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The fourth education revolution : will artificial intelligence liberate or infantilise humanity
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ISBN: 1789551250 9781789551259 9781908684950 190868495X Year: 2018 Publisher: Buckingham : The University of Buckingham Press

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There is no more important issue facing education, or humanity at large, than the fast approaching revolution in Artificial Intelligence or AI. This book is a call to educators everywhere to open their eyes to what is coming. If we do so, then the future will be shaped by us in the interests of humanity as a whole - but if we don’t then it will be imposed by others. Britain and the US have an excellent education system in their schools and universities - excellent, but tailored to the twentieth century. The factory mass teaching methods of the third revolution era have failed to conquer enduring problems of inequity and unfairness. Students have to make progress at a set rate which demotivates some and bores others. And for all the new technologies, teachers remain weighed down by routine administration and only a narrow range of our aptitudes are encouraged. Will the fourth AI revolution be able to remedy these problems ? We have allowed ourselves to believe that teaching can uniquely be done only by the teacher, but might it in fact be better carried out by AI machines ? Or at least in concert with teachers ? The evolution of AI, still in its infancy, raises a range of issues of enormous importance as we grapple how we as humans will interact with it. AI will be an altogether new way spreading quality education across the world especially to those hundreds of millions who do not have it. And coming it is - the final part of the book stresses that we have to embrace AI and ensure that we shape it to the best advantage of humanity. If we get it wrong, there may be no second opportunity. The conclusion... "nothing matters more than education if we are to see AI liberate not infantilise humanity"

Vitruve et la tradition des traités d'architecture : fabrica et ratiocinatio : recueil d'études.
ISBN: 2728306656 9782728306657 2821820755 2728310289 Year: 2006 Volume: 366 Publisher: Rome Ecole française de Rome

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Les articles et essais qui composent cet ouvrage jalonnent plus de trente années de réflexion sur le De architectura de Vitruve, le seul traité sur l'art de bâtir qui ait échappé au naufrage de la littérature technique grecque et romaine. Dispersés dans diverses revues scientifiques ou actes de colloques, ils étaient, pour certains, devenus presque inaccessibles. Comme d'autre part ils abordent des questions de terminologie et de méthode qui ne sont pas directement traitées dans les introductions et commentaires rédigés par le même auteur pour les livres II, III, IV de la Collection des Universités de France (Paris, 1990, 1992, 1999) ou pour l'édition complète d'Einaudi (Turin, 1997), une nouvelle présentation globale s'avérait nécessaire. Un tel regroupement permet de suivre sur le long terme le cheminement d'une recherche qui, d'abord centrée sur la structure de l'ouvrage et les contraintes imposées par le genre théorique, n'a cessé de s'approfondir en s'efforçant de retrouver la logique parfois déconcertante qui a présidé à la définition des règles et à l'organisation des chapitres prescriptifs ou normatifs. Il apparaît ainsi, à la lecture de ces travaux, que le statut des développements consacrés par Vitruve à l'architecture dans le système d'énonciation à la fois complexe et imbriqué de son traité compte souvent davantage que le contenu même de ces développements, ou que du moins celui-ci ne saurait être ni compris ni évalué avec quelque efficacité sans une réflexion préliminaire sur celui-là. Si l'on devait retenir un seul enseignement de ces recherches, ce serait celui d'un mode de lecture et donc d'emploi qui, se défiant de toute exploitation directe d'un précepte technique ou proportionnel isolé de son contexte, se donne toujours pour tâche de le situer dans l'univers culturel de l'auteur latin et dans le réseau axiologique, explicite ou implicite, que cet héritier de la tradition hellénistique d'Asie Mineure considérait comme infrangible. Dans cette…

Hierlangs, 1971-1980
ISBN: 9789077833070 9077833072 Year: 2007 Publisher: Gent WZW Editions & Productions

