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Tech Job Hunt Handbook is a career management book—just for technology professionals—that reflects today’s new economic realities. The world of work is constantly changing, and staying professionally relevant while competing for more specialized tech jobs in areas like cloud computing, mobile and social applications, and big data in a highly competitive global economy is critical. The world is churning out hungry programmers and developers in record numbers, making the global labor market highly competitive. It is now essential to plan a campaign to get a better job as well as your overall career. Retooling your skills and re-branding yourself is mandatory whether you’re seeking a new job or intent on retaining current employment. Readers of the Tech Job Hunt Handbook will find tools, practical guidance, and recommendations on how to find the best new tech jobs, how to get noticed, how to ace interviews and get hired, and how to keep those new jobs—until it’s time for a better one. As you will learn, learning how to assess and then invest in career management skills leads to long-term competitive advantage and a happier working life. Tech Job Hunt Handbook—for recent graduates, risk-taking innovators, and tech veterans alike—shows how to build a comprehensive online professional profile, identify the companies you’re interested in and who you know at those companies, approach interviews with confidence, uncover opportunities in your current company, and understand the new emerging technology markets that could lead to a career rebirth. This book will help you: Find a new or better tech job. Stay relevant and employable despite constant new developments. Manage your tech career for long-term success.
Computer science -- Vocational guidance -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. --- High technology industries -- Vocational guidance -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. --- Job hunting -- Handbooks, manuals, etc. --- Commerce --- Management --- Business & Economics --- Management Theory --- Local Commerce --- Computer science --- High technology industries --- Job hunting. --- Vocational guidance. --- Hunting, Job --- Job searching --- Computers --- Vocational guidance --- Business. --- Management science. --- Business and Management. --- Business and Management, general. --- Quantitative business analysis --- Problem solving --- Operations research --- Statistical decision --- Trade --- Economics --- Industrial management --- Employment agencies --- Industries
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Questo testo è concepito per i corsi delle Facoltà di Ingegneria e di Scienze. Esso affronta tutti gli argomenti tipici della Matematica Numerica, spaziando dal problema di approssimare una funzione, al calcolo dei suoi zeri, dei suoi minimi, delle sue derivate e del suo integrale definito fino alla risoluzione di sistemi lineari e non lineari, di equazioni differenziali ordinarie e alle derivate parziali con metodi alle differenze finite e agli elementi finiti. Un capitolo iniziale conduce lo studente ad un rapido ripasso degli argomenti dell'Analisi Matematica di uso frequente nel volume e ad una introduzione ai linguaggi MATLAB e Octave. Al fine di rendere maggiormente incisiva la presentazione e fornire un riscontro quantitativo immediato alla teoria vengono implementati in linguaggio MATLAB e Octave tutti gli algoritmi che via via si introducono. Vengono inoltre proposti numerosi esercizi, tutti risolti per esteso, ed esempi, anche con riferimento ad applicazioni negli ambiti piu' svariati.
Computer science - Vocational guidance. --- Mathematics --- Physical Sciences & Mathematics --- Mathematical Theory --- Mathematics. --- Mathematical analysis. --- Analysis (Mathematics). --- Applied mathematics. --- Engineering mathematics. --- Computer mathematics. --- Mathematical models. --- Mathematics, general. --- Analysis. --- Applications of Mathematics. --- Computational Mathematics and Numerical Analysis. --- Mathematical Modeling and Industrial Mathematics. --- Global analysis (Mathematics). --- Computer science --- Analysis, Global (Mathematics) --- Differential topology --- Functions of complex variables --- Geometry, Algebraic --- Computer mathematics --- Discrete mathematics --- Electronic data processing --- Math --- Science --- Models, Mathematical --- Simulation methods --- Engineering --- Engineering analysis --- Mathematical analysis --- 517.1 Mathematical analysis
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Mass communications --- Communication --- Communication and traffic --- Mass media --- Library science --- Social aspects --- Vocational guidance --- 316.77 --- -Communication and traffic --- -Library science --- -Mass media --- -#SBIB:309H02 --- #SBIB:303H14 --- Mass communication --- Media, Mass --- Media, The --- Librarianship --- Library economy --- Bibliography --- Documentation --- Information science --- Communications industries --- Traffic --- Transportation --- Communication, Primitive --- Sociology --- Communicatiesociologie --- -Vocational guidance --- -Communicatiewetenschap: algemeen --- Methoden en technieken van de communicatiewetenschap --- 316.77 Communicatiesociologie --- #SBIB:309H02 --- Communicatiewetenschap: algemeen --- Communication - Social aspects - United States --- Communication and traffic - United States --- Mass media - Social aspects - United States --- Library science - Vocational guidance
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The cloud can be a powerful tool for conducting and managing research. The Librarian's Guide to Academic Research in the Cloud is a practical guide to using cloud services from a librarian's point of view. As well as discussing how to use various cloud-based services, the title considers the various privacy and data portability issues associated with web-based services. This book helps readers make the most of cloud computing, including how to fold mobile devices into the cloud-based research management equation. The book is divided into several chapters, each considering a key aspect of acade
025:681.3 --- 025.4.036 --- Bibliotheekautomatisering --- Machinale zoekmethodes. Zoeken met behulp van computers --- Academic librarians -- Employment. --- Academic librarians -- United States. --- Academic librarians. --- Library science --Vocational guidance. --- Cloud computing --- Web services --- Academic writing --- Electronic information resources --- Electronic data processing --- Engineering & Applied Sciences --- Computer Science --- Research --- Library applications --- Computer network resources --- 025.4.036 Computer aided search. Online searching. Zoeken op internet --- 025.4.036 Machinale zoekmethodes. Zoeken met behulp van computers --- Computer aided search. Online searching. Zoeken op internet --- 025:681.3 Bibliotheekautomatisering --- Cloud computing. --- Distributed processing --- Information retrieval --- Electronic data processing. --- Infonuagique --- Recherche de l'information --- Informatique --- Recherche --- Research. --- Electronic information resources.
