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423.4 Gemeenten. Bestuur --- #SBIB:35H1119 --- #SBIB:35H1359 --- Bestuurlijke organisatie: centrale besturen: België --- Organisatie en beleid: lokale besturen: België --- politique gouvernementale --- Economie politique Staathuishoudkunde --- overheidsbeleid --- 331.100 --- 321.2 --- politique economique --- histoire economique --- Politique économique Economische politiek --- Histoire Geschiedenis --- Economische geschiedenis: algemeenheden. --- Economisch beleid van de overheid. --- economisch beleid --- economische geschiedenis --- Didactics of economy --- History of Europe --- Economic policy and planning (general) --- Economische geschiedenis: algemeenheden --- Economisch beleid van de overheid --- BPB9999 --- BPB2107 --- avalik poliitika --- offentlig politik --- veřejná politika --- öffentliche Politik --- politică publică --- politique publique --- verejná politika --- обществена политика --- public policy --- javna politika --- valsts politika --- közpolitika --- државна политика --- viešoji politika --- δημόσια πολιτική --- politica pubblica --- polityka władz publicznych --- ordni pubbliku --- јавна политика --- julkinen politiikka --- política pública --- politika publike --- politika pubblika --- управувачка политика --- официјална политика --- политика на државниот врв --- politika ekonomike --- økonomisk politik --- majanduspoliitika --- hospodárska politika --- hospodářská politika --- política económica --- икономическа политика --- polityka gospodarcza --- ekonomikas politika --- ekonomisk politik --- Wirtschaftspolitik --- gazdaságpolitika --- talouspolitiikka --- οικονομική πολιτική --- beartas eacnamaíoch --- politică economică --- politica economica --- politika ekonomika --- economic policy --- ekonomska politika --- економска политика --- ekonominė politika --- politique économique --- wirtschaftspolitische Leitlinien --- ekonomisk inriktning --- hospodářské rozhodování --- escolha económica --- opzione economica --- gazdaságpolitikai elképzelések --- ekonomický prístup --- gestión económica --- gazdasági megközelítés --- orientamento economico --- taloudellinen lähestymistapa --- majanduslik lähenemisviis --- ekonomisk kurs --- gazdaságpolitikai döntés --- економски пристап --- ekonomiskt val --- obiettivo economico --- economische keuze --- opțiune economică --- Globalsteuerung der Wirtschaft --- qasje ekonomike --- wirtschaftspolitische Entscheidung --- gazdaságpolitikai iránymutatás --- choix économique --- orientation économique --- ekonominis pasirinkimas --- decisione economica --- orientação económica --- ekonomiskā izvēle --- økonomisk kurs --- ekonomický přístup --- стопанска политика --- økonomisk valg --- opción económica --- ekonomická volba --- ekonomiskā pieeja --- wirtschaftliche Zielvorstellungen --- οικονομική επιλογή --- obiectiv economic --- ekonomická politika --- economische koers --- metody řízení národního hospodářství --- ekonomická voľba --- ekonomski pristup --- taloudellinen valinta --- majanduslik valik --- zgjedhje ekonomike --- scelta economica --- economic approach --- οικονομικός προσανατολισμός --- ekonominis požiūris --- gospodarska politika --- economic choice --- beartas poiblí
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History of Europe --- Christian special devotions --- Christian pilgrims and pilgrimages --- Christianity and politics --- Pèlerins et pèlerinages chrétiens --- Christianisme et politique --- Europe --- Religious life and customs. --- Vie religieuse --- Religious life and customs --- Pèlerins et pèlerinages chrétiens --- Christian pilgrims and pilgrimages - Europe --- Christianity and politics - Europe --- Pèlerinages --- Europe - Religious life and customs