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Aan de vakgroep architectuur & stedenbouw wordt sinds 2007 gewerkt aan de publicatie van het verzameld werk van de Belgische architectuurcriticus Geert Bekaert (1928). Midden jaren 80 verschenen reeds de eerste delen van de verzamelde opstellen, onder redactie van Mil De Kooning en Herman Stynen. Tussen 2008 en 2012 werden de volgende 7 delen gepubliceerd onder redactie van Christophe Van Gerrewey en Mil De Kooning. Meer dan dertig jaar al schrijft Geert Bekaert over kunst en architectuur. Dat doet hij met een ontvankelijkheid voor de meest uiteenlopende onderwerpen. Van ijzeren volkskunst in Vlaams-Brabant tot het Weense raffinement van Hans Hollein. Van Koptische kunst tot Koolhaas. Léger en James Lee Byars. Enzovoort, want opsommen is nutteloos. Opsommen is wat Geert Bekaert trouwens nooit doet in zijn geschriften. Een der wezenstrekken daarvan is zijn verlangen om te erkennen: een verlangen om het onderwerp heel te houden door niet te reduceren naar een vaste norm of methode. Geen verhalen die de wereld van zijn onderwerp aan het oog onttrekken maar woorden waarin die wereld tot ontsluiting komt. Niet de gesloten wereld der abstracties maar de concrete wereld die nooit àf is. Die telkens moet vernieuwd worden in zinvolle, in concrete werken en in zinvolle, concrete verhalen daarover. Dààr liggen Geert Bekaerts stapstenen, daar ligt zijn kromme weg, de weg die geen beloofde bestemming kent maar ook niet zonder richting is. Richting en gerichtheid sluiten verandering en verschuiving niet uit: het concrete contact met het onderwerp maakt spraak maar maakt ook tegenspraak mogelijk. Het is met de weg die Geert Bekaert gaat als met het leven, dat tegenstellingen in het leven roept en samen houdt - met als enige restrictie dat het inderdaad om leven gaat. Die versatiele verkenningen maken van deze teksten een zeldzaam avontuur. Voor de maker - die zijn eigen ruimte creëert, een klankruimte die zonder zijn stem onbestaande is - en niet minder voor de lezer, als dié tenminste bereid is een gemakkelijk evenwicht prijs te geven en geen vaste maar een beweeglijke waarheid te aanvaarden. Is deze voorwaarde vervuld dan wordt een tekst van Geert Bekaert een gebeuren: achter ogenschijnlijke ongenaakbaarheid ontvouwt zich een aanspreekbare schriftuur, een aanspreekbare werkelijkheid. Al was het maar voor de duur van een lectuur.

Multinational enterprises from the Netherlands
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0415178509 1280333391 0203021967 9780203021965 9780415178501 9781134683949 1134683944 9781134683895 1134683898 9781134683932 1134683936 9781280333392 Year: 1999 Volume: 8 Publisher: London Routledge

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Despite the long history of international economic activity and the dominant role of Dutch MNEs in the world economy there has been relatively little academic research in the area. This book explores issues such as: * What historical precedents underlie the character of Dutch MNE activity * How and why the technological specialisation of the Dutch economy and its firms has evolved to its current state * The changing FDI activity of Dutch MNEs * The strategic aspects of Dutch MNE activity in terms of location and R&D * The implications for Dutch MNEs of globalisation and eco


Investments, Foreign --- International business enterprises --- Investissements étrangers --- Entreprises multinationales --- -Investments, Foreign --- -NL / Netherlands - Nederland - Pays Bas --- 347.720.1 --- 339.113 --- 338.046.1 --- 338.043 --- 382.11 --- 338.6 --- Capital exports --- Capital imports --- FDI (Foreign direct investment) --- Foreign direct investment --- Foreign investment --- Foreign investments --- International investment --- Offshore investments --- Outward investments --- Capital movements --- Investments --- Business enterprises, International --- Corporations, International --- Global corporations --- International corporations --- MNEs (International business enterprises) --- Multinational corporations --- Multinational enterprises --- Transnational corporations --- Business enterprises --- Corporations --- Joint ventures --- Aard, definitie, eigenschappen van handelsvennootschappen. Bedrijfspatrimonium. Multinationale bedrijven. --- Buitenlandse investeringen. --- Grote ondernemingen. --- Technologische vooruitgang. Automatisering. Computers. Werkgelegenheid en informatica. --- Theorie van het internationale evenwicht. Economische onafhankelijkheid van een natie. Globalisering. Mondialisering. --- Wetenschappelijk onderzoek en ontwikkeling. --- Investissements étrangers --- NL / Netherlands - Nederland - Pays Bas --- Technologische vooruitgang. Automatisering. Computers. Werkgelegenheid en informatica --- Grote ondernemingen --- Wetenschappelijk onderzoek en ontwikkeling --- Buitenlandse investeringen --- Aard, definitie, eigenschappen van handelsvennootschappen. Bedrijfspatrimonium. Multinationale bedrijven --- Theorie van het internationale evenwicht. Economische onafhankelijkheid van een natie. Globalisering. Mondialisering --- Netherlands

