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Sociology of culture --- Time --- Sociological aspects --- Philosophy --- Time - Sociological aspects --- Time - Philosophy
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Die rasante Beschleunigung des sozialen Lebens ist eines der hervorstechenden Merkmale der Gegenwart, wird in den Sozialwissenschaften aber häufig übersehen. Hartmut Rosa hat mit seinen maßgeblichen Untersuchungen diesbezüglich Grundlagenarbeit geleistet. In seinem neuen Essay legt er dar, wie eine kritische Gesellschaftstheorie verfasst sein muss, die den Zusammenhang von Beschleunigung und Entfremdung ernst nimmtIm Mittelpunkt steht die Frage nach dem guten Leben – und warum es uns heute vielfach nicht gelingt, ein solches zu führen. Immerhin sind durch die Liberalisierung moralischer Normen und sozialer Konventionen die in den westlichen Gesellschaften vorhandenen Freiräume des Einzelnen größer denn je, sich ein eigenes Konzept des guten Lebens zu wählen und zu verwirklichen. Dieser Liberalisierung steht jedoch die scheinbar unaufhaltsame Beschleunigung des sozialen Lebens im Kapitalismus gegenüber. Dieses Regime der Deadlines lässt Lebensentwürfe scheitern und führt zu einem sich immer stärker ausbreitenden Gefühl der Entfremdung.Behutsam und anhand von konkreten Beispielen sucht Rosa nach Formen nichtentfremdeten Lebens. Sein pointierter Essay ist nicht nur eine konzise Einführung in die Theorie der Beschleunigung, sondern eröffnet auch erste Perspektiven, wie wir dem rasenden Stillstand entkommen können
Beschleunigung. --- Kritische Theorie. --- Postmoderne. --- Time --- Alienation (social psychology) --- Sociological aspects --- Time - Sociological aspects
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Sociological theories --- Sociological theory building --- Sociology --- Time --- Sociologie --- Temps --- Methodology. --- Philosophy. --- Sociological aspects. --- Méthodologie --- Philosophie --- Aspect sociologique --- Methodology --- Philosophy --- Sociological aspects --- #PBIB:2003.1 --- Méthodologie --- Sociology of time --- Sociology - Methodology --- Sociology - Philosophy --- Time - Sociological aspects --- Sciences sociales
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Time --- Sociological aspects. --- Psychological aspects. --- -Time --- -Hours (Time) --- Geodetic astronomy --- Nautical astronomy --- Horology --- Sociological aspects --- Psychological aspects --- -Sociological aspects --- Sociology of time --- Sociology --- Time - Sociological aspects. --- Time - Psychological aspects.
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Time --- Social interaction --- Sociological aspects --- -Time --- -Hours (Time) --- Geodetic astronomy --- Nautical astronomy --- Horology --- Human interaction --- Interaction, Social --- Symbolic interaction --- Exchange theory (Sociology) --- Psychology --- Social psychology --- Sociological aspects. --- -Sociological aspects --- Sociology of time --- Sociology --- Time - Sociological aspects --- Social interaction - Sweden --- Suede --- Conditions sociales --- 17e-19e siecles
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"This book is a revisionist account of attempts to unify clock times, calendars, and social time, and a methodological intervention in discussions about writing global and transnational history. The book uses the reform of time between 1870 and 1950 as a lens through which to understand the dynamics of globalization. Based on research in archives around the world in multiple languages, individual chapters take the story of uniform time to France and Germany, Britain, the British Empire/German colonies/Latin America, British India, Arab elites in the Levant, Muslim scholars in Egypt, and to the League of Nations. The author shows how cross-border flows of ideas and concepts of uniform time resulted in a nationalization and regionalization of temporal identities. As a consequence, uniform, accurate clock time remained nonstandardized, unstable, and incomplete as late as the 1930s and 1940s. Calendar reform, just as vivid and vast a field of activism as clock time, never came to pass altogether due to strong national and religious objections to a uniform World Calendar. When ideas about uniform time moved across borders and continents, they often did so along lateral, informal trajectories of transmission. Local initiatives often preceded national time politics. Top-down attempts to devise time reform schemes at international conferences, to implement them nationally, and assure application in the most remote local contexts rarely succeeded. Rather, globalization disheveled such hierarchies of the international, the national, and the local. The book, then, emphasizes the importance of nationalism and states as well as attention to scale in writing the history of global flows and connections"--
Time --- Globalization --- Systems and standards --- History --- Sociological aspects --- Globalization. --- TECHNOLOGY & ENGINEERING / Measurement. --- History. --- Sociological aspects. --- Systems and standards. --- Astronomy & Astrophysics --- Physical Sciences & Mathematics --- Practical & Spherical Astronomy --- Technology & engineering / measurement. --- Global cities --- Globalisation --- Internationalization --- Sociology of time --- Hours (Time) --- International relations --- Anti-globalization movement --- Sociology --- Geodetic astronomy --- Nautical astronomy --- Horology --- Time - Systems and standards - History --- Time - Sociological aspects
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This groundbreaking book represents the most systematic examination to date of the often-invoked but rarely examined declaration that "history matters." Most contemporary social scientists unconsciously take a "snapshot" view of the social world. Yet the meaning of social events or processes is frequently distorted when they are ripped from their temporal context. Paul Pierson argues that placing politics in time--constructing "moving pictures" rather than snapshots--can vastly enrich our understanding of complex social dynamics, and greatly improve the theories and methods that we use to explain them. Politics in Time opens a new window on the temporal aspects of the social world. It explores a range of important features and implications of evolving social processes: the variety of processes that unfold over significant periods of time, the circumstances under which such different processes are likely to occur, and above all, the significance of these temporal dimensions of social life for our understanding of important political and social outcomes. Ranging widely across the social sciences, Pierson's analysis reveals the high price social science pays when it becomes ahistorical. And it provides a wealth of ideas for restoring our sense of historical process. By placing politics back in time, Pierson's book is destined to have a resounding and enduring impact on the work of scholars and students in fields from political science, history, and sociology to economics and policy analysis.
