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Denne boka handler om hvordan fenomenet integrering forstås og håndteres i norske lokalsamfunn. Som følge av internasjonal migrasjon og norsk bosettingspolitikk bor det i dag innvandrere i alle landets kommuner. Det er bred enighet om at den beste måten å håndtere dette på er gjennom integrering. Men hva betyr dette, og hva slags effekter har det for de som kommer og for de som allerede er bosatt i de ulike lokalsamfunnene? Bokas kapitler tar utgangspunkt i at integrering er en prosess som berører alle innbyggere, og utforsker hva integrering som forståelser, praksiser og erfaringer innebærer. De empiriske undersøkelsesområdene spenner vidt: fra praksiser i offentlige integreringstjenester til dugnader, kunstprosjekter og medieoppslag i lokalaviser, til konflikthåndtering blant ungdommer og transnasjonale hverdagsliv i innvandrerfamilier. Hvordan fortelles det om slike integreringserfaringer, og hva betyr lokalsamfunn og sted i disse fortellingene? Studiene viser at integrering forstås på mange forskjellige måter. Dette mangfoldet i forståelser bidrar til å utfordre det tilsynelatende entydige politiske integreringsbegrepet og kaster lys over integreringens mangefasetterte virkelighet. Boka viser at sted og lokalsamfunn er under kontinuerlig tilblivelse som arena for både fellesskap og utenforskap. Til sammen gjør dette at integrering står frem som en kulturell verdi som handler om å være både en god borger og et godt lokalsamfunn. Fortellinger om integrering i norske lokalsamfunn presenterer funn fra nye studier og pågående forskningsprosjekter ved UiT Norges arktiske universitet, NTNU - Norges teknisk-naturvitenskapelige universitet og Universitetet i Agder. Den er redigert av Berit Gullikstad, Guro Korsnes Kristensen og Turid Fånes Sætermo ved Institutt for tverrfaglige kulturstudier, NTNU.
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Handbook of Internal Migration in India is an inter-disciplinary, multi-faceted and thought-provoking book on internal migrants and their dynamics among the states in India. The first of its kind, this handbook provides novel information on processes, trends, determinants, differentials and dynamics of internal migration and its inter-linkages with individuals, families, economy and society. Most of the chapters have been written by scholars of repute who have spent their lifetime working on migration and the factors associated with it. This handbook is an attempt to address the lacunae in internal migration studies using both big data, such as Indian censuses, National Sample Surveys, India Human Development Surveys and Kerala Migration Surveys, and micro-level data collected by enthusiastic researchers in most parts of India to explore the unknown facets of internal migration. This book employs interdisciplinary and mixed methods to examine issues such as climate change, gender, urbanization, caste/tribe, religion, politics and emergence of migration policies. It addresses the crucial question as to why temporary and short-term migration continues to be an important livelihood strategy for millions of migrants thereby having an everlasting impact on the sociopolitical and economic structure of the country.
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Inhaltsverzeichnis Inhalt: W. W. Engelhardt, Sozialphilosophische, sozialwissenschaftliche und praxisbezogene sozialpolitische Ansätze bei Johann Heinrich von Thünen - H. Berié, Europäische Sozialpolitik. Von Messina bis Maastricht - C. F. Hofmann, Europäische Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion: Die Rolle der Lohnpolitik - H. Scherl, Arbeitnehmermitbestimmung in der Europäischen Gemeinschaft. Perspektiven einer Angleichung durch eine europäische Sozialpolitik? - A. Wagner, Soziale Mindestsicherung in Europa. Vom gemeinsamen Markt zum europäischen Sozialraum.
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La digitalización de la sociedad actual plantea un desafío en torno a los derechos de los menores. El acceso a internet se ha convertido en una oportunidad en muchos aspectos, pero también en un peligro real en el que el menor queda desprotegido y se ven mermados sus derechos. El denominado "entorno digital" en la actualidad ocupa gran parte de la actividad tanto educativa como lúdica de los menores, y es preciso articular una serie de garantías, y también unos derechos adecuados a dicho entorno para evitar situaciones de abuso e infracción. A través de la distinta legislación aplicable, observaremos cuáles son las garantías que se otorgan por parte del legislador para evitar una desprotección del menor, y realizar algunas propuestas de mejora que puedan ser de utilidad en el futuro para incrementar dicha protección y garantía de los derechos en el entorno digital.
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Often, research concerning the female offender is scarce. This book adds to the criminological literature on the topic of reentry for women, focusing on the barriers women face as they return to society and adjust to life after incarceration. Each chapter addresses specific issues, challenges, and obstacles affiliated with the hindrance of successful reentry processes associated with female offenders, as well as data-driven empirical studies. Female Offenders and Reentry helps criminal justice students and practitioners see the full picture when considering the challenges faced by female offenders reintegrating into society.
Female offenders --- Social integration. --- Rehabilitation.
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Bosses and managers from atypical backgrounds have succeeded in avoiding socially pre-determined outcomes byturning their differences into resources. This did not, however, mean that theybecame "normal". They are leaders, but they remain excluded from convened socialpositions. This distance leads them to listen, to look upon, and toanalyse their environments, their pasts and their relations with others muchmore than "normal" people do. Furthermore, this distance facilitatesentrepreneurial risk-taking and the creation of networks, complicity andsolidarity. It requires the mobilization of extraordinary social intelligence. This book describes theprocesses through which stigma can be mastered, if not forgotten. It alsoexplains that the position of outsiders, in the broadest meaning of the term,translates the social experiences of all those who belong to several worlds,and who find themselves condemned simultaneously to engagement and detachment.
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