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Recent examples such as the cholera outbreak in Haiti demonstrate that individual victims of human rights violations by international organizations are frequently left in the cold. Following an examination of the human rights obligations of international organizations, this book scrutinizes their dispute settlement mechanisms as well as the conflict between their immunities and the right of access to justice before national jurisdictions. It concludes with normative proposals addressed both to international organizations and to national judges confronted with such cases.
INTERNATIONAL LAW AND HUMAN RIGHTS --- INTERNATIONAL AGENCIES --- LIABILITY FOR HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS --- DUE PROCESS OF LAW --- Human rights. --- International agencies. --- Non-governmental organizations. --- International law and human rights. --- Non-state actors (International relations). --- Liability for human rights violations. --- Internationale Gerichtsbarkeit. --- Internationale Organisation. --- Menschenrechtsverletzung. --- Tribunal. --- Droits de l'homme. --- Organisations internationales. --- Organisations non gouvernementales. --- Violation des droits de l'homme. --- Due process of law --- Human rights --- International agencies --- International law and human rights --- Liability for human rights violations --- Non-governmental organizations --- Non-state actors (International relations) --- Human Rights --- International Agencies --- Organizations --- Non-Governmental Organizations --- Nongovernmental Organizations --- Organizations, Nongovernmental --- Non Governmental Organizations --- Non-Governmental Organization --- Nongovernmental Organization --- Organization --- Organization, Non-Governmental --- Organization, Nongovernmental --- Organizations, Non-Governmental --- Agencies, International --- Agency, International --- International Agency --- Collective Human Rights --- Equal Rights --- Linguistic Rights --- Right to Housing and Shelter --- Rights of Indigenous Peoples --- Human Rights, Collective --- Indigenous Peoples Rights --- Rights, Collective Human --- Rights, Equal --- Rights, Linguistic --- Social Justice --- Human Rights Abuses --- NGAs (International relations) --- Non-governmental actors (International relations) --- Nongovernmental actors (International relations) --- Non-state entities (International relations) --- Nonstate entities (International relations) --- Nonstate actors (International relations) --- Associations, institutions, etc. --- International relations --- INGOs (International agencies) --- International non-governmental organizations --- NGOs (International agencies) --- Nongovernmental organizations --- Organizations, Non-governmental (International agencies) --- Private and voluntary organizations (International agencies) --- PVOs (International agencies) --- Nonprofit organizations --- Liability (Law) --- Human rights and international law --- Associations, International --- IGOs (Intergovernmental organizations) --- Institutions, International --- Inter-governmental organizations --- Intergovernmental organizations --- International administration --- International associations --- International governmental organizations --- International institutions --- International organizations --- International unions --- Organizations, International --- Specialized agencies of the United Nations --- International cooperation --- Interorganizational relations --- International organization --- Basic rights --- Civil rights (International law) --- Rights, Human --- Rights of man --- Human security --- Transitional justice --- Truth commissions --- Access to justice (Due process of law) --- Procedural due process --- Substantive due process --- Civil rights --- Justice, Administration of --- Law and legislation
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Clay, Lucius D --- Congresses --- Germany --- Germany (West) --- Austria --- History --- Politics and government --- Clay, Lucius DCongressesGermany --- AustriaHistory --- Clay, Lucius D - (Lucius DuBignon), - 1897-1978 - Congresses --- Germany - History - 1945-1955 - Congresses --- Germany (West) - Politics and government - Congresses --- Austria - History - Allied occupation, 1945-1955 - Congresses --- Clay, Lucius D - (Lucius DuBignon), - 1897-1978
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Tallinn Manual 2.0 expands on the highly influential first edition by extending its coverage of the international law governing cyber operations to peacetime legal regimes. The product of a three-year follow-on project by a new group of twenty renowned international law experts, it addresses such topics as sovereignty, state responsibility, human rights, and the law of air, space, and the sea. Tallinn Manual 2.0 identifies 154 'black letter' rules governing cyber operations and provides extensive commentary on each rule. Although Tallinn Manual 2.0 represents the views of the experts in their personal capacity, the project benefitted from the unofficial input of many states and over fifty peer reviewers.
