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handelspolitiek --- douane --- douanereglementering --- import --- invoerrechten --- belastingtarieven --- droits de douane --- tarifs fiscaux --- Douanerechten --- Douanewetgeving --- Douanerechten. --- Douanewetgeving. --- EU. --- Tax law --- Foreign trade policy --- Douane --- belgie --- belgique
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investissements etrangers --- exportations --- politique industrielle --- AA / International- internationaal --- 339.113 --- 337.2 --- buitenlandse investeringen --- uitvoer --- industrieel beleid --- Buitenlandse investeringen. --- Vrijstelling van douanerechten. Vrije zone. --- Industrial economics --- International finance --- Foreign trade. International trade --- Investments --- Investeringen (Internationale). --- Zones franches. --- Investissements --- Vrijzone. --- Buitenlandse investeringen --- Vrijstelling van douanerechten. Vrije zone
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Communautés européennes --- Douane --- Droit international --- Europese Gemeenschappen --- Internationaal recht --- Free ports and zones --- Zones et ports francs --- European Economic Community --- Communauté économique européenne --- Customs unions --- Unions douanières --- Europe --- Economic integration --- Intégration économique --- 351.713*23 --- AA / International- internationaal --- 337.550 --- 336.207 --- 337.2 --- Douane en accijnzen --- Douane-unies (algemeenheden). --- Ontheffingen en vrijstellingen. Coördinatiecentra. --- Vrijstelling van douanerechten. Vrije zone. --- 351.713*23 Douane en accijnzen --- Communauté économique européenne --- Unions douanières --- Intégration économique --- Douane-unies (algemeenheden) --- Ontheffingen en vrijstellingen. Coördinatiecentra --- Vrijstelling van douanerechten. Vrije zone --- Customs unions. --- Douanes
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In dit boek wordt een overzicht gegeven van de belangrijkste douanewetgeving, in eerste instantie vanuit het oogpunt van deEuropese Unie maar daarnaast ook toegespitst op de specifiek gangbare praktijken in enkele lidstaten van de Europese Unie In het boek worden onderwerpen zoals de indeling van goederen,de vaststelling van de douanewaarde van ingevoerde goederen, de bepaling van de oorsprong van goederen, actieve veredeling,passieve veredeling, douanevervoer en douane-entrepot behandeld Daarnaast wordt aandacht besteed aan nationale belastingen dieeen Europees karakter hebben en waarvoor de douane belast is met de heffing, zoals de BTW van toepassing bij de in- en uitvoer van goederen alsook accijnzen Ook wordt een gedeelte van het boek gewijd aan formaliteiten, geschillenprocedures, boetes en dergelijke
douane --- Tax law --- douanereglementering --- Commercial law. Economic law (general) --- Belgium --- 351.713*23 --- douaneheffingen als bron van inkomsten --- 150 Economisch recht en handelsrecht --- internationale handel --- belgie --- handel --- invoerrechten --- 337.0 --- 382.0 --- 382.10 --- AA / International- internationaal --- 336.24 --- 347.7 --- België --- handelsrecht --- 336.272 --- Douane --- 346.8 --- Customs administration --- -Customs administration --- -Finance, Public --- Tariff --- Douane en accijnzen --- belgique --- douanes --- commerce --- commerce international --- droits de douane --- Douane: algemeenheden. Theorieën. --- Algemeenheden. Techniek en praktijk van de internationale handel. Internationale economische betrekkingen. --- Theorieën van internationale en interregionale handel: algemeenheden. Comparatieve voordelen. --- Douaneheffingen als bron van inkomsten --- Law and legislation --- -Law and legislation --- -Douanerechten --- Handel --- -351.713*23 Douane en accijnzen --- Finance, Public --- -Douanerechten. --- Handel. --- -Douane en accijnzen --- -351.713*23 --- Douanerechten. --- Douane: algemeenheden. Theorieën --- Algemeenheden. Techniek en praktijk van de internationale handel. Internationale economische betrekkingen --- Theorieën van internationale en interregionale handel: algemeenheden. Comparatieve voordelen --- -douane --- -Commercial law. Economic law (general) --- 351.713*23 Douane en accijnzen --- GATT ( ACCORD GENERAL SUR LES TARIFS DOUANIERS ET LE COMMERCE ) --- ORGANISATION MONDIALE DU COMMERCE ( OMC ) --- COMMERCE INTERNATIONAL --- UNION DOUANIERE --- ANTI-DUMPING --- DROIT ECONOMIQUE ET COMMERCIAL --- POLITIQUE COMMERCIALE INTERNATIONALE --- ACCORDS DOUANIERS --- COMMERCE ET COMMERCANTS --- DROIT DE DOUANE --- TRANSPORTS --- -GATT ( ACCORD GENERAL SUR LES TARIFS DOUANIERS ET LE COMMERCE )
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Customs unions --- Tariff --- Tarif douanier --- zones de libre echange --- ce --- AA / International- internationaal --- 334.153.1 --- 334.154.1 --- vrijhandelszones --- eg --- Handel, douanetarief en handelsakkoorden in de Europese Gemeenschappen. --- Verkeer van personen en goederen. vestiging van personen. Technische beperkingen. Vrijheid van beroep. Openbare markten. Europese eenheidsmarkt. --- Douanerechten. Euromarkt. --- Droits de douane. Marché commun européen. --- Marché commun européen. Droit. --- Euromarkt. Recht. --- Handel, douanetarief en handelsakkoorden in de Europese Gemeenschappen --- Verkeer van personen en goederen. vestiging van personen. Technische beperkingen. Vrijheid van beroep. Openbare markten. Europese eenheidsmarkt
