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This paper examines the phenomenon of the over-supply of teachers but shortage of qualified teachers in Indonesia. Using a theoretical framework of government-dominated market with government-set wage rate and demand for teachers, the analysis explores how teacher supply, particularly the composition of the teaching force with low or high qualification, would be determined by current and future public policies. Using 2001 to 2008 Indonesian Labor Force Survey data, the paper further estimates the potential effect of the most recent teacher law, which could give college educated teachers a significant pay increase, on the composition of the Indonesian teaching force with differentiated education backgrounds. Using a sample of workers with college education, the author finds that the relative wage rate of teachers and that of alternative occupations significantly influence the decision of college educated workers to become teachers. It is also found that the wage rate set by the most recent teacher law would increase the share of teachers approximately from 16 to 30 percent of the college-educated labor force. This increase that is due to the new government-set wage rate, would result in a pupil-teacher ratio of 24 to 25 pupils per teacher with college education, but will require a more than 31 percent increase in the wage bill for teacher salaries. The empirical approach of this paper is derived from a structural model that takes into account the endogeneity of the wage rate and corrects for sample-selection bias due to occupational choice.
Academic research --- College --- College education --- College graduates --- Education --- Education for All --- Effective Schools and Teachers --- Graduate --- Human development --- Labor force --- Literature --- Oversupply of teachers --- Papers --- Primary Education --- Qualified teachers --- Research --- Salary increases --- School --- Student --- Student learning --- Teacher --- Teacher training --- Teaching --- Tertiary Education --- Workers
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Parents and students from different socioeconomic backgrounds value differently school characteristics, but the reasons behind this preference heterogeneity are not well understood. In the context of the centralized school assignment system in Mexico City, this study analyzes how a large household income shock affects choices over high school tracks exploiting the discontinuity in the assignment of the welfare program Oportunidades. The income shock significantly increases the probability of choosing the vocational track vis-a-vis the other more academic-oriented tracks. The findings suggest that the transfer relaxes the financial constraints that prevent relatively low-ability students from choosing the schooling option with higher labor market returns.
Academic ability --- Academic achievement --- Academic quality --- Academic year --- Access to university --- Achievement --- Achievement standards --- Assignment mechanism --- Average treatment effect --- Career --- College --- College education --- Curriculum --- Dropout rate --- Economic development --- Economics of education --- Education --- Education for all --- Education institutions --- Education level --- Education programs --- Educational modalities --- Educational outcomes --- Effective schools & teachers --- Elite schools --- Employment --- Enrollment --- Ethnic composition --- Exam --- Fees --- Geographic distribution --- Grade levels --- Graduate --- Graduation rate --- Grants --- High school --- High school level --- High school students --- High schools --- Higher education --- Human capital --- Information technology --- ITS --- Labor markets --- Learning --- LET --- Literature --- Low-income students --- Lower secondary --- Lower secondary school --- Middle school --- Middle schools --- Ministry of education --- Mobility --- Number of students --- Number of students per teacher --- Open access --- Parental education --- Pedagogical methods --- Primary education --- Public education --- Public school --- Public schools --- Returns to education --- Scholarships --- School attendance --- School census --- School completion --- School curriculum --- School days --- School facilities --- School infrastructure --- School level --- School principals --- School program --- School programs --- School quality --- School students --- School supplies --- School vouchers --- School year --- Schooling --- Secondary education --- Secondary enrollment --- Secondary school --- Secondary schooling --- Skills --- Statistics --- Student ability --- Students --- Students per teacher --- Study --- Teacher --- Teachers --- Technical education --- Technical schools --- Technical track --- Tertiary education --- Tertiary level --- Test scores --- Training --- Tuition --- Tuition costs --- Tuition fees --- University --- University degree --- University programs --- Upper secondary --- Upper secondary education --- Upper secondary level --- Vocational education --- Vocational school --- Vocational schools --- Vouchers --- Workshops
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