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Histoire du naturisme : Le mythe du retour à la nature
ISBN: 2753500207 2753523037 Year: 2015 Publisher: Rennes : Presses universitaires de Rennes,

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Intimement liée aux mythes de la décadence et de la dégénération de l'homme moderne, la thématique du retour à la nature joue, dans l'histoire de l'industrialisation et de l'urbanisation des sociétés occidentales, un rôle que l'on ne peut négliger. Parmi les expériences et les réalisations qu'elle a pu susciter, les programmes naturistes de réforme des modes de vie, qui apparaissent en France dans la dernière décennie du XIXe siècle, occupent une place particulière en raison de la variété des milieux sociaux qu'ils concernent et de la diversité des formes par lesquelles se manifeste leur ambition régénératrice. C'est à la genèse de ces programmes, aux enjeux culturels et sociaux de leur formulation, aux types d'organisations et aux normes de comportement auxquels ils donnent naissance qu'est consacré cet ouvrage. Il s'agit moins ici de suivre les péripéties de la vie des associations naturistes que de chercher les raisons pour lesquelles, entre la Belle Époque et les années trente, la modernité urbaine et industrielle a pu être considérée comme responsable d'un déclin qui rendait nécessaire la régénération de l'homme et de la société par le retour à la nature. L'histoire du naturisme nous offre ainsi un point d'observation pour tenter de comprendre comment une croyance, partagée par des individus venus d'horizons différents, peut produire un imaginaire collectif et susciter la formation de groupements au sein desquels s'inaugurent de nouvelles normes et de nouvelles pratiques sociales.

Naturopathic medicine : a comprehensive guide
ISBN: 9783031133886 Year: 2022 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

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This book offers comprehensive coverage of naturopathic medicine. The principles and values of this profession are already clearly stated (i.e., Find and Treat the Cause; Treat the Whole Person, etc.), but few are the textbooks that directly compare it to conventional or allopathic medicine. To paraphrase the historian of medicine Harris Coulter in this approach the body reacts creatively to stressors and the Empirical school or natural medicine approach is more focused on supporting adaptive responses than suppressing symptoms. This is not an attempt to argue that all health issues can get better on their own or that conventional medical interventions arent capable of producing stellar outcomes, but there remains a concurrent need for a naturopathic approach that helps rebuild the body. This book presents an approach in medicine that works to support adaptive responses of the body, reduce maladaptive responses, address determining factors of health, and sometimes create temporary homeostasis with agents such as drugs (or certain natural medicines). In terms of the basis of disease states, the book teaches about how the lack of coordination in the bodys bioregulatory systems can lead to disease, as well as the impact of irreversible degeneration, genetic damage, chronic stress, etc. The book takes the reader to some of the more common and well described reasons for these states of dysfunction, how to assess a patient, and how various natural therapies impact root causes of disease, the long term consequences, and the various clinical manifestations. The book then takes a systems approach cardiovascular, pulmonary, etc. This is where most books on the subject start, but instead of breaking out a number of conditions and giving protocols of diet, supplements, herbs etc., the author examines how to restore stability and function to that system. Special topics are then covered, ranging from lifespan/primary care considerations to the role of research, the rise of advanced data analytics as decision assistance, to the environmental, cultural, and global determinants of health. Each chapter will additionally include tables that summarize key diagnosis or treatment points, arrayed in an order that reflects the model presented in the book. This is an ideal guide for students in naturopathic medicine, as well as physicians and medical professionals looking to learn more about this field aimed towards maximizing patient resilience.

De beloften van het lichaam: een geschiedenis van de natuurlijke levenswijze in België, 1890-1940
ISBN: 9789035132931 9035132939 Year: 2008 Publisher: Amsterdam Bakker

Alternative medicine interventions for COVID-19
ISBN: 3030679896 3030679888 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

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Medicinal plants for lung diseases : a pharmacological and immunological perspective
ISBN: 9813368500 9813368497 Year: 2021 Publisher: Singapore : Springer,