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Export processing zones --- Investments, Foreign --- 337.2 --- 339.113 --- AA / International- internationaal --- 339.5 --- 339.727.2 --- Capital exports --- Capital imports --- FDI (Foreign direct investment) --- Foreign direct investment --- Foreign investment --- Foreign investments --- International investment --- Offshore investments --- Outward investments --- Capital movements --- Investments --- Zones, Export processing --- Foreign trade promotion --- Industrial districts --- Labor policy --- Offshore assembly industry --- 339.5 Buitenlandse handel. Internationale handel. Ruilvoet --- Buitenlandse handel. Internationale handel. Ruilvoet --- 339.727.2 Internationale kapitaalbeweging. Buitenlandse leningen. Buitenlandse kredieten. Internationale kapitaalbeweging. Buitenlandse investeringen. Kapitaalinvoer. Kapitaaluitvoer. Kapitaalvlucht --- Internationale kapitaalbeweging. Buitenlandse leningen. Buitenlandse kredieten. Internationale kapitaalbeweging. Buitenlandse investeringen. Kapitaalinvoer. Kapitaaluitvoer. Kapitaalvlucht --- Vrijstelling van douanerechten. Vrije zone --- Buitenlandse investeringen --- International finance --- Tax law
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Dit handboek behandelt douane en accijnzen zowel vanuit theoretisch als vanuit praktisch oogpunt. Na een overzicht van de evolutie van het douanebeleid in Europa en het wetgevende kader, worden de betrokken partijen besproken. Daarna volgen uitgebreide hoofdstukken over nomenclatuur en douanewaarde.De auteurs behandelen het Import Control System en het Export Control System en de te vervullen verplichtingen bij aankomst en vertrek van goederen. Ze hebben daarbij bijzondere aandacht voor het invullen van het Enig Document. Daarnaast bespreken ze de oorsprong van goederen, de te overhandigen documenten bij invoer, transit en uitvoer, en de bijzondere regelingen als douane-entrepots, tijdelijke invoer, bijzondere bestemming en veredeling. Een apart hoofdstuk wordt gewijd aan accijnzen. Het laatste hoofdstuk is voorbehouden aan de gevolgen van de Brexit waar ook de bepalingen van het nieuw vrijhandelsakkoord in dit kader zijn opgenomen.Alle theoretisch behandelde aspecten worden ruim geïllustreerd met grafische voorbeelden. Dat maakt Douane en accijnzen uitermate geschikt voor studenten en logistiek managers in opleiding zonder voorafgaande douanekennis.Douane en accijnzen laat u toe zich deze materie vlot en gestructureerd eigen te maken. Het is bovendien een uitstekende bron voor al wie sinds 1 januari 2021 te maken heeft met in- en uitvoer naar het Verenigd Koninkrijk.Bron: www.larcier-intersentia.comWebshop:
Tax law --- fiscaal recht --- douane --- accijnzen --- douanereglementering --- Belgium --- douane : accijnzen --- 351.713 --- 339.5 --- Douanes --- Taxe d'accise --- Droit --- Droit européen --- Pays de l'Union européenne --- Belgique --- douanerechten --- douaneformaliteit --- accijns --- douaneregelingen --- invoer --- uitvoer --- esportazione --- износ --- Export --- εξαγωγές --- vienti --- eksports --- esportazzjoni --- exportation --- exportação --- izvoz --- eksport --- exportación --- vývoz --- извоз --- onnmhairiú --- export --- eksportas --- kivitel --- eksportim --- vente à l'exportation --- shitje me eksportim --- export sale --- производи за извоз --- esportazione definitiva --- eksporto apribojimas --- eksportēšana --- извозна продажба --- flusso delle esportazioni --- vientikauppa --- predaj na export --- vendas à exportação --- eksportsalg --- eksporta tirdzniecība --- izvešana --- verkoop bij uitvoer --- ekspordimüük --- Ausfuhr --- exportförsäljning --- Ausfuhrgeschäft --- onnmhairiúchán --- pardavimas eksportui --- vendita all'esportazione --- išvežimas --- vânzare la export --- udførsel --- πώληση για εξαγωγή --- import --- importation --- dovoz --- importação --- importazzjoni --- importim --- allmhaire --- Import --- importas --- imports --- εισαγωγές --- behozatal --- внос --- увоз --- tuonti --- uvoz --- importazione --- importación --- ievešana --- importazione definitiva --- Einfuhr --- importēšana --- indførsel --- įvežimas --- legislație vamală --- Zollvorschrift --- rialacháin chustaim --- celní právo --- reglamentación aduanera --- toldbestemmelser --- regolamentazione doganale --- muitas noteikumi --- carinski predpisi --- regulamentação aduaneira --- τελωνειακοί κανόνες --- tollieeskirjad --- митническа правна уредба --- muitų nuostatai --- réglementation douanière --- regolamenti doganali --- царински прописи --- vámszabályok --- colné predpisy --- tullbestämmelser --- prawo celne --- tullimääräykset --- carinski propisi --- akte nënligjore doganore --- customs regulations --- trajtim doganor --- community customs code --- code des douanes