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291.1 --- Godsdienstfilosofie --- Religionsphilosophie --- Etik --- Sakramentalität --- 291.1 Godsdienstfilosofie
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Professional ethics. Deontology --- Science --- Social sciences --- Research --- Moral and ethical aspects --- Social scientists --- Samhällsvetenskaplig forskning --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Professional ethics. --- etik och moral --- etik och moral. --- Etik och moral.
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Ethisch-moralische Kompetenz ist ein unverzichtbarer Bestandteil öffentlicher Bildung und als solcher auf eine Thematisierung im öffentlichen Erziehungssystem angewiesen. Ein international validiertes Testinstrument erlaubt es, ethisch-moralische Kompetenzen von Schülerinnen und Schülern am Ende der Sekundarstufe I sowie in der gymnasialen Oberstufe in den Teilkompetenzen ethisch-moralische Grundkenntnisse, Urteils- und Handlungsentwurfskompetenz zu messen. Ausführlich wird über pädagogische und bildungswissenschaftliche Grundlagen des Ansatzes, die Entwicklung von Testaufgaben, Pilotierungs- und Validierungsstudien und die Herausarbeitung von Anforderungsniveaus und Kompetenzstufen berichtet. Der Band präsentiert da- rüber hinaus Studien zur internen Schulevaluation und zur Internationalisierung des Ansatzes. Er wendet sich an Studierende sowie Lehrende des Faches Ethik oder vergleichbarer Fächer, an Fachdidaktiker für Philosophie und Ethik, an Forscher im moralisch-evaluativen Bereich, Schulbuchautoren, Landesinstitute und öffentliche Bildungsverwaltungen.
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This title addresses and summarizes the basic and related issues in ethnography, examines topics like 'sampling' and 'generalizing' as well as embracing new fields such as virtual, visual and multi-sighted ethnography, and discusses time-honoured themes such as key informants, access, participant observation and rapport as well as key contemporary issues such as reflexivity, writing, and ethics.
Ethnology. --- Ethnologie --- Dictionnaires --- Ethnology --- Cultural anthropology --- Ethnography --- Races of man --- Social anthropology --- Anthropology --- Human beings --- Philosophy. --- #KVHA:Methodologie --- #KVHA::Ethnografie --- Philosophy --- Dictionnaires. --- Etnologi --- Filosofi --- Etik --- #KVHA:Ethnografie
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Psychotherapy --- Psychotherapist and patient --- Professional-Patient Relations --- Psychoanalytic Theory --- Treatment Outcome --- Psychothérapie --- Relations psychothérapeute-patient --- methods --- #PBIB:2004.1 --- Psychoanalytic theory --- Treatment outcome --- Psychotherapy: methods --- Professional-patient relations. --- Psykoterapi --- Psykoanalys --- Psykoterapeut - patientrelationer --- Psychotherapy. --- metodik --- teori, filosofi --- etik och moral --- Psykoterapi. --- Psykoterapeut - patientrelationer. --- metodik. --- teori, filosofi. --- etik och moral. --- Psychoanalytic theory. --- Treatment outcome. --- Psychotherapy: methods. --- Psychotherapist and patient. --- Treatment Outcome. --- Psychotherapy - methods
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In this astonishingly rich volume, experts in ethics, epistemology, philosophy of mind, political theory, aesthetics, history, critical theory, and hermeneutics bring to light the best philosophical scholarship on what is arguably Nietzsche's most rewarding but most challenging text. Including essays that were commissioned specifically for the volume as well as essays revised and edited by their authors, this collection showcases definitive works that have shaped Nietzsche studies alongside new works of interest to students and experts alike. A lengthy introduction, annotated bibliography, and
Ethics. --- Etik. --- Filosofia contemporánea --- Genealogie der Moral (Nietzsche). --- Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, --- Nietzsche, Friedrich. --- Nietzsche, Friedrich; Zur Genealogie der Moral --- Ethics --- Deontology --- Ethics, Primitive --- Ethology --- Moral philosophy --- Morality --- Morals --- Philosophy, Moral --- Science, Moral --- Philosophy --- Values
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"Most books and articles still treat leadership and ethics as related though separate phenomena. This edited volume is an exception to that rule, and explicitly treats leadership and ethics as a single domain. This holds especially true for the military, as it is one of the few organizations that can legitimately use violence. Military leaders have to deal with personnel who have either used or experienced violence. This intertwinement of leadership and violence separates military leadership from leadership in other professions. Even in a time that leadership is increasingly questioned, it is still good leadership that keeps soldiers from crossing the thin line between legitimate force and excessive violence."--Provided by publisher.