Information warfare (International law) --- Cyberspace operations (Military science) --- Cyberspace operations (Military science). --- Information warfare (International law). --- INFORMATION WARFARE (INTERNATIONAL LAW) --- BPB9999 --- Criminalité informatique --- Droit international --- Droit de l'informatique --- Défense stratégique --- Cyberespace --- BPB1705 --- Computercriminaliteit --- Internationaal recht --- Informaticarecht --- Strategische verdediging --- Cyberspace --- Guerre de l'information (Droit international) --- Cyberguerre (Science militaire) --- strategická obrana --- стратегическа отбрана --- defensa estratégica --- strateška obrana --- difesa strategica --- strateginen puolustus --- stratégiai védelem --- strateegiline kaitse --- στρατηγική άμυνα --- strategisk forsvar --- strategic defence --- strateška obramba --- strategische verdediging --- defesa estratégica --- obrona strategiczna --- mbrojtje strategjike --- strategiskt försvar --- стратешка одбрана --- stratēģiskā aizsardzība --- strategische Verteidigung --- apărare strategică --- difiża strateġika --- strateginė gynyba --- strateginen puolustusaloite --- Krieg der Sterne --- initiative de défense stratégique --- guerre des étoiles --- programma di difesa strategica --- Иницијатива за стратешку одбрану --- stjernekrigsprojekt --- IDS --- Strategic Defence Initiative --- Nisma e Mbrojtjes Strategjike --- tähtien sota --- sterrenoorlog --- πόλεμος των άστρων --- scudo spaziale --- strategická obranná iniciativa --- Inițiativa de Apărare Strategică --- SDI --- Iniciativa de Defensa Estratégica --- hviezdne vojny --- războiul stelelor --- hvězdné války --- zvaigžņu kari --- SAI --- iniziativa di difesa strategica --- star wars --- СДИ --- NMS --- ΠΣΑ --- SGI --- žvaigždžių karas --- stjernekrig --- zvaigžņu karu iniciatīva --- Πρωτοβουλία Στρατηγικής Άμυνας --- strateegiline kaitsealgatus --- Guerra das Estrelas --- guerre stellari --- Иницијатива за стратешка одбрана --- lufta e yjeve --- Iniciativa de Defesa Estratégica --- Stratēģiskās aizsardzības iniciatīva --- Strateginės gynybos iniciatyva --- Strategische Verteidigungsinitiative --- tähtede sõda --- strategická obranná iniciatíva --- stjärnornas krig --- guerra de las galaxias --- SDI-aloite --- Hadászati Védelmi Kezdeményezés --- ратови звезда --- csillagháború --- ombrello spaziale --- strategisch defensie-initiatief --- закон за информатиката --- прописи за обработка на податоци --- duomenų apdorojimo teisė --- datu apstrādes likums --- Derecho de la informática --- informaatikaalane seadusandlus --- legjislacioni për përpunimin e të dhënave --- datové právo --- propisi o obradi podataka --- prawo komputerowe --- zákon o spracovaní údajov --- diritto informatico --- Datenrecht --- data-processing law --- drept informatic --- datarätt --- predpisi o obdelavi podatkov --- информатичко право --- dataret --- informaticarecht --- adatvédelmi jog --- dritt informatiku --- δίκαιο της πληροφορικής --- tietotekniikkaa koskeva lainsäädäntö --- direito da informática --- informatikos teisė --- információk kezeléséhez való jog --- edb-ret --- adatok kezelésére vonatkozó jog --- datajura --- počítačové právo --- zákon o zpracování dat --- právo v oblasti zpracování informací --- datová legislativa --- zákon o ochraně dat --- softwarové právo --- zákon o ochraně osobních údajů --- adatok feldolgozására vonatkozó jog --- Закон за заштита на личните податоци --- právo na ochranu dat --- међународно право --- kansainvälinen oikeus --- nemzetközi jog --- международно право --- internationaal recht --- rahvusvaheline õigus --- tarptautinė teisė --- direito internacional --- international ret --- διεθνές δίκαιο --- dritt internazzjonali --- internationales Recht --- меѓународно право --- međunarodno pravo --- international law --- internationell rätt --- diritto internazionale --- prawo międzynarodowe --- e drejtë ndërkombëtare --- Derecho internacional --- drept internațional --- medzinárodné právo --- mednarodno pravo --- starptautisko tiesību akti --- mezinárodní právo --- меѓународно процесно