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"In de negentiende eeuw bloeide de haven van Antwerpen en dat leidde tot een groeiende aantrekkingskracht op zowel internationale immigranten alsook werkmigranten uit andere hoeken van het land. In dit boek wordt onderzocht hoe de stad Antwerpen omging met buitenlandse nieuwkomers in een periode waarin niet enkel het aantal migratiebewegingen steeg, maar waarin ook de inmenging van de centrale staat alsmaar toenam. Na de onafhankelijkheid van België was de medewerking van de lokale bestuursniveaus aan het vreemdelingenbeleid geen evidentie: de meeste steden in de Zuidelijke Nederlanden hadden van oudsher een sterke traditie van politieke autonomie opgebouwd. Deze studie toont aan hoe de prioriteiten van het stedelijke vreemdelingenbeleid verschilden van die van de nationale staat, en hoe de stad het beleid ten aanzien van buitenlandse nieuwkomers soms bewust selectief toepaste. Het zijn tendens en die ook in de eenentwintigste eeuw nog actueel zijn en die het vreemdelingenbeleid - zowel vroeger als vandaag - vorm geven"
Migration. Refugees --- History of Antwerp --- anno 1800-1899 --- Noncitizens --- Immigrants --- History --- Antwerp (Belgium) --- Emigration and immigration --- Government policy --- Government policy. --- Belgium --- Aliens --- SOCIAL SCIENCE / Emigration & Immigration. --- Émigration et immigration --- Anvers (Belgique) --- Émigration et immigration --- Immigration --- Politique --- Immigrants--Belgium--Antwerp--History--19th century --- Antwerp (Belgium)--Emigration and immigration--Government policy--History--19th century --- Anvers
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In an increasingly globalised world, economic and cultural imperatives can be seen as two of the most powerful forces shaping human behaviour. This book considers the relationship between economics and culture both as areas of intellectual discourse, and as systems of societal organisation. Adopting a broad definition of culture, it explores the economic dimensions of culture, and the cultural context of economics. The book is built on a foundation of value theory, developing the twin notions of economic and cultural value as underlying principles for integrating the two fields. Ideas of cultural capital and sustainability are discussed, especially as means of analysing the particular problems of cultural heritage, drawing parallels with the treatment of natural capital in ecological economics. The book goes on to discuss the economics of creativity in the production of cultural goods and services; culture in economic development; the cultural industries; and cultural policy.
330.123.6 --- -#A0201A --- 600 Cultuur --- 339.44 --- 339.10 --- Collectieve goederen. Dienstverlening --- Kunstmarkt. --- Raming van het goederenbezit en van het inkomen: algemeenheden. --- 330.123.6 Collectieve goederen. Dienstverlening --- Culture - Economic aspects. --- Economics --- Culture --- Economic sociology --- Socio-economics --- Socioeconomics --- Sociology of economics --- Sociology --- Sociological aspects. --- Economic aspects. --- Social aspects --- 306.3 --- AA / International- internationaal --- 330.1 --- 7 --- 460 Economie --- #A0201A --- 330.1 Economische grondbegrippen. Algemene begrippen in de economie --- Economische grondbegrippen. Algemene begrippen in de economie --- 7 Kunst. Ruimtelijke ordening. Architectuur. Sport en spel --- Kunst. Ruimtelijke ordening. Architectuur. Sport en spel --- Economic aspects --- Sociological aspects --- Raming van het goederenbezit en van het inkomen: algemeenheden --- Kunstmarkt --- Business management --- Economic policy and planning (general) --- Sociology of culture --- Cultural policy. --- Economie politique --- Aspect sociologique --- Aspect économique --- Economie --- Politique culturelle --- Aspect économique --- Aspect social
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Een stevig onderzoeksrapport over de maatschappelijke meerwaarde van projecten rond actuele volkscultuur, een reeks inspirerende essays over een eigentijdse omgang met volkscultuur als 'cultuur van alledag' en talrijke impressies van vernieuwend veldwerk. Dit is een boek voor beleids- en praktijkmensen die de nieuwe dynamiek in en om de sector volkscultuur mee willen versterken. (Bron: website Koning Boudewijnstichting)
