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Taxing the rich : a history of fiscal fairness in the United States and Europe
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 1400880378 Year: 2016 Publisher: Princeton, NJ : Princeton University Press,

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In today's social climate of acknowledged and growing inequality, why are there not greater efforts to tax the rich? In this wide-ranging and provocative book, Kenneth Scheve and David Stasavage ask when and why countries tax their wealthiest citizens-and their answers may surprise you.Taxing the Rich draws on unparalleled evidence from twenty countries over the last two centuries to provide the broadest and most in-depth history of progressive taxation available. Scheve and Stasavage explore the intellectual and political debates surrounding the taxation of the wealthy while also providing the most detailed examination to date of when taxes have been levied against the rich and when they haven't. Fairness in debates about taxing the rich has depended on different views of what it means to treat people as equals and whether taxing the rich advances or undermines this norm. Scheve and Stasavage argue that governments don't tax the rich just because inequality is high or rising-they do it when people believe that such taxes compensate for the state unfairly privileging the wealthy. Progressive taxation saw its heyday in the twentieth century, when compensatory arguments for taxing the rich focused on unequal sacrifice in mass warfare. Today, as technology gives rise to wars of more limited mobilization, such arguments are no longer persuasive.Taxing the Rich shows how the future of tax reform will depend on whether political and economic conditions allow for new compensatory arguments to be made.


Imposte sul reddito --- Wealth --- Wealth --- Income tax --- Income tax --- Rich people --- Rich people --- History. --- History. --- History. --- History. --- Taxation --- History. --- Taxation --- History. --- Europa. --- USA. --- United States. --- Europe. --- Ability To Pay. --- At Best. --- Bond (finance). --- Capital levy. --- Conscription. --- Consideration. --- Consumption tax. --- Corporate tax. --- Debt. --- Direct tax. --- Economic efficiency. --- Economic growth. --- Economic inequality. --- Economic interventionism. --- Economic policy. --- Economics. --- Economist. --- Economy. --- Emmanuel Saez. --- Employment. --- Equality of outcome. --- Estate tax in the United States. --- Excise Tax. --- Expense. --- Finance. --- Financial crisis. --- Flat tax. --- Funding. --- Gift tax. --- Globalization. --- Government revenue. --- Gross domestic product. --- Incentive. --- Income distribution. --- Income tax in the United States. --- Income tax. --- Income. --- Indirect tax. --- Inflation. --- Inheritance tax. --- Institution. --- Jean Tirole. --- John Stuart Mill. --- Legislation. --- Legislature. --- Luxury goods. --- Mass mobilization. --- Middle class. --- Oligarchy. --- On War. --- Payroll tax. --- Pension. --- People's Budget. --- Percentage point. --- Percentage. --- Political economy. --- Political party. --- Political science. --- Political spectrum. --- Politics. --- Progressive tax. --- Property tax. --- Provision (accounting). --- Public finance. --- Quarterly Journal of Economics. --- Rates (tax). --- Redistribution of income and wealth. --- Sacrifice. --- Salary. --- Self-interest. --- Stanford University. --- Suffrage. --- Tariff. --- Tax Fairness. --- Tax Schedule. --- Tax deduction. --- Tax incidence. --- Tax law. --- Tax policy. --- Tax rate. --- Tax revenue. --- Tax. --- Taxation in the United Kingdom. --- Taxation in the United States. --- Taxpayer. --- Technology. --- Thomas Piketty. --- Total revenue. --- Universal suffrage. --- University of Amsterdam. --- War effort. --- War reparations. --- War. --- Warfare. --- Wealth tax. --- Wealth. --- Welfare state. --- Welfare. --- World War I. --- World War II.

