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Intimacy in Illegality : Experiences, Struggles and Negotiations of Migrant Women
ISBN: 3839456029 3837656020 Year: 2021 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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How do migrant women living in illegality build intimate relationships? How do they experience, resist or take advantage of the tight link between intimacy and migration status created by the German migration legislation? Drawing on rich biographical accounts and ethnographic methods, the book offers an insightful and sensitive look at a mostly unknown aspect of life in illegality. Adopting a critical feminist perspective, Flaminia Bartolini shows how intimacy should be understood in its intrinsic power dimension and looks critically at the German migration regime and on its effects on migrants' lives.

Ermächtigung durch Sichtbarkeit? : Filmprojekte mit fluchterfahrenen Jugendlichen in Deutschland.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3839460611 3837660613 Year: 2022 Publisher: Bielefeld : transcript,

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Im Kontext partizipativer Filmprojekte für fluchterfahrene Jugendliche wird Sichtbarkeit oft mit Ermächtigung gleichgesetzt. Gerhard Schönhofer hinterfragt diese Logik, indem er Prozesse des Sichtbarmachens, wie sie in Workshop-Formaten geschehen, ethnografisch beschreibt. Durch die Nähe zum Forschungsfeld wird somit nicht nur ein präzises Bild des Selbstverständnisses, sondern auch der Anspruchshaltungen der Projektleitenden gezeichnet, die bisweilen im Spannungsfeld zu den Motivationen der teilnehmenden Jugendlichen stehen.

Living in Refuge : Ritualization and Religiosity in a Christian and a Muslim Palestinian Refugee Camp in Lebanon

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This comparative ethnography of a Muslim and a Christian Palestinian refugee camp in Lebanon focuses on contrasting social belonging processes through a ritualization approach. Leonardo Schiocchet argues that contrasts emerge out of the intersectionality of religiosity, nationhood, refugeeness and politics, and synthesizes academic research on piety and moral self-cultivation and on the everyday-life of religious communities. He contributes to the literature on refugees at large, and Palestinian refugees in special, with the unique dense socio-historical portrait of two refugee camps for which there is almost no recorded literature.

Migrating through the web : interactive practices about migration, flight and exile
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3839460395 3837660397 Year: 2022 Publisher: Bielefeld, Germany : Transcript Verlag,

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How to study a media object on the web that is at the same time a documentary, a reportage, and a game which combines both fiction and non-fiction elements? Nicole Braida digs into the discursive and material structures and infrastructures of serious games, text-adventures, newsgames, interactive maps and data visualizations, in which refugees and migrants become the subject of humanitarian discourse. Although the goal is to arouse empathy towards migrants, these »interactive practices« distinguish who is vulnerable and who is not. It supports the idea of a »migratory crisis«, which, the author argues, is actually the symptom of a deeper crisis of the humanitarian system itself.

Contested Solidarity : Practices of Refugee Support between Humanitarian Help and Political Activism
ISBN: 3839454379 3837654370 Year: 2020 Publisher: Bielefeld transcript Verlag

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In the summer of 2015, an extraordinary number of German residents felt an urge to provide help to refugees. Doing good, however, is not as simple and straightforward as it might appear. Practices of solidarity are intertwined with questions of power. They are situated, relative and contested, unfolding in an ambivalent space between humanitarianism and political activism. This ethnographic account of the German »welcome culture« provides insights into the contested practices, imaginaries, interests and politics of refugee solidarity. Drawing on works from critical migration studies to social anthropology, Larissa Fleischmann develops an empirically grounded understanding of solidarity in migration societies. Besprochen in:, 12 (2020) InfoDienst Migration, 1 (2021)

»Failed« Migratory Adventures? : Malian Men Facing Conditions Post Deportation in Southern Mali
ISBN: 3839460093 9783839460092 Year: 2022 Publisher: Bielefeld : transcript Verlag,

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Based on extensive field research, Susanne U. Schultz analyses the social situations following deportation for Malian men - their supposedly »failed« migratory adventures -, the implications for their social environment and broader society. In light of the current migration and development policy of the European Union and its externalization to Sub-Saharan Africa, she provides insight in the still understudied issue of people's everyday life after forced returns, exemplifying the effects of intra-African and European deportation regimes and the reactions to them. In doing so, this ethnographic study creates empirical knowledge on key issues in migration research, policy, and practice in a charged debate.

