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Layered intrusions
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ISBN: 9789401796521 9401796513 9789401796514 9401796521 Year: 2015 Publisher: Dordrecht : Springer,

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This edited work contains the most recent advances related to the study of layered intrusions and cumulate rocks formation. The first part of this book presents reviews and new views of processes producing the textural, mineralogical and geochemical characteristics of layered igneous rocks. The second part summarizes progress in the study of selected layered intrusions and their ore deposits from different parts of the world including Canada, Southwest China, Greenland and South Africa. Thirty experts have contributed to this update on recent research on Layered Intrusions. This highly informative book will provide insight for researchers with an interest in geology, igneous petrology, geochemistry and mineral resources.

Timescale of magma differentiation beneath the Nyamuragira volcano, Congo: constraints from diffusion chronometry on olivine crystals
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Wetenschappen

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In this work, diffusion of Fe-Mg and Mn is used to model the relative timescale of pre-eruptive processes of olivine crystals. The applied method of diffusion chronometry is based on the new, more complex concept of a magmatic system and the process of disequilibrium between crystal and melt. The first conceptual model of a magmatic system involved a large melt-dominated magma body, which was recharged by a feeder system from a deeper source. This interpretation has changed to a more open system with smaller, stacked sills, vertically connected with each other. In such a system, magma can be altered by magma replenishment, resulting in magma mixing and crystal transport, as well as by crustal assimilation. This thesis is based on the concept of magma mixing and crystal transport with the assumption that crystallization happened deep in the crust, in a primitive magma. A primitive magma is a magma directly derived from the mantle and has not changed in composition since formation. Olivine crystals that crystallize in such magma have a high magnesium concentration. After this crystallization, the crystals are carried through vertical connections towards a more shallow magma reservoir with a more evolved magma. An evolved magma has changed in composition by increasing silica and decreasing magnesium concentration. The transport of primitive magma, comprising the crystals towards the shallow magma chamber leads to magma mixing and disequilibrium between the crystals and the newly formed melt. The crystals react by diffusion of mobile elements, where elements flow in the direction of the lowest concentration. Therefore, diffusion induces a chemical concentration gradient between core and rim, which is expressed in rim zonation in olivine. This concentration gradient can be modeled with the diffusion coefficients of certain elements. The obtained model provides constraints on how long the crystals resided in different sections in the complex volcanic plumbing system up until eruption. Diffusion chronometry studies the timescale of crystals, this method is increasingly applied in the last decade, because of the accurate determination of diffusion coefficients for mobile elements in crystals. In this thesis, the focus lies on modeling the diffusion of Fe-Mg, as forsterite, and Mn in olivine. The studied olivine crystals originate from Nyamuragira volcano, situated in the Democratic Republic of Congo. Nyamuragira is a shield volcano, which is characterized by a broad domed volcano with gently sloping flanks. The volcano is located on the Western Branch of the East African Rift System and is the most western volcano of the Virunga Volcanic Province. Nyamuragira is one of the most active volcanoes on earth with an average eruption frequency of three years. The lava is classified as basanite to tephritic phonolite. The first step in this thesis was to petrographically describe the volcanic rocks to select the samples with the best examples of zoned olivine crystals. Next, the chemical bulk composition is determined with X-Ray fluorescence, in order to classify our samples. Then, the main objective of establishing the diffusion time is accomplished through best-fit diffusion modeling with the use of the MATLAB software. With our model, we obtained timescales ranging between 1 and 70 days for olivine crystals from Nyamuragira. The average diffusion time is 20 days, therefore, we can conclude that the pre-eruptive processes in the plumbing system


Zoning in pyroxenes from Fogo, Cape Verde: Insight into the plumbing system
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2023 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Wetenschappen