Architects' data.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9780632057719 0632057718 0632037768 Year: 2002 Publisher: Oxford Blackwell Science

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Architects' Data provides an essential reference for the initial design and planning of a building project. Organised largely by building type, and with over 6000 diagrams, it provides a mass of data on spatial requirements and also covers planning criteria and considerations of function and siting. Most illustrations are dimensioned and each building type includes plans, sections, site layouts and design details. There are substantial new sections on: · building components · services · heating · lighting · thermal and sound insulation · fire protection · designing for the disabled Drafting guidelines; Measurement basis; Design; Construction management; Building components; Heating and ventilation; Thermal and sound insulation; Fire protection and means of escape; Lightning protection/aerials; Artificial lighting and daylight; Windows and doors; Stairs, escalators and lifts; Refurbishment, maintenance and change of use; Roads and streets; Gardens; Houses and residential buildings; Educational and research facilities; Office buildings; Arcades; Retail outlets; Workshops and industrial buildings; Agricultural buildings; Public transport; Designing for vehicles; Airports; Fire stations; Restaurants; Hotels/Motels; Zoos and aquariums; Theatres/Cinemas; Sport and recreation; Healthcare buildings; Places of worship; Cemeteries and crematoria; Bibliography; Related standards; Conversion tables; Index


72 --- Architectuur --- Binnenhuisinrichting --- Bouwkunde --- 69 --- 331.101.1 --- Neufert --- 721.02 --- 721.02 Arbeidsmethoden: architectuurtekeningen; bouwmodellen; maquettes --- Arbeidsmethoden: architectuurtekeningen; bouwmodellen; maquettes --- 69 Building (construction) trade. Building materials. Building practice and procedure --- Building (construction) trade. Building materials. Building practice and procedure --- Bouwwezen --- Bouwtechniek --- Ergonomie --- Bouwwezen ; afmetingen ; Neufert --- Architectuur ; handboeken --- 69.032 --- Bouwwezen ; afmetingen van bouwwerken / de mens ; ergonomie --- Building --- Architecture --- -720 --- 721 --- Architecture, Western (Western countries) --- Building design --- Buildings --- Construction --- Western architecture (Western countries) --- Architectural engineering --- Construction science --- Engineering, Architectural --- Planning --- -Design and construction --- Design and construction --- 720.1 )* ONTWERP VAN GEBOUWEN --- architectuur --- constructieleer in bouw --- gebouwen --- technisch tekenen --- measurements [dimensions] --- Building materials. Building technology --- typology --- design [discipline] --- methodology --- Bouwkunde. --- Bouwplanning. --- Civil engineering. Building industry --- Structural design --- Structural engineering --- Construction industry --- 72 Architectuur. Bouwkunst --- 72 Architecture --- Architectuur. Bouwkunst --- 69.03 --- afmetingen --- bouwkunde --- ergonomie --- bouwen - ergonomie --- 710.1 --- encyclopedieën --- architectuur, encyclopedische werken --- architecture [discipline] --- architectonics --- bouwtechniek --- 69 Bouwbedrijf. Bouwmaterialen. Praktijk en procedures in de bouwnijverheid --- Bouwbedrijf. Bouwmaterialen. Praktijk en procedures in de bouwnijverheid

International political economy : perspectives on global power and wealth.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 0415222796 1138129887 0585447551 0203518586 1280193700 1134595948 1134595956 9780585447551 9780203518588 9780415222792 9781134595945 9781134595952 9781280193705 9781134595907 9781138129887 Year: 2000 Publisher: London Routledge

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Now in its fourth edition, this best-selling reader in international political economy offers 31 solid articles - 15 new - by renowned scholars in political science and economics. Frieden and Lake have edited and introduced each reading with care to ensure its accessibility to students who are new to the subject. This reader continues to offer a provocative look at the positive and negative impacts of globalization.


