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Le monde et les hommes selon les médecins de la Renaissance
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9782271064745 2271064740 2271090962 2271077184 Year: 2006 Publisher: Paris CNRS Editions

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What is the worldview of 16th century academic physicians, steeped in a tradition of medicine that dates back to antiquity? How does this vision relate to the episteme of similitude, specific to Michel Foucault during the Renaissance? This book sets out to answer these questions by illuminating the medical concepts of nature, man, health, and disease; by examining the logic of physicians, and their quasi-judicial reports on unusual cases ("mirabilia") likely to cause public scandal; finally, by studying their doctrine of signs. For them, universal and human nature is protean and unstable; in order to analyze it, they use logical instruments whose fundamental imprecision they recognize. Struggling with the signs that surround them - bodily symptoms, numbers from the great book of nature, weather clues, signatures, physiognomic signs - they develop a sophisticated semiology. This study reveals the finesse of these minds, their judgment for the most part circumspect, their flexible logic, a whole set of mental instruments which allow them to understand as best they can the functioning of the world and of the people of their time; an image of the mental activity of this period which contrasts with that of Foucault.


History of human medicine --- anno 1500-1599 --- Humanities --- History, Early Modern 1451-1600 --- History, Modern 1601 --- -History --- Philosophy, Medical --- History, 16th Century --- Philosophy --- History, 17th Century --- Medicine --- Health & Biological Sciences --- History of Medicine --- Early Modern History (Medicine) --- Early Modern History of Medicine --- Early Modern Medicine --- History of Medicine, Early Modern --- History, Early Modern --- Medicine, Early Modern --- Early Modern History --- Early Modern Histories (Medicine) --- Histories, Early Modern (Medicine) --- History, Early Modern (Medicine) --- History, Early Modern 1451 1600 --- Modern Histories, Early (Medicine) --- Modern History, Early --- Modern History, Early (Medicine) --- Modern Medicine, Early --- 17th Cent. History (Medicine) --- 17th Cent. History of Medicine --- 17th Cent. Medicine --- Historical Events, 17th Century --- History of Medicine, 17th Cent. --- History, Seventeenth Century --- Medical History, 17th Cent. --- Medicine, 17th Cent. --- 17th Century History --- 17th Cent. Histories (Medicine) --- 17th Century Histories --- Cent. Histories, 17th (Medicine) --- Century Histories, Seventeenth --- Century History, 17th --- Century History, Seventeenth --- Histories, 17th Cent. (Medicine) --- Histories, 17th Century --- Histories, Seventeenth Century --- History, 17th Cent. (Medicine) --- Seventeenth Century Histories --- Seventeenth Century History --- Pharmacy Philosophy --- Philosophical Overview --- Hedonism --- Stoicism --- Overview, Philosophical --- Overviews, Philosophical --- Pharmacy Philosophies --- Philosophical Overviews --- Philosophies --- Philosophies, Pharmacy --- Philosophy, Pharmacy --- 16th Cent. History (Medicine) --- 16th Cent. History of Medicine --- 16th Cent. Medicine --- Historical Events, 16th Century --- History of Medicine, 16th Cent. --- History, Sixteenth Century --- Medical History, 16th Cent. --- Medicine, 16th Cent. --- 16th Century History --- 16th Cent. Histories (Medicine) --- 16th Century Histories --- Cent. Histories, 16th (Medicine) --- Cent. History, 16th (Medicine) --- Century Histories, 16th --- Century Histories, Sixteenth --- Century History, 16th --- Century History, Sixteenth --- Histories, 16th Cent. (Medicine) --- Histories, 16th Century --- Histories, Sixteenth Century --- History, 16th Cent. (Medicine) --- Sixteenth Century Histories --- Sixteenth Century History --- Medical Philosophy --- Aspects, Historical --- Historical Aspects --- Aspect, Historical --- Historical Aspect --- Histories --- History of Medicine, Modern --- Medicine, Modern --- Modern History (Medicine) --- Modern Medicine --- History, Modern --- Modern History --- 1601- History, Modern --- History, Modern (Medicine) --- Modern 1601- History --- Renaissance --- philosophie --- médecine --- Médecine --- Weltanschauung --- 15e-16e siècles --- Aspect médical

Child and family assessment
Authors: ---
ISBN: 1134704178 0203377346 0203360583 1280056541 9786610056545 9780203360583 0415168066 9780415168069 0415168074 9780415168076 9781134704170 9781134704125 1134704127 9781134704163 113470416X 9780203377345 9781280056543 6610056544 Year: 1998 Publisher: London New York Routledge

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Child and Family Assessment is based on Ian Wilkinson's extensive experience of working with troubled children and families over the last twenty years. This completely revised and updated edition of Family Assessment (Gardner Press, 1993) combines a clear summary of current knowledge with practical, detailed and adaptable procedures for practitioner use. Part one reviews the literature on child and family assessment; part two discusses the practical issues involved and provides detailed guidelines for practitioners; a final part examines the relationship between clinical

The Matter Of Çatalhöyük : Reports from the 2009-2017 Seasons.
Authors: ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Havertown : British Institute at Ankara,

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This volume presents material artifacts recovered from the site in these seasons, including a range of clay-based objects (ceramics, clay balls, tokens, figurines) as well as those made of stone, shell, and textile.

