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En el 2007 s’han commemorat els 70 anys de la construcció de l’emblemàtic edifici que la II República espanyola va encarregar als arquitectes Josep Lluís Sert i Luis Lacasa per tal de representar-la a l’Exposició Internacional de París de 1937 i que ha esdevingut un símbol de la lluita contra els totalitarismes i de la defensa dels valors democràtics que la República va representar.Més de cinquanta anys després, es va recuperar aquest símbol a Barcelona i es va posar al servei dels ciutadans, cedint-se’n l’ús al Centre d’Estudis Històrics Internacionals de la Universitat de Barcelona.Dues parts diferenciades –passat i present– articulen els textos que es recullen en el llibre. La primera part dibuixa el context artístic i sociopolític dels anys trenta. La segona part explica el procés arquitectònic de la construcció i quin ús actual té el Pavelló com a centre de recerca i documentació amb un Arxiu-Biblioteca de reconegut prestigi internacional.
Art modern --- Pavellons d'exposicions --- Avantguarda (Estètica)
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Aesthetics --- Estética --- Moda --- Social aspects. --- Aspectos sociales --- Filosofía
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Como lo afirma John Tagg, discutiendo en torno a los planteamientos expuestos por Roland Barthes en su conocida obra La cámara lucida, la interpretación de la imagen fotográfica es ante todo un acto de carácter problemático. Esto se hace manifiesto en la medida que comprendemos que la imagen fotográfica introduce en un una sola representación tres procesos: El proceso técnico –ligado a la aparición, dominio e interiorización de la practica–, el proceso cultural –ligado a la difusión de la práctica de la captura de imágenes, la estratificación, el retrato de lo público y lo privado, y la determinación de aquello que es factible de ser fotografiado– y finalmente el proceso histórico –ligado a la utilización de la técnica para fijar hechos/acontecimientos y la aparición del valor documental del soporte–.
Humanidades --- Estética --- Historia --- Diálogos --- Educación y Ética --- Comunicación Social y Publicidad --- Filosofía
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La straordinaria avventura di cinquant’anni di vita della videoarte viene qui raccontata con la formula di un manuale agile che cerca di coniugare processi storici con analisi linguistiche, guidando il lettore a scoprirne i protagonisti, le tendenze, le estetiche.
Godard, Jean Luc, --- Criticism and interpretation. --- Lucas, Hans, --- Film Radio Television --- video art --- aesthetics --- videoarte --- estetica --- esthétique
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Esperienza e coscienza sono concetti in grado di collegare approcci all’emozione estetica distanti per impostazione e cultura come quelli del pensiero indiano medioevale, della teoria psicologica vygotskijana e delle moderne neuroscienze cognitive. Le arti performative costituiscono un campo di studio ideale per cercare di individuare gli elementi che identificano l’esperienza estetica come fenomeno peculiare del comportamento umano, ove i dati della percezione sono elaborati nel contesto di uno stato della coscienza distinto da quello quotidiano. Ogni indagine di questo fenomeno, che oltrepassa il mero interesse artistico, deve necessariamente articolarsi secondo un approccio interdisciplinare, armonizzando dati empirici e fenomenologici all’interno di definite coordinate storico-culturali.
Art --- esperienza --- coscienza --- estetica --- arti performative --- expérience --- conscience --- esthétique --- arts de la scène --- experience --- consciousness --- aesthetics --- performing arts
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The subject of the book is the organic link that connects the two thematic sides that define the field of Aesthetics: the theory of perception and reflection on the arts. The apparent redundancy contained in the title intends to underline how the interweaving between perception and the work of art is structural and organic, thus recalling the theoretical urgency of this problem for an effective understanding of the dynamics of the meaning of art as a "symbolic form" in which the relationship between mind and world is embodied in an exemplary way. The volume is divided into three parts. The first presents nuclei of reflection arising from contemporary perspectives "outside the chorus". The second deals with different frameworks of perception theory.
Perception (Philosophy). --- Art --- Philosophy. --- Beautiful, The --- Beauty --- Aesthetics --- Art and philosophy --- Philosophy --- Analysis, interpretation, appreciation --- Filosofia --- Estetica --- Arte --- Saggi --- Perception (Philosophy)
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Art, Modern --- Art --- Aesthetics, Modern --- Analyse de l'art --- Beau, concept --- Ecrit théorique --- Philosophie --- History --- Esthétique --- Philosophie et esthétique --- Philosophie occidentale --- 7.01 --- 7.01 Esthetica. Kunstfilosofie. Kunsttheorie. Algemene problemen inzake kunst --- Esthetica. Kunstfilosofie. Kunsttheorie. Algemene problemen inzake kunst --- Esthétique. --- Estética --- Goût (Esthétique). --- art --- Philosophie. --- 20e s --- Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, --- Kant, Immanuel, --- Nietzsche, Friedrich, --- Estética. --- CDL --- Art - History
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Studies in Art Education is a quarterly journal which reports quantitative, qualitative, historical, and philosophical research in art education, including explorations of theory and practice in the areas of art production, art criticism, aesthetics, art history, human development, curriculum and instruction, and assessment. Studies also publishes reports of applicable research in related fields such as anthropology, education, psychology, philosophy, and sociology.
Art --- Kunstonderwijs. --- Study and teaching --- Étude et enseignement --- Study and teaching. --- Education, Art --- Analysis, interpretation, appreciation --- Education --- Art schools --- Art academies. --- Instruction and study --- Art, Primitive --- Ensenyament --- Art visual --- Arts visuals --- Belles arts --- Iconografia --- Civilització --- Estètica --- Arts visuals. --- Ensenyament.
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Art --- Kunst. --- Onderwijs. --- Museumspädagogik. --- Zeitschrift. --- Study and teaching --- Étude et enseignement --- Study and teaching. --- Education, Art --- Analysis, interpretation, appreciation --- Education --- Art schools --- Zeitschrift --- Periodikum --- Zeitschriften --- Presse --- Fortlaufendes Sammelwerk --- Arts. --- Education. --- Instruction and study --- Art, Primitive --- Art en l'ensenyament --- Ensenyament --- Art visual --- Arts visuals --- Belles arts --- Iconografia --- Civilització --- Estètica --- Revistes.
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Gesta presents original research on developments in the study of art and life of the Middle Ages. The journal embraces all facets of artistic production from ca. 300 to ca. 1500 C.E., in Europe, the Mediterranean region, and the Slavic world. The journal has twice been awarded the annual Van Courtlandt Elliott Prize of the Medieval Academy of America for a “first article in medieval studies judged…to be of outstanding quality.”
Art, Romanesque --- Architecture, Romanesque --- Architecture romane. --- Art médiéval. --- Art roman. --- JEX16 --- Romanesque architecture --- Romanesque art --- Architecture, Medieval --- Art, Medieval --- Christian art and symbolism --- Architecture, Romanesque. --- Art, Romanesque. --- Medieval --- Art --- Art medieval --- Arquitectura medieval --- Història --- Edat mitjana --- Arqueologia medieval --- Civilització medieval --- Art visual --- Arts visuals --- Belles arts --- Iconografia --- Civilització --- Estètica
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