AA / International- internationaal --- 347.720.1 --- 334.10 --- 382.30 --- 333.432.8 --- 382.11 --- Aard, definitie, eigenschappen van handelsvennootschappen. Bedrijfspatrimonium. Multinationale bedrijven. --- Algemene economie : algemeenheden. --- Handels- en wisselpolitiek in hun verband met de buitenlandse handel: algemeenheden. --- Internationale monetaire organisatie. Internationaal Muntfonds. Algemene leningovereenkomsten. --- Theorie van het internationale evenwicht. Economische onafhankelijkheid van een natie. Globalisering. Mondialisering. --- #A0203PO --- International economic relations. --- Economic policy. --- Economic nationalism --- Economic planning --- National planning --- State planning --- Economics --- Planning --- National security --- Social policy --- Economic policy, Foreign --- Economic relations, Foreign --- Economics, International --- Foreign economic policy --- Foreign economic relations --- Interdependence of nations --- International economic policy --- International economics --- New international economic order --- Economic policy --- International relations --- Economic sanctions --- Economie politique --- Aard, definitie, eigenschappen van handelsvennootschappen. Bedrijfspatrimonium. Multinationale bedrijven --- Algemene economie : algemeenheden --- Handels- en wisselpolitiek in hun verband met de buitenlandse handel: algemeenheden --- Internationale monetaire organisatie. Internationaal Muntfonds. Algemene leningovereenkomsten --- Theorie van het internationale evenwicht. Economische onafhankelijkheid van een natie. Globalisering. Mondialisering --- Relations économiques internationales --- International economic relations

Dynamic city
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 888118771X 9788881187713 Year: 2000 Publisher: Brussel Fondation pour l'Architecture

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Catalogue qui pose le problème de la mobilité urbaine à l'aube du XXIème siècle


urban development --- ruimtelijke ordening --- verkeer --- Transport. Traffic --- Environmental planning --- traffic --- comprehensive plans [reports] --- stadsontwikkeling --- anno 1900-1999 --- Architecture --- Catalogues d'expositions --- Futurologie --- Stedenbouw --- Tentoonstellingscatalogi --- Urbanisme --- Analyse de l'urbanisme --- Circulation urbaine --- Deux-roues --- Mobilité dans la ville --- Mobilité urbaine --- Véhicule routier --- City planning --- Architectural design --- Automobile --- Transports en commun --- Transports individuels --- Transports nouveaux --- Transports urbains --- Utopie urbaine --- City traffic --- Commercial vehicles --- Véhicules utilitaires --- 711.553 --- Verkeerswegen en -netten ; alternatieve transportsystemen --- Steden en mobiliteit --- Ruimtelijke ordening ; stedenbouw ; verkeer en vervoer --- De dynamische stad --- 711.7 --- 625.7 --- 656 --- 720.1 --- Cities and towns --- Civic planning --- Land use, Urban --- Model cities --- Redevelopment, Urban --- Slum clearance --- Town planning --- Urban design --- Urban development --- Urban planning --- Land use --- Planning --- Art, Municipal --- Civic improvement --- Regional planning --- Urban policy --- Urban renewal --- Design --- Structural design --- Stedenbouw. Ruimtelijke ordening ; verkeer en vervoer --- Highways in general. Roads. Carriageways. Streets. Rural and urban road systems --- Planologie: verkeersnetten --- Transport and postal services. Traffic organization and control --- Arts Architecture Philosophy and theory --- Government policy --- Management --- 656 Transport and postal services. Traffic organization and control --- 711.7 Planologie: verkeersnetten --- 625.7 Highways in general. Roads. Carriageways. Streets. Rural and urban road systems --- Mobilité résidentielle --- Circulation urbaine. --- Véhicules utilitaires. --- Mobilité --- Deux roues --- 656 Transport en postdiensten. Verkeersorganisatie en controle --- Transport en postdiensten. Verkeersorganisatie en controle --- 700 --- Futurisme --- villes --- mobilité --- urbanisme --- kunst algemeen --- art généralités --- City planning - Exhibitions --- Architectural design - Exhibitions --- Véhicules utilitaires.

À la recherche de Viollet-le-Duc.
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 2870091184 9782870091180 Year: 1980 Volume: 12 Publisher: Bruxelles Mardaga

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Dans l'histoire de l'architecture moderne, la connaissance de Viollet-le-Duc reste incertaine. Les publications de l'année du centenaire ont toutes manifesté la nécessité d'une réévaluation de l'image de Viollet-le-Duc. Le présent ouvrage part de cet état de choses et essaie de l'illustrer d'une part, par un aperçu rapide de textes concernant l'histoire de l'architecture moderne, d'autre part, par une brève anthologie de tentatives d'approches globales. A partir de Viollet-le-Duc tout un épisode de l'historiographie architecturale est dévoilé.