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Mentoring has always been an important factor in life and particularly in academia. In fact, making choices about educational pursuits and subsequent careers without input from mentors can prove disastrous. Fortunately many individuals have "natural" mentors and for them these choices are greatly facilitated. Others are not privileged with natural mentors and as such often struggle with making these tough choices. Many times these individuals are from under served and disadvantaged backgrounds, where mentors are too few and far between. For them, deciding on which career path to take can be based not only on insufficient information but oft times inaccurate information. Although the tips in this monograph are designed for helping all individuals who are interested in pursuing the study of science and science careers, a special mentoring focus is on those students who have not experienced the advantages of the privileged class. Additionally, tips are included for those who are interested in effectively mentoring these individuals. How and why a person gets to that point of wanting to mentor is not as important as the fact that they have made that commitment and this monograph will help them do exactly that.
Diversity in the workplace --United States. --- Mentoring in education --United States. --- Mentoring in science --United States. --- Multicultural education --United States. --- Science --Vocational guidance --United States. --- Mentoring in science --- Science --- Mentoring in education --- Multicultural education --- Diversity in the workplace --- Sciences - General --- Physical Sciences & Mathematics --- Vocational guidance --- Mentoring in science. --- Mentoring in education. --- Mentors in education --- Mentors in science --- Mentors. --- Science. --- Life sciences. --- Education. --- Science, general. --- Life Sciences, general. --- Education, general. --- Biomedicine general. --- Learning & Instruction. --- Education --- Medicine. --- Science, Humanities and Social Sciences, multidisciplinary. --- Clinical sciences --- Medical profession --- Human biology --- Life sciences --- Medical sciences --- Pathology --- Physicians --- Biosciences --- Sciences, Life --- Learning. --- Instruction. --- Biomedicine, general. --- Health Workforce --- Learning process --- Comprehension --- Children --- Education, Primitive --- Education of children --- Human resource development --- Instruction --- Pedagogy --- Schooling --- Students --- Youth --- Civilization --- Learning and scholarship --- Mental discipline --- Schools --- Teaching --- Training
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Eloquent Science evolved from a workshop aimed at offering atmospheric science students formal guidance in communications, tailored for their eventual scientific careers. Drawing on advice from over twenty books and hundreds of other sources, this volume presents informative and often humorous tips for writing scientific journal articles, while also providing a peek behind the curtain into the operations of editorial boards and publishers of major journals. The volume focuses on writing, reviewing, and speaking and is aimed at the domain of the student or scientist at the start of her career. The volume offers tips on poster presentations, media communication, and advice for non-native speakers of English, as well as appendices on proper punctuation usage and commonly misunderstood meteorological concepts. A further reading section at the end of each chapter suggests additional sources for the interested reader, and sidebars written by experts in the field offer diverse viewpoints on reference topics.--Publisher description.
Earth Sciences. --- Atmospheric Sciences. --- Learning & Instruction. --- Science Education. --- Geography. --- Science --- Géographie --- Sciences --- Study and teaching. --- Etude et enseignement --- Communication in science. --- Technical writing. --- Public speaking. --- Vocational guidance. --- Science -- Vocational guidance. --- Communication in science --- Technical writing --- Public speaking --- Earth & Environmental Sciences --- Physical Sciences & Mathematics --- Sciences - General --- Meteorology & Climatology --- Vocational guidance --- Science as a profession --- Scientists --- Engineering --- Scientific writing --- Technology --- Communication in research --- Science communication --- Science information --- Scientific communications --- Study and teaching --- Authorship --- Earth sciences. --- Atmospheric sciences. --- Science education. --- Oral communication --- Communication of technical information --- Science education --- Scientific education --- Learning. --- Instruction. --- Learning process --- Comprehension --- Education --- Atmospheric sciences --- Earth sciences --- Atmosphere --- Científics --- Comunicació científica --- Art de parlar en públic --- Orientació professional --- Redacció d'escrits tècnics --- Art d'escriure en ciència --- Art d'escriure en tecnologia --- Escrits científics --- Redacció d'escrits científics --- Redacció tècnica --- Art d'escriure --- Orientació ocupacional --- Orientació vocacional --- Assessorament psicològic --- Competències professionals --- Desenvolupament professional --- Educació cooperativa --- Treball a l'estranger --- Reorientació professional --- Pràcticums --- Professions --- Recol·locació laboral --- Mercat de treball --- Exposició oral --- Parlar en públic --- Comunicació oral --- Art de parlar a la ràdio --- Art de parlar a la televisió --- Conferències --- Expressió corporal --- Informació científica --- Informació científica i tècnica --- Informació sobre ciència --- Ciència --- Comunicació de la informació tècnica --- Comunicació de risc --- Dades de recerca --- Divulgació científica --- Homes de ciència --- Erudits --- Antropòlegs --- Astrònoms --- Científiques --- Físics --- Geofísics --- Investigadors --- Matemàtics --- Naturalistes --- Químics --- Fuga de cervells
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