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ISBN: 128186210X 9786611862107 3540712178 354071216X Year: 2008 Publisher: Berlin ; London : Springer,

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EMM: Coloproctology presents the state-of-the-art in coloproctology. The topics covered include anatomy, physiology, anal disorders, dermatology, functional disorders, inflammatory bowel disease, benign and malignant tumours, endoscopy, emergencies and pain syndromes. All chapters give a comprehensive overview of etiology, incidence, epidemiology, diagnostics, medical and surgical treatment, complications and individual special considerations. This work presents surgical trainees with a comprehensive and condensed guide to the core knowledge required for the European Board of Surgery Qualification (EBSQ) examination. The manual will also be of assistance to practicing coloproctologists across Europe and beyond who have interest in continued professional development. Written by an international team of experts who have each made noteworthy contributions in their field, the coverage of most aspects of coloproctology in an easy to follow format also makes this manual valuable to other specialists.

Geoinformation from the Past : Computational Retrieval and Retrospective Monitoring of Historical Land Use
ISBN: 3658205709 3658205695 Year: 2018 Publisher: Wiesbaden : Springer Fachmedien Wiesbaden : Imprint: Springer Spektrum,

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Hendrik Herold explores potentials and hindrances of using retrospective geoinformation for monitoring, communicating, modeling, and eventually understanding the complex and gradually evolving processes of land cover and land use change. Based on a comprehensive review of literature, available data sets, and suggested algorithms, the author proposes approaches for the two major challenges: To address the diversity of geographical entity representations over space and time, image segmentation is considered a global non-linear optimization problem, which is solved by applying a metaheuristic algorithm. To address the uncertainty inherent to both the data source itself as well as its utilization for change detection, a probabilistic model is developed. Experimental results demonstrate the capabilities of the methodology, e.g., for geospatial data science and earth system modeling. Contents Monitoring and Modeling Land Change Geoinformation from Digital Images An Adaptive Map Image Analysis Approach Modeling Uncertainty for Change Analysis Target Groups Researchers, lecturers, and students from the fields of geoscience, geography, urban and landscape ecology, land change science, earth system science, digital humanities Town and country planners, map librarians, historians The Author Hendrik Herold holds a doctoral degree from Dresden University of Technology, Germany, where he studied Geography, Geology, and Meteorology. .

Jean Paul im Spiegel seiner Heimat : Festgabe zum 100.Todestag des Dichters
ISBN: 3486750836 3486750828 Year: 1924 Publisher: De Gruyter

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To celebrate the 270th anniversary of the De Gruyter publishing house, the company is providing permanent open access to 270 selected treasures from the De Gruyter Book Archive. Titles will be made available to anyone, anywhere at any time that might be interested. The DGBA project seeks to digitize the entire backlist of titles published since 1749 to ensure that future generations have digital access to the high-quality primary sources that De Gruyter has published over the centuries.

Innere Medizin 2019
ISBN: 3110660407 9783110660401 Year: 2019 Publisher: Berlin Boston

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Das Standardwerk der Inneren Medizin als eBook wird jährlich aktualisiert und ist ein Muss nicht nur für Medizinstudenten. Das Herold eBook bietet eine vorlesungsorientierte Darstellung mit 1.000 Seiten Textumfang und über 5.500 Stichwörtern unter Berücksichtigung des Gegenstandskataloges für die Ärztliche Prüfung: Systematische Behandlung des gesamten Stoffs der Inneren Medizin unter Betonung examenswichtiger "Fallstricke" Neue Kapitel Intoxikationen und Geriatrie Berücksichtigung von Evidence Based Medicine Angabe von ICD10-Schlüssel Verzeichnis wichtiger Abkürzungen Tabelle klinisch-chemischer Normalwerte mit SI-Einheiten Durch die Berücksichtigung wesentlicher deutscher und amerikanischer Lehrbücher (z.B. Harrison) ist das Herold eBook auch für das amerikanische USMLE-Examen des ECFM empfehlenswert.

Niederdeutsche Dichtung im Gymnasium : Bericht über einen Unterrichtsversuch Untersekunda (10. Klasse)
Year: 1974 Publisher: Bremen Institut für niederdeutsche Sprache

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De spiraal van waarden en denken : de relatie tussen ons denken en de wereld om ons heen
ISBN: 9074899226 Year: 2006 Publisher: Amstelveen Symbolon

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Onze samenleving is een smeltkroes van verschillende culturen aan het worden, met alle spanningen en botsingen van dien. De Amerikaanse hoogleraar Clare W. Graves ontwikkelde een uitermate inzichtelijk en praktisch model dat laat zien welke denksystemen aan bepaalde culturen ten grondslag liggen. Hij legt uit wat de achterliggende dynamieken van de spanningen zijn, en geeft heldere, concrete en werkzame gereedschappen om deze dynamieken te kunnen hanteren. Zijn model is door de Amerikaan Chris Cowan uitgewerkt en omgedoopt tot Spiral Dynamics en is in de Verenigde Staten en elders op de wereld inmiddels een steeds belangrijker onderdeel van de management-, organisatie-, culturele en politieke literatuur aan het worden. Ook in Nederland wint het model snel aan populariteit, vooral door zijn helderheid, gepaard aan diepgang.


