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Das Baumaterial Ziegel erfreut sich nach wie vor großer Nachfrage. Dieser Sonderband der Reihe Baukonstruktionen stellt seine Anwendung im Hochbau, speziell im Ziegelmauerwerk, aber auch in Ziegeldecken, Ziegelfertigteilen und als Dachziegel dar. Systematisch aufgebaut, bietet das Buch eine Vielfalt an Informationen: eine Materialkunde, Faustformeln und Grundlagen sowie Anwendungen im Verbund. Für die Neuauflage dieses Handbuches wurden sämtliche Kapitel durchgesehen und aktualisiert, auch neue Normen berücksichtigt. Neue Themen wie Bauanschlussfugen, Einbruchshemmung und Prüfvorschriften wurden aufgenommen, die Mauerwerksbemessung um Rechenbeispiele ergänzt. Die erhöhte Anzahl der Ausführungsbeispiele wurde in einem eigenen Beispielteil anschaulich zusammengefasst.
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Building, Brick --- Brickwork --- Awards
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Architecture, Modern --- Awards --- Building, Brick --- Brickwork
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L'architecture est matériau avant que d'être forme. L'histoire traditionnelle de l'architecture tend à faire oublier cette évidence au bénéfice d'une approche dominée par des concepts stylistiques. Or ceux-ci s'avèrent toujours impropres à rendre compte de l'extraordinaire complexité du mouvement créatif qui conduit le génie humain à passer du produit manufacturé de base - ici la brique - à l'œuvre d'art qui constitue l'église, la porte de ville, le château ou la maison médiévale. L'enjeu de cet ouvrage est de montrer comment la brique s'est imposée en Espagne comme matériau de construction à la fin de l'époque médiévale, au terme d'un parcours historique au cours duquel elle fut, tour à tour et de manière infiniment variée, appréciée pour ses qualités pratiques, architectoniques, décoratives, mais aussi, de façon plus ambiguë ou subtile, pour sa légèreté, son coût modéré, sa valeur plastique, esthétique, voire idéologique. Une appréciation nuancée des caractéristiques et des modalités d'emploi du matériau, basée sur un vaste corpus d'œuvres architecturales, est seule en mesure de faire comprendre les raisons de son succès et de remettre en question un certain nombre de poncifs qui nuisent à la juste appréciation du rôle majeur joué par la brique dans l'histoire de l'architecture espagnole.
Building, Brick --- Architecture, Medieval --- Brick building --- Masonry --- architecture médiévale --- construction --- Moyen-âge --- Espagne --- matériaux --- briques
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Architecture --- Europe --- Bouwnijverheid --- Construction --- Europa --- 691 --- 691.4 --- 666.7 --- Baksteenarchitectuur --- 693.2 --- Bouwmaterialen (architectuur) --- Baksteen --- Baksteenproduktie --- Metselwerk van baksteen --- Bricks. --- Brickwork --- Building, Brick. --- Building materials. Building technology --- architecture [discipline] --- brick [clay product] --- brick [clay material] --- Building, Brick --- Brickmaking --- Architecture - Europe --- Building, Brick - Europe --- Brickmaking - Europe --- Construction en brique
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Constructions en brique --- Briques --- Histoire --- Briques. --- Histoire. --- Building, Brick --- Bricks --- 693.2 --- Baksteenarchitectuur --- Building materials --- Brick building --- Masonry --- Metselwerk van baksteen
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In this volume, historical and contemporary brick edifices are featured showing the wide range of possible applications and design possibilities. The use and popularity of this building material has not feigned one bit over the millennia, and is even gaining even popularity today. Bricks are the only non-natural building material that can look back at several thousand years of history. And as Mies van der Rhohe stated: "Architecture starts when you carefully put two bricks together. There it begins". Buildings made of this fabric from very different epochs and cultures all over the world are always astonishing, and the world's best architects have explored the qualities of brickwork. A key characteristic for its success has always been easy planning through the standardisation of production and the resulting harmonised construction process. Amazing constructive qualities, inexpensive and at the same time environmentally friendly production as well as its longevity are among the qualities that are particularly valued today. In this volume, historical and contemporary brick edifices are featured showing the wide range of possible applications and design possibilities.
691.4 --- 691 --- 72.03 --- Baksteen --- Bouwmaterialen (architectuur) --- Materialen (design) --- Architectuur (geschiedenis) --- Architectuurgeschiedenis --- Building, Brick --- Bricks --- Architecture --- Brique --- Terre cuite --- 693.2 --- Baksteenarchitectuur --- Bouwmaterialen ; baksteen ; geschiedenis --- Metselwerk van baksteen --- Bouwmaterialen ; leem, klei, aardewerk --- Constructions en brique --- Building, Brick. --- Constructions en brique.
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Bricks have been in use constantly for more than nine millennia. Today, the appreciation for their versatile application, construction qualities, and energy efficiency remains unbroken. Founded in Vienna in 1819, Wienerberger AG today is the world’s biggest manufacturer of bricks and other clay building materials.Since 2004, Wienerberger has presented a biannual international Brick Award to recognize outstanding achievements in brick architecture. For the 2018 edition, more than six hundred realized designs from forty-four countries were submitted in the categories Feeling at Home, Living Together, Working Together, Sharing Public Spaces, and Building Outside the Box. This book presents the winning and shortlisted designs through concise descriptions accompanied by atmospheric images, site and floor plans, views and elevations, and sections. Five topical essays by Sandy Attia, Patricia Barbas, Marcos Parga, Wolfgang Pauser, and Mikko Summanen round out this celebration of contemporary brick architecture.
