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Zonder onderwerpscode: muziek --- Didactics of the arts --- Didactics of primary education --- Scandinavian literature --- prentenboeken (genre) --- kleuteronderwijs (doelgroep) --- Liederenbundels --- Kinderliederen --- 477.7 ) Muzikale en muzische opvoeding --- kinderen --- liedjes --- C3 --- Kunst en cultuur --- Liedboek --- Kinderlied
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This open access book presents detailed pathways to achieve 100% renewable energy by 2050, globally and across ten geographical regions. Based on state-of-the-art scenario modelling, it provides the vital missing link between renewable energy targets and the measures needed to achieve them. Bringing together the latest research in climate science, renewable energy technology, employment and resource impacts, the book breaks new ground by covering all the elements essential to achieving the ambitious climate mitigation targets set out in the Paris Climate Agreement. For example, sectoral implementation pathways, with special emphasis on differences between developed and developing countries and regional conditions, provide tools to implement the scenarios globally and domestically. Non-energy greenhouse gas mitigation scenarios define a sustainable pathway for land-use change and the agricultural sector. Furthermore, results of the impact of the scenarios on employment and mineral and resource requirements provide vital insight on economic and resource management implications. The book clearly demonstrates that the goals of the Paris Agreement are achievable and feasible with current technology and are beneficial in economic and employment terms. It is essential reading for anyone with responsibility for implementing renewable energy or climate targets internationally or domestically, including climate policy negotiators, policy-makers at all levels of government, businesses with renewable energy commitments, researchers and the renewable energy industry.
Renewable energy sources. --- Sustainable development. --- Natural resources. --- Renewable and Green Energy. --- Climate Change Management and Policy. --- Sustainable Development. --- Natural Resource and Energy Economics. --- National resources --- Natural resources --- Resources, Natural --- Resource-based communities --- Resource curse --- Development, Sustainable --- Ecologically sustainable development --- Economic development, Sustainable --- Economic sustainability --- ESD (Ecologically sustainable development) --- Smart growth --- Sustainable development --- Sustainable economic development --- Economic development --- Alternate energy sources --- Alternative energy sources --- Energy sources, Renewable --- Sustainable energy sources --- Power resources --- Renewable natural resources --- Agriculture and energy --- Economic aspects --- Environmental aspects --- Renewable energy resources. --- Climate change. --- Changes, Climatic --- Changes in climate --- Climate change --- Climate change science --- Climate changes --- Climate variations --- Climatic change --- Climatic changes --- Climatic fluctuations --- Climatic variations --- Global climate changes --- Global climatic changes --- Climatology --- Climate change mitigation --- Teleconnections (Climatology) --- Global environmental change --- Energy --- Renewable energy resources --- Climatic changes.
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This open access book is designed as a continuation of the editor’s 2019 book Achieving the Paris Climate Agreement Goals. This volume provides an in-depth analysis of industry sectors globally, and its purpose is to present emission reduction targets in 5-year steps (2025 to 2050) for the main twelve finance sectors per the Global Industry Classification System. This scientific analysis aims to support the United Nations Principles for Responsible Investment initiative to give sustainability guidance for the global finance industry. The industry sector pathways presented here are based on the latest global and regional 100% renewable energy and non-energy greenhouse gas Representative Concentration Pathways in order to keep climate change significantly under +1.5 C and thereby achieve the Paris Climate Agreement goals. The heart of this book is three chapters presenting the results of industry scenario modelling. These chapters cover twelve industry and service sectors as well as transportation and buildings. The specific energy demand and specific emissions are presented based on the emission accounting concept of “Scope 1, Scope 2 and Scope 3” emission pathways. This methodology has been developed to measure the climate and sustainability index for companies, and this research project expands the methodology to apply it to entire industry sectors. The results presented here are the first overall industry assessments under Scope 1, 2 and 3 from 2020 through 2050. The base for the energy pathways is the scenarios scenarios published in the previous volume. The nonenergy GHG emission scenarios, broken down to agriculture & forestry and industry, are detailed and include all major greenhouse gases and aerosols. The final section of the book presents the main conclusions of the industry pathway development work and recommendations for the finance industry and policy makers. Additionally, future qualitative future investment requirements in specific technologies and measures are presented.
Meteorology & climatology --- Environmental management --- Energy technology & engineering --- Sustainability --- Paris Climate Agreement --- emission reduction targets --- climate change science --- sustainable finance policies --- Carbon Capture and Storage --- Renewable Energy --- Global Industry Categorisation System
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This book investigates central issues in the philosophy of memory. Does remembering require a causal process connecting the past representation to its subsequent recall and, if so, what is the nature of the causal process? Of what kind are the primary intentional objects of memory states? How do we know that our memory experiences portray things the way they happened in the past? Given that our memory is not only a passive device for reproducing thoughts but also an active device for processing stored thoughts, when are thoughts sufficiently similar to be memory-related? The Metaphysics of Memory defends a version of the causal theory of memory, argues for direct realism about memory, proposes an externalist response to skepticism about memory knowledge, and develops a contextualist account of the factivity constraint on memory.