Folklore --- History of civilization --- cultuurparticipatie --- volkscultuur --- Belgium --- Cultuurbeleid --- Politique culturelle --- volkcultuur --- Volkscultuur --- Samenlevingsopbouw --- Volksgebruik --- Vlaanderen --- Erfgoed --- beleid --- Beleid --- cultuurbeleid --- samenlevingsopbouw --- buurtwerk --- Cultuurtheorie: algemeen (cultuurfilosofie, intellectuelen) --- Volksontwikkelingswerk --- 39 --- #SMV:museum --- 904 --- #SBIB:309H040 --- #SBIB:316.7C140 --- #SBIB:023.GIFT --- #VCV monografie 2002 --- 316.3 samenleving --- 316.7 cultuur --- 008.1 --- 361.5 --- Culturele overblijfselen uit historische tijden. Antiquitates --- Populaire cultuur algemeen --- Cultuursociologie: cultuur en globale samenlevingen --- 904 Culturele overblijfselen uit historische tijden. Antiquitates --- 497.3 --- Analyse --- Evaluatie --- Emigratie --- samenleving
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168.53 --- Technology --- -Technology --- -168.53 Technische wetenschappen. Toegepaste wetenschappen --- Technische wetenschappen. Toegepaste wetenschappen --- Applied science --- Arts, Useful --- Science, Applied --- Useful arts --- Science --- Industrial arts --- Material culture --- Social aspects --- Political aspects --- Philosophy --- -Applied science --- 168.53 Technische wetenschappen. Toegepaste wetenschappen --- -Technische wetenschappen. Toegepaste wetenschappen --- Technology and civilization --- filosofie --- Philosophy of science --- techniek --- wetenschapsfilosofie --- Philosophy. --- Political aspects. --- Social aspects. --- Technologie --- Aspect social --- Aspect politique --- Philosophie --- Technology - Social aspects --- Technology - Political aspects --- Technology - Philosophy
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History of Antwerp --- burgemeesters --- Loos, Jan Frans --- Vos, de, Jan --- Hertogs, Alfons --- Put, van, Jozef Cornelis --- Craeybeckx, Lode --- Detiège, Frans --- Ryswyck, van, Jan [jr.] --- Huysmans, Camille --- Cauwelaert, van, Frans --- Grelle, le, Gérard --- Detiège, Leona --- Cools, Bob --- Schroyens, Mathilde --- Wael, de, Leopold --- Antwerpen (stad) --- Anvers (ville) --- Bourgmestres --- Burgemeesters --- Histoire locale --- Plaatselijke geschiedenis --- Belgium --- Antwerp (Belgium) --- Belgique --- Anvers (Belgique) --- Politics and government --- History --- Politique et gouvernement --- Histoire --- Antwerpen --- overzicht --- geschiedenis --- burgemeesters (x) --- 19de eeuw (x) --- 20ste eeuw (x) --- binnenlandse politiek --- 352.075 <493> --- 949.31 ANTWERPEN --- #A0103A --- 423 Gemeenten --- #gsdb8 --- Mayors --- Alcaldes --- Municipal officials and employees --- Corregidors --- History. --- Huysmans, Camille. --- Craeybeckx, Lode. --- Detiège, Frans. --- Schroyens, Mathilde. --- Cools, Bob. --- Detiège, Leona. --- Antwerpen.
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In a series of richly detailed case studies from Britian, Australia and North America, Tony Bennett investigates how nineteenth- and twentieth-century museums, fairs and exhibitions have organized their collections, and their visitors. Discussing the historical development of museums alongside that of the fair and the international exhibition, Bennett sheds new light upon the relationship between modern forms of official and popular culture. Using Foucaltian perspectives The Birth of the Museum explores how the public museum should be understood not just as a place of instruction, but as a reformatory of manners in which a wide range of regulated social routines and performances take place. This invigorating study enriches and challenges the understanding of the museum, and places it at the centre of modern relations between culture and government. For students of museum, cultural and sociology studies, this will be an asset to their reading list.Book condition is very good. Pages are clean and bright.
