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This book presents a critical review of designing, siting, constructing and demonstrating the safety and environmental impact of deep repositories for radioactive wastes. It is structured to provide a broad perspective of this multi-faceted, multi-disciplinary topic: providing enough detail for a non-specialist to understand the fundamental principles involved and with extensive references to sources of more detailed information. Emphasis is very much on "deep? geological disposal - at least some tens of metres below land surface and, in many cases, many hundred of metres deep. Additio
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"The option of disposing of radioactive waste deep underground has been studied in Belgium by SCK CEN since the 1970s. This led in 1980 to the construction of the HADES underground research laboratory (URL) in a clay formation, the Boom Clay, at a depth of 225 m under the premises of SCK CEN in Mol. Over the last four decades, many in situ experiments have been conducted in the HADES URL. These have made a significant contribution to ONDRAF/NIRAS' research, development and demonstration (RD&D) efforts demonstrating that disposal in Boom Clay can offer a safe solution for the long-term management of high-level and/or long-lived radioactive waste. Moreover, the construction of the HADES URL itself is a demonstration that shafts and galleries can be constructed in clay at that depth. However, the HADES URL did not only contribute to the Belgian programme. Many of the in situ experiments have been part of international research and the laboratory has provided valuable input to the research programmes of other URLs, such as the Meuse/Haute-Marne URL in France and the Mont Terri rock laboratory in Switzerland. This paper gives a brief overview of the main contributions of the HADES URL to both national and international research into geological disposal"--Abstract.
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Tato kniha se zabývá sporem o plány na výstavbu hlubinného úložiště pro vysoce radioaktivní odpad v České republice. Od 90. let státní orgány vytipovaly několik míst, která by pro výstavbu úložiště mohla být vhodná. Záměr se však setkal s trvalým odporem dotčených obcí i neziskových organizací. Spor trvá bezmála dvě desetiletí, a dá se říci, že zatím nedošlo k výraznému posunu. Kniha podrobně rozebírá dotyčný spor na základě analýzy rozhovorů s klíčovými aktéry, pozorování z jednání a debat, vládních dokumentů či technických zpráv. S pomocí literatury vědních studií kniha analyzuje spor z hlediska toho, jak se v něm zachází s nejistotou a rizikem, a argumentuje pro posun z perspektivy založené na riziku směrem k perspektivě založené na nejistotě, jež by mohla pomoci spor odblokovat.
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This book presents a critical review of designing, siting, constructing and demonstrating the safety and environmental impact of deep repositories for radioactive wastes. It is structured to provide a broad perspective of this multi-faceted, multi-disciplinary topic: providing enough detail for a non-specialist to understand the fundamental principles involved and with extensive references to sources of more detailed information. Emphasis is very much on "deep? geological disposal - at least some tens of metres below land surface and, in many cases, many hundred of metres deep. Additio
Radioactive waste disposal in the ground. --- Radioactive waste repositories. --- Nuclear waste repositories --- Geological repositories --- Radioactive waste sites --- Radioactive waste disposal in the ground --- Burial of radioactive wastes --- Ground radioactive waste disposal --- Underground radioactive waste disposal --- Hazardous waste sites --- Waste disposal in the ground --- Radioactive waste repositories
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TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING --- Power Resources / Nuclear --- Radioactive waste disposal in the ground. --- Burial of radioactive wastes --- Ground radioactive waste disposal --- Underground radioactive waste disposal --- Hazardous waste sites --- Waste disposal in the ground --- Radioactive waste repositories
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Nuclear power plants --- Safety measures. --- Cement composites. --- Radioactive waste repositories --- Materials. --- Nuclear waste repositories --- Geological repositories --- Radioactive waste sites --- Radioactive waste disposal in the ground --- Cementitious composites --- Cement --- Composite materials
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Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- Nuclear energy --- Radioactive waste disposal in the ground --- TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING --- Power Resources / Nuclear --- Environmental Engineering --- Civil & Environmental Engineering --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Burial of radioactive wastes --- Ground radioactive waste disposal --- Underground radioactive waste disposal --- Hazardous waste sites --- Waste disposal in the ground --- Radioactive waste repositories --- Monograph --- Management. --- Research. --- Science --- Science research --- Scientific research --- Information services --- Learning and scholarship --- Methodology --- Research teams --- Administration --- Industrial relations --- Organization --- Research --- Scientific Output --- Radioactive waste disposal in the ground. --- Radioactive waste repositories.
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Environmental protection. Environmental technology --- Nuclear energy --- Radioactive waste disposal in the ground. --- Radioactive waste disposal in the ground --- Burial of radioactive wastes --- Ground radioactive waste disposal --- Underground radioactive waste disposal --- Hazardous waste sites --- Waste disposal in the ground --- Radioactive waste repositories
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