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Levende bermen : over ecologie en architectuur van de wegberm
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789075271980 9075271980 Year: 2020 Publisher: [Wageningen] Blauwdruk

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Ontwikkelingen in inzichten en opvattingen over inrichting en beheer van bermen langs (spoor)wegen en dijken en een pleidooi voor een natuurvriendelijkere aanpak.

BiodiverCITY. A matter of vital soil! Creating, implementing and upscaling biodivercity-based measures in public space
ISBN: 9789462086562 9462086567 Year: 2021 Publisher: Rotterdam nai010 uitgevers

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This publication represents a quest for biodiversity in the city. Declining biodiversity in the countryside has been in the spotlight for years. Healthy soil life is of vital importance. Biodiversity in the city appears to be hidden. How do you design a public space that is anchored in healthy soil? There is a world full of life beneath our feet. Hidden in the soil, up to 100 million species of micro-organisms work together with fungi and plant roots to form networks that ensure a healthy living environment. Without soil, we cannot survive. Yet we treat our living environment inattentively. The growing world population is moving to cities, annexing surrounding areas and literally squeezing the life out of the soil. The urban climate, urbanized environment and urban water balance are detrimental to healthy soil life. The (urban) soil is largely sealed off and this results in extreme flooding, heat and drought exhaustion, soil compaction and habitat fragmentation. The design of the city includes many underground measures. Every change leads to soil exhaustion. This has to change. BiodiverCITY formulates measures and resulting details that will result in healthy soil life. Part of the programming of the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2021 and Architecture Biennale Venice 2021.

The Kingdom of Rarities
ISBN: 9781610912075 1610912071 9781597264662 1597264660 9781610911955 1610911954 9781610911962 1610911962 Year: 2013 Publisher: Washington, DC : Island Press/Center for Resource Economics : Imprint: Island Press,

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When you look out your window, why are you so much more likely to see a robin or a sparrow than a Kirtland's warbler or a California condor? Why are some animals naturally rare and others so abundant? The quest to find and study seldom-seen jaguars and flamboyant Andean cocks-of-the-rock is as alluring to naturalists as it is vitally important to science. From the Himalayan slopes of Bhutan to the most isolated mountain ranges of New Guinea, The Kingdom of Rarities takes us to some of the least-traveled places on the planet to catch a glimpse of these unique animals and many others. As he shares stories of these species, Eric Dinerstein gives readers a deep appreciation of their ecological importance and the urgency of protecting all types of life — the uncommon and abundant alike. An eye-opening tour of the rare and exotic, The Kingdom of Rarities offers us a new understanding of the natural world, one that places rarity at the center of conservation biology. Looking at real-time threats to biodiversity, from climate change to habitat fragmentation, and drawing on his long and distinguished scientific career, Dinerstein offers readers fresh insights into fascinating questions about the science of rarity and unforgettable experiences from the field.

Transitiemanagement : sleutel voor een duurzame samenleving
ISBN: 9023239946 9789023239949 Year: 2006 Publisher: Assen Van Gorcum

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Het creëren van een duurzame samenleving is van levensbelang voor de huidige en toekomstige generaties. Toch krijgt duurzaamheid van de politiek nog steeds niet de aandacht die zij verdient. Transitiemanagement: sleutel voor een duurzame samenleving biedt daarom een vernieuwende en uitdagende kijk op deze grote maatschappelijke opgave. Onze tegenwoordige samenleving is verre van duurzaam; ondanks het veelgeroemde poldermodel zijn we er tot nu toe niet in geslaagd de hardnekkige problemen in sectoren als de landbouw, de gezondheidszorg en de energievoorziening het hoofd te bieden. Meer en meer wordt duidelijk dat een duurzame samenleving een echte cultuuromslag vergt. Via transities maatschappelijke overgangen die tijd, durf en energie vergen zullen verouderde maatschappelijke systemen (deels) moeten worden afgebroken om vervolgens opnieuw te worden opgebouwd. Dit boek gaat in op de wijze waarop dit noodzakelijke vernieuwingsproces kan worden gestuurd. Het eerste deel behandelt het transitiedenken, inclusief de achterliggende filosofie. In het tweede deel staat het transitiehandelen centraal, aan de hand van een serie praktijkvoorbeelden op de terreinen water, landbouw, energie, de bouwsector, mobiliteit en biodiversiteit

The botanical city
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9783868595192 3868595198 Year: 2019 Publisher: Berlin Jovis Verlag

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Roadside "weeds" and other routinely overlooked aspects to urban nature provide a fascinating glimpse into complex global ecologies and new cultures of nature emerging across the world. This unique collection of essays explores the botanical dimensions of urban space, ranging from scientific efforts to understand the distinctive dynamics of urban flora to the way spontaneous vegetation has inspired artists and writers.The book comprises five thematic sections: "Histories and taxonomies," "Botanizing the asphalt," "The art of urban flora," "Experiments in non-design," and "Cartographic imaginations". The essays explore developments in Berlin, London, Lahore, Tokyo, and many other cities, as well as more philosophical reflections on the meaning of urban nature under the putative shift to the Anthropocene.

