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Visitors to museums, galleries, heritage sites and other not for profit attractions receive their information in changing ways. Communications channels are shifting and developing all the time, presenting new challenges to cultural PR and Marketing teams. Marketing and Public Relations for Museums, Galleries, Cultural and Heritage Attractions, as well as providing some of the theory of marketing, provides the latest available case studies coupled with comments and advice from professionals inside and outside the cultural sector to describe the possibilities and outline strategies.
Marketing --- Museology --- Advertising. Public relations --- Museums --- Arts --- Cultural property --- Musées --- Biens culturels --- Marketing. --- Public relations. --- Public relations --- Relations publiques --- Commercialisation --- museumbeleid --- cultuurbeleid --- publiekswerking --- #SBIB:316.7C323 --- #SBIB:316.7C324 --- #SBIB:309H2812 --- Cultural heritage --- Cultural patrimony --- Cultural resources --- Heritage property --- National heritage --- National patrimony --- National treasure --- Patrimony, Cultural --- Treasure, National --- Property --- World Heritage areas --- Arts, Fine --- Arts, Occidental --- Arts, Western --- Fine arts --- Humanities --- Public institutions --- Cabinets of curiosities --- Culturele infrastructuur: tentoonstellingsruimten --- Culturele infrastructuur: musea --- Marketing, consumentengedrag, consumentisme --- Musées --- Arts, Primitive --- museumbeleid. --- cultuurbeleid. --- publiekswerking.
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Offering a broad and vivid survey of the culture of collecting from the French Revolution to the Belle Époque, The Purchase of the Past explores how material things became a central means of accessing and imagining the past in nineteenth-century France. By subverting the monarchical establishment, the French Revolution not only heralded the dawn of the museum age, it also threw an unprecedented quantity of artworks into commercial circulation, allowing private individuals to pose as custodians and saviours of the endangered cultural inheritance. Through their common itineraries, erudition and sociability, an early generation of scavengers established their own form of 'private patrimony', independent from state control. Over a century of Parisian history, Tom Stammers explores collectors' investments - not just financial but also emotional and imaginative - in historical artefacts, as well as their uncomfortable relationship with public institutions. In so doing, he argues that private collections were a critical site for salvaging and interpreting the past in a post-revolutionary society, accelerating but also complicating the development of a shared national heritage.
Cultural property --- Collectors and collecting --- Collectibles --- Collecting --- Collection and preservation --- Art --- Hobbyists --- Cultural heritage --- Cultural patrimony --- Cultural resources --- Heritage property --- National heritage --- National patrimony --- National treasure --- Patrimony, Cultural --- Treasure, National --- Property --- World Heritage areas --- Psychological aspects --- History --- E-books --- kunsthandel --- geschiedenis --- verzamelingen --- Franse Revolutie --- 1790 - 1890 --- 18de eeuw --- 19de eeuw --- Frankrijk --- Parijs --- Psychological aspects. --- kunsthandel. --- geschiedenis. --- verzamelingen. --- Franse Revolutie. --- 1790 - 1890. --- 18de eeuw. --- 19de eeuw. --- Frankrijk. --- Parijs. --- fotografie. --- stadsgezichten. --- 20ste eeuw. --- Gent.
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Bespreking van de problematiek rond ontsluiting van cultureel erfgoed. Komen aan bod : het kasteel van Azay-le-Rideaux, Albert Memorial, Kenwood House, Edinburgh 1997, Martinikerk te Groningen, Oerol-festival te Terschelling, het 'Historial de la grande guerre ' te Péronne, de Beursschouwburg te Brussel.
monumenten --- bouwkundig erfgoed --- monuments --- Architecture --- historic preservation --- History --- Monumenten --- Monuments --- Cultural property --- Historic buildings --- Conservation and restoration --- Protection --- monumentenzorg --- -Cultural property --- -Historic buildings --- -Monuments --- -#A9903A --- 72.025 --- 008 --- Ivo Adriaenssens, Michiel Hendryckx, Jan Van Alsenoy --- architectuur --- restauratie --- fotografie --- Hendryckx Michel --- musea --- cultureel erfgoed --- erfgoed --- Historical monuments --- Sculpture --- Historic sites --- Memorials --- Public sculpture --- Statues --- Historic houses, etc. --- Historical buildings --- Buildings --- Cultural heritage --- Cultural patrimony --- Cultural resources --- Heritage property --- National heritage --- National patrimony --- National treasure --- Patrimony, Cultural --- Treasure, National --- Property --- World Heritage areas --- Architecture, Western (Western countries) --- Building design --- Construction --- Western architecture (Western countries) --- Art --- Building --- -Protection --- -Conservation and restoration --- Monumentenzorg --- Erfgoed --- renovatie, monumentenzorg, erfgoed --- Design and construction --- architectural heritage --- #A9903A --- Monumentenzorg en erfgoed --- Architecture, Primitive --- 060 --- museologie --- museumwezen --- muséologie
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Sous la plume d'historiens d'art de renom, et abondamment illustré, ce livre offre un panorama riche et inédit du décor monumental peint et sculpté de la Sorbonne des XVIIe et XIXe siècles (François Girardon, Pierre Puvis de Chavannes, Philippe de Champaigne...).
