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The changing Arctic and the European Union. A book based on the report "Strategic assessment of development of the Arctic : Assessment conducted for the European Union"
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789004303171 9004303170 Year: 2016 Publisher: Leiden Brill / Martinus Nijhoff

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This book provides a balanced and up-to-date overview of the multidimensional change taking place in the Arctic regions. Against this background, the role of the European Union regarding Arctic developments is considered, including the ongoing process of formulating an umbrella EU Arctic policy. In particular, the themes of climate change, maritime transport, fisheries, offshore oil and gas extraction, mining, land use and sociocultural change are discussed. The book comprises primarily an updated and expanded version of the report 'Strategic Assessment of Development of the Arctic: An assessment conducted for the European Union', produced for the European Commission. The report was to a great extent based on the interaction with Arctic stakeholders.


EU--ARCTIC REGIONS --- ARCTIC REGIONS--ECONOMIC CONDITIONS --- Arctic regions --- BPB1705 --- Arctique --- Union européenne --- Droit de la mer --- Exploitation des ressources --- Russie --- Canada --- Groenland --- États-Unis --- Norvège --- Exploitation des mers --- Economic conditions. --- Arctica --- Europese unie --- Zeerecht --- Ontginning van de hulpbronnen --- Rusland --- Verenigde Staten --- Noorwegen --- Ontginning van de zeeën --- European Union countries --- EU countries --- Euroland --- Europe --- Arctic --- Arctic Ocean Region --- Arctic, The --- Far North --- The Arctic --- Polar regions --- Relations --- Kanada --- Канада --- Kanāda --- il-Kanada --- Ceanada --- Καναδάς --- Canadá --- Terre-Neuve --- Њуфаундленд --- Квебек --- Νέα Γη --- Nový Foundland --- Njufaundlend --- Niufaundlandas --- Terra Nova --- Κεμπέκ --- Terranova --- New-Foundland --- Quebec --- Kebeku --- Kvebekas --- Quebeque --- Új-Fundland --- Newfoundland --- Neufundland --- Québec --- Ryssland --- Rusko --- An Rúis --- Русија --- ir-Russja --- Rusija --- Venäjä --- Ρωσία --- Rusia --- Oroszország --- die Russische Föderation --- Venemaa --- Русия --- Krievija --- Rússia --- Rosja --- Russia --- Russische Föderation --- Venäjän federaatio --- Federata Ruse --- Ruská federace --- Fédération de Russie --- Federacja Rosyjska --- Ruská federácia --- Krievijas Federācija --- Venemaa Föderatsioon --- Russische Federatie --- Russian Federation --- il-Federazzjoni Russa --- Ruska federacija --- Den Russiske Føderation --- Federația Rusă --- Federação Russa --- Federazione russa --- RSFSR --- Ryska federationen --- Orosz Föderáció --- Руска Федерација --- Rußland --- Руска федерация --- Rusijos Federacija --- Federación de Rusia --- Russland --- искористување ресурси --- loodusvarade kasutamine --- využívanie zdrojov --- exploitation of resources --- források kiaknázása --- explotación de recursos --- esplojtazzjoni tar-riżorsi --- ressourceudnyttelse --- shfrytëzimi i burimeve --- exploatarea resurselor --- εκμετάλλευση των πλουτοπαραγωγικών πόρων --- ontginning van de hulpbronnen --- exploração dos recursos --- izkoriščanje virov --- sfruttamento delle risorse --- експлоатация на ресурси --- luonnonvarojen hyödyntäminen --- gamtos išteklių naudojimas --- искоришћавање природних богатстава --- Nutzung der Ressourcen --- resursutnyttjande --- iskorištavanje prirodnih izvora --- eksploatacja zasobów --- resursu izmantošana --- využívání zdrojů --- експлоатација на природни богатства --- експлоатација на ресурси --- απόληψη των πλουτοπαραγωγικών πόρων --- využití zdrojů --- iskorištavanje dobara --- čerpání zdrojů --- Ausbeutung der Ressourcen --- eksploatacija prirodnih izvora --- havsrätt --- morské právo --- jūras tiesības --- Derecho del mar --- право на морето --- pravo mora --- merilainsäädäntö --- direito do mar --- diritto del mare --- tengerjog --- mednarodno pomorsko pravo --- mořské právo --- prawo morza --- dlí muirí --- dreptul mării --- zeerecht --- право мора --- jūrų teisė --- e drejtë detare --- Seerecht --- dritt tal-baħar --- havret --- law of the sea --- mereõigus --- δίκαιο της θάλασσας --- international maritime law --- internationaal maritiem recht --- međunarodno pravo mora --- drept internațional maritim --- ANO Jūras tiesību konvencija --- Unclos --- medzinárodné námorné právo --- διεθνές δίκαιο της θάλασσας --- droit international maritime --- internationell havsrätt --- kansainvälinen merioikeus --- internationales Seerecht --- Seegerichtsbarkeit --- mezinárodní mořské právo --- diritto marittimo internazionale --- rahvusvaheline mereõigus --- dlí na mara --- nemzetközi tengerjog --- direito internacional marítimo --- Derecho internacional marítimo --- Seegericht --- international søret --- територијално море --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare detare --- tarptautinė jūrų teisė --- меѓународно право на морето --- Europese Unie --- Europska unija --- União Europeia --- Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση --- Európska únia --- Európai Unió --- Europäische Union --- Europos Sąjunga --- Evropská unie --- Европска унија --- Unjoni Ewropea --- Европейски съюз --- Europeiska unionen --- European Union --- Euroopan unioni --- Eiropas Savienība --- Unión Europea --- Evropska unija --- Unia Europejska --- Unione europea --- Uniunea Europeană --- Den Europæiske Union --- Европска Унија --- Euroopa Liit --- an tAontas Eorpach --- Bashkimi Europian --- Sąjungos institucija --- Sąjungos teisė --- právo Únie --- νόμος της Ένωσης --- Savienības tiesības --- wet van de Unie --- legge dell'Unione --- Europæisk Union --- unionslagstiftning --- atto dell'Unione --- AE --- loi de l'Union --- EU --- e drejta e Bashkimit --- ЕУ --- lege a Uniunii Europene --- Union law --- Arktída --- Északi-sark --- Арктик --- Arktika --- Arktyka --- Artiku --- Арктика --- Artico --- Arktis --- Αρκτική --- Pohjoisnapa-alue --- Ártico --- Arktida --- Arktik --- Pólo Norte --- αρκτικός κύκλος --- Βόρειος Πόλος --- Arctic Circle --- Nordpol --- Arkties žemynas --- continent arctique --- cercul arctic --- Pohjoisnapamanner --- Arkties ratas --- Северен Пол --- continentul arctic --- pohjoisnapa --- arktiska kontinenten --- continente ártico --- severný polárny kruh --- ziemeļpols --- Šiaurės ašigalis --- Polo Nord --- cercle arctique --- polcirkel --- napapiiri --- Nordpolargebiet --- circolo polare artico --- polul nord --- noordelijke poolcirkel --- Rrethi Arktik --- kontinenti Arktik --- északi sarkkör --- Земјин Северен Пол --- põhjapolaarjoon --- Arctic continent --- pôle Nord --- polo Norte --- arktická oblast --- арктички круг --- Den Nordlige Polarcirkel --- círculo polar ártico --- círculo ártico --- arktický kontinent --- severný pól --- severní polární kruh --- географски северен пол --- North Pole --- Poli i Veriut --- ziemeļu polārais loks --- északi sarkvidék --- continente artico --- Árctico --- nördlicher Polarkreis --- Arktika manner --- Nordpolen --- severní pól --- põhjapoolus --- Den Nordlige Polarkreds --- Nutzung der Meere --- εκμετάλλευση της θάλασσας --- izkoriščanje morja --- využití moře --- exploatering av haven --- shfrytëzimi i detrave --- merede kasutamine --- exploatarea mărilor --- exploitation of the seas --- merten hyödyntäminen --- exploração marítima --- tengerek kihasználása --- sfruttar tal-ibħra --- jūrų išteklių naudojimas --- искористување на морињата --- jūru izmantošana --- iskorištavanje mora --- udnyttelse af have --- експлоатация на моретата --- eksploatacja mórz --- explotación de los mares --- využívanie morí --- sfruttamento dei mari --- ontginning van de zeeën --- искоришћавање мора --- експлоатација на морињата --- eksploatacija mora --- Норвешка --- Norja --- Norvégia --- in-Norveġja --- Норвегия --- Norwegia --- Norwegen --- Nórsko --- Norway --- Norvegija --- Norvegjia --- Norvēģija --- Norvegia --- Νορβηγία --- Noruega --- Norra --- An Iorua --- Norge --- Norveška --- Norsko --- Кралство Норвегия --- Royaume de Norvège --- Norjan kuningaskunta --- Królestwo Norwegii --- Reino de Noruega --- Norra Kuningriik --- ir-Renju tan-Norveġja --- Kraljevina Norveška --- Norvég Királyság --- Kongeriget Norge --- Regno di Norvegia --- Nórske kráľovstvo --- Mbretëria e Norvegjisë --- Kingdom of Norway --- Кралство Норвешка --- Norvegijos Karalystė --- Краљевина Норвешка --- Norské království --- Koninkrijk Noorwegen --- das Königreich Norwegen --- Reino da Noruega --- Regatul Norvegiei --- Konungariket Norge --- Norvēģijas Karaliste --- Βασίλειο της Νορβηγίας --- die Vereinigte Staaten --- Stáit Aontaithe Mheiriceá --- Združene države --- United States --- Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες --- l-Istati Uniti --- Ameerika Ühendriigid --- Stati Uniti --- Shtetet e Bashkuara --- Estados Unidos --- Stany Zjednoczone --- Spojené státy --- Egyesült Államok --- Statele Unite --- Amerikas Savienotās Valstis --- Förenta staterna --- Сједињене Америчке Државе --- Jungtinės Valstijos --- Yhdysvallat --- Съединени щати --- Sjedinjene Američke Države --- Spojené štáty --- Соединети Американски Држави --- Amerikas Forenede Stater --- САД --- VS --- USA --- EE.UU. --- JAV --- Amerikas förenta stater --- l-Istati Uniti tal-Amerika --- los Estados Unidos de América --- ΗΠΑ --- Shtetet e Bashkuara të Amerikës --- SAD --- Verenigde Staten van Amerika --- Соединетите Држави --- Amerikai Egyesült Államok --- Stati Uniti d'America --- Statele Unite ale Americii --- Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες της Αμερικής --- SHBA --- United States of America --- Ühendriigid --- Ηνωμένες Πολιτείες Αμερικής --- EUA --- ASV --- États-Unis d'Amérique --- Združene države Amerike --- Stany Zjednoczone Ameryki --- САЩ --- Съединени американски щати --- SUA --- Yhdysvallat, USA --- Spojené státy americké --- U.S.A. --- Jungtinės Amerikos Valstijos --- Sjedinjene Države --- Estados Unidos da América --- De Forenede Stater --- Spojené státy severoamerické --- Amerikan yhdysvallat --- Spojené štáty americké --- die Vereinigte Staaten von Amerika --- US --- Гренландия --- Grónsko --- Grenlandia --- An Ghraonlainn --- Grenland --- Grönland --- Groenlandia --- Gronelândia --- Grenlande --- Гренланд --- Greenland --- Gröönimaa --- il-Groenlandja --- Grønland --- Groenlanda --- Grenlandija --- Γροιλανδία --- Grönlanti --- Economic conditions

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