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The 'Handbook of Social Problems' is devoted to the state of knowledge of social problems. Focussed on social problems of global interest, with weight towards American society, top sociologists have contributed chapters to this text.
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Dit bronnenboek is bedoeld voor leerkrachten en bevat achtergrondinformatie en concrete lesactiviteiten over rassen en racisme. Het boek is ingedeeld in drie delen. Deel 1, 'The fallacy of race as biology', toont aan waarom antropologen en biologen ras als een valabele indeling voor het beschrijven van menselijke variatie verwerpen. Deel 2 'Culture creates race' gaat over ras als een culturele constructie en hoe op ras gebaseerde classificaties sociale ongelijkheid in stand houden. Deel 3, 'Race and hot-button issues in schools', geeft een aantal voorbeelden van onderwerpen uit de schoolomgeving die vanuit de invalshoeken ras, cultuur en biologie kunnen bekeken worden.
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"Do udziału w tworzeniu prezentowanej księgi pamiątkowej zaproszono znamienite grono polskich socjologów, polityków społecznych, ekonomistów i demografów. Koleżanki i koledzy Profesor Jolanty Grotowskiej-Leder z różnych ośrodków akademickich nawiązują w swych tekstach do tematyki badawczej podejmowanej przez Jubilatkę. Wskazują na trwałość, ale jednocześnie zmienność problemów społecznych w dynamicznie zmieniającej się rzeczywistości."-- Provided by publisher.
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During the 1950s, amid increased attention to the problems facing cities—such as racial disparities in housing, education, and economic conditions; tense community-police relations; and underrepresentation of minority groups—local governments developed an interest in “human relations.” In the wake of the shocking 1965 Watts uprising, a new authority was created: the Los Angeles City Human Relations Commission. Today, such commissions exist all over the United States, charged with addressing such tasks as fighting racial discrimination and improving fair housing access.Brian Calfano and Valerie Martinez-Ebers examine the history and current efforts of human relations commissions in promoting positive intergroup outcomes and enforcing antidiscrimination laws. Drawing on a wide range of theories and methods from political science, social psychology, and public administration, they assess policy approaches, successes, and failures in four cities. The book sheds light on the advantages and disadvantages of different commission types and considers the stresses and expectations placed on commission staff in carrying out difficult agendas in highly charged political contexts. Calfano and Martinez-Ebers suggest that the path to full inclusion is fraught with complications but that human rights commissions provide guidance as to how disparate groups can be brought together to forge a common purpose. The first book to examine these widely occurring yet understudied political bodies, Human Relations Commissions is relevant to a range of urban policy issues of interest to both academics and practitioners.
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Johann Friedrich von Uffenbach was a wealthy scion of a Frankfurt patrician family, of hereditary nobility, and the younger brother of Zacharias Conrad (1683-1734), one of the greatest book collectors and manuscript specialists of his time. He first studied under the mathematical rationalist Enlightenment philosopher Christian Wolff (1679-1754) in Halle before earning a law degree from the University of Strasbourg in 1714. As a European traveler, he kept detailed travel diaries and lived in Frankfurt as a private scholar with technical, natural history and artistic interests, a collector of books, instruments, paintings, drawings and prints. His enthusiasm for everything technical, measurable and newly invented led to experimental learning in a wide variety of fields, but - since there was no compulsion to earn a living - rarely to long-term employment. Practical evidence of Uffenbach's activities are, for example, a renovated bridge over the Main, various large fireworks, diverse music and an opera as well as some copperplate engravings. His scientific activities are documented in handwritten records, such as more than 8,000 pages of travel diaries, five volumes of minutes of meetings of his learned society founded in Frankfurt, numerous letters and manuscripts of unpublished writings: Uffenbach enjoyed traveling, learning, reading and testing, but the breadth of his studies was more important to him than their depth. Uffenbach's own handwritten catalogs and inventories of the collections correlated manuscripts with printed books in the library, instruments, models, drawings, and copper engravings. The result was a complex, multi-part working tool that he bequeathed in 1736 to the newly founded University of Göttingen, which received it after his death in 1770.Translated with (free version).
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"Fundamental ideas [of Justice Brandeis] expressed in correspondence, conversations, addresses, judicial opinions, and other writings."--
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