Art --- Université de Paris --- La Sorbonne (Parijs) --- Champaigne, Philippe de --- Richelieu (Kardinaal van Frankrijk) --- Nénot, Henri-Paul --- 17de eeuw --- 19de eeuw --- 378.4 <44 PARIS> --- Universiteiten--Frankrijk--PARIS --- 378.4 <44 PARIS> Universiteiten--Frankrijk--PARIS --- Cultural property --- Cultural heritage --- Cultural patrimony --- Cultural resources --- Heritage property --- National heritage --- National patrimony --- National treasure --- Patrimony, Cultural --- Treasure, National --- Property --- World Heritage areas --- Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, --- De Richelieu, Armand Jean du Plessis, --- Du Plesis, --- Du Plessis, Armand Jean, --- Plessis, Armand Jean du, --- Richelieu, --- Richlieu, --- Rishelʹe, --- Tomb. --- Université de Paris --- Paris-Sorbonne university --- University of Paris --- Art collections --- Buildings. --- Paris (France) --- Buildings, structures, etc. --- de Champaigne, Philippe --- La Sorbonne (Parijs). --- de Champaigne, Philippe. --- Richelieu (Kardinaal van Frankrijk). --- Nénot, Henri-Paul. --- 17de eeuw. --- 19de eeuw. --- Paris (france) --- France --- 17e siècle --- 19e siècle --- Sorbonne --- Collections d'art --- Histoire
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Im Zuge des Zweiten Weltkriegs, der NS-Verfolgung der Juden im Deutschen Reich und während der Besatzungszeit fand ein Kunstraub in einem bisher nicht gekannten Ausmaß statt. Die vorwiegend völkerrechtliche Debatte um die Rückführung der Beutekunst aus der Russischen Föderation und seinen Nachbarstaaten nach Deutschland ist bis heute weitgehend ungelöst. Internationale Konferenzen in London, Washington und Vilnius haben im Hinblick auf die Restitution von Kulturgütern aus jüdischem Besitz Empfehlungen und Absichtserklärungen (soft law) für den Umgang mit diesem zivilrechtlich geprägten Problem formuliert. In der Bundesrepublik Deutschland ist man ausweislich der Gemeinsamen Erklärung von Bund, Länder und Gemeinden aus dem Jahre 1999 und der sie erläuternden Handreichung bemüht, faire und gerechte Lösungen im Rahmen der Rückgabe NS-verfolgungsbedingt entzogener Kulturgüter aus öffentlichem Besitz zu finden. Das Werk wendet sich als umfassendes Kompendium an alle Personen und Institutionen, die noch heute in Museen, Sammlungen, Versicherungen und am internationalen Kunstmarkt in Galerien und Auktionshäusern von diesen Problemstellungen betroffen sind. Es schildert in einer systematischen Darstellung die historisch wie juristisch äußerst vielschichtige Materie des Kunstraubs im Zweiten Weltkrieg (so genannte "Beutekunst") in wertender Gegenüberstellung zum verfolgungsbedingten Entzug von Kulturgütern aus zumeist jüdischer Provenienz. In diesen häufig sensiblen Fragen über die Restitution kriegsbedingt verlagerter und/oder verfolgungsbedingt entzogener Kulturgüter sind vornehmlich Fragestellungen aus dem (internationalen) Privatrecht, dem intertemporalen Recht der Rückerstattung und Wiedergutmachung und dem Völkerrecht zu beantworten. Neben der Darstellung entscheidender privatrechtlicher Institute, wie den gutgläubigen Erwerb, die Ersitzung und die Verjährung des Herausgabeanspruchs, wird der Leser durch die parallel hierzu verlaufende völkerrechtliche Debatte (unter anderem zur Haager Landkriegsordnung, Verjährung des Restitutionsanspruchs, acquiescence, zwingendes Recht) unter Berücksichtigung rechtsvergleichender Bezüge und des Kollisionsrechts geführt. Ausgehend von einer gegenwärtig geteilten Anspruchsituation nach privatrechtlichen oder völkerrechtlichen Anspruchsvoraussetzungen und dem gegenwärtigen soft law geht die Arbeit der Frage nach, wie weit das gegenwärtige Recht reicht und wo Handlungsbedarf besteht. Vorschläge zu möglichen gesetzgeberischen Maßnahmen, geeigneten alternativen Streitschlichtungsmechanismen und die Darstellung der verschiedenen Lösungsansätze in den Beute- und Raubkunstdebatten vertiefen den praktischen Nutzen. Die auf dieses Werk abgestimmte Website bietet ergänzend Hyperlinks zur internationalen Restitutionsdebatte sowie Aktualisierungen und Nachrichten. [Art Theft in War and Persecution. The Restitution of Looted and Stolen Art in the Conflict of Laws Provisions and International Law]In the course of the Second World War, the National Socialist persecution of the Jews in the German Reich and throughout the occupation period, an art theft to an extent previously unknown occurred. The predominantly international law debate concerning the return of the looted art from the Russian Federation and its neighbouring states to Germany is for the most part unsolved to this day. International conferences in