Spaces : Exploring Spatial Experiences of Representation and Reception in Screen Media.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9048563275 9048563267 Year: 2024 Publisher: Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press,

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Film has long been defined as a temporal art, most famously by André Bazin and Andrei Tarkovsky. Yet more fundamentally it has always been a spatial art, transporting its audiences imaginatively to spaces and places other than those they literally inhabit. In the digital era, this spatial illusion and paradox has been greatly expanded – by the predominance of domestic film viewing, along with new extra-terrestrial perspectives, and the promise of novel kinesthetic experiences with Virtual Reality and “immersion”. The international authors in this collection address the history and aesthetics of screen media as spatial transposition, in a range of exemplary analyses that run from the landscapes of John Ford’s westerns to Chantal Akerman’s claustrophobic domestic spaces, from the conventions of the English country house film to Patrick Keiller’s Robinson roaming a changed country, and from the experiences of Covid pandemic confinement to those of un-homed van-dwellers in Chloe Zhao’s award-winning NOMADLAND.

Spaces : Exploring Spatial Experiences of Representation and Reception in Screen Media.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789048563265 9789048563272 9048563275 Year: 2024 Publisher: Amsterdam : Amsterdam University Press,

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Film has long been defined as a temporal art, most famously by André Bazin and Andrei Tarkovsky. Yet more fundamentally it has always been a spatial art, transporting its audiences imaginatively to spaces and places other than those they literally inhabit. In the digital era, this spatial illusion and paradox has been greatly expanded – by the predominance of domestic film viewing, along with new extra-terrestrial perspectives, and the promise of novel kinesthetic experiences with Virtual Reality and “immersion”. The international authors in this collection address the history and aesthetics of screen media as spatial transposition, in a range of exemplary analyses that run from the landscapes of John Ford’s westerns to Chantal Akerman’s claustrophobic domestic spaces, from the conventions of the English country house film to Patrick Keiller’s Robinson roaming a changed country, and from the experiences of Covid pandemic confinement to those of un-homed van-dwellers in Chloe Zhao’s award-winning NOMADLAND.

Arnheim, Gestalt, and art : a psychological theory
ISBN: 1280610271 9786610610273 3211307621 3211288643 Year: 2005 Publisher: Wien ; New York, NY : Springer,

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Arnheim, Gestalt and Art is the first book-length discussion of the powerful thinking of the psychologist of art, Rudolf Arnheim. Written as a complete overview of Arnheim’s thinking, it covers fundamental issues of the importance of psychological discussion of the arts, the status of gestalt psychology, the various sense modalities and media, and developmental issues. By proceeding in a direction from general to specific and then proceeding through dynamic processes as they unfold in time (creativity, development, etc.), the book discovers an unappreciated unity to Arnheim’s thinking. Not content to simply summarize Arnheim’s theory, however, Arnheim, Art, and Gestalt goes on to enrich (and occasionally question) Arnheim’s findings with the contemporary results of gestalt-theoretical research from around the world, but especially in Italy and Germany. The result is a workable overview of the psychology of art with bridges built to contemporary research, making Arnheim’s approach living and sustainable.

De kunst van het kijken : het verhaal van de fotografie.
ISBN: 9789055447770 Year: 2009 Volume: *4 Publisher: Gent : Ludion,

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Dit boek neemt u mee door de geschiedenis van de fotografie in een chronologische presentatie van ruim honderd belangrijke fotografen en hun werk. De fotografen worden belicht en hun foto's onder de loep genomen en becommentarieerd. Hetzelfde principe als in de andere boeken uit de reeks. Maar Ian Jeffrey gaat verder. De criticus en docent, een wereldautoriteit op het vlak van de fotografie, laat ook heel goed zien hoe de praktijk van de fotografie in de loop van de tijd is geëvolueerd. Hij gaat daarbij dieper in op de betekenis van de fotograaf en de foto's. Waarom is deze bepaalde fotograaf zo belangrijk geweest in de geschiedenis? Wat onderscheidde hem van de anderen? Op welke manier bracht hij vernieuwing? Het verhaal van de fotografen en de foto's is op zich heel boeiend, maar het zijn vooral Jeffrey's visie en conclusies die van De kunst van het kijken: Het verhaal van de fotografie zo'n bijzonder boek maken. Daar komt ook nog bij dat er aparte hoofdstukken zijn gewijd aan scharnierpunten in de geschiedenis van de fotografie, zoals de twee wereldoorlogen.