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The Fogo volcano is located in the Cape Verde Archipelago and is one of the most active volcanoes in the world, with 28 eruptions since the year 1500 AD. Its last eruption occurred in 2014-2015 when the lava flows destroyed large parts of two villages, leading to the evacuation of more than 1000 people. The aim of this study was to get an insight into the plumbing system and pre-eruptive conditions of the Fogo volcano in order to get a better understanding of the processes occurring below oceanic island volcanoes. More specifically, the magma storage conditions prior to the 1769 and 1951 eruptions are investigated in this study by characterization of the textures and zoning patterns in the clinopyroxene minerals. A total of 23 samples, 17 lava samples and 6 clinopyroxene megacrysts, were used in this study. Based on their whole rock chemistry, the lava samples were classified as basanites/ tephrites. Optical and Scanning Electron Microscopy were used to image the wide range of textures and zoning patterns that were observed. The major element compositions of relevant clinopyroxene crystals were determined with Electron Probe Microanalysis. Most crystals had hourglass sector-zoned rims, formed at near-equilibrium conditions. These are characterized by increased Si-Mg contents in the hourglass sectors of the crystals and increased Al-Ti contents in the prism sectors. Some of the crystals had sector-zoned rims were Ca and Na were also partitioned among sectors, indicating the transition towards disequilibrium conditions. These rims were formed in small magma reservoirs at a depth of 17-22 km after deeper stored magma had released significant amounts of CO2 into these small reservoirs. The clinopyroxene crystals show a wide range in textures that indicate mixing of distinct magmas. An example of this are the resorbed clinopyroxene cores we find in some of the crystals. These cores can have a more primitive or a more evolved composition, indicating that they grew from different melts. The cores with a more evolved composition are characterized by their green colour and are only found in the samples from the 1951 eruption. Their absence from the 1769 eruption samples indicate that melts from the 1769 and 1951 eruption mixed with different melt pockets. The following model for the magma plumbing system during the 1769 and 1951 eruption is proposed: melts are originally stored at depths of 24-30 km and interact with several reservoirs as they ascent to shallower levels. At a depth of 17-22 km, melts accumulate again and the sector-zoned clinopyroxene rims are formed as the reservoir is flushed with CO2. The magma then rose to shallower short-lived reservoirs in the crust (9-13 km). The magma stayed at these shallow levels no longer than a day before erupting. There is no evidence for long-lived shallow magma reservoirs.


An experimental investigation of olivine-spinel equilibrium with basalts
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Wetenschappen

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Temperature exerts a major control on magmatic processes in the mantle. Spatial and temporal variations in mantle temperature are thought to drive deep planetary processes such as the mantle convection. Strong temperature anomalies near the core-mantle boundary may give rise to mantle plumes that are considerably hotter than the ambient mantle. Methods to investigate the mantle temperature at which a melt formed are needed to confirm whether such hot magmas are truly present within the mantle. Geothermometers based on olivine equilibria are a good proxy to assert the minimal melting temperature of a magma since olivine is one of the first phases to crystallise. Early olivine-based geothermometers focussed on cation equilibria between olivine and the melt, but the necessity to estimate liquid composition has proven to give rise to uncertainties. Hence, Wan et al. (2008) proposed the Al-in-olivine geothermometer which is no longer dependent on mineral-melt equilibria, but only on mineral-mineral equilibria. The Al-in-olivine geothermometer uses the partitioning of Al between forsterite-rich olivine and Cr-rich spinel as proxy for the liquidus of a melt, which is dependent on temperature and spinel Cr#. The limited calibration range concerning pressure, temperature, oxygen fugacity (fO2) and compositional conditions gives rise to uncertainties when research is conducted on mantle plumes. The goal of this thesis was to gain further insight in the Al partitioning by investigating higher fO2 and temperature conditions for a wider range of chemical compositions. Obtaining spinel minerals from the melt has proven difficult, but doping with Cr2O3 was partially successful in generating higher spinel Cr# [=Cr/(Cr+Al)]. Secondary fluorescence during microprobe analysis gave rise to anomalous high Al2O3 concentrations in olivine. Analytical uncertainties made it difficult to properly assess the Al equilibrium. Moderate trends suggest that – other than for temperature and spinel Cr# – the Al equilibrium seems to be dependent on glass SiO2, olivine Cr# and forsterite content, spinel P2O5 and Fe3+, and fO2. Further research is needed to fully understand the influence of these factors. Recalibration of the Al-in-olivine geothermometer and application to natural samples have shown that – although a wider calibration range can be reached with the experimental results of this thesis – the original geothermometer is still more accurate. Application to natural rocks of high Cr# suggests that the original geothermometer remains realistic. More accurate results are needed to properly investigate the Al-equilibrium and recalibrate the geothermometer. Measurements with a nano-SIMS are suggested to avoid secondary fluorescence on trace elements.