London, Washington and Vilnius have formulated recommendations and declarations of intent (soft law) for dealing with this markedly civil law problem with regard to the restitution of cultural assets from Jewish ownership. In the Federal Republic of Germany, officials have made explicit endeavours aimed at the mutual declaration of the federal government, the states and the municipalities from 1999, and also to arrive at fair and equitable solutions within the scope returning cultural assets from public ownership that were removed under the aegis of National Socialism persecution. As a comprehensive compendium, the work applies to all individuals as well as institutions which are still affected today by these problems - in museums, collections, insurance companies, and also on the international art market in galleries and auction houses. It describes in a systematic presentation - in historical as well as juridical terms - the extremely complex subject matter of art theft in the Second World War (so-called "looted art"), in marked contrast to persecution-related dispossession of cultural assents from mostly Jewish provenience. In these frequently sensitive matters concerning the restitution of war-related, expropriated and/or persecution-related, removed cultural assets, questions arising from the realm of (international) private law, the intertemporal law of restitution and indemnification as well as international law are to be answered first and foremost.
rechten --- Art thefts --- Conflict of laws --- Cultural property --- Holocaust, Jewish (1939-1945) --- International law --- Restitution --- World War, 1939-1945 --- 351.852 --- Art --- Art robberies --- Art stealing --- Plunder of the arts --- Theft --- Replevin --- Unjust enrichment --- Reparations for historical injustices --- Cultural heritage --- Cultural patrimony --- Cultural resources --- Heritage property --- National heritage --- National patrimony --- National treasure --- Patrimony, Cultural --- Treasure, National --- Property --- World Heritage areas --- Choice of law --- Intermunicipal law --- International law, Private --- International private law --- Private international law --- Law --- Legal polycentricity --- 351.852 Overheidstaken, administratieve maatregelen i.v.m. musea, verzamelingen, bibliotheken, archieven --- Overheidstaken, administratieve maatregelen i.v.m. musea, verzamelingen, bibliotheken, archieven --- Protection&delete& --- Law and legislation --- Reparations --- Interpretation and construction --- Confiscations and contributions --- Claims --- Thefts --- Civil law --- roofkunst --- Wereldoorlog II --- geschiedenis --- Joden --- 20ste eeuw --- Art thefts. --- Restitution. --- Conflict of laws. --- Interpretation and construction. --- Confiscations and contributions. --- Reparations. --- Protection --- Law and legislation. --- Joden, Joods leven --- roofkunst. --- Wereldoorlog II. --- geschiedenis. --- rechten. --- Joden, Joods leven. --- 20ste eeuw.
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351.852 --- 351.852 Overheidstaken, administratieve maatregelen i.v.m. musea, verzamelingen, bibliotheken, archieven --- Overheidstaken, administratieve maatregelen i.v.m. musea, verzamelingen, bibliotheken, archieven --- Restitution --- Restitution (Droit) --- Confiscations and contributions. --- Repatriation --- Confiscations et contributions --- Rothschild (familie) --- 930.25 <47> --- Archives --- Cultural property --- World War, 1939-1945 --- Replevin --- Unjust enrichment --- Cultural heritage --- Cultural patrimony --- Cultural resources --- Heritage property --- National heritage --- National patrimony --- National treasure --- Patrimony, Cultural --- Treasure, National --- Property --- World Heritage areas --- Documents --- Manuscript depositories --- Manuscript repositories --- Manuscripts --- Documentation --- History --- Information services --- Records --- Cartularies --- Charters --- Diplomatics --- Public records --- 930.25 <47> Archiefwetenschap. Archivistiek--Rusland. Sovjet-Unie --- Archiefwetenschap. Archivistiek--Rusland. Sovjet-Unie --- Confiscations and contributions --- Claims --- Law and legislation --- Depositories --- Repositories --- Archivistics --- Polemology --- History of Europe --- anno 1900-1999 --- nazisme --- archieven --- bibliotheken --- roofkunst --- Joden --- geschiedenis --- West-Europa --- Rusland --- 2ème guerre mondiale --- Biens culturels --- Histoire --- History. --- Joden, Joods leven --- nazisme. --- archieven. --- bibliotheken. --- roofkunst. --- Joden, Joods leven. --- geschiedenis. --- Rothschild (familie). --- West-Europa. --- Rusland. --- Gnoli, Domenico.