Droit du patrimoine Luxembourg : Belgique, France, Allemagne
Authors: --- --- --- --- --- et al.
ISBN: 9782919782833 9782919782383 9782807208261 2919782835 291978238X Year: 2021 Publisher: Bertrange : Limal : Legitech ; Anthemis,

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Cet ouvrage tant attendu par les praticiens et par les étudiants viendra combler une grande lacune du droit patrimonial, civil et fiscal. Prenant comme point de départ le droit luxembourgeois, les différents auteurs ont chacun présenté les matières et les sujets similaires pour les trois pays limitrophes : l'Allemagne, la France et la Belgique. Cet exercice comparatif a non seulement été réalisé pour le droit civil des régimes matrimoniaux, des successions, des libéralités et des incapacités, mais également pour la fiscalité indirecte des donations et des successions, et ce pour chacune des quatre législations présentées.Les liens juridiques ont également été tracés entre chacun des pays grâce à une présentation exhaustive et actualisée des règles de droit international privé applicables à la matière. Un outil pratique et didactique, structuré de manière transversale par matière (et non pas par pays), contenant dans sa partie fiscale plusieurs casus, dont un casus transnational particulièrement complet. Cet ouvrage s'adresse à tous ceux, étudiants ou praticiens (notaires, avocats spécialisés en droit patrimonial, fiduciaires, banquiers privés, family officers et gestionnaires), qui veulent se familiariser ou approfondir l'étude des mécanismes civils et fiscaux de la transmission des patrimoines à travers la législation luxembourgeoise, allemande, française et belge. À cette fin, les six auteurs se sont attachés à rester clairs, concrets, tout en expliquant, dans la mesure du nécessaire, toutes les notions civiles et fiscales afin que ce précis soit accessible à toute personne intéressée par la matière, peu importe sa formation initiale. Afin de faciliter la consultation du précis, une table des matières détaillée est fournie en fin d’ouvrage.


burgerlijk recht --- fiscaal recht --- indirecte belasting --- erfrecht --- građansko pravo --- Bürgerliches Recht --- civilrätt --- e drejtë civile --- občianske právo --- drept civil --- гражданско право --- prawo cywilne --- граѓанско право --- civilno pravo --- tsiviilõigus --- грађанско право --- siviilioikeus --- polgári jog --- civillikums --- αστικό δίκαιο --- diritto civile --- droit civil --- dritt ċivili --- civil law --- civilinė teisė --- Derecho civil --- občanské právo --- direito civil --- civilret --- gemeen recht --- ligj i shkruar --- имотноправни односи --- borgerlig ret --- tavanomainen oikeus --- Zivilrecht --- civilní právo --- üldõigus --- ligj i zakonshëm --- allgemeines Recht --- предметно право --- diritto comune --- drept comun --- Derecho común --- Κοινό Δίκαιο --- облигациски односи --- ordinary law --- všeobecné právo --- civiltiesības --- allmän rätt --- droit commun --- direito comum --- statutory law --- įprastinė teisė --- taxxa indiretta --- impozit indirect --- podatek pośredni --- косвен данък --- индиректни даноци --- impôt indirect --- posredni davek --- kaudne maks --- tatim i tërthortë --- impuesto indirecto --- posredni porez --- netiesioginis mokestis --- indirect tax --- nepriama daň --- посредни порез --- netiešais nodoklis --- imposta indiretta --- välillinen vero --- nepřímá daň --- indirekte Steuer --- indirekte skat --- έμμεσος φόρος --- imposto indireto --- indirekt skatt --- közvetett adó --- посредни даноци --- neizravni porez --- imposto indirecto --- nodokļu likums --- dritt tat-taxxa --- direito fiscal --- vero-oikeus --- diritto tributario --- prawo podatkowe --- davčno pravo --- данъчно право --- porezno pravo --- skatterätt --- droit fiscal --- tax law --- maksuõigus --- Steuerrecht --- e drejta fiskale --- drept fiscal --- φορολογικό δίκαιο --- mokesčių teisė --- Derecho fiscal --- daňové právo --- даночно право --- adójog --- skatteret --- пореско право --- maksualased õigusaktid --- fiscale voorschriften --- adótörvény --- даночни прописи --- legislație fiscală --- normativa fiscale --- Derecho tributario --- tax legislation --- mokesčių įstatymai --- législation fiscale --- regulamentação fiscal --- φορολογική νομοθεσία --- mokesčių reguliavimas --- daňová legislativa --- daňové předpisy --- daňová legislatíva --- legislação fiscal --- legislazione fiscale --- daňový zákon --- skattebestämmelser --- rregullore tatimore --- verosääntely --- adójogi előírások --- даночно законодавство --- Steuergesetzgebung --- skattelovgivning --- tiesību akti nodokļu jomā --- adójogszabályok --- regolamentazione fiscale --- legjislacion tatimor --- maksumäärus --- réglementation fiscale --- verolainsäädäntö --- skattelagstiftning --- porezno zakonodavstvo --- nodokļu likumdošana --- steuerrechtliche Bestimmung --- porezni propisi --- skattebestemmelser --- φορολογικές ρυθμίσεις --- normativa fiscal --- reglamentación fiscal --- фискални прописи --- daňové predpisy --- legislación fiscal --- fiscale wetgeving --- tax regulation --- droit successoral --- Estates (Law) --- Inheritance and succession --- Comparative law --- Patrimoine --- Successions et héritages --- Droit comparé --- BPB9999 --- Taxation --- Gifts --- Impôts --- Donations --- Law and legislation --- Droit --- an dlí sibhialta --- cáin indíreach --- dlí cánach --- Luxembourg --- Belgique --- France --- Allemagne

