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This volume represents the first major effort to apply the distinctive techniques of British social anthropology to the subject of socialization. Along with methodological and theoretical discussion, there is a variety of new field material from Africa, Southeast Asia and elsewhere.
First published in 1967.
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"Osia pracy jest napiecie miedzy konwencjonalna teoria antropologiczna a przezyciem, zwlaszcza przezyciem granicznym choroby, smierci i cierpienia. Marcin Kafar zdecydowanie odrzuca utrwalony sposób pisania o tych kwestiach, sprowadzajacy sie najczesciej do rejestracji i interpretacji 'rytualów' im towarzyszacych, spolecznych wyobrazen czy obrazów medialnych. Ze szlachetna premedytacja stawia przed czytelnikiem 'naga' prawde przezycia, jej banalnosc, marginesowosc, jej wstyd i efekt ponizenia. Tej ksiazce daleko jest do standardowej akademickiej letniosci. Autor wadzi sie bowiem z nasza mentalnoscia, z naszym najglebszym 'ja', dokonujac swoja praca znaczacej transgresji etycznej." - Prof. nadzw. dr hab. Waldemar Kuligowski (fragment recenzji) "Wariant antropologii zaangazowanej przedstawiany w ksiazce Marcina Kafara jest jednym z wielu, tym jednak, co go wyróznia - choc zapewne czyni jednoczesnie podobnym do ujec niektórych innych zaangazowanych antropologów - jest ostentacyjne, bo majace charakter programowego manifestu, zanurzenie zaangazowania w zywiole autobiograficznym. ( ... ) W ksiazce Marcina Kafara trzy postawy jego autobiograficznego 'ja' wybrzmiewaja wspólnie. Antropologiczny lógos odnajduje w postawie swiadectwa argumentacyjna sile opisu zdarzen i stawia na 'wymowe faktów'. Antropologiczny ethos lokuje sie w postawie wyznania, by odpowiednio uksztaltowany w swej slownej formie badawczy raport mógl stac sie - ujawniajaca doswiadczenia i przezycia - przekonujaca antyfikcja. Antropologiczny pathos przybiera postawe wyzwania, a czyni to, etycznie umocowany, dla poruszenia innych antropologów jako badaczy - i ludzi. Wszystkie trzy postawy zgodnie wyrazaja jego zaangazowanie i jego obecnosc: w badanym swiecie, w tekscie, który o tym swiecie stworzyl i w antropologicznej wspólnocie, do której tekst ten - z nadzieja na przyjecie - kieruje. Poprzez nie wlasnie rys autobiograficzny ksztaltuje uprawiana przez Marcina Kafara antropologie."
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Wie läuft kreatives Arbeiten ab? Was bedeutet Kreativität für den Arbeitsalltag und wie wird in komplexen Organisationen Kreativität verankert? Am Beispiel der Arbeitspraxis in der Werbeindustrie rekonstruiert Hannes Krämer die Entdeckung, Formierung und Stabilisierung kreativer Produkte en détail. Hierbei zeichnet er ethnografisch die Entstehung eines Werbeprodukts anhand prägender Stationen nach und schließt so eine systematische Leerstelle: den Einblick in die konkrete Praxis künstlerisch-kreativer Arbeit in zeitgenössischen Ökonomien. Kreativarbeit erscheint demnach nicht vordergründig als mythische Tätigkeit, sondern als Ensemble kreativer Routinen.
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No auge da efervescência desencadeada pela Revolução de 25 de Abril, mais de uma centena de adolescentes, de ambos os sexos, passam o Verão de 1975 dedicados a uma acção concertada de recolha de cultura popular. Foi a resposta a um apelo de Michel Giacometti, o homem que, desde finais da década de cinquenta, percorrera Portugal continental captando a voz do Povo. Faltava um museu dedicado a esta causa. Este livro reconstitui o quotidiano dos jovens brigadistas percorrendo povoações, aldeias e vilas em todo o país. Do trabalho de terreno resultaria uma descoberta do mundo rural, percepcionado na diferença de comportamentos nos domínios do sexo, da religião, da política e da alimentação. [Versão reduzida de Ao Encontro do Povo. I. A Missão, Oeiras, Celta Editora, 1993].