Olivine-rich magmas from Nyiragongo: constraints on mantle sources
Authors: --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Wetenschappen

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The Nyiragongo volcano is one of the two active volcanoes situated in the East African Rift System in the Democratic Republic of Congo. The last eruption of the volcano happened extremely recently, on the 22nd of May 2021. Two lava streams erupted from the volcano, one heading to the east towards Rwanda and the other towards the nearby city of Goma. The aim of this thesis is to gain a better understanding of the conditions of mantle melting beneath Nyiragongo. The two main objectives are to constrain the mantle source of the volcano and to estimate the temperature and depth at which melting starts. Olivine crystallizes early in the crystallization process and therefore, minor and trace elements study of these crystals can be used to determine if the mantle source is a peridotite (dominant mantle composition) or a pyroxenite (recycled ocean crust). For the melting conditions, olivine-spinel thermometry is used to calculate the crystallization temperature of olivine and this temperature is used to model the melting conditions. For this study, samples of the Rushayo chain and the Muja cone are used to achieve the objectives since they contain primitive olivine crystals. The Rushayo chain is a group of approximately 20 volcanic cones situated to the SW of the main cone, where basalts rich in olivine and melilite are extruded and the Muja cone is a single cone to the SSW of the main cone, which exposes high MgO picrite rocks, which contain high percentages of olivine crystals. Olivine crystals were handpicked from the samples and major elements concentrations of olivine-spine pairs and olivine-hosted melt inclusions were obtain by Electron Probe Micro Analyser. Minor and trace elements concentrations of the olivine phenocryst and one olivine-hosted melt inclusion were measured by Laser Ablation Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrometry. The major and trace elements study of the olivine crystals indicates that the mantle source of the Nyiragongo volcano is dominantly a peridotite (dominant mantle composition) and the input of pyroxenite (recycled ocean crust) is negligible. The low SiO2 (37.25 - 41.39 wt%) - and high CaO (7.90 – 16.62 wt%) -contents of the rocks suggest that the mantle source was influenced by CO2-rich fluids. The mean crystallization temperature of the olivine crystals of the samples from the Rushayo chain is 1119 ± 25 °C. The crystallization temperature of these samples is so low that it was not possible to determine the mantle potential temperature for this group. The mean crystallization temperature of the samples from the Muja cone is 1291 ± 25 °C and the mantle potential temperature for these samples is modelled between 1335 °C and 1415 °C with mantle melting starting at depths between 74.2 km and 98.9 km.


Volatile contents in magmas from ocean Islands: Example from Pico, Azores
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Wetenschappen

