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A patient's right to know : information disclosure, the doctor and the law
ISBN: 185521010X 9781855210103 Year: 1989 Publisher: Aldershot Dartmouth

Zorgen voor een draaglijk bestaan : morele ervaringen van verpleegkundigen.
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9052601240 Year: 2004 Publisher: Amsterdam Aksant

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Door de groei van de bevolking, de voortschrijdende medische ontwikkelingen en de vergrijzing, is de vraag naar zorg de afgelopen jaren sterk toegenomen. Maar het aantal verpleegkundigen heeft hiermee geen gelijk tred gehouden. Integendeel zelfs, het percentage uitvallers is groter dan bij de gewone beroepsbevolking. Een belangrijke reden hiervoor is stress en burn-out. Verschil van mening over wat goede zorg inhoudt, onvoldoende ruimte om die opvattingen te kunnen ventileren, te weinig speelruimte in de uitoefening van de functie liggen hieraan ten grondslag. Over deze morele problematiek gaat deze studie.Inhoudstafel:1. Verpleegkundige ethiek.2. Kwalitatief onderzoek:opzet en aanpak.3. Draaglijker maken van het bestaan.4. Werken met onzekerheid.5. Hanteren van spanningen.6. Morele ervaringen en verpleegkundige ethiek.

Ontwikkeling van psychosociale zorg in ziekenhuizen
ISBN: 9024642167 Year: 1976 Publisher: Baarn Bosch en Keuning

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Social medicine --- patiënt-verpleegkundige relatie --- Social psychology --- patiëntenbegeleiding --- sociale psychologie --- Hygiene. Public health. Protection --- omgangskunde --- Hospitalization. --- Patient Advocacy. --- Professional-Patient Relations. --- #SBIB:316.334.3M53 --- Clinical Ombudsman --- Patient Ombudsman --- Patient Ombudsmen --- Patient Representatives --- Advocacy, Patient --- Ombudsman, Clinical --- Ombudsman, Patient --- Ombudsmen, Patient --- Patient Representative --- Representative, Patient --- Representatives, Patient --- Commitment of Mentally Ill --- Patient Rights --- Hospitalizations --- Institutionalization --- Organisatie van de gezondheidszorg: hulpverleningsinstellingen --- Sociale geneeskunde. --- patient-verpleegkundige relatie. --- Sociale psychologie. --- patientenbegeleiding. --- sociale psychologie. --- Hygiene Gezondheidszorg Bescherming. --- omgangskunde. --- Hospitalization --- Patient Advocacy --- Professional-Patient Relations --- Contacting Clients --- Pharmacist-Patient Relations --- Professional Patient Relationship --- Client, Contacting --- Clients, Contacting --- Contacting Client --- Pharmacist Patient Relations --- Pharmacist-Patient Relation --- Professional Patient Relations --- Professional Patient Relationships --- Professional-Patient Relation --- Relation, Pharmacist-Patient --- Relation, Professional-Patient --- Relations, Pharmacist-Patient --- Relations, Professional-Patient --- Relationship, Professional Patient --- Relationships, Professional Patient --- Truth Disclosure --- Teach-Back Communication

Rights and responsibilities in modern medicine : proceedings of the 1979-1980 conferences on ethics, humanism, and medicine at the University of Michigan, Ann Arbor
ISBN: 0845100505 Year: 1981 Volume: 50 Publisher: New York (N.Y.): Liss

Human values in medicine and health care : audio-visual resources
ISBN: 0300029756 9780300029758 Year: 1983 Publisher: S.l. United ministries in education

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De psychiatrische patiënt en zijn rechten : een poging tot rechtsvernieuwing
Authors: ---
ISBN: 9001743102 Year: 1976 Publisher: Groningen Tjeenk Willink

Fouten in de gezondheidszorg : dilemma's bij fouten, risico's en preventie, medische schadeclaims, verlengde arm, klachtenafhandeling
ISBN: 9071725049 Year: 1988 Publisher: Amstelveen Stichting Sympoz

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Malpractice. --- Patient Advocacy. --- Consumer Satisfaction. --- Professional-Patient Relations. --- 614 --- #GBIB:CBMER --- 13.12 --- Consumer Preference --- Consumer Satisfaction --- Behavior, Consumer --- Behaviors, Consumer --- Consumer Behaviors --- Consumer Preferences --- Preference, Consumer --- Preferences, Consumer --- Satisfaction, Consumer --- Clinical Ombudsman --- Patient Ombudsman --- Patient Ombudsmen --- Patient Representatives --- Advocacy, Patient --- Ombudsman, Clinical --- Ombudsman, Patient --- Ombudsmen, Patient --- Patient Representative --- Representative, Patient --- Representatives, Patient --- Commitment of Mentally Ill --- Patient Rights --- Negligence --- Negligence, Professional --- Liability, Legal --- Medical Errors --- Professional Misconduct --- Openbare gezondheidszorg--(zie ook {351.84}) --- Wettelijke en contractuele aansprakelijkheid ; Geneesheren ; Veeartsen ; Apothekers ; Tandartsen ; Paramedici --- Consumer Behavior. --- Contacting Clients --- Pharmacist-Patient Relations --- Professional Patient Relationship --- Client, Contacting --- Clients, Contacting --- Contacting Client --- Pharmacist Patient Relations --- Pharmacist-Patient Relation --- Professional Patient Relations --- Professional Patient Relationships --- Professional-Patient Relation --- Relation, Pharmacist-Patient --- Relation, Professional-Patient --- Relations, Pharmacist-Patient --- Relations, Professional-Patient --- Relationship, Professional Patient --- Relationships, Professional Patient --- Truth Disclosure --- Teach-Back Communication --- Malpractice --- Patient Advocacy --- Consumer Behavior --- Professional-Patient Relations

Patiënt: koning, klant of onderdaan
ISBN: 9061841119 Year: 1982 Publisher: Amersfoort De Horstink

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Patient Participation. --- Patients. --- Patient Advocacy. --- Physician-Patient Relations. --- #SBIB:316.334.3M40 --- arts-patiënt relatie --- mondigheid patiënt --- Doctor Patient Relations --- Physician Patient Relations --- Physician Patient Relationship --- Doctor-Patient Relations --- Doctor Patient Relation --- Doctor-Patient Relation --- Physician Patient Relation --- Physician Patient Relationships --- Physician-Patient Relation --- Relation, Doctor Patient --- Relation, Doctor-Patient --- Relation, Physician Patient --- Relation, Physician-Patient --- Relations, Doctor Patient --- Relations, Doctor-Patient --- Relations, Physician Patient --- Relations, Physician-Patient --- Relationship, Physician Patient --- Relationships, Physician Patient --- Clinical Ombudsman --- Patient Ombudsman --- Patient Ombudsmen --- Patient Representatives --- Advocacy, Patient --- Ombudsman, Clinical --- Ombudsman, Patient --- Ombudsmen, Patient --- Patient Representative --- Representative, Patient --- Representatives, Patient --- Commitment of Mentally Ill --- Patient Rights --- Clients --- Client --- Patient --- Patient Activation --- Patient Empowerment --- Patient Engagement --- Patient Involvement --- Patient Participation Rates --- Activation, Patient --- Empowerment, Patient --- Engagement, Patient --- Involvement, Patient --- Participation Rate, Patient --- Participation Rates, Patient --- Participation, Patient --- Patient Participation Rate --- Refusal to Participate --- Medische sociologie: zorgenverstrekkers, relatie met hulpvragers --- Sociology of health --- Social medicine --- Patient Participation --- Patients --- Patient Advocacy --- Physician-Patient Relations

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