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Les juristes de Louis XIII et de Richelieu : théoriciens de l'Etat
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782275061856 2275061851 Year: 2018 Publisher: Issy-les-Moulineaux : LGDJ, une marque de Lextenso,

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Mélanges en l'honneur de Jean-Claude Colliard : l'Etat, le droit, le politique
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782247137145 2247137148 Year: 2014 Publisher: Paris: Dalloz,

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L'Etat de droit
ISBN: 9782275131221 2275131221 Year: 2023 Publisher: Paris: Montchrestien,

L'analyse des politiques publiques aux prises avec le droit
Authors: --- ---
ISBN: 9782275019918 227501991X Year: 2000 Volume: 30 Publisher: Issy-les-Moulineaux : L.G.D.J.,

Power and persuasion : essays on the art of State building in honour of W. P. Blockmans
Authors: --- --- ---
ISBN: 9782503532110 250353211X 9782503539881 Year: 2010 Publisher: Turnhout: Brepols,

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The transformation of the myriad of medieval kingdoms, principalities, local lordships, city-‘states’ and peasant ‘republics’ into ‘modern’ states, claiming some measure of sovereignty, remains one of the core themes of European history, because it goes to the very heart of how we see Europe in our own time. Some 20 leading experts cast new light on various aspects of this process, such as political communication, foreign diplomacy, dynastic self-representation, political economy, national identities, and military resources. The articles are a tribute to the prominent medieval historian, Wim Blockmans, on the occasion of his retirement as professor of medieval history at Leiden University and rector of the Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (nias) at Wassenaar.


History of Europe --- Theory of the state --- anno 500-1499 --- anno 1500-1599 --- Construction de l'État --- Hervorming van de Staat --- Nation-building --- Reconstruction d'une nation --- Reconstruction de l'État --- Reconstruction nationale --- Reconstruction politique --- Réforme de l'État --- Staatshervorming --- Stabilization and reconstruction (International relations) --- State-building --- Édification de l'État --- Édification nationale --- Persuasion (Rhetoric) --- Powers (Law) --- Power (Social sciences) --- Sovereignty --- Argumentation --- Pouvoir (Droit) --- Pouvoir (Sciences sociales) --- Souveraineté --- History --- Histoire --- Europe --- Politics and government --- Politique et gouvernement --- État moderne --- --État --- --Moyen âge, --- mélanges --- --Nation-building --- Blockmans, Willem Pieter --- 321.001 <4> --- 940.1 --- Politieke systemen. Politieke evolutie. verandering van politieke stelsels--Europa --- Geschiedenis van Europa: Middeleeuwen:--(ca.375-1492) --- Nation-building. --- Blockmans, Willem Pieter. --- History. --- Law, Politics & Government --- International Relations --- 940.1 Geschiedenis van Europa: Middeleeuwen:--(ca.375-1492) --- 321.001 <4> Politieke systemen. Politieke evolutie. verandering van politieke stelsels--Europa --- Souveraineté --- Political development --- Blockmans, Wim --- Blockmans, Willem, --- Blockmans, W. P. --- Blockmans, Willem --- Blockmans, W.P. --- État --- Moyen âge, 476-1492 --- Europe - History --- Blockmans, Wim, --- Persuasion (rhétorique) --- État --- Droit et État --- Pouvoir exécutif --- Pouvoir (droit) --- Groupes sociaux --- Peuple --- Régimes politiques --- Pouvoir (sciences sociales)

La politique de la raison
ISBN: 222888832X 9782228888325 Year: 1994 Volume: 2 Publisher: Paris: Payot,