communautaires --- communautair douanewetboek --- colná legislatíva --- vámjogszabály --- toldsystem --- legislação aduaneira --- Közösségi Vámkódex --- tullagstiftning --- celní zákon --- muitų įstatymai --- yhteisön tullikoodeksi --- царински закон --- legislazione doganale --- EF-toldkodeks --- celní předpisy --- muitų tvarka --- cod vamal comunitar --- celní úprava --- ühenduse tolliseadustik --- Zollrecht --- toldlovgivning --- cod vamal --- douanewetgeving --- Kopienas Muitas kodekss --- tullilainsäädäntö --- kod doganor i komunitetit --- gemeinschaftlicher Zollkodex --- carinsko zakonodavstvo --- código aduanero comunitario --- legislación aduanera --- customs legislation --- codice doganale comunitario --- Bendrijos muitų kodeksas --- gemenskapens tullkodex --- muitas likumdošana --- colné vybavovanie --- vámjog --- κοινοτικός τελωνειακός κώδικας --- celní legislativa --- tollialased õigusaktid --- Царински кодекс на Заедницата --- tullordning --- muitas režīms --- tollirežiim --- código aduaneiro comunitário --- τελωνειακή νομοθεσία --- législation douanière --- legjislacion doganor --- customs treatment --- tullikohtelu --- excise duty --- valmistevero --- akcyza --- акциз --- акциза --- imposto sobre consumos específicos --- spotrebná daň --- akcīzes nodoklis --- impuesto especial --- accisa --- accise --- spezielle Verbrauchssteuer --- jövedéki adó --- ειδικοί φόροι κατανάλωσης --- akcizë --- dleacht mháil --- accize --- punktafgift --- dazju tas-sisa --- trošarina --- aktsiisimaks --- akcizas --- spotřební daň --- punktskatt --- акцизни стоки --- acciză --- taksa e akcizës --- Verbrauchsabgabe --- данок на луксуз --- imposto especial de consumo --- regime di accisa --- impuesto sobre consumos específicos --- potravinová daň --- aktsiis --- excise tax --- промет на стоки и услуги --- accis --- impuesto específico sobre el consumo --- förbrukningsavgift --- akcīze --- akcizo mokestis --- accijnsheffing --- droit d'accise --- potravní daň --- porez na promet --- ειδικά τέλη κατανάλωσης --- foirmiúlachtaí custaim --- muitinės formalumai --- Zollformalität --- formalności celne --- τελωνειακή διατύπωση --- formalidad aduanera --- muitas formalitātes --- colné formality --- tolliformaalsused --- tullformaliteter --- vámalakiságok --- toldformalitet --- formalități vamale --- formalitete doganore --- formalité douanière --- formalità doganali --- formalità di dogana --- tullimuodollisuudet --- formalidade aduaneira --- customs formalities --- царински формалности --- celní formality --- митнически формалности --- царинске формалности --- carinske formalnosti --- carinska deklaracija --- toldprocedure --- τελωνειακή διασάφηση --- Zollabfertigung --- tulldeklarering --- proclení --- tolddeklaration --- celní prohlášení --- τελωνειακή διαδικασία --- tollideklaratsioon --- zhdoganim --- procédure douanière --- извозна царинска декларација --- muitinės procedūrų atlikimas --- tulliselvitys --- despacho de aduana --- tollivormistus --- tullprocedur --- déclaration en douane --- muitošana --- царинска декларација --- dédouanement --- muitinės deklaracija --- uitklaring --- processo aduaneiro --- vámkezelés --- vámáru-nyilatkozat --- inklaring --- Verzollung --- pratiche doganali --- deklaratë doganore --- procedura doganale --- fortoldning --- царински процедури --- muitas deklarācija --- customs declaration --- Zollinhaltserklärung --- τελωνισμός --- Zollanmeldung --- colné vyhlásenie --- celní odbavení --- douaneprocedure --- declaración en aduana --- declaração alfandegária --- colné odbavenie --- declarație vamală --- procedimiento aduanero --- sdoganamento --- zollamtliche Abfertigung --- увозна царинска декларација --- εκτελωνισμός --- dichiarazione in dogana --- tulli-ilmoitus --- förtullning --- douaneverklaring --- царинење --- customs clearance --- δασμός --- muitai --- muitas nodokļi --- cla --- tollimaksud --- tullar --- dleachtanna custaim --- царинске дажбине --- direitos aduaneiros --- tullit --- Zollsatz --- carinska pristojba --- dazi doganali --- customs duties --- taksa doganore --- opłata celna --- droits de douane --- derechos de aduana --- dazji doganali --- taxă vamală --- carinske dajatve --- царински давачки --- митнически дългове --- toldafgifter --- colné poplatky --- vámtétel --- τελωνειακός δασμός --- muitas --- давачки за увоз --- diritti doganali --- carina --- Zölle --- акцизи --- vámok --- давачки за извоз --- celní poplatky --- diritti di confine --- taxa alfandegária --- Bachelor in het bedrijfsmanagement --- Douane --- Accijnzen --- Logistiek --- Logistiek management --- Wetgeving --- Europese Unie
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The regulation of imports and exports by customs authorities profoundly affects the activity of economic operators in international trade. This is (one of) the first book(s) in English to critically assess the legal instruments of the European Union's trade and customs policy--namely the Union Customs Code and its regulatory instruments--taking account of doctrinal contributions and the jurisprudential acquis of the Court of Justice of the European Union.