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Emphysema, Pulmonary --- Lungs --- Alternative treatment. --- Diseases, Obstructive --- Alternative treatmenT. --- Lung --- Cardiopulmonary system --- Chest --- Respiratory organs --- Malalties del pulmó --- Plantes medicinals --- Medicina alternativa --- Quimioteràpia --- Farmacoteràpia --- Immunoquimioteràpia --- Terapèutica medicamentosa --- Terapèutica per agents químics (Medicina) --- Tractament amb medicaments --- Tractament per agents químics (Medicina) --- Us terapèutic dels medicaments --- Terapèutica --- Administració de medicaments --- Antibiòtics --- Diürètics --- Fotoquimioteràpia --- Pirogens --- Psicofarmacologia --- Prescripció de medicaments --- Quimioteràpia del càncer --- Utilització de medicaments --- Farmacologia --- Medicaments --- Terapèutiques alternatives --- Teràpies alternatives --- Tractaments alternatius --- Sistemes terapèutics --- Medicina --- Acupuntura --- Auriculoteràpia --- Cromoteràpia --- Desensibilització i reprocessament pel moviment ocular --- Dietoteràpia --- Electroteràpia --- Guariment mental --- Homeopatia --- Magnetoteràpia --- Medicina holística --- Medicina oriental --- Medicina ortomolecular --- Medicina tradicional --- Musicoteràpia --- Naturisme --- Organoteràpia --- Osteopatia --- Quiropràxia --- Reiki --- Teràpia de polaritat --- Teràpia neural --- Medicina integrativa --- Ús terapèutic --- Herbes medicinals --- Plantes remeieres --- Plantes útils --- Àloes --- Dulcamara --- Equinàcies --- Espígols --- Fitocosmètics --- Valeriana --- Botànica mèdica --- Fitoteràpia --- Tisanes --- Malalties dels pulmons --- Malalties pulmonars --- Pneumopaties --- Bronquitis --- Displàsia broncopulmonar --- Fibrosi pulmonar --- Fibrosi quística --- Insuficiència respiratòria --- Legionel·losi --- Malalties pulmonars obstructives cròniques --- Pneumònia --- Pneumotòrax

So-called Alternative Medicine (SCAM) for cancer
ISBN: 3030741583 3030741575 Year: 2021 Publisher: Cham, Switzerland : Springer,

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Cancer victims are bombarded with misleading information about alternative medicine. Many such treatments try to sell false hope at inflated prices, and many promise a cure without side-effects. This book explains why alternative cancer cures are a fallacious concept. However, it also outlines the important role of alternative medicine in supporting cancer patients and improving their quality of life.


Cancer research. --- Complementary medicine. --- Health care management. --- Health services administration. --- Cancer Research. --- Complementary & Alternative Medicine. --- Health Care Management. --- Health administration --- Health care administration --- Health care management --- Health sciences administration --- Health services management --- Medical care --- Health planning --- Public health administration --- Complementary medicine --- Healing systems --- Systems, Healing --- Systems, Therapeutic --- Therapeutic systems --- Medicine --- Integrative medicine --- Cancer research --- Administration --- Management --- Cancer --- Alternative treatment. --- Alternative therapy --- Treatment --- Càncer --- Medicina alternativa --- Terapèutiques alternatives --- Teràpies alternatives --- Tractaments alternatius --- Sistemes terapèutics --- Medicina --- Terapèutica --- Acupuntura --- Auriculoteràpia --- Cromoteràpia --- Desensibilització i reprocessament pel moviment ocular --- Dietoteràpia --- Electroteràpia --- Guariment mental --- Homeopatia --- Magnetoteràpia --- Medicina holística --- Medicina oriental --- Medicina ortomolecular --- Medicina tradicional --- Musicoteràpia --- Naturisme --- Organoteràpia --- Osteopatia --- Quiropràxia --- Reiki --- Teràpia de polaritat --- Teràpia neural --- Medicina integrativa --- Ús terapèutic --- Carcinoma --- Carcinosi --- Tumors --- Càncer d'ossos --- Càncer de cap --- Càncer de coll --- Càncer de bufeta --- Càncer de fetge --- Càncer de laringe --- Càncer de mama --- Càncer de pàncrees --- Càncer de pell --- Càncer de pròstata --- Càncer de pulmó --- Càncer de ronyó --- Càncer de tiroide --- Càncer d'ovari --- Càncer gastrointestinal --- Càncer ginecològic --- Càncer en els adolescents --- Càncer en els infants --- Medicaments antineoplàstics --- Melanoma --- Leucèmia --- Sarcoma --- Carcinògens --- Cèl·lules canceroses --- Cirurgia oncològica --- Infermeria oncològica --- Malalts de càncer --- Metàstasi --- Oncologia

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