право --- меѓународна постапка --- internationale procedure --- меѓународни судови --- starptautiskās tiesības --- starptautisko tiesību normas --- procedura internazionale --- меѓународни договори --- internationales Prozessrecht --- internationales Prozeßrecht --- számítógépes bűnözés --- arvutikuritegu --- Computerkriminalität --- рачунарски криминал --- računalni kriminal --- компютърно престъпление --- coirpeacht ríomhaire --- εγκληματικότητα στον τομέα της πληροφορικής --- przestępstwo komputerowe --- datakriminalitet --- criminalità informatica --- computercriminaliteit --- ċiberkriminalità --- počítačová kriminalita --- kompiuterinis nusikaltimas --- computer crime --- criminalidade informática --- компјутерски криминал --- databrottslighet --- datornoziegums --- criminalidad informática --- criminalitate informatică --- računalniška kriminaliteta --- krim kompjuterik --- tietokonerikos --- computerfraude --- Computerdelikt --- kibernetski kriminal --- criminalité numérique --- kibernoziegumi --- cibercriminalidade --- databedrägeri --- internetvandalisme --- cybercrime --- databrott --- kriminalità diġitali --- internetes bűnözés --- kibernoziegums --- hacker --- cibearchoireacht --- ηλεκτρονικός βανδαλισμός --- cibercriminalitate --- crime informatique --- Internetkriminalität --- Interneti-kuritegu --- delito cibernético --- vandalizëm kibernetik --- tietokonerike --- kibernetska kriminaliteta --- компјутерски фалсификат --- komputerová kriminalita --- cibercriminalità --- počítačový delikt --- küberkuritegu --- cibervandalismo --- krim i lidhur me kompjuterin --- Interneti-kuritegevus --- kibernetinis nusikaltimas --- ciberdelito --- cyberbrottslighet --- cyberbrott --- infracțiuni informatice --- computerkriminalitet --- компјутерска измама --- cyberkriminalitet --- tietoverkkorikos --- edb-kriminalitet --- fraude informatique --- kibernoziedzība --- cibercrime --- digital kriminalitet --- cybercriminalité --- киберпрестъпност --- cybercriminaliteit --- dataforbrydelse --- informaticadelict --- počítačový trestný čin --- Internet-Vandalismus --- Cyberkriminalität --- διαδικτυακό έγκλημα --- αδίκημα πληροφορικής --- kompjutorski kriminal --- cyberdelict --- frode informatica --- κυβερνοέγκλημα --- computer offence --- krim kibernetik --- internetkriminalitet --- αξιόποινες χρήσεις της πληροφορικής --- tietotekniikkarikollisuus --- délit informatique --- elektroniniai nusikaltimai --- datavandalism --- digitale criminaliteit --- verkkovandalismi --- cyber-vandalism --- kyberkriminalita --- tietoverkkorikollisuus --- küberkuritegevus --- delito informático --- cibercriminalidad --- kiberbűnözés --- IT-brottslighet --- Internet-Kriminalität --- verkkorikollisuus --- reato informatico --- ψηφιακό έγκλημα --- digital crime --- kibernetinis vandalizmas --- datornoziedzība --- cyberprzestępczość --- crimine informatico --- kibernetički vandalizam --- cyberprzestępstwo --- počítačová trestná činnost --- computer-related crime --- kibervandālisms --- cybervandalisme --- cyber-criminalitate --- delict informatic --- arvutikuritegevus --- számítógépes bűncselekmények --- εγκληματικότητα στον κυβερνοχώρο --- tietotekniikkarikos --- kibernetički kriminal --- vepër penale kompjuterike --- ar datoriem saistīta noziedzība --- verkkorikos --- IT-brott --- Cyber war (Military science) --- Cyberwar (Military science) --- Cyberspace warfare (Military science) --- Cyberwarfare (Military science) --- Offensive cyber operations (Military science) --- Military art and science --- International law --- Datenverarbeitungsrecht --- IT-Recht --- cosaint straitéiseach --- dlí idirnáisiúnta --- coireacht ríomhaire --- dlí próiseála sonraí --- Défense stratégique --- Criminalité informatique