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monumentenzorg --- Architecture --- historic preservation --- history [discipline] --- Environmental planning --- geschiedenis --- anno 1910-1919 --- anno 1900-1909 --- anno 1940-1949 --- anno 1800-1899 --- anno 1920-1929 --- anno 1930-1939 --- Belgium --- Belgique ; histoire --- België ; geschiedenis --- Biographies --- Bouwkunst --- Levensbeschrijvingen --- Monumenten --- Monuments --- Cultural property --- Landscape protection --- Biens culturels --- Paysages --- Conservation and restoration --- Protection --- History --- Conservation et restauration --- Histoire --- Belgique --- Cultural policy --- Politique culturelle --- architectuur --- 1835 - 1940 --- 19de eeuw --- 20ste eeuw --- België --- --Architecture --- --Monument --- --Conservation --- --Restauration --- --XIXe s., --- Financement --- --Conservation and restoration --- Finance --- 72.025.4 --- -Monuments --- -overzicht --- landschapsarchitectuur (x) --- België [land - BE] --- neogotiek --- 19de eeuw (x) --- 1900-1914 (x) --- interbellum (x) --- iconografisch materiaal --- #A9906A --- 72.025 --- 1801-1900 --- 1901-1950 --- Monumenten- en landschapszorg ; België ; 1835-1940 --- Twombly, Cy --- Historical monuments --- Sculpture --- Historic sites --- Memorials --- Public sculpture --- Statues --- Cultural heritage --- Cultural patrimony --- Cultural resources --- Heritage property --- National heritage --- National patrimony --- National treasure --- Patrimony, Cultural --- Treasure, National --- Property --- World Heritage areas --- Monumentenzorg: reinigen; herstellen; restauratie; vernieuwing --- -History --- -Conservation and restoration --- -Finance --- Restauratie (monumentenzorg) --- Landschapszorg --- #A9907H --- 72.025.4 Monumentenzorg: reinigen; herstellen; restauratie; vernieuwing --- overzicht --- Cultural property [Protection of ] --- 19th century --- 20th century --- Cultural policy. --- landscape protection --- landschapszorg --- Monumenten- en landschapszorg--België--1835-1940 --- 710.3 --- Monumentenzorg--België--geschiedenis --- Monumentenzorg: reinigen--herstellen--restauratie--vernieuwing --- Monumentenzorg en erfgoed --- Monumentenzorg --- Monuments - Conservation and restoration - Belgium - Finance --- Cultural property - Protection - Belgium - History - 19th century --- Monument --- Conservation --- Restauration --- XIXe s., 1801-1900 --- monumentenzorg. --- architectuur. --- 1835 - 1940. --- 19de eeuw. --- 20ste eeuw. --- België. --- anno 1800-1999
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Joden --- antisemitisme --- nationaal-socialisme --- restitutie --- roofkunst --- verzamelingen --- wetgeving --- Glaser, Fritz Salo --- Klemperer, Victor von --- Actions in rem --- Art thefts --- Cultural property --- Jews --- Possessory actions --- Reparation (Criminal justice) --- Restitution --- World War, 1939-1945 --- 351.852 --- World War, 1939-1945, in art --- Compensation for victims of crime --- Criminal restitution --- Reparation --- Restitution (Criminal justice) --- Restitution for victims of crime --- Remedies (Law) --- Actions and defenses --- Cultural heritage --- Cultural patrimony --- Cultural resources --- Heritage property --- National heritage --- National patrimony --- National treasure --- Patrimony, Cultural --- Treasure, National --- Property --- World Heritage areas --- Art --- Art robberies --- Art stealing --- Plunder of the arts --- Theft --- Actio in rem --- Actio realis --- Actio rei persequendae causa --- In rem actions --- Proceedings in rem --- Real actions --- Rei vindicatio --- Vindicatio rei --- 351.852 Overheidstaken, administratieve maatregelen i.v.m. musea, verzamelingen, bibliotheken, archieven --- Overheidstaken, administratieve maatregelen i.v.m. musea, verzamelingen, bibliotheken, archieven --- European War, 1939-1945 --- Second World War, 1939-1945 --- World War 2, 1939-1945 --- World War II, 1939-1945 --- World War Two, 1939-1945 --- WW II (World War, 1939-1945) --- WWII (World War, 1939-1945) --- History, Modern --- Repatriation --- Persecutions --- Reparations --- Thefts --- Law and legislation --- Joden, Joods leven --- Joden, Joods leven. --- roofkunst. --- nationaal-socialisme. --- verzamelingen. --- antisemitisme. --- wetgeving. --- restitutie. --- Glaser, Fritz Salo. --- Klemperer, Victor von.
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