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arheologija --- Švedska --- Uppland --- vikingi --- Sigtuna --- srednji vek --- naselbine --- krščanstvo
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The most topical Middle Paleolithic site in Slovenia is presented in full and discussed in detail in this series. The Divje Babe I cave site became famous for the archaeological discovery of what current investigations indicate could be the oldest flute, made of the bone of a cave bear, yet discovered. The principal part of the compilation is dedicated to a typological, technological, acoustic and musicological discussion of the remarkable find. Individual chapters present the stratigraphy, chronology, fauna and flora from the site, in addition to the Paleolithic material finds (however, only up to the layer including the bone flute). The book incorporates the first abridged and summarized determinations from the current archaeological excavations, which are not yet concluded. In addition to the editor, who is also the author and coauthor of the majority of chapters, the following individuals also provided contributions to the series: G. Bastiani, M. Culiberg, J. Dirjec, B. Kavur, B. Kryštufek, T.-L. Ku, D. Kunej, D. E. Nelson, M. Omrzel-Terlep and A. Šercelj. V zborniku je celovito predstavljeno in obdelano trenutno najbolj aktualno srednjepaleolitsko najdišče v Sloveniji. Jamsko najdišče Divje babe I je postalo znano zaradi arheološke najdbe, za katero dosedanje raziskave kažejo, da bi lahko bila najstarejša piščal, izdelana iz kosti jamskega medveda. Osrednji del zbornika je posvečen prav tipološki, tehnološki, akustični in muzikološki obdelavi znamenite najdbe. V posameznih poglavjih je predstavljena še stratigrafija, kronologija, favna in flora najdišča ter paleolitske najdbe, vendar le do vključno plasti, v kateri je bila najdena koščena piščal. V knjigi so prvič strnjene in povzete ugotovitve dosedanjih arheoloških izkopavanj, ki pa seveda še niso zaključena. Poleg urednika, ki je tudi avtor in soavtor večine poglavij, sodelujejo v zborniku s prispevki še G. Bastiani, M. Culiberg, J. Dirjec, B. Kavur, B. Kryštufek, T.-L. Ku, D. Kunej, D. E. Nelson, M. Omrzel-Terlep in A. Šercelj.
archaeology --- bone flutes --- cave archaeology --- dating techniques --- Divje babe I --- Early Stone Age --- Mousterian --- stratigraphy --- arheologija --- datiranje --- jamska arheologija --- koščene piščalke --- moustérien --- starejša kamena doba --- stratigrafija
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Cvinger near Vir pri Stični is considered one of the most important Iron Age center in the southeastern alpine region. Its importance reflects not only in the size and location in the area, but also in the economic power of the population, which can be seen from the rich artefacts found at Stična necropolises. Until now it was published about Stična a number of scientific papers, articles and monographs, mostly dealing with finds from the graves. They were also presented the results of settlement excavations with international participation in the years 1967 to 1974, but without a comprehensive and in-depth analysis of the pottery. It is now dedicated to this book, divided into three parts.The first part provides a revision of settlement stratigraphic and chronological sequence, which allows connection between the often elusive settlement and fortification phases and their mostly ceramic material.The second part of the core of the debate, it is an analytical study of ceramics (method of manufacture, shape, decoration), concludes, however, with a view to the cultural development of the village and chronological frame, as it outlines the ceramic material.The third part is the catalogue of a representative sample of the presented finds.22 appendices show cross sections of the tranches with complexes of finds marked.
archaeology --- archaeological finds --- Cvinger --- Iron Age --- pottery --- Slovenia --- arheologija --- arheološke najdbe --- lončenina --- Slovenija --- železna doba
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Is the inside-view into the life of people invisible to the written records possible, then? One cannot simple transfer oneself into the past and observe. However, one can immerse in the same landscape and seek for the residuals of the past in language, place names, folklore, ordering of the landscape and various material remains, or even in younger written records in the form of the so called wirkungsgeschichte (record of younger consequence of an earlier phenomenon). The least one achieves is the role of the passive observer. It is the aim of this book to go even further and to demonstrate that the “inside” perspective is not unattainable~it can be achieved by using a combination of various sources: written sources, archaeology, ethnology, philology and historic geography. The image of early medieval society in the Bled micro-region thus forming reveals the community with tightly economic and political ties. Weather or not it was referred to as Župa Bled is not confirmed by the written sources but it is at least likely.