MILITARY ETHICS --- WAR--MORAL AND ETHICAL ASPECTS --- COMMAND OF TROOPS --- Military ethics. --- War --- Leadership. --- War and morals --- Ethics --- Ability --- Command of troops --- Followership --- Moral and ethical aspects. --- Éthique militaire. --- Guerre --- Aspect moral --- Militær ledelse --- Etik --- Éthique militaire.
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Law of civil procedure --- Professional ethics. Deontology --- Belgium --- BPB1510 --- Avocat --- Déontologie professionnelle --- Advocaat --- Beroepsdeontologie --- poklicna etika --- profesionālā ētika --- profesionalna etika --- професионална етика --- etika professjonali --- profesinė etika --- Berufsethos --- etyka zawodowa --- profesní etika --- deontología profesional --- profesijná etika --- kutse-eetika --- yrkesetik --- professionel etik --- etică profesională --- deontologia profissional --- επαγγελματική δεοντολογία --- professional ethics --- deontologia professionale --- etikë profesionale --- beroepsdeontologie --- szakmai etika --- ammattietiikka --- deontologia --- faglig etik --- кодекс на професионална етика --- etički kodeks --- deontoloģija --- etika povolání --- професионален морал --- szakmai erkölcs --- deontology --- étos povolání --- deontológia --- δεοντολογία --- profesionální etika --- деонтологија --- profesionální přístup --- deontoloogia --- pliktetik --- szakmai morál --- kodeks strukovne etike --- etika profese --- deontologisk etik --- deontologija --- deontología --- deontologie --- déontologie --- erhvervsetik --- deontológia/etika povinnosti --- etiske regler --- δικηγόρος --- advocaat --- odvetnik --- avvocato --- адвокат --- asianajaja --- odvjetnik --- adwokat --- ügyvéd --- abogado --- Rechtsanwalt --- advokat --- advokatas --- advokāts --- lawyer --- avokat --- avocat pledant --- advogado --- advokaat --- avukat --- advokát --- abogado del Estado --- attorney --- адвокатска дејност --- odvjetnička djelatnost --- адвокатура --- Anwalt --- barrister --- letrado --- advokacie --- адвокатска комора --- vandeadvokaat --- odvjetništvo --- dlíodóir --- eitic ghairmiúil --- Déontologie professionnelle
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La déontologie de l’avocat est en constante évolution, que ce soit sous l’influence des juridictions européennes ou de nouveaux règlements adoptés par les Ordres communautaires.L’abondante jurisprudence européenne en matière de secret professionnel ou le nouveau règlement en matière de conflits d’intérêts adopté par en sont l’illustration.Cet ouvrage a pour objectif d’exposer ces nouveautés mais également de faire le point sur des sujets auxquels l’avocat est confronté au quotidien : la confidentialité de la correspondance ou la manipulation de fonds de tiers.Enfin, une réflexion prospective sur la taxation des honoraires et la juste modération sera menée. Les contributeurs donneront un éclairage pratique à ces différents sujets.L’ouvrage contient les exposés approfondis présentés lors de l’après-midi d’étude organisé sous l’égide de la Conférence du jeune barreau de Bruxelles, le 19 octobre 2017.