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Het smelten van de mantel is een van de meest belangrijke petrologische processen op Aarde. De korst van de Aarde is gevormd door het smelten van de mantel. Deze studie bestaat uit twee delen. Eerst wordt er een calibratiemethode voor de Raman spectrometer van de KU Leuven ontwikkeld om watergehaltes te kunnen meten van smelt insluitsels. Dit zijn smeltdeeltjes die gevangen worden in groeiende kristallen tijdens kristallisatie. De klassieke toestellen om deze smelt insluitsels te analyseren zijn zowel duur als tijdrovend, dus Raman spectroscopie is voorgesteld als een alternatieve methode. Verschillende instellingen zijn geëvalueerd om de beste Raman spectra te verkrijgen. Een Python script is geprogrammeerd om de Raman spectra te verwerken en om de calibratiemethode te testen. Twee verschillende calibratiemethodes van vorige auteurs zijn getest. Om de calibratiemethoden te valideren, is er nood aan smelt insluitsels met een hoog watergehalte. In het tweede deel van de studie worden natuurlijke stalen van het eiland Pico in de Azoren bestudeerd. Smelt insluitsels in olivijnkristallen van Pico hebben een hoog watergehalte. Ter hoogte van de Azoren is de oceaankorst ook zeer dik, wat ideale omstandigheden geeft om het smelten van de mantel te bestuderen. Olivijnkristallen zijn zorgvuldig met de hand uitgekozen en gepolijst tot de smelt insluitsels aan het oppervlak lagen. Hun samenstelling is geanalyseerd met Electron Probe Micro Analyser. Deze data tonen aan dat de samenstelling van de insluitsels veranderd was na kristallisate, dus is de samenstelling gecorrigeerd om hun originele samenstelling te verkrijgen. De hoeveelheid vluchtige stoffen (water, koolstofdioxide, zwavel en fluor) is gemeten met Secondary Ion Mass Spectrometry. Het watergehalte van de insluitsels is hoger dan data van vorige auteurs en van andere oceanische eilanden. De samenstelling en hoeveelheid vluchtige stoffen van de insluitsels is gebruikt om de kristallisatietemperatuur te berekenen. Ook een potentiële manteltemperatuur wordt op deze manier berekend. Deze manteltemperatuur is relatief laag en vergelijkbaar met de manteltemperatuur onder een mid-oceanische rug. Alhoewel de Azoren aanzien worden als een klassiek voorbeeld van de interactie tussen een mid-oceanische rug en een mantelpluim, wijzen deze berekende potentiële temperaturen op de afwezigheid van een mantelpluim.


Determining diffusion timescales in olivine and pre-eruptive processes from a recent Flores (Azores) lava flow
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2022 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Wetenschappen

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This thesis aimed to obtain diffusion timescales from olivine crystals in a basaltic lava flow on the island of Flores (Azores), and determine pre-eruptive processes active beneath the island. In the process, we also add to the geochemical data available for Flores. A total of 24 samples were taken from the island. The bulk geochemistry of these samples, obtained through X-ray Fluorescence, classifies them as alkali basalt. Scanning Electron Microscopy and traditional petrography were applied for a microtextural analysis of the samples. An Electron Microprobe was used to precisely measure the Fe-Mg content (forsterite, Fo) along multiple profiles within olivine crystals. The microscopic analysis of the samples highlighted different magmatic textures in the samples, including disequilibrium textures in both olivine and plagioclase, such as resorption and overgrowths. This indicates that a mixing event between two different magmas occurred. The compositions of the olivine crystals also indicate different origins. The largest olivine crystals (type 1) had the highest Fo content in their cores, indicating an origin near the crust-mantle boundary, and lower Fo content in their rims. These rims have sharp boundaries and are mostly the result of renewed growth after mixing. A group of smaller olivine crystals (type 2) had lower Fo contents in both the cores and the rims, and grew from the newly mixed magma. A third group (type 3) showed low Fo content in the cores, and an increase in Fo at the rim. These crystals originate from the wall-rock or from the more evolved magma. The thermodynamic process of diffusion can be used to calculate timescales of magmatic processes. It is based on the gradient in chemical potential (in this case, Fo content) between the crystal and the melt / overgrowth. The Fo profiles of zoned olivine crystals are entered into a model which calculates the time necessary to produce the observed profile, based on Fick’s second law of diffusion and given diffusion constants in olivine. In our modeling, we used Monte Carlo simulations to account for the variability of thermodynamic variables (pressure, temperature, oxygen fugacity). The type 1 olivines yielded an average diffusion time of 23.5 days. Type 2 olivines were more affected by growth, and yielded very short diffusion times of 4.8 days on average. Type 3 crystals yielded diffusion times in between these values. All of these values are minimum timescales, as we did not obtain EBSD data to correctly orient the profiles in the samples. From the diffusion modeling, it is clear how diffusion is increased at higher temperatures, yielding shorter diffusion timescales. We suggest that a hot, Mg-rich magma originating from the crust-mantle boundary moved upwards in the crust and mixed with a cooler, more Si-rich magma in a mid- to upper crustal magma chamber, creating the disequilibrium textures observed in the samples. The difference in temperature may have been the main driver for creating disequilibrium, more important than the chemical potential. During mixing, convective processes in the magma chamber may have caused complex zoning in both plagioclase and type 1 olivine crystals. Magma mixing was the event that eventually triggered the eruption, and the diffusion time of 23.5 days is thus a minimum estimate for the time between the mixing event and the eruption that produced the lava flow.