archaeology --- Bled --- Early Middle Ages --- history --- Middle Ages --- arheologija --- srednji vek --- zgodnji srednji vek --- zgodovina
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V knjigi je zbranih petnajst prispevkov domačih in tujih avtorjev, ki se lotevajo različnih zgodovinskih ali z zgodovino povezanih tem. Prispevke zgodovinarjev popestrijo še teme s področij arheologije, jezikoslovja in muzikologije. Iz knjige boste izvedeli več o sledovih slovenskih krajevnih imen na vzhodnem Tirolskem, o tem, kako si je srednjeveška elita predstavljala kmete, kdo so bili prvi tuji popotniki po Sloveniji in kako so svoja popotovanja doživljali, itn. Avtorji besedil so Jury L. Bessmertnyj, Nikos Čausidis, Paul Freedman, Aleš Gabrič, Catherine Gallagher, Johannes Gönner, Metoda Kokole, Matevž Košir, Silke Leopold, Božo Otorepec, Heinz D. Pohl, Trevor R. Shaw, Michael Talbot, Ivan Turk in Marta Verginella.
archaeology --- collective volume --- cultural history --- Europe --- historiography --- history --- mythology --- Slovenia --- arheologija --- Evropa --- kulturna zgodovina --- mitologija --- Slovenija --- zborniki --- zgodovina --- zgodovinopisje
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Archaeological sites whose importance extends beyond a Slovenian framework undoubtedly include the Bronze Age settlement of Oloris near Doljni Lakoš. The site was excavated in the eighties by staff of the Regional Museum in Murska Sobota and members of the Institute of Archaeology, ZRC SAZU, from Ljubljana. Prostrana ravnica ob vznožju Lendavskih goric, prek katere so že od nekdaj vodile pomembne poti, skriva bogate kulturne ostaline. Med arheološka najdišča, ki po svoji pomembnosti presegajo slovenski okvir, nedvomno sodi bronastodobno naselje pri Dolnjem Lakošu. Obljudeno je bilo v poznem 14. in v 13. stoletju pr. n. št. in predstavlja za zdaj edino načrtno raziskano naselje iz tega časa v Sloveniji. V prvem delu publikacije je najdišče podrobno predstavljeno, drugi del pa obravnava mesto Lakoš v primerjavi s sorodnimi najdišči bronastodobnih kultur. Monografiji je dodan podroben katalog najdb in 65 tabel. Dvojezična slovensko-nemška izdaja.
archaeology --- archaeological excavations --- archaeological finds --- Bronze Age --- cemeteries --- colonization --- Dolnji Lakoš --- Slovenia --- arheologija --- arheološka izkopavanja --- arheološke najdbe --- bronasta doba --- grobišča --- poselitev --- Slovenija
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Christian antiquities --- Excavations (Archaeology) --- Evangelistic work --- Antiquités chrétiennes --- Fouilles (Archéologie) --- Evangélisation --- Scandinavia --- Scandinavie --- Church history --- Antiquities --- Histoire religieuse --- Antiquités --- arheologija --- Švedska --- grobni običaji --- krščanstvo --- kultna mesta --- rune
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Dix ans sont passés depuis la publication d'un premier volume de mélanges offerts à Xavier Barral i Altet en 2012 (Paris, Picard Éditeur) et cet historien de l'art n'a cessé d'apporter sa contribution à la connaissance scientifique, sur Conques, sur la borderie de Bayeux, sur les bains publics médiévaux de Gérone et sur bien d'autres sujets de pure histoire de l'art, de méthodologie et d'historiographie. L'International Research Center for Late Antiquity and the MiddleAges -IRCLAMA - de l'Université de Zagreb souhaite à son tour célébrer Xavier Barral i Altet avec lequel il collabore depuis presque trente ans. Dans le présent volume des auteurs n'ayant pas participé au premier hommage dressent des bilans critiques sur la discipline - l'Histoire de l'art du Moyen Âge - au début de la troisième décennie du XXIe siècle. Les contributions investissent plusieurs champs de la recherche : 1. les mots et les concepts avec lequels les historiens nomment ou qualifient leurs objets d'étude ; 2. l'efficacité des méthodes et des outils forgés depuis près de deux cents ans ; 3. la question centrale de la datation des oeuvres d'art ; 4. les acquis et les résultats de l'archéologie du bâti et des nouvelles technologies sur les méthodes traditionnelles ; 5. l'historiographie et l'analyse des milieux, des réseaux scientifiques et des contextes (historiques, politiques, culturels et sociaux), et des contingences (matérielles et techniques) qui ont conditionné les raisonnements et les interprétations ; 6. la réception des arts du Moyen Âge aux XIXe, XXe, XXIe siècles. Ce volume se propose de participer au nécessaire renouvellement d'une discipline vieille d'environ deux siècles et d'en imaginer le devenir.