export tax --- customs duties --- free movement of goods --- EU customs procedure --- import tax --- taksë importi --- gravamen sobre las importaciones --- порез на увоз --- taxe à l'importation --- dleacht allmhairiúcháin --- импортна такса --- imposta all'importazione --- importskatt --- tuontivero --- εισαγωγικός φόρος --- dovozní daň --- taxxa tal-importazzjoni --- данок на увоз --- Einfuhrabgabe --- imporditollimaks --- importa nodoklis --- dovozná daň --- importadó --- heffing bij invoer --- podatek importowy --- importo mokestis --- direitos de importação --- uvozna davščina --- porez na uvoz --- importskat --- taxă de import --- imposition à l'importation --- bijzondere heffing bij invoer --- pridėtinis importo mokestis --- särskild importskatt --- zvláštny poplatok z dovozov --- taxa à importação --- import surcharge --- tuonnin verotus --- mbitaksë importi --- impordi maksustamine --- behozatali adó --- увозна давачка --- importbeskattning --- impordi erimaks --- importbelasting --- zdanenie dovozov --- gravamen especial sobre las importaciones --- zdanění dovozu --- tatim i importeve --- særlig importafgift --- importo apmokestinimas --- impuesto especial a la importación --- oporezivanje uvoza --- posebna naknada na uvezenu robu --- special charge on imports --- ειδικός φόρος κατά την εισαγωγή --- ieveduma nodoklis --- impordi lisamaks --- imposizione all'importazione --- besondere Einfuhrabgabe --- taxe spéciale à l'importation --- suprataxă de import --- gravamen a la importación --- Abgabe bei der Einfuhr --- importbeskatning --- importná prirážka --- specialusis importo mokestis --- tuontiin kohdistuva lisämaksu --- taksë e veçantë mbi importin --- ylimääräinen tuontimaksu --- tassa speciale all'importazione --- invoerbelasting --- taxa especial à importação --- impuesto a la importación --- impuesto especial sobre las importaciones --- taxation of imports --- îtaxarea importurilor --- procedura celna UE --- царински поступак ЕУ --- colný režim EÚ --- celní režim EU --- uniós vámeljárás --- Zollverfahren der EU --- ES muitas procedūra --- carinski postopek EU --- regime aduaneiro da UE --- regim vamal al UE --- Bendrijos muitinės procedūra --- EU:n tullimenettely --- EU's toldordning --- ELi tolliprotseduur --- procedurë doganore e BE-së --- carinski postupak EU-a --- царинска постапка на ЕУ --- τελωνειακό καθεστώς της ΕΕ --- régimen aduanero de la UE --- skema doganali tal-UE --- EU:s tullförfarande --- nós imeachta custaim an Aontais Eorpaigh --- régime douanier de l'UE --- regime doganale dell'UE --- EU-douanestelsel --- митнически режим на ЕС --- procedurë doganore e Bashkimit Europian --- ühenduse tolliprotseduur --- közösségi vámeljárás --- regime doganale comunitario --- colný postup Spoločenstva --- Zollverfahren der Gemeinschaft --- Euroopan unionin tullimenettely --- celní režim Společenství --- colný režim Európskej únie --- celní režim Evropské unie --- European Union customs procedure --- procedură vamală comunitară --- gemeenschappelijke douaneregeling --- carinski postopek Skupnosti --- Kopienas muitas procedūra --- κοινοτικό τελωνειακό καθεστώς --- procedura celna Unii Europejskiej --- regimul vamal al Uniunii Europene --- митнически режим на Общността --- митнически режим на Европейския съюз --- Euroopa Liidu tolliprotseduur --- Bendrijos muitų tvarka --- gemenskapens tullförfarande --- régime douanier communautaire --- régimen aduanero comunitario --- régime douanier de l'Union européenne --- regime aduaneiro comunitário --- skema doganali tal-Unjoni Ewropea --- douanestelsel van de Europese Unie --- Eiropas Savienības muitas procedūra --- ES muitinės procedūra --- régimen aduanero de la Unión Europea --- Fællesskabets toldordning --- Европска царинска унија --- regime aduaneiro da União Europeia --- Zollverfahren der Europäischen Union --- yhteisön tullimenettely --- regime doganale dell'Unione europea --- unionin tullimenettely --- carinski postopek Evropske unije --- Community customs procedure --- царинска постапка во Европската Унија --- Europos Sąjungos muitinės procedūra --- царински поступак Заједнице --- carinski postupak Zajednice --- procedura celna WE --- τελωνειακό καθεστώς της Ευρωπαϊκής Ένωσης --- carinski postupak Europske unije --- európai uniós vámeljárás --- свободно движение на стоки --- kaupade vaba liikumine --- laisvas prekių judėjimas --- voľný pohyb tovaru --- ελεύθερη κυκλοφορία των εμπορευμάτων --- slobodno kretanje roba --- слободно движење на стоки --- moviment liberu tal-merkanzija --- lëvizja e lirë e mallrave --- áruk szabad mozgása --- слобода кретања робе --- livre circulação de mercadorias --- tavaroiden vapaa liikkuvuus --- swobodny przepływ towarów --- frie varebevægelser --- vrij verkeer van goederen --- fri rörlighet för varor --- freier Warenverkehr --- volný pohyb zboží --- libre circulación de mercancías --- brīva preču kustība --- prosti pretok blaga --- saorghluaiseacht earraí --- libera circulație a mărfurilor --- libre circulation des marchandises --- libera circolazione delle merci --- libre-échange --- слободна трговија --- librecambismo --- livre circulação de bens --- livre-troca --- fri rörlighet för produkter --- volný obchod --- libre circulación de productos --- vrij handelsverkeer --- voľný obchod --- ελεύθερη εμπορία --- ελεύθερη διακίνηση των εμπορευμάτων --- freier Handel --- libre cambio --- libre circulation des biens --- freier Güterverkehr --- volný obchod komodit --- vrijhandel --- libre commercialisation --- lëvizja e lirë e produkteve --- tregti e lirë --- comerț liber --- vapaakauppa --- fri vareudveksling --- free movement of products --- volný pohyb výrobků --- libre circulation des produits --- voľný pohyb výrobkov --- eliminazione delle barriere doganali --- vabakaubandus --- ελεύθερη διακίνηση των αγαθών --- szabad áruforgalom --- libera circulație a bunurilor --- libera commercializzazione --- libero scambio --- svobodný obchod --- free movement of commodities --- libera circolazione dei prodotti --- laisvas gaminių judėjimas --- livre comercialização --- Freihandel --- libre comercialización --- fri markedsføring --- szabad kereskedelem --- frihandel --- laisva prekių apyvarta --- libera circulație a produselor --- tuotteiden vapaa liikkuvuus --- slobodna trgovina --- abolizione delle restrizioni qualitative --- abolizione delle restrizioni quantitative --- voľný pohyb komodít --- toodete vaba liikumine --- libera circolazione dei beni --- brīvā tirdzniecība --- laisvoji prekyba --- ελεύθερες συναλλαγές --- vrije commercialisering --- ελεύθερη διακίνηση των προϊόντων --- libre circulación de bienes --- hyödykkeiden vapaa liikkuvuus --- slobodno kretanje proizvoda --- слободно движење на производи --- vrij verkeer van producten --- free trade --- lëvizja e lirë e mallrave bazë --- livre circulação de produtos --- fritt varuutbyte --- δασμός --- muitai --- douanerechten --- muitas nodokļi --- cla --- tollimaksud --- tullar --- dleachtanna custaim --- царинске дажбине --- direitos aduaneiros --- tullit --- Zollsatz --- carinska pristojba --- dazi doganali --- taksa doganore --- opłata celna --- droits de douane --- derechos de aduana --- dazji doganali --- taxă vamală --- carinske dajatve --- царински давачки --- митнически дългове --- toldafgifter --- colné poplatky --- vámtétel --- τελωνειακός δασμός --- muitas --- давачки за увоз --- diritti doganali --- carina --- Zölle --- акцизи --- vámok --- давачки за извоз --- celní poplatky --- diritti di confine --- taxa alfandegária --- cáin onnmhairíochta --- vývozní daň --- gravamen sobre las exportaciones --- eksporta nodoklis --- taxxa fuq l-esportazzjoni --- данок на извоз --- Ausfuhrabgabe --- taxe à l'exportation --- експортна такса --- порез на извоз --- taksë eksporti --- direitos de exportação --- podatek eksportowy --- eksporditollimaks --- eksportskat --- imposta all'esportazione --- εξαγωγικός φόρος --- porez na izvoz --- heffing bij uitvoer --- vývozná daň --- taxă de export --- exportadó --- exportskatt --- izvozna dajatev --- eksporto mokestis --- vientivero --- vientiin kohdistuva lisämaksu --- taxation of exports --- ekspordi erimaks --- zdanění vývozu --- besondere Ausfuhrabgabe --- særlig eksportafgift --- tatim i eksporteve --- zvláštny poplatok z vývozu --- taxa especial à exportação --- export surcharge --- zdanenie vývozov --- tassa speciale all'esportazione --- specialusis eksporto mokestis --- kiviteli adó --- taxe spéciale à l'exportation --- Abgabe bei der Ausfuhr --- oporezivanje izvoza --- bijzondere heffing bij uitvoer --- särskild exportskatt --- gravamen a la exportación --- taxa à exportação --- mbitaksë eksporti --- imposition à l'exportation --- извозна давачка --- ylimääräinen vientimaksu --- suprataxă de export --- přirážka k vývozu --- taksë e veçantë mbi eksportin --- eksportbeskatning --- ειδικός φόρος κατά την εξαγωγή --- taxarea exporturilor --- exportbelasting --- viennin verotus --- eksporto apmokestinimas --- ekspordi maksustamine --- exportná prirážka --- exportfelár --- special charge on exports --- imposizione all'esportazione --- exportbeskattning --- gravamen especial sobre las exportaciones --- uitvoerbelasting --- pridėtinis eksporto mokestis --- impuesto a la exportación --- ekspordi lisamaks --- European law --- Tax law --- European Union --- Douanes --- Customs administration --- Droit --- Law and legislation .
