allows for multiple-income earners and shared decision-making. This approach is used to present a fundamentally new view of consumption. It then applies this to an analysis of tax systems, combining theoretical analysis of optimal taxation and tax reform with careful empirical study of the characteristics of income tax systems in four different countries: Australia, Germany, the UK and the USA. The book is particularly concerned with analysing, both theoretically and empirically, the impact of taxation on female labour supply, and identifying its effects on work incentives and fairness of income distribution. All this adds up to a fascinating new approach to the economics of household for researchers in both public and private sectors.
Public economics --- Women --- Tax incidence --- Income distribution --- Households --- Employment --- Economic aspects --- Women. --- Labor & Workers' Economics --- Business & Economics --- AA / International- internationaal --- AU / Australia - Australië - Australie --- US / United States of America - USA - Verenigde Staten - Etats Unis --- GB / United Kingdom - Verenigd Koninkrijk - Royaume Uni --- DE / Germany - Duitsland - Allemagne --- 336.204 --- 339.21 --- 332.71 --- 339.320 --- 339.325.1 --- 305.5 --- 305.93 --- weerslag, invloed, last en verdeling van de belasting. --- Ongelijkheid en herverdeling van vermogens en inkomens. Inkomensbeleid. --- Vrouwen- en jongerenarbeid. --- Consumptie: algemeenheden. Wet van de vraag in verband met de consumptie. Consumptiebehoefte. Behoeftetheorie. --- Evolutie van de consumptie. Budget van de huishoudens. --- Econometrie van de variaties van de vraag. Verbruiksfunctie. Econometrie van het gedrag van de verbruiker. --- Econometrie van het gedrag van de overheid, van de uitgaven en ontvangsten van de overheid, van de begroting. Econometrie van de belastingen. --- Tax incidence. --- Income distribution. --- Employment. --- Economic aspects. --- Distribution of income --- Income inequality --- Inequality of income --- Incidence of taxation --- Tax burden --- Tax equity --- Employment of women --- Occupations --- Distribution (Economic theory) --- Disposable income --- Taxation --- Tax shifting --- Equal pay for equal work --- Sex discrimination in employment --- Working women in motion pictures --- Econometrie van de variaties van de vraag. Verbruiksfunctie. Econometrie van het gedrag van de verbruiker --- Econometrie van het gedrag van de overheid, van de uitgaven en ontvangsten van de overheid, van de begroting. Econometrie van de belastingen --- Vrouwen- en jongerenarbeid --- weerslag, invloed, last en verdeling van de belasting --- Ongelijkheid en herverdeling van vermogens en inkomens. Inkomensbeleid --- Consumptie: algemeenheden. Wet van de vraag in verband met de consumptie. Consumptiebehoefte. Behoeftetheorie --- Evolutie van de consumptie. Budget van de huishoudens --- Business, Economy and Management --- Economics --- Women - Employment --- Households - Economic aspects
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