An exploratory geostatistical analysis of the Mesozoic granitoids of north-eastern Asia
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2020 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Wetenschappen

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A large number of different types of rocks of Mesozoic age, dating back 250 to 66 million years, are present in the north-east part of Asia. The vast area was researched thoroughly under the Soviet regime in the search for natural wealth such as gold and tin. During this time, much data was obtained about granites, a type of rock formed by magmatic processes. A total of 4659 samples was collected and selected by Vistelius (1995), discarding data where measurement errors were made or which were incomplete. The composition of the rock samples was given in major oxides, which are the components that mainly make up a rock. The number of samples representing the over 5*10^7 km2 large area was low. The composition at locations without direct measurements was, therefore, estimated by the data points of Vistelius (1995), making use of interpolation techniques. Two different classifications systems were used on both the interpolated data and the original samples of the dataset of Vistelius (1995), to unravel differences in chemical composition and time of formation of granites located in the research area. The so-called QAPF classification subdivides the data according to the presence of the minerals quartz (Q) or feldspathoids (F), plagioclase (P), and K-feldspar (K) in the samples. Since the composition of the data points is given by oxides, a transformation on the data had to be done to obtain the composition in terms of mineral occurrence. The second classification system is purely mathematically and is called the cluster analysis. The QAPF classification was not useful to differentiate between regions as the majority of the samples belonged to the same class of monzogranite. Nonetheless, the classification based on the cluster analysis using the estimations from the interpolation showed good results. Different large regions in the research area were distinguished and could be linked to the literature. However, the number of data points for such a vast area proved to be too low to describe the research area in detail. New conclusions about the research area could, therefore, not be drawn. However, the approach outlined in this thesis should prove to be very useful given a more densely populated dataset.


Petrographic investigation of Granular Iron Formation (GIF) and the influence of Eburnean metamorphism on the Tizerghaf El-Beida iron ore deposit (Tiris mining district, Mauritania)
Authors: --- --- ---
Year: 2021 Publisher: Leuven KU Leuven. Faculteit Wetenschappen

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Banded iron formation (BIF) deposits are deposits consisting of alternating layers of silica-rich and iron-rich minerals. The high iron content of these deposits makes them interesting to use as iron ore and they are therefore mined all over the world. The Tizerghaf El-Beida BIF deposit is located in the Tiris mining district in Mauritania, 40 km northeast of Zouérate. The iron content of this deposit is lower then other deposits in the region, which makes it less interesting to mine because processes are needed to increase the iron content above 65% to make it an economic product. In recent years, however, the reserves of the deposits with a higher iron content started to decline, leaving the local mining company, Société Nationale Industrielle et Minière (SNIM), with no other choice to start searching for alternatives. These alternatives are the deposits in the region which contain a lower amount of iron then the previously mined deposits but which can still be used as iron ore. Not much is known about the Tizerghaf El-Beida deposit, resulting in a request from SNIM for further investigation. Several samples from the deposit were send to the Royal Museum for Central Africa (RMCA) in Tervuren (Belgium) to help with the analysis. This master thesis is part of the research of the RMCA, trying to get a better insight in the deposit and what happened to it in its past. The main focus was a phase with high pressure and temperature, under which several minerals formed that can still be observed in the samples. Also some younger phases were observed in which the old minerals were partially replaced by new ones. Using the different minerals which were observed, a new classification of the samples was proposed, trying to replace the old classification with imprecise and old names. This old classification was given by local miners who discovered the deposit. The precise pressure and temperature conditions of the main phase are not known. Therefore, several computer programs from the Theriak/Domino software package were used in an attempt to define more precise ranges on the pressure and temperature of this main phase. To finish the master thesis, a literature study has been performed, looking for deposits which have similar pressure and temperature phases or which have formed similar minerals. 3 deposits were found that showed large similarities with the Tizerghaf El-Beida deposit, these are located in southwest Greenland, China and southern Cameroon.