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Law --- Political aspects. --- 342.2 --- 321.01 --- Law and politics --- 32 --- Staatsvormen --- Algemene staatsleer. Politieke filosofie. Staatsleer. Staatstheorie --- France --- Politics and government --- -Historiography. --- -Philosophy. --- 321.01 Algemene staatsleer. Politieke filosofie. Staatsleer. Staatstheorie --- 342.2 Staatsvormen --- Pʻŭrangsŭ --- Frankrig --- Francja --- Frant︠s︡ii︠a︡ --- Prantsusmaa --- Francia (Republic) --- Tsarfat --- Tsorfat --- Franḳraykh --- Frankreich --- Fa-kuo --- Faguo --- Франция --- French Republic --- République française --- Peurancih --- Frankryk --- Franse Republiek --- Francland --- Frencisc Cynewīse --- فرنسا --- Faransā --- Franza --- Republica Franzesa --- Gallia (Republic) --- Hyãsia --- Phransiya --- Fransa --- Fransa Respublikası --- Franse --- Францыя --- Frantsyi︠a︡ --- Французская Рэспубліка --- Frantsuzskai︠a︡ Rėspublika --- Parancis --- Pransya --- Franis --- Francuska --- Republika Francuska --- Bro-C'hall --- Френска република --- Frenska republika --- França --- República Francesa --- Pransiya --- Republikang Pranses --- Γαλλία --- Gallia --- Γαλλική Δημοκρατία --- Gallikē Dēmokratia --- فرانسه --- Farānsah --- צרפת --- רפובליקה הצרפתית --- Republiḳah ha-Tsarfatit --- פראנקרייך --- 法国 --- 法蘭西共和國 --- Falanxi Gongheguo --- フランス --- Furansu --- フランス共和国 --- Furansu Kyōwakoku --- Francija --- Ranska --- Frankrike --- Political aspects --- France (Provisional government, 1944-1946) --- Historiography. --- Philosophy. --- Fa-lan-hsi --- Falanxi --- Frankrijk --- Frant︠s︡ --- Frant︠s︡ Uls --- Франц --- Франц Улс --- 法蘭西 --- 프랑스 --- Law - Political aspects. --- Law and politics. --- Political science. --- Philosophers --- Primauté du droit --- État. --- Human rights --- Droits de l'homme --- Droit et État --- Science politique --- Républicanisme --- Philosophie politique. --- Droit et politique. --- History. --- Histoire. --- Philosophy

Alternatieve conflictoplossing met de overheid
ISBN: 9789048630578 9048630576 Year: 2017 Volume: 16 Publisher: Brugge Die Keure

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Overheidsinstanties grijpen diep in ons leven in. Uiteraard leidt dit af en toe tot conflicten. Denk maar aan grote dossiers, zoals Uplace. Maar even goed gaat het om tal van kleine zaken die zelden de pers halen, zoals het aanvechten van een benoeming of een vergunning, een schadegeval, een tuchtzaak. Hoe kunnen conflicten met de overheid worden opgelost zonder naar de rechter te stappen? Dit boek geeft een antwoord op die vraag.-Voor ons land het eerste omvattend handboek over alternatieve conflictoplossing (ADR) in de bestuurlijke sector.-Theoretische inzichten worden verweven met tal van praktische tools en voorbeelden.-Helder overzicht van de diverse vormen van ADR: onderhandelen, bemiddelen, minnelijke schikking, de verzoenende rol van deskundigen, ?-Praktische toepassing van ADR op de verschillende domeinen van het overheidsoptreden: leefmilieu, onderwijs, personeelsconflicten,?-Multidisciplinaire insteek. De juridische aspecten van ADR worden samen gebracht met inzichten omtrent conflicten, communicatie, onderhandelen, enz.