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Marcel Mauss (1872-1950) was the leading social anthropologist in Paris between the world wars, and his Manuel d'ethnographie, dating from that period, is the longest of all his texts. Despite having had four editions in France, the Manuel has hitherto been unavailable in English. This contrasts with his essays, longer and shorter, many of which have long enjoyed the status of classics within anthropology. We are therefore pleased to present, in the English language for the first time, this extraordinary work that is based on the more than thirty lectures Mauss delivered each
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Es sind die Begegnungen mit Menschen, die unser Leben prägen. Dabei beeinflussen die kulturellen, gesellschaftlichen und sozialen Umstände oder persönlichen Neigungen die Qualität und Intensität dieser Begegnungen und wirken sich auf unser weiteres Handeln und Verhalten aus. Wie sich Begegnungen und Beziehungen gestalten und verändern, wird in der Ausstellung anhand der Sammlungen zweier Göttinger Ethnologen dargestellt, die knapp drei Jahrzehnte am Institut für Ethnologie gewirkt haben. Der Ozeanist Erhard Schlesier führte Feldforschungen im Südpazifik durch. Sein regionaler Schwerpunkt lag dabei auf Südost-Neuguinea. Die Forschungen des Afrikanisten Peter Fuchs erstreckten sich auf das Gebiet der Sahara und des Sahel. Beide Ethnologen betrachteten Begegnungen als einen Prozess von wechselseitigen kulturellen Beeinflussungen, denen man im Hinblick auf ihre jeweilige Dynamik und Wirksamkeit auf die Spur kommen sollte.
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"The ten chapters in this volume represent a breakthrough in the study of the Social Sciences and Humanities crafted by the professors and graduate students of the Faculty of Cultural Studies of the University of Indonesia (Universitas Indonesia). Taken together, these fascinating studies of Indonesian textual, cultural and social traditions represent the beginning of a process of formulating the study of the humanities and social sciences of one of Indonesia's premier universities as "interpretive communities" that can bring contemporary methods and methodologies to bear on the study of contemporary society, the historical legacies of contemporary society and the many forms of local knowledge found are a part of the fabric of Indonesian life. The title of the work "Local Knowledge of Nusantara" invokes both the growing importance of traditional cultural and social patterns in formulating Indonesian identities, and through the term Nusantara the long and colorful cultural history of Indonesia as a geographical area encompassing diverse cultures that yet share common goals and aspirations. The riches of the local wisdom of Nusantara are revealed in these chapters through the study of inscriptions, manuscripts, storytelling traditions, rituals, musical performances and social patterns that constitute the fabric of life in this great island nation. The geographical and cultural spread of the chapters is quite broad, ranging from a study of the asymmetrical marriage system of the Angkola Batak ethnicity of Sumatra and its role in preserving cultural autonomy to studies of performance practices of the Betawi ethnicity of the Jakarta region of Java and the Banjar ethnicity of southern Kalimantan (Borneo) Such diversity makes the book an important reference work for students and professionals in the Social Sciences and Humanities, as well as for members of the reading public with an interest in comparing cultural identities and local wisdom from different ethnicities of Nusantara through manuscripts, inscriptions, oral traditions and socio-cultural practices. The volume brings to public attention two important issues related to Nusantara's local wisdom. These are how oral tradition becomes a space for storing collective memories and how Nusantara's local cultures survive and adapt themselves to transformations in contemporary society. Due to the highly diverse nature of the data that forms the basis of these studies, the theories, approaches and methods of research offered in this book are also various. Several important manuscripts and inscriptional records are studied using the approaches of philology and codicology. The study of oral tradition, on the other hand, has been carried out through ethnographic work, specifically through interviews and field observation. The authors of several chapters have put into practice a number of differing theoretical approaches including structuralism and the emerging discipline of memetic studies, while others look to studies of intertextuality, ethnography, and sociology. These methodologies have been applied to the study of textual, performance and social practices represented in the volume in ways that are sure to spark the interest of a wide readership"--
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