#VCV monografie 2000 --- #FARO gidsen_museale ontwikkelingen --- Museum techniques. --- Museums --- Politics and culture. --- Management --- Social aspects. --- Philosophy. --- Museum techniques --- Politics and culture --- Culture --- Culture and politics --- Museology --- Public institutions --- Cabinets of curiosities --- Management&delete& --- Social aspects --- Philosophy --- Political aspects --- Technique --- museology --- Philosophy and psychology of culture --- museumkunde --- Musées --- Muséologie --- Politique et culture --- Philosophie --- Gestion --- Aspect social --- Musée --- Organisation de l'espace intérieur --- Exposition --- Applied museology --- Museography --- Museum practices --- Museum studies --- kunst --- musea --- museologie --- cultuurfilosofie --- 069 --- 069.1 --- Kunsttheorie ; de idee van het museum --- Musea --- Musea. Collecties. Tentoonstellingen --- Museologie
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In this comparative, international study Marilena Alivizatou investigates the relationship between museums and the new concept of "intangible heritage." She charts the rise of intangible heritage within the global sphere of UN cultural policy and explores its implications both in terms of international politics and with regard to museological practice and critical theory. Using a grounded ethnographic methodology, Alivizatou examines intangible heritage in the local complexities of museum and heritage work in Oceania, the Americas and Europe. This multi-sited, cross-cultural approach high
Conservation. Restoration --- cultural property --- Museology --- museums [institutions] --- museum administration --- Ethnological museums and collections. --- Cultural property --- Museums --- World Heritage areas --- Anthropologie sociale et culturelle --- Biens culturels --- Musées --- Sites du patrimoine mondial --- Protection. --- Management. --- Musées et collections --- Protection --- Gestion --- museum --- immaterieel cultureel erfgoed --- Musées --- Musées et collections --- Ethnological museums and collections --- World Heritgage areas --- Public institutions --- Cabinets of curiosities --- Ethnological collections --- Ethnology --- Anthropological museums and collections --- Cultural property, Protection of --- Cultural resources management --- Cultural policy --- Historic preservation --- Cultural heritage --- Cultural patrimony --- Cultural resources --- Heritage property --- National heritage --- National patrimony --- National treasure --- Patrimony, Cultural --- Treasure, National --- Property --- Government policy --- Administration --- Management --- World Heritage areas. --- World Heritage sites --- Historic sites --- Natural areas --- Government policy. --- Administration. --- Museum conservation methods. --- Patrimoine oral et immatériel de l'humanité. --- Patrimoine culturel --- Conservation et restauration. --- Méthodes de conservation. --- Politique publique. --- immaterieel cultureel erfgoed. --- museum. --- Patrimoine oral et immatériel de l'humanité. --- Méthodes de conservation.
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Environmental planning --- cities --- Demography --- Cities and towns --- Urbanization. --- Urban policy. --- City planning --- Globalization. --- Villes --- Urbanisation --- Politique urbaine --- Urbanisme --- Mondialisation --- Growth. --- Social aspects --- Croissance --- Aspect social --- City planning. --- 711.4 --- 711.432 --- Mumbai --- Sao Paulo --- Istanbul --- 711.4(A) --- Stedenbouw ; denken over ; 21ste eeuw --- Stedenbouw ; de metropolen van de toekomst --- Stadsontwikkeling ; mobiliteit ; economie ; sociologie --- Urbanologie --- Stedenbouw ; socio-economische aspecten --- Stadsgeografie --- Planologie --- Stadsplanologie --- São Paulo --- Istanboel ; Istanbul --- Stedenbouw --- Metropolen --- Grootsteden --- Stedenbouw. Ruimtelijke ordening ; denken over de stedenbouw --- Gemeentelijke planologie. Stadsplanning. Stedenbouw --- Planologie: hoofdsteden; wereldsteden; metropolen --- 711.432 Planologie: hoofdsteden; wereldsteden; metropolen --- 711.4 Gemeentelijke planologie. Stadsplanning. Stedenbouw --- Globalization --- Urbanization --- Urban policy --- Global cities --- Globalisation --- Internationalization --- International relations --- Anti-globalization movement --- Civic planning --- Land use, Urban --- Model cities --- Redevelopment, Urban --- Slum clearance --- Town planning --- Urban design --- Urban development --- Urban planning --- Land use --- Planning --- Art, Municipal --- Civic improvement --- Regional planning --- Urban renewal --- Growth, Urban --- Sprawl, Urban --- Urban growth --- Urban sprawl --- Migration, Internal --- Population --- Vital statistics --- Cities and state --- Urban problems --- City and town life --- Economic policy --- Social policy --- Sociology, Urban --- Cities and towns, Movement to --- Urban systems --- Social history --- Sociology, Rural --- Rural-urban migration --- Growth --- Government policy --- Management
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