Law of civil procedure --- Administrative law --- Belgium --- staatsorganisatie --- administratief recht --- conflits --- V06 Droit administratif - Administratief recht --- BPB1802 --- Code administratif --- Médiateur --- Règlement des différends --- Droit administratif --- organisation de l'etat --- droit administratif --- geschillen --- Administratief wetboek --- Bemiddelaar --- Beslechting van geschillen --- Bestuursrecht --- Droit administratif Administratief recht --- Relations administration-citoyen Betrekkingen tussen overheid en burgers --- Résolution des conflits Conflicthantering --- Réclamations (procédure administrative) --- Relations administration-usagers --- Information des administrés --- Règlement de conflits --- Droit et État --- Droit --- Droit et État. --- Droit administratif. --- Droit. --- Staatsorganisatie. --- Administratief recht. --- Geschillen. --- E-books --- Overheid --- Conflicten --- Communicatie --- Informatie --- Belangenbehartiging --- Overleg --- Teamwerk --- Onderhandelen --- Bemiddeling --- Ombudsdiensten --- Participatie --- Burgerparticipatie --- Arbitrage --- Woonomgeving --- Personeelsmanagement --- Onderwijs --- Lokaal beleid --- forvaltningsret --- hallinto-oikeus --- Verwaltungsrecht --- Derecho administrativo --- haldusõigus --- e drejtë administrative --- direito administrativo --- správní právo --- diritto amministrativo --- διοικητικό δίκαιο --- административно право --- upravno pravo --- förvaltningsrätt --- drept administrativ --- správne právo --- administracinė teisė --- управно право --- bestuursrecht --- prawo administracyjne --- administrative law --- közigazgatási jog --- liġi amminisitrattiva --- administratīvās tiesības --- administrativní právo --- államigazgatási jog --- riżoluzzjoni ta' tilwimiet --- διευθέτηση των διαφορών --- domstarpību izšķiršana --- решавање спорова --- riitojen ratkaiseminen --- regulowanie sporów --- composizione delle controversie --- settlement of disputes --- zgjidhje e mosmarrëveshjeve --- solución de conflictos --- ginčų sprendimas --- Beilegung der Streitigkeiten --- vaidluste lahendamine --- beslechting van geschillen --- řešení sporů --- bilæggelse af tvister --- reševanje sporov --- vitarendezés --- urovnávanie sporov --- решавање спорови --- soluționarea conflictelor --- rješavanje sporova --- tvistlösning --- уреждане на спорове --- resolução de diferendos --- διευθέτηση διενέξεων --- dispute settlement --- уреждане на конфликти --- arreglo de controversias --- konflikta atrisināšana --- soluzione dei conflitti --- mirovna pogajanja --- negocieri de pace --- reglementarea conflictelor --- mírová jednání --- selkkausten ratkaiseminen --- conflict resolution --- résolution des conflits --- resolução de conflitos --- konfliktlösning --- решавање спорови по вонсудски пат --- мировни преговори --- risoluzione delle controversie --- мирни преговори --- reševanje konfliktov --- mirovni pregovori --- vredesonderhandeling --- konfliktide lahendamine --- rešitev sporov --- konfliktbilæggelse --- fredsförhandlingar --- rozstrzyganie sporów --- miera sarunas --- tvistbilæggelse --- riżoluzzjoni ta' kunflitti --- mírové řešení sporů --- peace negotiations --- risoluzione dei conflitti --- resolución de litigios --- urovnávanie konfliktov --- Lösung der Konflikte --- разрешаване на конфликти --- решавање спорови по судски пат --- mírové urovnání sporů --- rahuläbirääkimised --- reglementarea diferendelor --- conflict settlement --- urovnání sporů --- negocjacje pokojowe --- решавање конфликти --- oplossing van conflicten --- mierové rokovania --- Friedensverhandlung --- negoziato di pace --- Beilegung der Konflikte --- rauhanneuvottelut --- konfliktusrendezés --- konfliktuskezelés --- konflikta izlīdzināšana --- béketárgyalások --- negozjati ta' paċi --- negociação de paz --- negociación de paz --- erimielisyyksien ratkaiseminen --- konfliktų sprendimas --- règlement des conflits --- taikos derybos --- επίλυση διαμάχης --- riešenie konfliktov --- ειρηνευτικές διαπραγματεύσεις --- zgjidhje e mosmarrëveshjes --- negociata për paqe --- fredsforhandling --- rozwiązywanie konfliktów --- zgjidhje e konfliktit --- négociation de paix --- pravobranitelj --- Mittler --- közvetítő --- posrednik --- tarpininkas --- bemiddelaar --- rzecznik praw obywatelskich --- посредник --- forligsmand --- vidutājs --- medlare --- medjatur --- ombudsman --- sovittelija --- mediator --- διαμεσολαβητής --- народен правобранител --- sprostredkovateľ --- ndërmjetës --- Provedor de Justiça --- Defensor del Pueblo --- difensore civico --- avocatul poporului --- lepitaja --- ochránce práv ve veřejné správě --- mediátor --- prostředník --- komisař pro lidská práva --- Ararteko --- pověřenec pro občanské záležitosti --- zástupce občanů --- Síndic de Greuges --- Justicia de Aragón --- oikeusasiamies --- ombudsmenas --- Valedor do Pobo --- Diputado del Común --- Ombuds --- ombudsmand --- омбутсман --- zprostředkovatel pro občanské záležitosti --- įgaliotinis --- avokat populli --- επίτροπος διοικήσεως --- Ombudsmann --- Procurador del Común --- Seimo kontrolierius --- Ombudsman --- veřejný ochránce práv --- upravni kodeks --- управни законик --- kod administrativ --- správní zákoník --- haldusseadustik --- kodeks administracyjny --- cod administrativ --- διοικητικός κώδικας --- közigazgatási kódex --- hallintolaki --- forvaltningslov --- Verwaltungsregeln --- administrative code --- административни правила --- Código Administrativo --- codice amministrativo --- código administrativo --- förvaltningsbestämmelser --- upravni zakonik --- administratívny kódex --- kodiċi amministrattiv --- administracinis kodeksas --- administratief wetboek --- administratīvais kodekss --- управен законик --- administrativní zákoník --- közigazgatási törvény --- förvaltningslag --- Kwaliteitsbeheer : Klachtenbeheer --- Gestion de la qualité : Gestion des plaintes --- Conflict --- Overleg (beraad) --- Onderhandeling --- Ombudsdienst --- Arbitrage (conflict) --- Opvoeding --- Pedagogiek --- Statistische gegevens --- Sport --- dlí riaracháin --- idirghabhálaí --- cód riaracháin --- réiteach díospóidí --- Belgique --- Médiateur --- Réclamations (procédure administrative) --- Information des administrés --- Règlement de conflits --- Droit et État. --- Règlement des différends --- Administrative procedure --- Procédure administrative --- Dispute resolution (Law)

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