Architecture, Modern --- Wienerberger Brick Award --- Building, Brick --- 693.2 --- Brick building --- Masonry --- Architecture --- Metselwerk van baksteen --- Awards --- History --- Bouwmaterialen ; baksteen ; architectuurprijzen ; 2018 --- Baksteenarchitectuur ; 21ste eeuw --- Wienerberger Brick Award. --- Awards. --- Construction en brique --- Prix et récompenses --- Constructions en brique --- Concours.
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Brickwork, which has a long history of successful usage in garden work, is increasingly being recognised as an excellent material for use in urban landscaping. In addition to its flexibility of scale, its suitability for both walling and paving allows continuity of appearance and harmony with nearby buildings. The wide choice of colours and textures makes it attractive for both formal and informal situations, and it has the great attraction of retaining its good appearance with minimum maintenance. However, although the general characteristics of brickwork as used in buildings are well documented and understood, there are important additional aspects to consider when it is used in landscaping. Exposure conditions are more severe and the correct choice of material, together with appropriate detailing, is important, while its application as paving, which need not be confined to pedestrian usage, calls for attention to drainage and a knowledge of bedding methods. This handbook, a revised version of a series that appeared in The Architects' Journal, gives guidance, based on internationally gathered data, on the properties, choice, and use of clay or calcium silicate brickwork for paving, freestanding and retaining walls, and other landscape features. In addition to the technical information are many photographs, taken from a wide variety of international sources, which provide a palette of ideas for the kind of design effects that can be achieved with what is perhaps the most environmentally sympathetic of all traditional building materials.
Structural parts and elements of building --- Building, Brick. --- Wegenbouw --- 712.6 --- Building, Brick --- #TCON:CCHTB --- Brick building --- Masonry --- Architectonische elementen in het landschap: terrassen trappen bruggen banken --- 712.6 Architectonische elementen in het landschap: terrassen trappen bruggen banken --- architectuur --- Architecture --- Landscape architecture --- Horticultural service industry --- Landscape gardening --- Landscaping industry --- 712.6 Architectonische elementen in het landschap: terrassen; trappen; bruggen; banken --- Architectonische elementen in het landschap: terrassen; trappen; bruggen; banken --- Landscape architecture. --- Construction en brique --- Architecture du paysage --- Architectuur ; Groot-Brittannië ; 2de h. 20ste eeuw --- Metselwerk ; constructie ; structurele details --- Bouwmaterialen ; baksteen ; metselwerk --- Bouwmaterialen ; baksteen ; geschiedenis ; technieken --- Bouwen met baksteen --- Baksteenarchitectuur --- 693.2 --- Metselwerk van baksteen
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Het boek 'Het Zinderend Oppervlak. metselwerkverband als patroonkunst en compositiegereedschap' gaat over patroonkunst met baksteen.Het boek verdiept zich eerst in de traditionele metselverbanden en beschrijft het de systematiek van verbandspatronen. Vervolgens laat het zien hoe het verband met zijn stapeling, secundaire motief en bijzondere hoekoplossingen dienst kan doen als maat- en proportiesysteem voor de ontwerper. Daarna volgen de bijzonderheden van laag- en legpatronen om ten slotte te besluiten met andere steenformaten en nieuwe productie- en toepassingstechnieken van baksteen bekeken vanuit patroonkunst, reliëf en schaduwwerking.Baksteen – dat zware materiaal, dat zo... zwaarwichtig is. Maar als je diep graaft biedt het zoveel mogelijkheden. Het heeft altijd een schaal, en de afmetingen zijn verbonden met de menselijke hand die de stenen legt – daarmee bepaalt het de schaal zelf. En het kan gevormd worden, vormen kunnen worden samengesteld, de constructie wordt begrijpelijk – we weten allemaal hoe een boog in baksteen eruit ziet en hoe deze werkt. Maar met dit boek krijgen we ook toegang tot alle mogelijke variaties van patronen die gemaakt kunnen worden als we beginnen met ontwerpen. En het geeft de mogelijkheid om te werken met licht en schaduw, op zo’n manier dat het de massiviteit van het oppervlak ondersteunt. Dus stel je voor hoe het strijklicht op een zonnige morgen het rode, goedgeconstrueerde oppervlak aanraakt, zo mooi en expressief. Begin met en geniet van dit boek van een gekke kerel.
Building materials. Building technology --- geometric patterns --- brick [clay product] --- architecture [object genre] --- Architecture --- Baksteenarchitectuur --- 691 --- 691.4 --- Patronen (architectuur) --- 693.2 --- Bouwmaterialen; baksteen ; decoratieve patronen ; handboeken --- Bouwmaterialen (architectuur) --- Metselwerk --- Baksteen --- Metselwerk van baksteen --- Masonry. --- Brick bonds --- Brick buildings --- Brickwork --- Construction --- Bonds --- Brick bonds. --- Construction. --- Bonds. --- brick [clay material] --- Masonry --- Building, Brick --- Design and construction. --- Briquetages --- Maçonnerie --- Construction en brique --- Conception et construction
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