BPB9999. --- Juristes --- Droit --- Déontologie --- Pratique --- Secret professionnel --- BPB1802 --- Avocat --- Déontologie professionnelle --- STRADALEX --- Déontologie professionnelle --- poklicna etika --- profesionālā ētika --- profesionalna etika --- професионална етика --- etika professjonali --- profesinė etika --- Berufsethos --- etyka zawodowa --- profesní etika --- deontología profesional --- profesijná etika --- kutse-eetika --- yrkesetik --- professionel etik --- etică profesională --- deontologia profissional --- επαγγελματική δεοντολογία --- professional ethics --- deontologia professionale --- etikë profesionale --- beroepsdeontologie --- eitic ghairmiúil --- szakmai etika --- ammattietiikka --- deontologia --- faglig etik --- кодекс на професионална етика --- etički kodeks --- deontoloģija --- etika povolání --- професионален морал --- szakmai erkölcs --- deontology --- étos povolání --- deontológia --- δεοντολογία --- profesionální etika --- деонтологија --- profesionální přístup --- deontoloogia --- pliktetik --- szakmai morál --- kodeks strukovne etike --- etika profese --- deontologisk etik --- deontologija --- deontología --- deontologie --- déontologie --- erhvervsetik --- deontológia/etika povinnosti --- etiske regler --- δικηγόρος --- advocaat --- odvetnik --- avvocato --- адвокат --- asianajaja --- odvjetnik --- adwokat --- ügyvéd --- abogado --- Rechtsanwalt --- advokat --- advokatas --- advokāts --- dlíodóir --- lawyer --- avokat --- avocat pledant --- advogado --- advokaat --- avukat --- advokát --- abogado del Estado --- attorney --- адвокатска дејност --- odvjetnička djelatnost --- адвокатура --- Anwalt --- barrister --- letrado --- advokacie --- адвокатска комора --- vandeadvokaat --- odvjetništvo --- avocat --- Belgique --- Avocats -- Belgique --- Juristes -- Belgique --- Actes de congrès
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This book offers a multidisciplinary treatment of targeting. It is intended for use by the military, government legal advisers and academics. The book is suitable for use in both military training and educational programs and in Bachelor and Master degree level courses on such topics as War Studies and Strategic Studies. The book first explores the context of targeting, its evolution and the current targeting process and characteristics. An overview of the legal and ethical constraints on targeting as an operational process follows. It concludes by surveying contemporary issues in targeting such as the potential advent of autonomous weapon systems, ‘non-kinetic’ targeting, targeting in multinational military operations and leadership decapitation in counter-terrorism operations. The deep practical experience and academic background of the contributors ensures comprehensive treatment of current targeting and use of force issues. Paul Ducheine is Professor for Cyber Operations and Cyber Security, Netherlands Defence Academy, Breda, The Netherlands; and Professor of Law of Military Cyber Operations and Cyber Security at the University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Michael Schmitt is Charles H. Stockton Professor & Director, Stockton Center for the Study of International Law, U.S. Naval War College, Newport, Rhode Island, and Professor of Public International Law, University of Exeter, UK. Frans Osinga is Chair of the War Studies Department, Netherlands Defence Academy, Breda, The Netherlands, and Professor of Military Operational Art and Sciences.
Taktik (militärväsen) --- Strategi --- Vapensystem --- Krigets lagar --- Militära operationer --- Militär etik --- Military weapons --- Target acquisition. --- Tactics. --- Strategy. --- Tactics --- Strategy --- Campaigns --- Weapons systems --- War (International law) --- Military ethics --- Law and legislation. --- Law. --- International humanitarian law. --- International Humanitarian Law, Law of Armed Conflict. --- Taktik (militärväsen). --- Strategi. --- Vapensystem. --- Krigets lagar. --- Militära operationer. --- Militär etik. --- Campaigns. --- Weapons systems. --- War (International law). --- Military ethics. --- Military strategy --- Military tactics --- Acquisition, Target --- Military art and science --- Detectors --- Fire control (Gunnery) --- Gunnery --- Radar --- Military doctrine --- Humanitarian conventions --- International humanitarian law --- Acts, Legislative --- Enactments, Legislative --- Laws (Statutes) --- Legislative acts --- Legislative enactments --- Jurisprudence --- Legislation --- Humanitarian law.
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