Political representation
ISBN: 9780521128650 9780521111270 9780511813146 9780511768217 0511768214 9780511769894 051176989X 0511813147 1282652869 9781282652866 0521111277 052112865X 0511848005 1107202698 9786612652868 0511769059 0511766823 0511765436 Year: 2010 Publisher: Cambridge, UK New York Cambridge University Press

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Political representation lies at the core of modern politics. Democracies, with their vast numbers of citizens, could not operate without representative institutions. Yet relations between the democratic ideal and the everyday practice of political representation have never been well defined and remain the subject of vigorous debate among historians, political theorists, lawyers, and citizens. In this volume, an eminent group of scholars move forward the debates about political representation on a number of fronts. Drawing on insights from political science, history, political theory, economics, and anthropology, the authors provide much-needed clarity to some of the most vexing questions about political representation. They also reveal new and enlightening perspectives on this fundamental political practice. Topics discussed include representation before democracy, political parties, minorities, electoral competition, and ideology. This volume is essential reading for anyone interested in the ideal and the reality of political representation.

Taming the gods
ISBN: 9780691134895 0691134898 1282473131 1282936115 9786612473135 9786612936111 1400834201 9781400834204 9781282473133 9780691156057 0691156050 9781282936119 Year: 2010 Publisher: Princeton Princeton University Press

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For eight years the president of the United States was a born-again Christian, backed by well-organized evangelicals who often seemed intent on erasing the church-state divide. In Europe, the increasing number of radicalized Muslims is creating widespread fear that Islam is undermining Western-style liberal democracy. And even in polytheistic Asia, the development of democracy has been hindered in some countries, particularly China, by a long history in which religion was tightly linked to the state. Ian Buruma is the first writer to provide a sharp-eyed look at the tensions between religion and politics on three continents. Drawing on many contemporary and historical examples, he argues that the violent passions inspired by religion must be tamed in order to make democracy work. Comparing the United States and Europe, Buruma asks why so many Americans--and so few Europeans--see religion as a help to democracy. Turning to China and Japan, he disputes the notion that only monotheistic religions pose problems for secular politics. Finally, he reconsiders the story of radical Islam in contemporary Europe, from the case of Salman Rushdie to the murder of Theo van Gogh. Sparing no one, Buruma exposes the follies of the current culture war between defenders of "Western values" and "multiculturalists," and explains that the creation of a democratic European Islam is not only possible, but necessary. Presenting a challenge to dogmatic believers and dogmatic secularists alike, Taming the Gods powerfully argues that religion and democracy can be compatible--but only if religious and secular authorities are kept firmly apart.

Scholarship, commerce, religion : the learned book in the age of confessions, 1560-1630
ISBN: 9780674062085 0674062086 0674065328 0674068726 Year: 2012 Publisher: Cambridge (Mass.): Harvard university press,

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A decade ago in the Times Literary Supplement, Roderick Conway Morris claimed that "almost everything that was going to happen in book publishing-from pocket books, instant books and pirated books, to the concept of author's copyright, company mergers, and remainders-occurred during the early days of printing." Ian Maclean's colorful survey of the flourishing learned book trade of the late Renaissance brings this assertion to life. The story he tells covers most of Europe, with Frankfurt and its Fair as the hub of intellectual exchanges among scholars and of commercial dealings among publishers. The three major religious confessions jostled for position there, and this rivalry affected nearly all aspects of learning. Few scholars were exempt from religious or financial pressures. Maclean's chosen example is the literary agent and representative of international Calvinism, Melchior Goldast von Haiminsfeld, whose activities included opportunistic involvement in the political disputes of the day. Maclean surveys the predicament of underfunded authors, the activities of greedy publishing entrepreneurs, the fitful interventions of regimes of censorship and licensing, and the struggles faced by sellers and buyers to achieve their ends in an increasingly overheated market. The story ends with an account of the dramatic decline of the scholarly book trade in the 1620's, and the connivance of humanist scholars in the values of the commercial world through which they aspired to international recognition. Their fate invites comparison with today's writers of learned books, as they too come to terms with new technologies and changing academic environments.

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