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Douane en accijnzen toegepast is een inhoudelijk volledig en bijzonder praktisch naslagwerk. Eerst komen douanebeleid en betrokken partijen aan bod. Dan volgen nomenclatuur en douanewaarde (inclusief de geactualiseerde incoterms). Na een bespreking van de import- en exportprocedure en het enig document, volgen oorsprong en bijzondere regelingen (met de laatste nieuwigheden) en tot slot een hoofdstuk over accijnzen.* Rijkelijk geïllustreerd met voorbeelden;* Geschikt voor iedereen zonder voorafgaande douanekennis;* Het elektronisch oefeningenpakket werd ruim uitgebreid.Bron:
Tax law --- douane --- accijnzen --- Belgium --- invoer --- uitvoer --- document unique --- doorvoer --- accijns --- België --- Europa --- Eiropa --- Europe --- Ευρώπη --- Ewropa --- Euroopa --- Eurooppa --- Европа --- Európa --- hEorpa --- Evropa --- țări europene --- Europese landen --- země Evropy --- Euroopa riigid --- evropské státy --- países europeus --- evropské země --- европски земји --- European countries --- europæiske lande --- ευρωπαϊκές χώρες --- país europeo --- Euroopan maat --- paesi europei --- nazioni europee --- európske krajiny --- país de Europa --- európai országok --- Europos šalys --- pays européens --- státy Evropy --- Europese staten --- vende europiane --- europäische Länder --- europeiska länder --- Bélgica --- Belgija --- Belgique --- Belgien --- Belgie --- Belgicko --- Beļģija --- Белгија --- Belgio --- Белгия --- Belgia --- il-Belġju --- An Bheilg --- Βέλγιο --- Belgjika --- Belgia Kuningriik --- Beļģijas Karaliste --- Royaume de Belgique --- Belgian kuningaskunta --- Belgické kráľovstvo --- Koninkrijk België --- Belgijos Karalystė --- das Königreich Belgien --- Βασίλειο του Βελγίου --- Kingdom of Belgium --- Кралство Белгија --- Краљевина Белгија --- Belgické království --- Reino de Bélgica --- ir-Renju tal-Belġju --- Regatul Belgiei --- Kongeriget Belgien --- Кралство Белгия --- Mbretëria e Belgjikës --- Belga Királyság --- Królestwo Belgii --- Konungariket Belgien --- Reino da Bélgica --- Kraljevina Belgija --- Regno del Belgio --- excise duty --- valmistevero --- akcyza --- акциз --- акциза --- imposto sobre consumos específicos --- spotrebná daň --- akcīzes nodoklis --- impuesto especial --- accisa --- accise --- spezielle Verbrauchssteuer --- jövedéki adó --- ειδικοί φόροι κατανάλωσης --- akcizë --- accize --- punktafgift --- dazju tas-sisa --- trošarina --- aktsiisimaks --- akcizas --- spotřební daň --- punktskatt --- акцизни стоки --- acciză --- taksa e akcizës --- Verbrauchsabgabe --- данок на луксуз --- imposto especial de consumo --- regime di accisa --- impuesto sobre consumos específicos --- potravinová daň --- aktsiis --- excise tax --- промет на стоки и услуги --- accis --- impuesto específico sobre el consumo --- förbrukningsavgift --- akcīze --- akcizo mokestis --- accijnsheffing --- droit d'accise --- potravní daň --- porez na promet --- ειδικά τέλη κατανάλωσης --- tranzyt --- tranzīts --- tránsito --- kauttakuljetus --- transiit --- trânsito --- Durchgangsverkehr --- tranzitas --- tranzit --- διαμετακόμιση --- transito --- транзит --- tranżitu --- transit --- átszállítás --- provoz --- транзитен превоз --- транзитен транспорт --- transiitvedu --- tranzit pasagjerësh --- árutovábbítás --- reisijate transiit --- transit de voyageurs --- транзитен превоз на стока --- εμπορευματική διαμετακόμιση --- trânsito de mercadorias --- persontransit --- tránsito de viajeros --- επιβατική διαμετακόμιση --- Personentransit --- Durchgangsverkehr von Personen --- matkustajien läpikulkuliikenne --- varutransit --- tranzit de bunuri --- passenger transit --- keleivių tranzitas --- транзитен превоз на патници --- transito di merci --- tranzit osob --- tranzit ljudi --- Durchgangsverkehr von Gütern --- tranzit zboží --- διαμετακόμιση εμπορευμάτων --- tranzit mallrash --- transitogoederen --- trânsito de passageiros --- tranzit de călători --- varetransit --- transit de marchandises --- transitresenär --- διαμετακόμιση επιβατών --- transito di viaggiatori --- tovarový tranzit --- tránsito de mercancías --- preču tranzīts --- kaupade transiit --- tranzit cestujúcich --- trânsito de viajantes --- pasažieru tranzīts --- tavaroiden läpikulkuliikenne --- doorgaande reizigers --- árutovábbítási eljárás --- Gütertransit --- tranzit dobara --- transit of goods --- prekių tranzitas --- единствен царински документ --- doiciméad riarthach aonair --- egységes vámokmány --- јединствени документ --- dokument amministrattiv uniku --- documento único --- enhedsdokument --- jednotná celní deklarace --- yhtenäinen asiakirja --- single document --- vienots dokuments --- document unic --- jednotný doklad --- dokument i vetëm --- ühtne dokument --- оригинал --- vienas bendras dokumentas --- jednolity dokument celny --- enotna carinska listina --- documento unico --- enhetsdokument --- jedinstveni carinski dokument --- ενιαίο έγγραφο --- enkel document --- einheitliches Zollpapier --- ühtne tollidokument --- enheds-tolddokument --- enkel administratief document --- egységes okmány --- EV --- vienots administratīvs dokuments --- single customs document --- jednotný colný doklad --- унификација на царинските документи --- jednotný celní doklad --- documento amministrativo unico --- dokument administrativ i vetëm --- yhtenäinen tulliasiakirja --- ενιαίο τελωνειακό έγγραφο --- document vamal unic --- yhtenäinen hallinnollinen asiakirja --- ühtne haldusdokument --- ΕΔΕ --- SAD --- VAD --- vienots muitas dokuments --- document administratif unique --- EAD --- administrativt enhedsdokument --- ED --- unificazione dei documenti doganali --- dokument doganor i vetëm --- documento alfandegário único --- ЕЦД --- DAU --- document douanier unique --- single administrative document --- Einheitspapier --- documento administrativo único --- ενιαίο διοικητικό έγγραφο --- vienas bendras administracinis dokumentas --- jednotný administratívny doklad --- documento aduanero único --- documento doganale unico --- SAD-dokument --- document administrativ unic --- gemensamt tulldokument --- vienas bendras muitų dokumentas --- esportazione --- износ --- Export --- εξαγωγές --- vienti --- eksports --- esportazzjoni --- exportation --- exportação --- izvoz --- eksport --- exportación --- vývoz --- извоз --- onnmhairiú --- export --- eksportas --- kivitel --- eksportim --- vente à l'exportation --- shitje me eksportim --- export sale --- производи за извоз --- esportazione definitiva --- eksporto apribojimas --- eksportēšana --- извозна продажба --- flusso delle esportazioni --- vientikauppa --- predaj na export --- vendas à exportação --- eksportsalg --- eksporta tirdzniecība --- izvešana --- verkoop bij uitvoer --- ekspordimüük --- Ausfuhr --- exportförsäljning --- Ausfuhrgeschäft --- onnmhairiúchán --- pardavimas eksportui --- vendita all'esportazione --- išvežimas --- vânzare la export --- udførsel --- πώληση για εξαγωγή --- import --- importation --- dovoz --- importação --- importazzjoni --- importim --- Import --- importas --- imports --- εισαγωγές --- behozatal --- внос --- увоз --- tuonti --- uvoz --- importazione --- importación --- ievešana --- importazione definitiva --- Einfuhr --- importēšana --- indførsel --- įvežimas --- fiscaal recht --- douanereglementering --- Accijnzen --- Douane --- Invoer --- Uitvoer --- BPB9999 --- douaneregelingen --- douaneformaliteit --- muitinės formalumai --- Zollformalität --- formalności celne --- τελωνειακή διατύπωση --- formalidad aduanera --- muitas formalitātes --- colné formality --- tolliformaalsused --- tullformaliteter --- vámalakiságok --- toldformalitet --- formalități vamale --- formalitete doganore --- formalité douanière --- formalità doganali --- formalità di dogana --- tullimuodollisuudet --- formalidade aduaneira --- customs formalities --- царински формалности --- celní formality --- митнически формалности --- царинске формалности --- carinske formalnosti --- carinska deklaracija --- toldprocedure --- τελωνειακή διασάφηση --- Zollabfertigung --- tulldeklarering --- proclení --- tolddeklaration --- celní prohlášení --- τελωνειακή διαδικασία --- tollideklaratsioon --- zhdoganim --- procédure douanière --- извозна царинска декларација --- muitinės procedūrų atlikimas --- tulliselvitys --- despacho de aduana --- tollivormistus --- tullprocedur --- déclaration en douane --- muitošana --- царинска декларација --- dédouanement --- muitinės deklaracija --- uitklaring --- processo aduaneiro --- vámkezelés --- vámáru-nyilatkozat --- inklaring --- Verzollung --- pratiche doganali --- deklaratë doganore --- procedura doganale --- fortoldning --- царински процедури --- muitas deklarācija --- customs declaration --- Zollinhaltserklärung --- τελωνισμός --- Zollanmeldung --- colné vyhlásenie --- celní odbavení --- douaneprocedure --- declaración en aduana --- declaração alfandegária --- colné odbavenie --- declarație vamală --- procedimiento aduanero --- sdoganamento --- zollamtliche Abfertigung --- увозна царинска декларација --- εκτελωνισμός --- dichiarazione in dogana --- tulli-ilmoitus --- förtullning --- douaneverklaring --- царинење --- customs clearance --- legislație vamală --- Zollvorschrift --- celní právo --- reglamentación aduanera --- toldbestemmelser --- regolamentazione doganale --- muitas noteikumi --- carinski predpisi --- regulamentação aduaneira --- τελωνειακοί κανόνες --- tollieeskirjad --- митническа правна уредба --- muitų nuostatai --- réglementation douanière --- regolamenti doganali --- царински прописи --- vámszabályok --- colné predpisy --- tullbestämmelser --- prawo celne --- tullimääräykset --- carinski propisi --- akte nënligjore doganore --- customs regulations --- trajtim doganor --- community customs code --- code des douanes communautaires --- communautair douanewetboek --- colná legislatíva --- vámjogszabály --- toldsystem --- legislação aduaneira --- Közösségi Vámkódex --- tullagstiftning --- celní zákon --- muitų įstatymai --- yhteisön tullikoodeksi --- царински закон --- legislazione doganale --- EF-toldkodeks --- celní předpisy --- muitų tvarka --- cod vamal comunitar --- celní úprava --- ühenduse tolliseadustik --- Zollrecht --- toldlovgivning --- cod vamal --- douanewetgeving --- Kopienas Muitas kodekss --- tullilainsäädäntö --- kod doganor i komunitetit --- gemeinschaftlicher Zollkodex --- carinsko zakonodavstvo --- código aduanero comunitario --- legislación aduanera --- customs legislation --- codice doganale comunitario --- Bendrijos muitų kodeksas --- gemenskapens tullkodex --- muitas likumdošana --- colné vybavovanie --- vámjog --- κοινοτικός τελωνειακός κώδικας --- celní legislativa --- tollialased õigusaktid --- Царински кодекс на Заедницата --- tullordning --- muitas režīms --- tollirežiim --- código aduaneiro comunitário --- τελωνειακή νομοθεσία --- législation douanière --- legjislacion doganor --- customs treatment --- tullikohtelu --- carina --- Zoll --- vám --- toll --- dwana --- tullväsen --- customs --- carinarnica --- τελωνείο --- clo --- alfândega --- aduana --- muita --- tulli --- царина --- doganë --- urząd celny --- митница --- vamă --- muitinė --- dogana --- colnica --- toldvæsen --- zona aduanera --- tullialue --- douanegebied --- dogana di confine --- gränspostering --- Zollstelle --- robežkontroles postenis --- Zollgebiet --- pikë kufitare --- customs-house --- robežpostenis --- царински терминал --- царинарница --- puesto de aduana --- raja-asema --- vámterület --- zonë doganore --- tullzon --- τελωνειακό γραφείο --- υπηρεσίες τελωνοφυλακής --- vámház --- υπηρεσίες τελωνειακών γραφείων --- zone douanière --- frontier post --- celnice --- muitinės pastatas --- Zollübergangsstelle --- muitas zona --- vámhivatal --- царински пункт --- poste de douane --- grænsestation --- rajanylityspaikka --- pasienio postas --- toldstation --- dogana interna --- Grenzübergangsstelle --- posto di frontiera --- hraničný bod --- carinska zona --- τελωνειακός σταθμός --- celní zóna --- határvámhivatal --- muitinės zona --- punct de frontieră --- toldzone --- posto alfandegário --- tullikamari --- граничен пункт --- linea doganale --- zona alfandegária --- gränspost --- hraničný post --- poste frontière --- Grenzzollstelle --- τελωνειακή ζώνη --- poste frontalier --- celní hranice --- τελωνοφυλάκιο --- tullstation --- puesto de frontera --- area doganale --- posto fronteiriço --- colný objekt --- царинска управа --- zona di dogana --- customs zone --- puesto fronterizo --- piiripunkt --- határállomás --- colná zóna --- douanepost --- border post --- dogana internazionale --- τελωνοσταθμαρχείο --- piiriületuspunkt --- tollipunkt --- Zollbezirk --- tollitsoon --- valstybės sienos postas --- posto di dogana --- гранична ветеринарна инспекција --- grenspost --- царинско подрачје --- BPB2106 --- foirmiúlachtaí custaim --- doiciméad aonair --- Cursus bachelor in het Bedrijfsmanagement --- Transitie --- Vrijhandel --- Logistiek management --- Logistiek --- Wetgeving --- Europese Unie --- rialacháin chustaim --- custaim --- An Eoraip --- dleacht mháil --- idirthuras --- allmhaire --- BPB2106. --- Bachelor in het bedrijfsmanagement --- Douanerechten --- Douanes --- Taxe d'accise. --- Droit. --- Droit européen. --- Droit --- Pays de l'Union européenne. --- Belgique. --- Taxe d'accise --- Droit européen --- Pays de l'Union européenne --- Customs administration --- Excise tax --- België
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