Manual der Koloproktologie.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3110614588 3110614499 311061474X Year: 2019 Publisher: Berlin/Boston De Gruyter

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Das Standardwerk der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Koloproktologie für jeden konservativ und/oder operativ tätigen Koloproktologen bietet das komplette Spektrum von der Ileozökalklappe bis zum Anus in 2 Bänden. In Band 2 finden Sie aktuelles und praxisorientiertes Wissen zu Rektumprolaps, Divertikelerkrankung, Chronische Obstipation, Reizdarmsyndrom, Colitis ulcerosa, Morbus Crohn, Kolon-Karzinom, Analkarzinom, Rektumkarzinom, Hereditäre Kolorektale Karzinome, Seltene intestinale Tumoren, Peritonealkarzinose, Polypenmanagement, Stoma, perioperatives und postoperatives Management, Appendizitis, Mesenteriale Ischämie, Kurzdarmsyndrom und abdominelle Fisteln. Alle sonstigen Erkrankungen der Koloproktologie finden Sie in Band 1. Jedes Kapitel stellt einen umfassenden Überblick über die Ätiologie, Pathogenese, Klassifikation, Symptomatik, Diagnostik, konservative und operative Therapie sowie die Prophylaxe der einzelnen Erkrankungen dar. Abgerundet wird jedes Kapitel von einer Darstellung von Komplikationen, Besonderheiten und der aktuellen Evidenz. This is the standard textbook for every medical or surgical coloproctologist from the German Society for Coloproctology. In two volumes, it covers the full anatomy of the colon from the ileocecal valve to the anus. Each chapter offers a comprehensive overview of the etiology, pathogenesis, classification, symptomatology, diagnosis, conservative and surgical therapy, and the prophylaxis of individual diseases.

Manual der Koloproktologie.
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 3110614448 3110614464 3110614707 Year: 2019 Publisher: Berlin/Boston De Gruyter

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Das Standardwerk der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Koloproktologie für jeden konservativ und/oder operativ tätigen Koloproktologen bietet das komplette Spektrum von der Ileozökalklappe bis zum Anus in 2 Bänden. In Band 1 finden Sie aktuelles und praxisorientiertes Wissen zu den Grundlagen, Hämorrhoidalleiden, Analfissur, Abszess und Analfistel, proktologische Dermatologie, HPV + AIN, Akne inversa, Sinus pilonidalis, anale Inkontinenz, Entleerungsstörungen, Proktitis, sowie spezielle Sondersituationen wie Schwangerschaft, Kinder-Proktologie, Urologie und Gynäkologie in der Koloproktologie. Alle sonstigen Erkrankungen der Koloproktologie finden Sie in Band 2. Jedes Kapitel stellt einen umfassenden Überblick über die Ätiologie, Pathogenese, Klassifikation, Symptomatik, Diagnostik, konservative und operative Therapie sowie die Prophylaxe der einzelnen Erkrankungen dar. Abgerundet wird jedes Kapitel von einer Darstellung von Komplikationen, Besonderheiten und der aktuellen Evidenz. This is the standard textbook for every medical or surgical coloproctologist from the German Society for Coloproctology. In two volumes, it covers the full anatomy of the colon from the ileocecal valve to the anus. Each chapter offers a comprehensive overview of the etiology, pathogenesis, classification, symptomatology, diagnosis, conservative and surgical therapy, and the prophylaxis of individual diseases.

Hot cracking phenomena in welds : with 322 figures and 46 tables
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1280262524 9786610262526 354027460X 3540223320 3642061052 Year: 2005 Publisher: Berlin : Springer,

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Although the avoidance of hot cracking still represents a major topic in modern fabrication welding components, the phenomena have not yet been fully understood. Through the 20 individual contributions from experts all over the world the present state of knowledge about hot cracking during welding is defined, and the subject is approached from four different viewpoints. The first chapter provides an overview of the various hot cracking phenomena. Different mechanisms of solidification cracking proposed in the past decades are summarized and new insight is particularly given into the mechanism of ductility dip cracking. The effects of different alloying elements on the hot cracking resistance of various materials are shown in the second chapter and, as a special metallurgical effect, the initiation of stress corrosion cracking at hot cracks has been highlighted. The third chapter outlines how numerical analyses and other modelling techniques can be utilized to describe hot cracking phenomena and how such results might contribute to the explanation of the mechanisms. Various hot cracking test procedures are presented in the final chapter with a special emphasis on standardization. For the engineering and natural scientists in research and development the book provides both, new insight and a comprehensive overview of hot cracking phenomena in welds. The contributions additionally give numerous individual solutions and helpful advice for international welding engineers to avoid hot cracking in practice. Furthermore, it represents a very helpful tool for upper level metallurgical and mechanical engineering students.

Aufklärung, Sturm und Drang
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3123474208 9783123474200 Year: 1983 Volume: 1 Publisher: Stuttgart: Klett,

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