The Kingdom of Rarities
ISBN: 9781610912075 1610912071 9781597264662 1597264660 9781610911955 1610911954 9781610911962 1610911962 Year: 2013 Publisher: Washington, DC Island Press/Center for Resource Economics

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When you look out your window, why are you so much more likely to see a robin or a sparrow than a Kirtland's warbler or a California condor? Why are some animals naturally rare and others so abundant? The quest to find and study seldom-seen jaguars and flamboyant Andean cocks-of-the-rock is as alluring to naturalists as it is vitally important to science. From the Himalayan slopes of Bhutan to the most isolated mountain ranges of New Guinea, The Kingdom of Rarities takes us to some of the least-traveled places on the planet to catch a glimpse of these unique animals and many others. As he shares stories of these species, Eric Dinerstein gives readers a deep appreciation of their ecological importance and the urgency of protecting all types of life — the uncommon and abundant alike. An eye-opening tour of the rare and exotic, The Kingdom of Rarities offers us a new understanding of the natural world, one that places rarity at the center of conservation biology. Looking at real-time threats to biodiversity, from climate change to habitat fragmentation, and drawing on his long and distinguished scientific career, Dinerstein offers readers fresh insights into fascinating questions about the science of rarity and unforgettable experiences from the field.

Ecosystem services : global issues, local practices
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9780124199644 9780124199804 0124199801 012419964X 130605253X Year: 2014 Publisher: Amsterdam : Elsevier,

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Ecosystem Services: Global Issues, Local Practices is a hands-on, transdisciplinary reflection on ecosystem services directed toward the future development of research, practice, and implementation by professionals. The diversity of values assigned to ecosystems and their services are used to inform policy from local to global scales."--Publisher description.

Nourished planet
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9781610918954 1610918959 1610918940 9781610918947 1610919866 Year: 2018 Publisher: Washington, DC

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Mangos from India, pasta from Italy, coffee from Colombia: Every day, we are nourished by a global food system that relies on our planet remaining verdant and productive. But current practices are undermining both human and environmental health, resulting in the paradoxes of obesity paired with malnutrition, crops used for animal feed and biofuels while people go hungry, and more than thirty percent of food being wasted when it could feed the 795 million malnourished worldwide. In Nourished Planet, the Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition offers a global plan for feeding ourselves sustainably. Drawing on the diverse experiences of renowned international experts, the book offers a truly planetary perspective. Essays and interviews showcase Hans Herren, Vandana Shiva, Alexander Mueller, and Pavan Suhkdev, among many others. Together, these experts plot a map towards food for all, food for sustainable growth, food for health, and food for culture. With these ingredients, we can nourish our planet and ourselves.

Stadsnatuur maken
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9789462083172 9462083177 9789462083325 9462083320 Year: 2017 Publisher: Rotterdam nai010 uitgevers

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Stadsnatuur maken is een inspiratie- en voorbeeldboek voor natuurinclusief ontwerpen in de Noordwest-Europese stad.Het boek roept op tot het integreren van natuur in het ontwerp van gebouwen en stedelijke buitenruimten en het geeft daarbij praktische voorbeelden en ontwerphandreikingen. De stad is een rijke biotoop met een grote biodiversiteit. Veel dier- en plantensoorten komen inmiddels meer in de stad voor dan in het buitengebied.De auteurs zien natuur als een integraal onderdeel van het stedelijke organisme en als zodanig van belang voor de leefbaarheid van de stad. Natuurinclusief ontwerpen is een pionierspraktijk, en pas recent onderdeel van de stadsplanning. Vanuit verschillende invalshoeken; de theorie van ecologie en biodiversiteit, stadsgebonden soorten, stedelijke biotopen en onderhoud van stadsnatuur worden in deze publicatie aan de hand van inspirerende en praktische voorbeelden besproken.De auteurs zijn lid van de stichting De Natuurlijke Stad, een samenwerkingsverband van architecten, biologen en stadsecologen met veel ervaring in de praktijk en theorie van het natuurinclusief ontwerpen in de stad.

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