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This book describes the evolution of French defence policy since the end of the Cold War. For the past thirty years there have been significant changes to French defence policy as a result of several contextual evolutions. Changes include shifts in the global balance of power, new understandings of the notion of international security, economic downturns, and developments in European integration. Yet despite these changes, the purpose of France's grand strategy and its main principles have remained remarkably stable over time. This book identifies the incentives, representations and objectives of French defence policy. The authors examine the general mechanisms that influence policy change and military transformation in democracies, the importance of status-seeking in international relations, the processes of strategy-making by a middle power, and the dilemmas and challenges of security cooperation. By doing so the book raises a number of questions related to the ways states adjust (or not) their security policies in a transformed international system.
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Information warfare (International law) --- War (International law) --- Computer networks --- International Law --- Law, Politics & Government --- International Law - General --- Communication systems, Computer --- Computer communication systems --- Data networks, Computer --- ECNs (Electronic communication networks) --- Electronic communication networks --- Networks, Computer --- Teleprocessing networks --- Data transmission systems --- Digital communications --- Electronic systems --- Information networks --- Telecommunication --- Cyberinfrastructure --- Electronic data processing --- Network computers --- International law --- Computer network security --- Network security, Computer --- Security of computer networks --- Computer security --- Hostilities --- Neutrality --- Security measures. --- Security measures --- Distributed processing --- Guerre de l'information (Droit international) --- Guerre (Droit international) --- Réseaux d'ordinateurs --- Sécurité --- Mesures
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International police --- War, Maritime (International law) --- Naval law --- Police internationale --- Guerre maritime (Droit international) --- Justice maritime --- Grunawalt, Jack --- United Nations --- Armed Forces --- Justice maritimeGrunawalt, JackUnited NationsArmed Forces --- Armed Forces.
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Prolonged and unsuccessful wars waged in recent decades by the United States and its allies have contributed to intense debate on a 'decline of the West'. War studies experts examine here this trajectory of Western military power. They discuss conflicting perceptions of time anchored within Western political and military institutions, and the Western attachment to fast-paced warfare at the expense of longer-term political solutions. The book identifies policies that decisionmakers must adopt in order to stave off this decline.
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The product of a three-year project by twenty renowned international law scholars and practitioners, the Tallinn Manual identifies the international law applicable to cyber warfare and sets out ninety-five 'black-letter rules' governing such conflicts. It addresses topics including sovereignty, State responsibility, the jus ad bellum, international humanitarian law, and the law of neutrality. An extensive commentary accompanies each rule, which sets forth the rule's basis in treaty and customary law, explains how the group of experts interpreted applicable norms in the cyber context, and outlines any disagreements within the group as to each rule's application.
Information warfare (International law) --- Cyberspace operations (Military science) --- Information warfare (International law). --- Cyberspace operations (Military science). --- Cyberspace operations (International law) --- International law --- Cyberwarfare (International law) --- War (International law) --- Cyber war (Military science) --- Cyberwar (Military science) --- Cyberspace warfare (Military science) --- Cyberwarfare (Military science) --- Offensive cyber operations (Military science) --- Military art and science --- Law --- General and Others
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