Aesthetics of art --- Modern [styles and periods] --- Architecture --- architecture [discipline] --- Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel --- anno 1800-1899 --- anno 1900-1999 --- anno 2000-2099 --- France --- architectuurtheorie --- architectural theory --- Architecture. --- Gothic revival (Architecture) --- Architecture, Gothic. --- Néo-gothique (Architecture) --- Architecture gothique --- Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel, --- Histoire de l'architecture --- Architecte --- Viollet-le-duc, Eugène --- 19e siècle --- 72.01 --- #TCBA --- #TCBA 72.01 Architectuuresthetica, -theorie --- #TCBA 72.035-05 19e eeuwse architecten --- Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène --- Eugène Viollet-le-Duc 1814-1879 (° Parijs, Frankrijk) --- Architectuur ; Neogotiek ; restauratie ; E.E. Viollet-le-Duc --- 72.07 --- architectuur --- architecten --- architectuurgeschiedenis --- Frankrijk --- classicisme --- negentiende eeuw --- ruimtelijke ordening --- neostijlen --- eclecticisme --- neogotiek --- rationalisme --- Viollet-Le-Duc Eugène --- 72.071 VIOLLET-LE-DUC --- 720.1 --- Architectuurtheorie. Bouwprincipes. Esthetica van de bouwkunst. Filosofie van de bouwkunst --- Architectuurtheorie --- Architectuur (theorie) --- Architecten. Stedenbouwkundigen A - Z --- Arts Architecture Philosophy and theory --- Conservation and restoration. --- History. --- 72.01 Architectuurtheorie. Bouwprincipes. Esthetica van de bouwkunst. Filosofie van de bouwkunst --- Modern [style or period] --- Néo-gothique (Architecture) --- Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène-Emmanuel, --- 72.01 Theory and philosophy of architecture. Principles of design, proportion, optical effect --- Theory and philosophy of architecture. Principles of design, proportion, optical effect --- Renovation (Architecture) --- Architecture, French. --- Viollet-le-Duc, Eugène Emmanuel, --- Critique et interprétation --- CDL

International trade : new patterns of trade, production and investment
ISBN: 0714612588 0415156270 0203331613 0203401662 1280068027 0415156262 0415003970 0415003962 1000100618 1003060072 1134731124 9781000100617 9781003060079 9781000142921 1000142922 9781000117561 1000117561 9780203401668 9780415156264 9780415156271 9786610068029 661006802X Year: 1989 Publisher: London Routledge

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This new edition has been rewritten to provide an up-to-date, clear and comprehensive account of the most important developments currently taking place in the world economy. The text introduces the major economic theories and models with an emphasis on changes within the world trading system and how governments respond. New features include:* an expansion of chapter three to include formal models of intra-industry trade under imperfect competition * two separate chapters on Japan and newly industrialising countries, updating and incorporating new material* new sections on Strategic Trade Policy and on the Political Economy of Protectionism * a new chapter on the institutional aspects of world trade in discussing the deliberations of the World Trade Organisation


International economic relations. --- International trade. --- Investments, Foreign. --- International trade --- International economic relations --- Investments, Foreign --- Commerce --- Business & Economics --- International Commerce --- Capital exports --- Capital imports --- FDI (Foreign direct investment) --- Foreign direct investment --- Foreign investment --- Foreign investments --- International investment --- Offshore investments --- Outward investments --- Economic policy, Foreign --- Economic relations, Foreign --- Economics, International --- Foreign economic policy --- Foreign economic relations --- Interdependence of nations --- International economic policy --- International economics --- New international economic order --- External trade --- Foreign commerce --- Foreign trade --- Global commerce --- Global trade --- Trade, International --- World trade --- 339.312.5 --- Evolutie van de investeringen. --- #SBIB:011.IEB --- #SBIB:327.1H10 --- #SBIB:33H071 --- #SBIB:33H13 --- #SBIB:35H435 --- Capital movements --- Investments --- Non-traded goods --- Economic policy --- International relations --- Economic sanctions --- Internationale betrekkingen: theorieën --- Economische internationale betrekkingen --- Economische politiek --- Beleidssectoren: economisch en werkgelegenheidsbeleid --- 338.8 --- 347.720.1 --- 382.10 --- 382.30 --- 382.32 --- 382.50 --- 382.51 --- AA / International- internationaal --- JP / Japan - Japon --- 339.5 --- 339.5 Buitenlandse handel. Internationale handel. Ruilvoet --- Buitenlandse handel. Internationale handel. Ruilvoet --- Economische groei --- Evolutie van de investeringen --- Aard, definitie, eigenschappen van handelsvennootschappen. Bedrijfspatrimonium. Multinationale bedrijven --- Theorieën van internationale en interregionale handel: algemeenheden. Comparatieve voordelen --- Handels- en wisselpolitiek in hun verband met de buitenlandse handel: algemeenheden --- Protectionisme --- Internationale handelsbetrekkingen: algemeenheden --- Aard, belang en evolutie. Handelsbalans. J curve --- International finance --- Foreign trade. International trade --- Internationale handelsbetrekkingen: algemeenheden.