Mantle melting behaviour in low-Mg exoplanets

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As surface and interior compositions of rocky exoplanets still cannot be directly determined, rocky exoplanets are assumed to have similar refractory element ratios as their stars considering they have formed from the same cloud of gas and dust. This assumption allows to examine different compositions and their effect on the interior of a planet with that composition. The aims of this MSc research are (1) to determine the melting behaviour of non-peridotitic mantles of low-Mg planets, and (2) to determine the composition of melts produced in a non-peridotitic mantle and the formation of a secondary volcanic crust, and (3) to get first order constraints on the atmospheric composition. The selected compositions are based on the EH composition of Berthet et al. (2009), as enstatite chondrites are assumed to be one of the potential building blocks of reduced planetary bodies. From the three selected compositions, with a varying molar Ca/Al ratio (0.76, 0.85, and 0.95), synthetic samples are prepared using the following pure oxide powders: SiO2, Al2O3, Fe2O3, MgO, CaSiO3, and Na2SiO3. High temperature experiments are run with the samples in a vertical tube gas-mixing furnace at five different temperatures (1300°C, 1325°C, 1350°C, 1375°C, and 1400°C), at an fO2 of FMQ-2 (Fayalite-Magnetite-Quartz) for 50 to 100 hours. Afterwards, the samples are chemically analysed by the Scanning Election Microscope, developing a thermodynamic model of mantle melting for various lithological sources. The SEM is also used to attain BSE images to determine the distribution of melt and crystals in the samples. Electron Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy is used to chemically analyse the experimental products. The main crystallising phases present in the experimental products are orthopyroxene and quartz. They both occur as anhedral to euhedral crystals within the melt, with quartz occasionally being trapped in Opx crystals at lower temperatures. The composition of the melt has decreasing amounts of Si and Al, and increasing amounts of Mg with increasing temperatures, i.e. degree of partial melting. The melt composition is also slightly influenced by the increasing Ca/Al ratio in the starting composition, where an increase of Mg and Ca is visible and a decrease of the amounts of Na and Si. However, these are not highly significant differences as they only vary up to 2 oxide% with increasing Ca/Al ratio. Further, the estimated fraction of melt in the samples range from 25% to 55%. This wide range is mostly due to the occurrence of melt blobs in certain samples, greatly affecting the estimations. An increasing Ca/Al ratio also increased the melt fraction present in the experiments, although only at higher temperatures. At lower temperatures a more dubious trend is visible. In general only a minimal influence of the Ca/Al ratio is visible within the samples of this research, causing more CaO and slighly less Al2O3 to be present in the melt at higher Ca/Al ratios. Lastly, predictions for volatile saturation in the produced melts show the following general evolution in dominant volatile species: H2-CH4 -> H2 -> CO -> CO-CO2. An increasing H as H2O concentration shift the atmospheres with reduced oxygen fugacities (IW-3 to IW-6) from a CO-rich to H2 and CH4 rich atmospheres. At more oxidized conditions (IW to IW+3) the atmospheres are always CO-CO2 rich.


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