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Phonetics --- German language --- Phonology --- Graphemics --- German language - Phonetics --- German language - Phonology --- German language - Graphemics
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Dit boek handelt over een bijzondere vorm van procesvertegenwoordiging, waarbij een (rechts)persoon als procespartij optreedt voor rekening van een ander. Deze vertegenwoordigingsrelatie staat in de juridische volksmond bekend als de procesvoering qualitate qua. Nauwkeuriger is het om te spreken over de vertegenwoordiging ad agendum, in contrast met die andere – en bekendere – procedurele vertegenwoordigingsfiguur, de vertegenwoordiging ad litem
Law of civil procedure --- Belgium --- Algemene juridische begrippen : Procedure --- Notions juridiques générales : Procédure --- BPB1703 --- Justice --- Belgique --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- België --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- Procédure (droit) --- Procédure civile --- Représentation (droit) --- E-books --- Civil procedure --- Representation in administrative proceedings --- Représentation en justice --- Procédure (droit) --- Procédure civile --- Représentation (droit)
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In dit boek maakt de auteur in het eerste deel een minutieuze ontleding van het recht met betrekking tot het huwelijk, de wettelijke samenwoning en de feitelijke samenwoning. In het tweede deel beantwoordt de auteur de vraag wat de wetgever ervan weerhoudt om in een ruimere bescherming van buitenhuwelijkse relaties te voorzien en of de argumenten die in dat verband worden opgeworpen, standhouden.
Family law. Inheritance law --- Sociology of the family. Sociology of sexuality --- familierecht --- Belgium --- huwelijksstelsels --- inkomstenbelasting --- erfrecht --- belgie --- grondwettelijk hof --- europees hof van justitie --- BPB1612 --- Droit matrimonial --- Union libre --- Belgique --- regimes matrimoniaux --- impot sur le revenu --- droit successoral --- belgique --- cour constitutionnelle --- cour de justice europeenne --- Huwelijksrecht --- Ongehuwd samenleven --- België --- Huwelijksstelsels --- regimes matrimoniaux. --- Couples non mariés --- Couple --- Mariage --- Partenariats enregistrés --- Concubinage --- Droit --- Couples --- PXL-Business 2016 --- wetgeving --- samenlevingsvormen --- E-books --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- izvanbračna zajednica --- união livre --- вонбрачна заедница --- ongehuwd samenleven --- извънбрачно съжителство --- avoliitto --- άγαμη συμβίωση --- ванбрачна заједница --- sambo --- együttélés --- koabitazzjoni --- concubinaj --- freie Partnerschaft --- zunajzakonska skupnost --- papirløst samliv --- convivenza --- vabaabielu --- cohabitation --- kopdzīve --- nesantuokinis gyvenimas --- nesezdané soužití --- unión libre --- wspólne pożycie --- bashkëjetesë --- spolužitie bez manželského zväzku --- buitenechtelijke partner --- nesantuokinė partnerystė --- konsensuální svazek --- bashkëshorte informale --- sammanboende --- famille de fait --- izvanbračni drug --- famiglia di fatto --- samvetsäktenskap --- nereģistrētās kopdzīves partnere --- družka --- nereģistrētās kopdzīves partneris --- nem hivatalos élettársi viszony --- faktiline abikaasa --- unión consensual --- Konkubinat --- union consensuelle --- Partnerschaft ohne Trauschein --- concubinage --- samlever --- samboende --- невенчан партнер --- pareja no institucionalizada --- avomies --- sugyventinė --- вонбрачен однос --- faktische Familie --- izvanbračni partner --- personne en concubinage --- unione libera --- нерегистриран брак --- vrije liefde --- common-law wife --- bashkëshort informal --- nesantuokinė sąjunga --- bashkëjetesë jomartesore --- pareja de hecho --- Lebensgefährtin --- άγαμο ζεύγος --- pareja no casada legalmente --- ελεύθερη ένωση --- non-matrimonial union --- família de facto --- nemanželský zväzok --- uniune nonmaritală --- souložnictví --- házasságon kívüli együttélés --- druh --- Lebensgefährte --- volná láska --- samboförhållande --- feitelijk gezin --- unione consensuale --- non-marital union --- nereģistrēta kopdzīve --- vabaabielunaine --- συμβίωση χωρίς γάμο --- вонбрачен другар --- união por acordo mútuo --- вонбрачен партнер --- bashkim jomartesor --- concubinaat --- izvanbračni supružnik --- Zusammenleben ohne Trauschein --- vabaabielumees --- avovaimo --- συναινετική συμβίωση --- конкубинат --- samenwonen --- sugyventinis --- nem hivatalos élettársi kapcsolat --- familia de hecho --- união de facto --- nemanželský svazek --- common-law husband --- mitteabieluline kooselu --- konkubinát --- неформален брак --- concubinato --- e drejta martesore --- drept matrimonial --- diritto matrimoniale --- Derecho matrimonial --- laulības un ģimenes tiesības --- брачно право --- házassági jog --- δίκαιο γαμικών σχέσεων --- direito matrimonial --- huwelijksrecht --- bračno pravo --- avioliitto-oikeus --- prawo małżeńskie --- liġi taż-żwieġ --- matrimonial law --- Eherecht --- abieluõigus --- ægteskabsret --- äktenskapslagstiftning --- santuokos ir šeimos teisė --- pravo zakonske zveze --- manželské právo --- manželská zmluva --- contrat de mariage --- περιουσιακές σχέσεις των συζύγων --- matrimoniální právo --- santuokinės nuosavybės teisės --- kontratë martesore --- avioehto --- γαμικό σύμφωνο --- matrimonial property rights --- äktenskapsbalken --- брачен договор --- contratto di matrimonio --- Ehevertrag --- marriage contract --- të drejta pasurore martesore --- eheliches Güterrecht --- laulības līgums --- contrato matrimonial --- abieluleping --- aviopuolisoiden varallisuusoikeudelliset suhteet --- régime matrimonial --- santuokos sutartis --- bračno imovinsko pravo --- manželská smlouva --- laulāto mantiskās tiesības --- äktenskapskontrakt --- regime matrimonial --- svatební smlouva --- capitulaciones matrimoniales --- contrato de matrimonio --- huwelijksstelsel --- házastársi életközösség --- házassági szerződés --- huwelijkscontract --- имотни односи на вонбрачни другари --- contract de căsătorie --- egendomsordning inom äktenskapet --- convenção nupcial --- házastársi vagyonközösség --- abieluvaraleping --- majetkové práva manželov --- имотни односи на брачни другари --- sanazione di matrimonio --- régimen matrimonial --- regime matrimoniale --- Scheidungsrecht --- PXL-Ebooks 2017 --- Marriage law --- Unmarried couples --- Domestic relations --- Husband and wife --- Inheritance and succession --- Couples non-mariés --- Familles --- Régimes matrimoniaux --- Successions et héritages --- Legal status, laws, etc. --- comhchónaí --- dlí an phósta --- Regimes matrimoniaux. --- Couples non mariés --- Partenariats enregistrés
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Company law. Associations --- Economic law --- Administrative law --- Belgium --- 35 <493> --- #SBIB:034.IOS --- #SBIB:35H121 --- #SBIB:35H200 --- #SBIB:35H6019 --- #VCV monografie 2003 --- #A0412A --- 410 Overheidsdiensten en overheidsbedrijven --- Actes administratifs Bestuurshandelingen --- Entreprises publiques Overheidsbedrijven --- Marchés publics Overheidsopdrachten --- Organismes administratifs Overheidsorganisaties --- Privatisation Privatisering --- Tutelle administrative Administratief toezicht --- overheidsadministraties --- overheidsbedrijven --- ondernemingen --- openbare sector --- publiek recht --- belgie --- AA / International- internationaal --- 348.4 --- V3 - Droit public de l'économie - Economisch publiekrecht --- Administratief recht. Bestuursrecht. Openbaar bestuur --(algemeen)--België --- Functioneel gedecentraliseerde besturen / overheidsondernemingen: België --- Overheidsmanagement: algemene werken --- Bestuur en beleid: nationale en regionale studies: België --- administrations publiques --- entreprises publiques --- entreprises --- secteur public --- droit public --- belgique --- Wetgeving betreffende de semi-overheidsinstellingen. --- Overheidsbedrijven --- Vennootschapsrecht --- 35 <493> Administratief recht. Bestuursrecht. Openbaar bestuur --(algemeen)--België --- Overheidsbedrijven. --- Vennootschapsrecht. --- Wetgeving betreffende de semi-overheidsinstellingen --- Administratief recht. Bestuursrecht. Openbaar bestuur --(algemeen)--België --- ENTREPRISE PUBLIQUE --- SERVICE PUBLIC --- AUTORITES ADMINISTRATIVES --- DROIT DES SOCIETES --- BELGIQUE
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