Fiscaal Praktijkboek Indirecte Belastingen - Fiscale nieuwigheden praktisch bekeken
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9789403023236 9789403018669 9789403012797 9789403007991 9789403000824 9789046590614 9789046577639 9789046567142 9789046551479 9789046539743 9789046534700 9789046527207 9789046520727 9789046515624 9789046512999 9046510247 9046504174 9059289625 9059284534 9058527778 9058525848 9058523039 9058520218 9055831611 9063217188 9789403027210 9789403032047 Year: 2023 Publisher: Wolters Kluwer

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In deze editie komen volgende actuele topics aan bod:De hervorming van de btw-vrijstelling voor diensten inzake medische verzorging (Jurgen Opreel)Het Vlaams verkooprecht anno 2022 (Dieter Bossuyt)Het beding van aanwas: terug van nooit weggeweest (Eric Spruyt)Donner et retourner: het beding van terugkeer en de terugkeer na inbreng in een huwgemeenschap of onverdeeldheid (Sven Hubrecht en Ellen De Bruyckere)Het rechtszekerheidsbeginsel anno 2022: een nieuwe stap in de goede richting (Vincent Vercauteren, Christophe Dillen en Maxim Vermeiren)Fiscale zondaars in het nauw gedreven: op de valreep regulariseren? (Pieterjan Smeyers en Alexander Delafonteyne)De Fiscale Praktijkboeken staan onder leiding van editors Luc Maes (Prof. Fiscale Hogeschool) en Herman De Cnijf (Directeur Fiscale Hogeschool en FHS-Seminaries).bron:


Belastingsrecht ; België --- 336.2 --- 351.713 --- Current periodicals --- 336.2 <493> --- BE / Belgium - België - Belgique --- 336.220 --- 336.225 --- R15 - Droit de la TVA - BTW-recht --- Archi-JU --- Belastingen ; België --- Btw --- België --- Annuaire --- Droit fiscal --- Fiscalité --- fiscaal recht --- indirecte belasting --- 351.713 Fiscaal recht. Belastingsrecht. Overheidsfinancien. Belastingswezen--z.o.{336.2} --- Fiscaal recht. Belastingsrecht. Overheidsfinancien. Belastingswezen--z.o.{336.2} --- 336.2 Belastingen. Belastingswezen. Openbare financien. Belastingspolitiek. Belastingstheorie. Belastingsharmonisatie. Fiskale politiek. Belastingsleer. Belastingsdruk. Belastingstechniek. Belastingsstelsel.Belastingstarief --- 336.2 Belastingsakkoorden. Belastingswezen --- Belastingen. Belastingswezen. Openbare financien. Belastingspolitiek. Belastingstheorie. Belastingsharmonisatie. Fiskale politiek. Belastingsleer. Belastingsdruk. Belastingstechniek. Belastingsstelsel.Belastingstarief --- Belastingsakkoorden. Belastingswezen --- taxxa indiretta --- impozit indirect --- podatek pośredni --- косвен данък --- индиректни даноци --- impôt indirect --- posredni davek --- kaudne maks --- tatim i tërthortë --- impuesto indirecto --- posredni porez --- netiesioginis mokestis --- indirect tax --- nepriama daň --- посредни порез --- netiešais nodoklis --- imposta indiretta --- välillinen vero --- nepřímá daň --- indirekte Steuer --- indirekte skat --- cáin indíreach --- έμμεσος φόρος --- imposto indireto --- indirekt skatt --- közvetett adó --- посредни даноци --- neizravni porez --- imposto indirecto --- nodokļu likums --- dritt tat-taxxa --- direito fiscal --- vero-oikeus --- diritto tributario --- prawo podatkowe --- davčno pravo --- данъчно право --- porezno pravo --- skatterätt --- droit fiscal --- tax law --- maksuõigus --- Steuerrecht --- e drejta fiskale --- drept fiscal --- φορολογικό δίκαιο --- mokesčių teisė --- Derecho fiscal --- daňové právo --- даночно право --- adójog --- dlí cánach --- skatteret --- пореско право --- maksualased õigusaktid --- fiscale voorschriften --- adótörvény --- даночни прописи --- legislație fiscală --- normativa fiscale --- Derecho tributario --- tax legislation --- mokesčių įstatymai --- législation fiscale --- regulamentação fiscal --- φορολογική νομοθεσία --- mokesčių reguliavimas --- daňová legislativa --- daňové předpisy --- daňová legislatíva --- legislação fiscal --- legislazione fiscale --- daňový zákon --- skattebestämmelser --- rregullore tatimore --- verosääntely --- adójogi előírások --- даночно законодавство --- Steuergesetzgebung --- skattelovgivning --- tiesību akti nodokļu jomā --- adójogszabályok --- regolamentazione fiscale --- legjislacion tatimor --- maksumäärus --- réglementation fiscale --- verolainsäädäntö --- skattelagstiftning --- porezno zakonodavstvo --- nodokļu likumdošana --- steuerrechtliche Bestimmung --- porezni propisi --- skattebestemmelser --- φορολογικές ρυθμίσεις --- normativa fiscal --- reglamentación fiscal --- фискални прописи --- daňové predpisy --- legislación fiscal --- fiscale wetgeving --- tax regulation --- davčni sistem --- fiscalidade --- skattesystem --- adórendszer --- porezni sustav --- φορολογία --- skatteforhold --- verojärjestelmä --- nodokļu sistēma --- данъчна система --- maksusüsteem --- sistem tatimor --- cáinchóras --- fiscalidad --- fiscalità --- fiscalitate --- system podatkowy --- порески систем --- Steuerwesen --- fiscaliteit --- daňový systém --- tax system --- даночен систем --- daňová sústava --- mokesčių sistema --- sistema ta' tassazzjoni --- regime fiscale --- verotus --- maksustamine --- beskattning --- taxatie --- onere fiscale --- tassazione --- skatteuttag --- фискален режим --- фискална давачка --- Steuerlast --- système fiscal --- taxation --- tassazzjoni --- dichiarazione fiscale --- tributação --- фискален систем --- adóztatás --- regime fiscal --- régimen fiscal --- régimen tributario --- φορολόγηση --- imposizione --- adószabályozás --- apmokestinimas --- φορολογικά βάρη --- sistema tributario --- фискален третман --- daňová soustava --- Besteuerung --- imposición --- adóteher --- tributación --- belastingheffing --- Steuerbelastung --- trattamento fiscale --- charge fiscale --- zdanění --- fiscaal systeem --- oporezivanje --- imposition --- fiscale last --- skattetryck --- fiscaal regime --- prelievo fiscale --- skattebörda --- Steuerregelung --- pressione fiscale --- skattebyrde --- skattebehandling --- cánachas --- steuerliche Behandlung --- sistema fiscal --- fiskální soustava --- régime fiscal --- drenaggio fiscale --- taxering --- imposição fiscal --- sistema fiscale --- φορολογικό σύστημα --- skatter og afgifter --- carga fiscal --- skatteordning --- beskatning --- Jahrbuch --- metknygė --- bliainiris --- annuario --- årbog --- vjetar --- rocznik --- évkönyv --- επετηρίδα --- yearbook --- gadagrāmata --- letopis --- årsbok --- godišnjak --- годишњак --- anuario --- annwarju --- годишник --- anuar --- ročenka --- vuosikirja --- jaarboek --- aastaraamat --- anuário --- almanacco --- annuaire officiel --- oficialioji metknygė --- úradná ročenka --- officiell årsbok --- Almanach --- almanak --- official yearbook --- almanahh --- алманах --- ametlik aastaraamat --- almanac --- oficiālā gadagrāmata --- oficiální ročenka --- kalendář --- vejviser --- annuario ufficiale --- anuário oficial --- анали --- επίσημη επετηρίδα --- anuario oficial --- almanachas --- хроника --- úřední ročenka --- virallinen vuosikirja --- almanaque --- almanach --- telefonbog --- αλμανάκ --- летопис --- anuar oficial --- statskalender --- almanah --- vjetar zyrtar --- amtliches Jahrbuch --- aikakausjulkaisu --- τηλεφωνικός κατάλογος --- Belgium --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgique --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- indirecte belastingen: algemeenheden --- Omzetbelasting, belasting over de toegevoegde waarde --- Indirecte belastingen --- Successierecht --- Accijnzen --- Registratierecht --- Verkeersbelasting --- Aandeel --- Vastgoed --- Fiscaliteit --- Bewijswaarde --- Procedure --- Douane --- Transport --- Internationale fiscaliteit --- Vlaanderen --- Leasing --- Familiebedrijf --- Europese Unie --- Overheidsfinanciën --- Vermogensbelasting --- Non-profitsector --- Voordeel van alle aard --- Corporate governance --- Inkomstenbelasting --- Fraudebestrijding --- Belasting op de Toegevoegde Waarde --- Levensverzekering --- Schenkingsrecht --- Erfrecht --- Vermogensbeheer --- Praktijk --- Import --- Export --- Mensenrechten --- Huur --- Roerende goederen --- Fraude --- Bedrijfsovername --- Vennootschapsbelasting --- belastingbeleid --- politique fiscale --- politikë fiskale --- fiskális politika --- фискална политика --- politika zdaňovania --- fiskální politika --- fiskālā politika --- skattepolitik --- politica fiscale --- porezna politika --- φορολογική πολιτική --- politika fiskali --- fiscal policy --- veropolitiikka --- fiskalna politika --- política fiscal --- polityka podatkowa --- fiskalinė politika --- beartas fioscach --- politică fiscală --- Steuerpolitik --- fiskaalpoliitika --- nodokļu politika --- maksupoliitika --- експанзивна фискална политика --- reforma zdaňovania --- politica taxelor --- iždo politika --- adópolitika --- политика на владина потрошувачка --- politikë për tatim-taksat --- taxation policy --- tax policy --- политика на оданочување --- politikë tatimore --- mokesčių politika --- fiscaal beleid --- контрактивна фискална политика --- maksustamispoliitika --- daňová politika --- fiškálna politika --- annuaire --- Indirect taxation --- Taxation --- Impôt indirect --- Law and legislation --- Fiscaal recht --- Verkoop --- Rechtsleer --- Rechtspraak --- Recht --- MA

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