Srednjeveška likovna umetnost. --- Srednjeveška arheologija. --- Barral i Altet, Xavier, --- Art, Medieval. --- Archaeology, Medieval. --- Barral i Altet, Xavier. --- Art médiéval. --- Art --- Archeology --- essays --- art history --- archaeology --- churches [buildings] --- kunsthistorisch onderzoek --- kerkelijke kunst --- Medieval [European] --- anno 500-1499 --- Art, Medieval
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Kučar near Podzemelj represents one of the most significant archaeological sites not only in Slovenia but also in the wider southeastern alpine region. It is an extensive complex composed of an Iron Age and Late Roman settlement upon the hill Kučar, as well as numerous necropoli that are distributed throughout the villages of Podzemelj, Zemelj, Škrilje and Grm. The site is well-known all over the world for its elaborate material finds originating from the cemeteries there. The book presents the results from rescue excavations that were carried out between the years 1975 and 1979 on the northern top of Kučar by the Institute for Archaeology. Substantial remains of a settlement dating to the Early and Late Iron Ages (8th –1st centuries BC) were excavated, as well as the even more surprising discovery of an Early Christian building complex (5th century AD) incorporating two churches, a baptistery and a large building with an enclosing wall that was reinforced with two towers. This publication concerning the settlement on Kučar near Podzemelj is the third monograph regarding this site. The first two publications presented the material finds from the Iron Age necropolis, preserved at the National Museum in Ljubljana and at the Museum of Natural History in Vienna. This third publication includes a contribution by Metka Culiberg and Alojz Šercelj on the investigations of organic remains from Kučar. Kučar pri Podzemlju je eno najpomembnejših arheoloških najdišč ne le v Sloveniji ampak tudi na širšem jugovzhodnoalpskem prostoru. Gre za obsežen kompleks, v katerega sodi železnodobno in poznoantično naselje na hribu Kučarju in številne nekropole, ki so raztresene okoli vasi Podzemelj, Zemelj, Škrilje in Grm. V svetu je postal znan predvsem zaradi bogatih najdb iz tamkajšnjih grobišč. V knjigi so predstavljeni rezultati zaščitnih raziskovanj, ki jih je med leti 1975 in 1979 na severnem vrhu Kučarja opravil Inštitut za arheologijo. Takrat so bili namreč izkopani bogati ostanki naselja iz starejše in mlajše železne dobe (8.–1. stoletje pred n. št.), še večje presenečenje pa je bilo odkritje zgodnjekrščanskega stavbnega kompleksa (5. stoletje po n. št.) z dvema cerkvama, baptisterijem, veliko stavbo in obzidjem, ki je bilo ojačano z dvema stolpoma.
archaeology --- archaeological finds --- cemeteries --- colonization --- Early Christianity --- Iron Age --- Kučar (hill) --- Podzemelj --- Slovenia --- White Carniola --- arheologija --- arheološke najdbe --- Bela krajina --- grobišča --- Kučar (vrh) --- poselitev --- Slovenija --- železna doba --- zgodnje krščanstvo
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Archaeology has long dealt with issues of identity, and especially with ethnicity, with modern approaches emphasising dynamic and fluid social construction. The archaeology of the Iron Age in particular has engendered much debate on the topic of ethnicity, fuelled by the first availability of written sources alongside the archaeological evidence which has led many researchers to associate the features they excavate with populations named by Greek or Latin writers. Some archaeological traditions have had their entire structure built around notions of ethnicity, around the relationships existing
Iron age --- Social archaeology --- Group identity --- Social structure --- Anthropology --- Social Sciences --- Prehistoric Anthropology --- Organization, Social --- Social organization --- Sociology --- Social institutions --- Archaeology --- Civilization --- History --- Methodology --- Collective identity --- Community identity --- Cultural identity --- Social identity --- Identity (Psychology) --- Social psychology --- Collective memory --- Europe --- Antiquities. --- arheologija --- železna doba --- Evropa --- identiteta
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