La théorie architecturale à l'âge classique : essai d'anthologie critique
ISBN: 2870091044 9782870091043 Year: 1979 Volume: vol *67 Publisher: Bruxelles : Pierre Mardaga,

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history [discipline] --- geschiedenis --- Architecture --- architectural theory --- architectuurtheorie --- Philosophy and psychology of culture --- Vitruvius Pollio, Marcus --- Orme, de l', Philibert --- Perrault, Claude --- Aesthetics of art --- Architecture, Baroque. --- Classicism in architecture. --- Neoclassicism (Architecture) --- Architecture baroque --- Classicisme dans l'architecture --- Néoclassicisme (Architecture) --- Philosophy --- Philosophie --- Classicism in architecture --- Architecture, Baroque --- Classicisme --- Théorie de l'architecture --- Histoire de l'architecture --- Addresses, essays, lectures --- Blondel, François --- Blondel, Jacques-François --- Boffrand, Germain --- Boullee, Etienne Louis --- Briseux, Charles-Etienne --- Cordemoy, Jean-Louis De --- De L'orme, Philibert --- Félibien, André --- Fréart De Chambray, Roland --- Frémin, Michel De --- Frézier, Amédée --- Laugier, Marc-Antoine --- Ledoux, Claude Nicolas --- Martin, Jean --- Ouvrard, René --- Patte, Pierre --- Perrault, Charles --- Viel De Saint-Maux, Jean-Louis --- Vitruve --- 72.01 --- -Classicism in architecture --- -Neoclassicism (Architecture) --- -Architecture, Baroque --- #TCBA --- #TCBA 72.01 Architectuuresthetica, -theorie --- 72.03 --- Frankrijk --- Architectuurtheorie ; klassieke Oudheid --- Françoise Fichet --- architectuur --- architectuurgeschiedenis --- zestiende eeuw --- zeventiende eeuw --- achttiende eeuw --- Marin Jean --- Delorme Philibert --- Fréart de Chambray Roland --- Félibien André --- Bondel François --- Ouvrard René --- Perrault Charles --- Perrault Claude --- de Frémin Michel --- de Cordemoy Jean-Louis --- Boffrand Germain --- Père Yves André --- Frézier Amédée --- Briseux Charles)Etienne --- Laugier Marc-Antoine --- Patte Pierre --- Blondel Jacques-François --- Boullée Etienne-Louis --- Viel de Saint-Maux Jean-Louis --- Ledoux Claude-Nicolas --- 72.034/035 --- 720.1 --- Architecture, Classical --- Architecture, Modern --- Revival movements (Art) --- Classicism --- Baroque architecture --- Architectuurtheorie. Bouwprincipes. Esthetica van de bouwkunst. Filosofie van de bouwkunst --- Architectuur (theorie) --- Architectuurtheorie --- Architectuur (geschiedenis) --- Architectuurgeschiedenis --- Architectuur ; theorie, filosofie, esthetica --- Arts Architecture Philosophy and theory --- Neoclassicism (Architecture). --- 72.01 Architectuurtheorie. Bouwprincipes. Esthetica van de bouwkunst. Filosofie van de bouwkunst --- Néoclassicisme (Architecture) --- Boullée, Etienne Louis, --- Ledoux, Claude Nicolas, 1736-1806 --- 72.01 Theory and philosophy of architecture. Principles of design, proportion, optical effect --- Theory and philosophy of architecture. Principles of design, proportion, optical effect --- de l'Orme, Philibert, --- Architecture, Classical. --- Classicism in architecture - Addresses, essays, lectures --- Neoclassicism (Architecture) - Addresses, essays, lectures --- Architecture, Baroque - Addresses, essays, lectures --- Boullée, Etienne Louis, 1728-1799 --- de l'Orme, Philibert, 1514-1570 --- Esthetics

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