Embodied violence and agency in refugee regimes : anthropological perspectives
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 3839458021 3837658023 Year: 2022 Publisher: Bielefeld, Germany : transcript Verlag,

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Multiple refugee regimes govern the lives of forced migrants simultaneously but in an often conflicting way. As a mechanism of inclusion/exclusion, they tend to engender the violence they sought to dissipate. Protection and control channel agency through mechanisms of either tutelage and victimisation or criminalisation. This book contrasts multiple groups of refugees and refugee regimes, revealing the inherent coercive violence of refugee regimes, from displacement and expulsion, to stereotypification and exclusion in host countries, and academic knowledge essentialisation. This violence is international, national, society-based, internalised, and embodied - and it urgently needs due scholarly attention.

Archipelago of Resettlement : Vietnamese Refugee Settlers and Decolonization across Guam and Israel-Palestine
ISBN: 0520976835 0520379659 9780520976832 Year: 2022 Publisher: University of California Press

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A free open access ebook is available upon publication. Learn more at What happens when refugees encounter Indigenous sovereignty struggles in the countries of their resettlement? From April to November 1975, the US military processed over 112,000 Vietnamese refugees on the unincorporated territory of Guam; from 1977 to 1979, the State of Israel granted asylum and citizenship to 366 non-Jewish Vietnamese refugees. Evyn Lê Espiritu Gandhi analyzes these two cases to theorize what she calls the refugee settler condition: the fraught positionality of refugee subjects whose resettlement in a settler colonial state is predicated on the unjust dispossession of an Indigenous population. This groundbreaking book explores two forms of critical geography: first, archipelagos of empire, examining how the Vietnam War is linked to the US military buildup in Guam and unwavering support of Israel, and second, corresponding archipelagos of trans-Indigenous resistance, tracing how Chamorro decolonization efforts and Palestinian liberation struggles are connected through the Vietnamese refugee figure. Considering distinct yet overlapping modalities of refugee and Indigenous displacement, Gandhi offers tools for imagining emergent forms of decolonial solidarity between refugee settlers and Indigenous peoples.

Deutschland und seine Flüchtlinge : Das Wechselbad der Diskurse im langen Sommer der Flucht 2015
Authors: ---
ISBN: 3839464269 Year: 2022 Publisher: Bielefeld : transcript Verlag,

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Die Aufnahme Tausender »Fremder« im Sommer 2015 wurde medial euphorisiert als »deutsches Wunder« beschrieben. Die Geflüchteten selbst tauchten in dieser Perspektive kaum auf. Dem Narrativ der »Willkommenskultur« folgte ein Wechselbad der Diskurse hin zum drohenden Staatsversagen, der Belastungsgrenze oder sexueller Übergriffe. Der »Flüchtling« wurde zum Verursacher nationaler Bedrängnisse. Uwe Becker analysiert diese Diskurse und zeichnet nach, welche Narrative sich im »langen Sommer der Flucht« aufgebaut haben. Dabei zeigt er auf, wie sie im kollektiven Gedächtnis ruhen, jederzeit aktivierbar sind und bis heute eine restriktive Flüchtlingspolitik legitimieren.

Gewaltschutz in Geflüchtetenunterkünften : Theorie, Empirie und Praxis

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Die kollektive Unterbringung von Asylsuchenden ist ein wichtiger Bestandteil der flüchtlingspolitischen Verwaltungspraxis in Deutschland. Bei aller Varianz der Art solcher Sammelunterkünfte sind damit stets auch prinzipielle Herausforderungen verbunden. Denn mit einem zentralen Raum zum Umgang mit Flucht und Ankunft werden zugleich Gefahren und Konflikte örtlich konzentriert. Parallel zur Entwicklung von Konzepten zur Bewältigung dieser Herausforderungen untersuchen die Beiträger*innen des Bandes die Lebensrealitäten in diesen Einrichtungen. Hierbei sind besonders Ansätze des kritischen Humanitarismus leitend, die die Handlungsfähigkeit unter den restriktiven Bedingungen kollektiver Unterbringung betonen.

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