Political science --- Time --- Sociological aspects --- Political science. --- Sociological aspects. --- Politics --- Science politique --- Temps --- Aspect sociologique --- #SBIB:044.IO --- #SBIB:32H3 --- Administration --- Civil government --- Commonwealth, The --- Government --- Political theory --- Political thought --- Science, Political --- Social sciences --- State, The --- Sociology of time --- Sociology --- Politieke wetenschappen: inleidende werken, handboeken, methoden --- #A0510SO --- Time - Sociological aspects --- Histoire et théorie --- Sociologie --- Aspect politique --- Généralités
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La centralité du travail dans nos existences n’est plus à démontrer mais comment en cerner la portée ? Cet ouvrage propose de l’éclairer à partir des rapports entre le temps et le travail. Notre approche vise à saisir simultanément les transformations du temps du travail et ses incidences sur les autres temps sociaux. Les contributions rassemblées ici permettent de faire le lien entre des réalités trop souvent saisies séparément : celles du travail d’un côté, celles de l’éducation formation, de la famille et de l’organisation domestique de l’autre. Or, il importe de les relier dans la mesure où les transformations du travail et des modes de vie s’inscrivent dans une dynamique salariale qui rythme les existences de plus en plus tôt, de plus en plus tard et de plus en plus profondément. Simultanément, les temps sociaux s’enchevêtrent en cours d’existence dans le cadre de tensions toujours plus vives qu’il importe de saisir non seulement à travers les quantités de temps qu’ils nous disputent mais également à travers les évolutions qualitatives qu’elles rendent possibles. La question est alors de savoir comment s’extraire de l’emprise de l’urgence et de l’accélération dans les faits comme dans l’analyse afin de saisir le présent dans son épaisseur temporelle.
Work and family - France. --- Work-life balance - France. --- Time - Sociological aspects. --- Industrial organization - France. --- Industries - Social aspects - France. --- Hours of labor - France. --- Horaires de travail. --- Travail et vie personnelle. --- Temps --- Sociologie du travail. --- Sociologie. --- Sociology --- emploi --- sociologie --- sociologie du travail --- Work and family --- Work-life balance --- Time --- Industrial organization --- Industries --- Hours of labor
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Présente, d'un point de vue sociologique, une synthèse des grandes tendances internationales dans l'étude du temps. Il analyse les conceptions dominantes du temps dans nos sociétés et traite de temps libre, de temps de travail et d'aménagement du temps.
Social change --- Sociologie --- Time --- Time measurements --- Temps --- Sociological aspects --- Aspect sociologique --- Mesure --- Time management --- Social aspects --- -Time --- -Time management --- -Allocation of time --- Budgets, Time --- Personal time management --- Time allocation --- Time budgets --- Time use --- Use of time --- Management --- Personal information management --- Hours (Time) --- Geodetic astronomy --- Nautical astronomy --- Horology --- Organization --- Use of --- -Social aspects --- Sociology of time --- Sociology --- Allocation of time --- Time - Sociological aspects --- Time - Social aspects --- Time management - Social aspects --- Sociologie du temps
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Mobilité sociale --- Social mobility --- Sociale mobiliteit --- Space and time --- Espace et temps --- History --- Social aspects --- Histoire --- Aspect social --- Time --- Sociological aspects --- Civilization, Modern --- -Hours (Time) --- Geodetic astronomy --- Nautical astronomy --- Horology --- Space of more than three dimensions --- Space-time --- Space-time continuum --- Space-times --- Spacetime --- Time and space --- Fourth dimension --- Infinite --- Metaphysics --- Philosophy --- Space sciences --- Beginning --- Hyperspace --- Relativity (Physics) --- Modern civilization --- Modernity --- Civilization --- Renaissance --- Civilization, Modern. --- Space and time. --- Sociological aspects. --- -Sociological aspects --- Sociology of time --- Sociology --- Social policy --- Evaluation --- European Union countries --- Time - Sociological aspects --- Mobilité
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